How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''
Toba Kett
nice freaken guide dude.....
sadly I'm just not good at luring charr and stuff so it looks like its going to be moss spiders and striders to lvl20.....ive tried hundreds of times and yeah.....i dunno maybe my character has an anti char tatoo on her forhead or something
sadly I'm just not good at luring charr and stuff so it looks like its going to be moss spiders and striders to lvl20.....ive tried hundreds of times and yeah.....i dunno maybe my character has an anti char tatoo on her forhead or something
Dr. Fire
Toba, I have found that the key is patience. When I get in a hurry is when I die, or have trouble. The bigger the hurry you are in the longer it actually takes. Follow Warblades instructions to a tee, and I think you will surprise yourself.
Now, I have made a decision to go against the grain a bit here, leave the reservation, go astray, do a 180, ignore good advice. I have decided to do the secondary quests now rather than at lvl 19. Before you tell me that I am totally whacked, which I probably am, hear me out.
It is possible to do 5 secondary profession quests before you decide on the one that you want. The other secondary profession quests only become available, for the class you chose, after you choose your secondary. Each one is worth 250xp, for a total of 1,250xp. You then receive another 250xp for choosing your secondary, so we're up to 1,500xp. There are 2 negatives to this. One is that you have to get more xp from 19 to 20, so that 1,500xp would be more helpful at that point. The other is the fact that the higher the lvl you are the longer it will take to get the Char to your lvl, making the dreaded error 0059 a serious issue. Be that as it may, I think the possitives far out weigh the negatives.
For one, you are really only moving 2-3 Char Dlvls from lvl 16-17, to lvl 19-20. Secondly, when you haven't declared a secondary, you can only use the skills of any of those professions at their minimum lvl. My Mesmer is currently using Ranger secondary. Up to lvl 16, that was so that I could make a high lvl pet to tank for me while soloing Char. After lvl 16, the pet is no longer needed, but Troll Unguent is. With no points in WS troll unguent only gives 3 pips of health regen. In Pre-sear the only Mesmer heal is Ether Feast. During a fight it is a great skill, but for pulling Char Troll Unguent is far superior. The only way for me to put points into WS to make troll unguent effective is to take Ranger as my secondary. That would make pulling Char much faster due to the faster health regen rate when healing is needed. All other quests would still be done at lvl 19. Also, getting to lvl 17 slightly faster and gaining the additional 15 att points would only make things even easier.
Ok, there you have it. Is my reasoning sound?
Now, I have made a decision to go against the grain a bit here, leave the reservation, go astray, do a 180, ignore good advice. I have decided to do the secondary quests now rather than at lvl 19. Before you tell me that I am totally whacked, which I probably am, hear me out.
It is possible to do 5 secondary profession quests before you decide on the one that you want. The other secondary profession quests only become available, for the class you chose, after you choose your secondary. Each one is worth 250xp, for a total of 1,250xp. You then receive another 250xp for choosing your secondary, so we're up to 1,500xp. There are 2 negatives to this. One is that you have to get more xp from 19 to 20, so that 1,500xp would be more helpful at that point. The other is the fact that the higher the lvl you are the longer it will take to get the Char to your lvl, making the dreaded error 0059 a serious issue. Be that as it may, I think the possitives far out weigh the negatives.
For one, you are really only moving 2-3 Char Dlvls from lvl 16-17, to lvl 19-20. Secondly, when you haven't declared a secondary, you can only use the skills of any of those professions at their minimum lvl. My Mesmer is currently using Ranger secondary. Up to lvl 16, that was so that I could make a high lvl pet to tank for me while soloing Char. After lvl 16, the pet is no longer needed, but Troll Unguent is. With no points in WS troll unguent only gives 3 pips of health regen. In Pre-sear the only Mesmer heal is Ether Feast. During a fight it is a great skill, but for pulling Char Troll Unguent is far superior. The only way for me to put points into WS to make troll unguent effective is to take Ranger as my secondary. That would make pulling Char much faster due to the faster health regen rate when healing is needed. All other quests would still be done at lvl 19. Also, getting to lvl 17 slightly faster and gaining the additional 15 att points would only make things even easier.
Ok, there you have it. Is my reasoning sound?
amish lifeguard
Damn you fire! I wanted to get the 1000th post!! RARW
only thing you missed in your reasoning is that when you are a high level, yes, they take some time to get to your level, but they also level faster because you are a level higher than them. the time it takes them to level once is thus shortened. I think it MAY actually even out.
only thing you missed in your reasoning is that when you are a high level, yes, they take some time to get to your level, but they also level faster because you are a level higher than them. the time it takes them to level once is thus shortened. I think it MAY actually even out.
Dr. Fire
LOL, sorry Amish, I didn't even realize that it was the 1000th post. And your point about the lvling is well taken. It may, in fact, even itself out, as you say.
Also, I must have missed something, but I have been keeping a close eye on my 3 groups of lvling Char. One group made it to 16, another was at 11, and the third was still stuck at lvl 8. The group at 16 had a Hunter, Chaot, and Axe Fiend. As Warblades guide instructed, I killed off the lvl 16 caster (Chaot) to reset the A.I. I came back a while later to find the 2 remaining in the first group at 17, the second group at 12, and the third group still at 8. Since my 10 hour window is about 3 hours away, I went ahead and killed off the 2 lvl 17's. Did I panic and kill them off to soon, or did something get botched along the way? Did my killing of the Shaman mess something up, or perhaps did something go awry when the guards killed one of my casters off?
Also, I must have missed something, but I have been keeping a close eye on my 3 groups of lvling Char. One group made it to 16, another was at 11, and the third was still stuck at lvl 8. The group at 16 had a Hunter, Chaot, and Axe Fiend. As Warblades guide instructed, I killed off the lvl 16 caster (Chaot) to reset the A.I. I came back a while later to find the 2 remaining in the first group at 17, the second group at 12, and the third group still at 8. Since my 10 hour window is about 3 hours away, I went ahead and killed off the 2 lvl 17's. Did I panic and kill them off to soon, or did something get botched along the way? Did my killing of the Shaman mess something up, or perhaps did something go awry when the guards killed one of my casters off?
I have the same problem as you do Dr.Fire.
Right now, after 5 hours deathleveling, I have a group of three lvl 16, and two groups of three lvl 8.
I folloed the guide step by step, and yes I made each group killed me before pulling them to the shrine. :/
Right now, after 5 hours deathleveling, I have a group of three lvl 16, and two groups of three lvl 8.
I folloed the guide step by step, and yes I made each group killed me before pulling them to the shrine. :/
Holy Warblade
Glad ppl are finding the guide useful. Thank you for all your in-game comments.
Beld - killing off one caster from the group does not apply to charrs that haven't leveled up. Read that section very carefully again.
Fire - I will have to see you in game to explain things back and forth.
Please remember, the faster you rush, the longer it takes. If you have patience learning the process a few times, it will become an afterthought in doing a good setup in no time.
Beld - killing off one caster from the group does not apply to charrs that haven't leveled up. Read that section very carefully again.
Fire - I will have to see you in game to explain things back and forth.
Please remember, the faster you rush, the longer it takes. If you have patience learning the process a few times, it will become an afterthought in doing a good setup in no time.
Ariena Najea
The guide is incredible, I'm looking forward to quick death leveling once I get to that level ^^
Thank you Holy for taking the time to write all of that down!
Thank you Holy for taking the time to write all of that down!
Beld the Savage
Originally Posted by Holy Warblade
Glad ppl are finding the guide useful. Thank you for all your in-game comments.
Beld - killing off one caster from the group does not apply to charrs that haven't leveled up. Read that section very carefully again. |

It was not that I read the guide not carefully... I just typed something else then what I ment.
I did kill the caster from the group that lvled up to my lvl in order to let the charrs that were still lvl 8 to lvl up... (there were more casters so i chose to kill the 1 that lvled first) still... the rest did not lvl.
But my question remains the same... is there a way to determine which caster u have to kill when there is more then 1 caster in the group that has lvled to your lvl?
Holy Warblade
it seems I will have to delve deeper and explain the theory behind that tip and how it works. In the meanwhile, pls keep death leveling the normal way without the extra tip. I just finished writing the guide, so allow me to rest until the weekend, and I will update the guide with a more thorough explanation.
amish lifeguard
Imagine how he figured this all out! Brilliant!
Dr. Fire
Hey, I noticed something today. This may be old news to most of you, but since I just started seiously Dlvling Char, I only noticed it today. It seems that as Char lvl up they gain skills. I was killing the Axe fiends, or Blade Storms and none of my Mesmer hexes were working. A quick look to the left confirmed that one of them was using "Shatter Hex". I have NEVER seen them use this Mesmer skill while hunting them normally. So, do Char gain skills appropriate with skills higher lvl Char have later in the game?
Holy Warblade
Fire - to answer that question, no, it is already an inherent skill that Chaots carry with them. That's why they are only semi-good candidates for Monks and Mesmers since they possess both Shatter Enchantment and Shatter Hex skills, and will disrupt you.
Yes, Chaots seem only to cast shatter hex on Axe Fiends/Blade Storms.
So take care of them before hexing the melees.
So take care of them before hexing the melees.
I dlevel with my pet, so he can also level
When i do that i must have at least one or two shaman in the group.
Otherwise my pet will kill the charrs when i am dead.
The shaman heals the charr that is attacked by my pet.
Had today 2 shaman at level 17 and had no problem to kill them.
Maybe the shaman is low on energy because he must almost always heal other charrs.

When i do that i must have at least one or two shaman in the group.
Otherwise my pet will kill the charrs when i am dead.
The shaman heals the charr that is attacked by my pet.
Had today 2 shaman at level 17 and had no problem to kill them.
Maybe the shaman is low on energy because he must almost always heal other charrs.
Holy Warblade
YAY! My guide got approved under Community Works. Will do my edits and updates on that thread instead of doing it on my site.
Beld the Savage
congrats m8!!!
How could it be possible that one that it would not get posted now one of the biggest questions in gw has turned into a guide
How could it be possible that one that it would not get posted now one of the biggest questions in gw has turned into a guide

I don't think I'm going to deathlevel anymore, but I'm not sick of pre yet, so I started a Necromancer (hooray, lvl 4!). I might start a mesmer instead soon, but I'm not quite sure yet.
And I had a question. I've made quite a few sites, and wondered if it'd be appreciated if I'd start a Pre-Searing site (including forums). In my opinion, this thread doesn't quite work. If you want some specific information you'll have to look through hundreds of the posts in this thread. I'd say it be much more useful if there was a site with all important information on a site, and include forums so you can actually make threads about specific Pre-Searing subjects. You could also trade etc. Just wondering if it'd be worth making, and if anyone would visit
And I had a question. I've made quite a few sites, and wondered if it'd be appreciated if I'd start a Pre-Searing site (including forums). In my opinion, this thread doesn't quite work. If you want some specific information you'll have to look through hundreds of the posts in this thread. I'd say it be much more useful if there was a site with all important information on a site, and include forums so you can actually make threads about specific Pre-Searing subjects. You could also trade etc. Just wondering if it'd be worth making, and if anyone would visit

I'm sure everyone would visit you on your site maxie

Dr. Fire
Thx, Warblade. Just seems like they never use certain spells at earlier levels. I will be sure to kill the Chaots first, from now on.
And Grats on the guide. Nice work!
And Grats on the guide. Nice work!
I was reading a Gaile gray text log and noticed some line in it. Appearantly someone asked if it was possible to get LDoA and Survivor and she said with current game mechanics no. That made me think that maybe with the new chapter they were planning on increasing the exp scale for monster kills. I considered this because peeps said that in factions u got way too much exp from quests/missions and in NF it seamed to take forever like prophecies.
well in any case i hope so
well in any case i hope so

Ariena Najea
Maxie, I would use that site religiously =D
Especially the improved capacity for trading!
Especially the improved capacity for trading!
amish lifeguard
Maxie, that would be sweet!
Flesh of Satan
there's over 1000 posts here of course we'd all love a "Pre" site/forum
put it up dude i'll be there for sure
put it up dude i'll be there for sure
Toba Kett
w00t first group of charr lured....not going for the 16 charr yet as im only level 12 at the moment but 4 is a nice place to start so i get used to pulling and such.
accedently did it is the greatest part, was grouped with a guy who kept trying to kill the bosses after i died so i got no xp and when i told him to help me kill the little group before the boss and he ignored me then got killed I told him, yeah....told you we should kill the group and he got pissed and left, lol.
oh well, more xp for me ^^ and now lured charr. good night, good night.
and now to sleep
accedently did it is the greatest part, was grouped with a guy who kept trying to kill the bosses after i died so i got no xp and when i told him to help me kill the little group before the boss and he ignored me then got killed I told him, yeah....told you we should kill the group and he got pissed and left, lol.
oh well, more xp for me ^^ and now lured charr. good night, good night.
and now to sleep

amish lifeguard
Anyone know why they institute e59? Just to stop AFK Gambling during the festival games and stuff?
Since people are still posting, I am going to assume this is still possible. If someone could clarify if it is, that would be muchly appreciated. Thanks
Ariena Najea
Sarothin I'm assuming you mean the LDoA title, it is still possible to obtain.
A question of mine own for someone, I accidentally accepted the "Charr at the Gage" quest, am at level 6. What is my best bet to get to level 10 to move on to the next step?
EDIT: I have NO idea where the F came from in that acronym?!?
A question of mine own for someone, I accidentally accepted the "Charr at the Gage" quest, am at level 6. What is my best bet to get to level 10 to move on to the next step?
EDIT: I have NO idea where the F came from in that acronym?!?
I would just restart. You could use Hulking Stone Elementals or Ice Elementals until level 9 though... and at 9 *usually* you can find a few higher level people willing to take you with them on charr hunts
amish lifeguard
LFDOA? lawl
I made a temporary forum base for us until Maxie posts his official version, if he can. Ill try and post the link tonight if i get it all set up and looking good. if not, watch tomorrow.
I made a temporary forum base for us until Maxie posts his official version, if he can. Ill try and post the link tonight if i get it all set up and looking good. if not, watch tomorrow.

amish lifeguard
double post. my bad
I too would love a pre site or even just a forum site.
I'm sure we all have little secrets we'd love to share or at least stories.
A trading forum would be sweet too.
My 17 lvl w/mo is about to get his first minature in pre :P and he's 18% of the way to lvl. 18 yay
I'm sure we all have little secrets we'd love to share or at least stories.
A trading forum would be sweet too.
My 17 lvl w/mo is about to get his first minature in pre :P and he's 18% of the way to lvl. 18 yay
amish lifeguard
edit, whoops
Ariena Najea
Link isn't working xD
Oh and I'd suggest, they're more reliable and most people prefer IPB over PHPBB.
Oh and I'd suggest, they're more reliable and most people prefer IPB over PHPBB.
amish lifeguard
Fixed, was editing the link as you posted lol
Ariena Najea
Validation email isn't coming, I need to go for the night but I thought you'd like to know =D
amish lifeguard
Looks like youre online now! Ill check it out, thanks.
Beld the Savage
lol... is nobody posting here anymore but on the special pre forum site? 
Aniway... DL is going great... up till now i've managed to do it two times a day. Each session ending around aproximately 8 hours.
At the end of each session I have killed 5 to 6 charrs with my lvl (15) +- 1 lvl.
In percentage speaking that left me with 5 a 6 (occasionally 7) percent each session
and an additional 1% for killing the bosses after it!
I've been doing DL for around 7 days now and started at lvl 15 0% and now I am lvl 15 and 85%
I still need to check how long it takes the charr to get to my lvl when I lvl up... but if it stays the same, then I could get to lvl 19 1/2 within 30-40 days
And if u check how fast Lilanthe got to lvl 16 without DL then u can get the title in under 60 days.... WOOOOW
If u got the dedication for it though!
Oow I play on the european english servers...
Could u all give some updates on how you are doing with lvl and %???
We could even make a list of ppl who post it and keep it updated

Aniway... DL is going great... up till now i've managed to do it two times a day. Each session ending around aproximately 8 hours.
At the end of each session I have killed 5 to 6 charrs with my lvl (15) +- 1 lvl.
In percentage speaking that left me with 5 a 6 (occasionally 7) percent each session

I've been doing DL for around 7 days now and started at lvl 15 0% and now I am lvl 15 and 85%

I still need to check how long it takes the charr to get to my lvl when I lvl up... but if it stays the same, then I could get to lvl 19 1/2 within 30-40 days

And if u check how fast Lilanthe got to lvl 16 without DL then u can get the title in under 60 days.... WOOOOW
If u got the dedication for it though!

Oow I play on the european english servers...
Could u all give some updates on how you are doing with lvl and %???
We could even make a list of ppl who post it and keep it updated

Holy Warblade
64 days in, level 18.75%
darn Wintersday farming took 14 days out of death levelng
darn Wintersday farming took 14 days out of death levelng
yeh i like the pre forums alot better..currently lvl 18 and 43%, i deathlvl with my guild leader so I would of gotten a high percent but we enjoy each others company =]
Level 16. 77%
Man, Holy Warblade, if you haven't done the quests yet well... you're almost done !
Man, Holy Warblade, if you haven't done the quests yet well... you're almost done !