How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

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Originally Posted by holyjew888
suicidal, nice pic you hotty

on the note of your lvl `8 GRATS, dont forget to change it on ur gw profile
haha thanx jew XD thanx for reminder!

Necris Pyromancer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Blackwind Soldiers [BWS]


Is this title still possible if I accidentally accepted the reward from rurik at lvl 7 1/2? Can I just death lvl the other 2 1/2 lvls and then start killing charr or do I need to start over

Anyways, sweet guide

Thanks in advance

ign Blackwind Illusion


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Necris Pyromancer
Is this title still possible if I accidentally accepted the reward from rurik at lvl 7 1/2? Can I just death lvl the other 2 1/2 lvls and then start killing charr or do I need to start over

Anyways, sweet guide

Thanks in advance

ign Blackwind Illusion
I did all my quest FIRST THING when I get into pre-searing, your ok,lol you dont have to start over. I wasnt planning on lvling so high in pre, thats why i did all my quest, but your fine :P


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Blood of the Fold


3 More Tips to Help with Pulling Char to the Res Shrine.

1st - Char tend to follow for much longer without having to reaggro when your health is down below 50%, especially around 25% or lower. If u can keep yourself from dying and keep your health down that low, I have had charr follow me almost the whole way to the res shrine without having to do the reaggro "dance". This makes luring them less aggravating as u all know.

2nd - For those of you with pets - Using the pet right can help keep some of the heat off of you and also help with the pulling of the char. What I often do is have my pet get killed as i am luring the charr. (This serves two purposes, refering to the first point, when my pets health gets low the charr love to follow u for a long time to kill that low health pet, and also to act as a back up.) Have your pet attack a charr that wont move such as a hunter, and dont heal or slowly walk backwards so the charr will attack the pet and not u so much. when the pet dies, stay in aggro range of at least one of the charr and they will immediatly follow u. Don't Immediatly res your pet when he dies.
As u all know, the pet res range is extremely far, keep him dead for now. As u pull the charr, in the event that the charr break aggro and start running back, res your pet. Because your pet will run back to u and through the retreating char, they will be reaggroed and follow the pet back to u, where u can repeat the process =).

Remember that i usually never have the pet attacking anything during this, there really is no need, hes just there to take damage off of me and help with the luring.

3rd - You all know the walking patroling charr are the ones u can effectively lure to the res shrineand here is a pattern i have noticed. When you are luring the patrolling char u notice that when they break aggro, they will run for a little bit and then just start walking again. But when they kill you, they will immediatly start walking.

(While they are running they are smart, they seem to know that they cant go through walls or hills lol, but when they walk they just try and walk a straightline back to their patrol area, ignoring walls or cliffs, making it easy for them to snag on walls, especially when they are at the res shrine and the sole reason we can keep them close to the res shrine while we dth lvl. This fact, i fear is going to be an eventual fix on a future patch by Anet. Nevertheless, use it while we can lol.)

Point made simple, The last thing u want to do is die while luring char, that often means starting over, but if u do, or are about to, die when the char are behind a wall of cliff blocking them from retreating back to their patrol area. Because they immediatly start walking when u die, they wont run around any obstacles. If u can make it to the first ruins where the first two charr groups are when u die and u have they char group passed that, your ok and u wont have to start from the beginning, just pick them up where u left off ;

Using these tricks can help make luring easier for those having trouble and especially those with proffessions that dont have much defense and cant take many hits ie. monk.

Im online from time to time, feel free to PM me in game if u have questions or need some help. Good Luck and Happy Hunting =)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

As u all know, the pet res range is extremely far, keep him dead for now. As u pull the charr, in the event that the charr break aggro and start running back, res your pet. Because your pet will run back to u and through the retreating char, they will be reaggroed and follow the pet back to u, where u can repeat the process =).
If he's in range... if he's outside your minimap compass area than they won't res.

Another thing, they follow you longer when they are in your agro bubble, if you shoot your longbow then sprint out of there, they'll loose agro on your much sooner. Unless you can't afford to take the damage they're putting out, use this to your advantage.

Anyway- about death leveling... Everyone death levels moas... but I want to find a way to death level a wolf or pig or black bear... But I can't find a res pad near a place where these are that doesn't have an Academy Monk... and no, you don't respawn at zone portals in pre if you die and weren't near a res pad.

Any ideas?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Todays the day! Im getting lvl 18! 307xp left and i pulled 9 charr!




Join Date: Sep 2006

Decision Making: Something I've been lacking lately! >_<

I started out wanting a perma-pre char, so I made Rc Intervention (monk) grinded him up to 16, taking a look at LDoA too. :-D I get bored of d-leveling, then nail drunkard! Then.. I decided I really want a monk in post and he was the right guy..

Next up, Xavius Valior! Warriors ftw right? I get him to 16, death level some to 19%. Then.. decided take a break from him for a few.

Next, Ryl The Savior! My new monk. He's currently at 12 1/2. I think he will be the one I get LDoA with. "Think". >__>

Anywho, gratz to everyone that nailed they're goals etc at the time being. Gratz in advance when you hit 18 emoxcore. Good luck everyone on LDoA. :-)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Xavius
Decision Making: Something I've been lacking lately! >_<

I started out wanting a perma-pre char, so I made Rc Intervention (monk) grinded him up to 16, taking a look at LDoA too. :-D I get bored of d-leveling, then nail drunkard! Then.. I decided I really want a monk in post and he was the right guy..

Next up, Xavius Valior! Warriors ftw right? I get him to 16, death level some to 19%. Then.. decided take a break from him for a few.

Next, Ryl The Savior! My new monk. He's currently at 12 1/2. I think he will be the one I get LDoA with. "Think". >__>

Anywho, gratz to everyone that nailed they're goals etc at the time being. Gratz in advance when you hit 18 emoxcore. Good luck everyone on LDoA. :-)
i remember seeing Rc Intervention in ascalon, grats on drunkard, so you took him to post?

so now you have your warrior (lvl 16 correct?) and your monk (lvl 12 1/2)

Personally I think you should stick with the warrior since hes allready lvl 16, but if you think you could lvl the monk up pretty quick to 16 then thats cool too.

I never started several characters in pre and wanted to lvl them. Thats why i just stuck with 1 char, my necro. I DO have 2 other lvl 11s in pre, but there only storage characters.

I see alot of people that make a new char, and right at lvl 1, the want black armor, and to be powerlvled so they can start working on teh LDoA title. Its easier said then done. The title was made to be challenging and see if you can be a real LDoA, not get powerlvled the whole way. sry i kinda got off topic with everything.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

How many time to pass the level 17 -> 18


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by kuvkhgh
How many time to pass the level 17 -> 18

o_o is it just me..that didnt make sence


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

I'm not very good in english =P ^_^

How many time do u take for reach the level 18 when u was level 17 ?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Las Vegas, Nevada

Heroes Elite Righteous Crusade


Originally Posted by kuvkhgh
I'm not very good in english =P ^_^

How many time do u take for reach the level 18 when u was level 17 ?
It really depends on how you death level the charr. For example you're level 19, if you lured 9 charrs to the shrine(3 groups).If you killed all 9 charrs as soon as they reached level 19, then you get 900xp total. Unless you death level them all to level 20 then for each charr you killed, you get 120xp. It really depends on how many you pulled and for how long are you going to death level them. From level 17 to level 18 you need at least 11k xp points to gain the next level. It means roughly you have to kill 110 level 17's, 92 Level 18's, and so on. The higher their level, the less trip you have to pull charrs to the shrine. Make sure you wont exceed more than 10 hours to avoid error 59.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by mighty_xena
Make sure you wont exceed more than 10 hours to avoid error 59.
I thought u could stay on for more than 10 hours, you just have to be active and doing something, when im away doing something, every once in awhile ill come back and move around, do a skill, talk to someone for a min to show "activeness" then leave again for 1-2 hours. works fine for me


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

How many time take the charr to reach the level 20 ?

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Bout 10 to 12 hours all depends though for instance if you have a vamp it speeds it up a little


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by God Apprentice
Bout 10 to 12 hours all depends though for instance if you have a vamp it speeds it up a little
take me about 7-8 hours with a vamp


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007


Originally Posted by Angel Develin
Nice guide, tnx a lot, only 1 thing:
How long does this take to get to lvl 20?
Did you even read? ._.

This title will take a minimum of 236 hours to accomplish due to the fact that the highest level monster in Pre-Searing is level 10; do not attempt unless you are willing to make this commitment.

Holy Warblade

Holy Warblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


been gone for a while, wintersday and family vacation sure take up a lot of time. In the process now of writing a very detailed guide on the correct way to death level thru charrs and how-to on doing a setup of 3-6 charr GROUPS in 30 minutes or under SOLO.

Holy Warblade

Holy Warblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


and Vamps are waaay overrated. There is ZERO need for them thru charr death leveling. Never had one and didn't even buy it when I had the chance at a low price.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Feast your eyes on the newest lvl 18 in pre!!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Congratulations !

And I can't wait for your guide Holy.

Holy Warblade

Holy Warblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


Lilanthe, I am writing the guide with pics and faq, so it should answer everyone's questions on the death leveling process and the fastest way to do setup, irregardless of how many groups you want. In the meanwhile, during the next week, I will pick three of you to show you the ropes, so that when the guide comes, it will become easier for others to show the process.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Due to a stupid sibling deleting my chars I have to remake my pre char and start over >_<

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Covah, that absolutely sucks charr balls.

aaaaaanywho, im about to take a hammer to my computer, god i hat them now. just got a new video card, router, modem, wireless card, and returned my alienware for another computer. Im goin to test it out tonight and see how it runs, but if it doesnt work i swear im never going online again


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Covah
Due to a stupid sibling deleting my chars I have to remake my pre char and start over >_<
ouch..that much suck =/ what all did you lose?



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by Holy Warblade
and Vamps are waaay overrated. There is ZERO need for them thru charr death leveling. Never had one and didn't even buy it when I had the chance at a low price.
Exactly... I hear one even sold for $250 on Ebay, and that's just stupid. You're better off getting Superior/Major runes, or even one of the two -50 Hp Grim Cestas, those matter alot more.

Used to level a Strider to level 20 in ~2 hours with 5 sups and a -50 Cesta.

And if anyone has/finds a Minor Marksmanship rune, please tell me, I'm looking for one


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

We can get a -50 cesta in pre ? And... there's sup rune ? ^^


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
Exactly... I hear one even sold for $250 on Ebay, and that's just stupid. You're better off getting Superior/Major runes, or even one of the two -50 Hp Grim Cestas, those matter alot more.

Used to level a Strider to level 20 in ~2 hours with 5 sups and a -50 Cesta.

And if anyone has/finds a Minor Marksmanship rune, please tell me, I'm looking for one
not everyone has access to sup/major runes. I bet i could find some, but the price would be costy, but the salvage wouldnt.
lol but wow 250$ for a vamp bow on ebay. doesnt get any funnier than that.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Originally Posted by emoxcore
what all did you lose?
two pre chars lvl 15 and 11, my warrior with FOW just a few weeks old, my farming monk, my other monk with legendary survivor and incorrigible alehound. Not to mention all my items >_<

Anyways. I'll remake my pre char after this weekend (trying to get LS on my new warrior)




Join Date: Sep 2006

Well, look at the bright side! Starting fresh is always fun! :-D

Sorry for those losses though Covah. ~_~

Ryl The Savior - 13 35%. :-) Maybe I should give a shot at Incorrigable Ale-Hound, it can't be THAT insanely grindfull/long can it? :-D I wonder how many minutes Benton has...

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

I'm just starting to try this title on a necromancer =D

Currently I'm using the Fiery Sunspear of Shelter and whatever offhand is the best that I have at the time, but are there any ways to cheaply get a max Necromancer in pre-searing? I know with the Prophecies Game of the Year you get such weapons, is there any other way short of buying off someone who already has one from the glitch?


amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Get a good drop or buy from someone else who got a good drop.

Holy Warblade

Holy Warblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


if anyone has the exp/sup salvage kit or access to it, please pm me ingame and let me know how much I need to shell out for a use. Very much appreciated.

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


woot, level 17!!!

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Grats yuna! (rawr 12 characters)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
woot, level 17!!!
w00t! Grats!! /clap


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

I'm level 11 55% me ^^ the lvl 17 is farrrrrr =P GG !

Beld the Savage

Beld the Savage

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


gz on your lvl 17

Holy Warblade... will u also explain in your guide how u can make the charr lvl evenly instead of only a few that lvl??
Or if anyone has the answer alrdy... could u plz post how to do it... it would speed lvling up even more



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Ok I need some advise. I can't seem to follow the guide on the first page. Me and my pet try to pull back the group, running back. But instead of the caster becoming "Idle", him and the rest of the Charr group just run back again.

Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Becuase I tried it 5 times before giving up, same result each time, all the Charr run back, and the caster with them.


Beld the Savage

Beld the Savage

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


You are doing nothing wrong!!

The guide here was created before the update. The update had something to do with enemies that stay hostile against u all the time.
Basicly after the update the casters don't become "idle" and just run back with the total group u tried to pull.

So getting lvl 16 has become harder after the update because u can't seperate them from each other anymore.

Best option is imho to duo it or if you have a high enough lvl solo it

good luck