Hard mode?
i assume when you chose to start the mission you can chose to start it in hard mode, where you speak to the npc guy
What might be better is if you can not play the mission in hard mode until you have beaten it with a masters rating. Possibly even better is you have to have your protector title until you can even start on your guardian title. This would help keep the noobs from ruining the chances of people who are experienced. It would not keep all of them out but it would help.
King's Spectre
HEY! If you're going through all the trouble anyway, how about a hard-mode presearing! Soloing the lvl20 river scales in that first quest without any skills could get a little rough... that and the 20-odd sand wurms infesting Pitney's field! *rawr*
I think Protector and Guardian will be TWO different maxed titles.
Originally Posted by tommarrow
What might be better is if you can not play the mission in hard mode until you have beaten it with a masters rating. Possibly even better is you have to have your protector title until you can even start on your guardian title. This would help keep the noobs from ruining the chances of people who are experienced. It would not keep all of them out but it would help.
Essentially, earning "Protector of <continent>" will unlock the "hard mode" for a given campaign. This is similar to the suggestion many people (including myself) have suggested for opening access to UW and FoW.
The Big Question: What does ANet mean by "hard" mode?
If they simply plan to throw hordes of high-level monsters at us, ala DoA, then I have no interest.
HOWEVER, if ANet is willing to make more advanced versions of the missions -- better monster skill sets, reasonable monster level, monsters with secondary classes, perhaps new objectives -- AND they also provide better loot, I'll be as happy as a warthog in a mud puddle.
Give me something that engages my brain, and requires creative builds.
I bet ANet demands you to be Protector before your char gets switched to HARD mode missions for this chapter.
The downsides I can already see:
* You are then in HARD mode, even if you just want to help some friends.
* Your other chars need to become Protector of Everything, too, if they want to play missions in the new "hard" mode.
Besides that, I would not put too much hope in this new game mode. ANet has often good ideas that they like to delivery half-baken or broken.
The downsides I can already see:
* You are then in HARD mode, even if you just want to help some friends.
* Your other chars need to become Protector of Everything, too, if they want to play missions in the new "hard" mode.
Besides that, I would not put too much hope in this new game mode. ANet has often good ideas that they like to delivery half-baken or broken.
I hope when I play in Hard Mode, I will get triple gold drops, triple greens, triple chance of gold in a chest, etc., etc., etc. EVEN the possibility of UNIQUE greens, only for Hard Mode.
Pan Head
Originally Posted by tommarrow
What might be better is if you can not play the mission in hard mode until you have beaten it with a masters rating. Possibly even better is you have to have your protector title until you can even start on your guardian title. This would help keep the noobs from ruining the chances of people who are experienced. It would not keep all of them out but it would help.
Maybe this is the way we will get bounties again from sunspear scouts??
So what if you do hard mode and get Guardian first, will you then have to do 'normal' mode for Protector? I don't see how they would consider these 2 maxed titles.
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Great pic, and i agree with it, but whats the red dot with no name for?
Omega X
WooHOO! Hard Mode!
Now people wanting a challenge can shut the hell up.
Now people wanting a challenge can shut the hell up.
Originally Posted by cosyfiep
I'm a lady and my health is not an issue......the issue is they are trying to devalue a title that some of my characters have had a tough time getting (and for the guy who says we arent playing correctly if we dont have masters on all missions......try doing it with JUST pugs and see how it goes)....and I am one of those title hunters too.
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We should get automatic credit for the Guardian title for getting Masters in a PUG.

Hard mode is a great idea. Fixes the problem of Guild Wars being way too easy.
Also takes a step in the right direction for fixing the problem of almost all the titles being grind-based. More titles like these that are not grind-based is great.
Also takes a step in the right direction for fixing the problem of almost all the titles being grind-based. More titles like these that are not grind-based is great.
I posted something similar to this elsewhere, but does anyone else think that this is to try to infuse more multiplayer into the PvE community?
That is, the average player can use heroes/henchmen to effectively solo almost every mission and bonus in the game. Having a Hard Mode may make it very, very difficult to do so, which would encourage more teaming up with other players (e.g. the Deep, Urgoz's Warren, Sorrow's Furnance, etal).
Could be a very crafty way of meeting the cries of the multiplayer, but allowing the single player community to continue to do their thang.
That is, the average player can use heroes/henchmen to effectively solo almost every mission and bonus in the game. Having a Hard Mode may make it very, very difficult to do so, which would encourage more teaming up with other players (e.g. the Deep, Urgoz's Warren, Sorrow's Furnance, etal).
Could be a very crafty way of meeting the cries of the multiplayer, but allowing the single player community to continue to do their thang.
henching thunderhead keep empty skill bar will mean something again, bloody finally
Originally Posted by Omega X
Now people wanting a challenge can shut the hell up.
Especially given that most whines about the game being too easy are in actuality sad attempts at bragging. If every monster in the game got a one-hit-kill skill you'd still have people whining about how easy the game is as a backhanded way of screaming "See, I'm soooooo good!".
If the game gets hard people will whine about it being too hard.
If the game gets too easy people will whine about it being too easy.
So what the @#^$ do people really want?
PS. I want the game so hard that I get nightmares at night! I want it so ridiculously hard that for once all them so-called, "EXP PRO WAMMO LFG!" will shut their holes and learn to really play the game.
If the game gets too easy people will whine about it being too easy.
So what the @#^$ do people really want?
PS. I want the game so hard that I get nightmares at night! I want it so ridiculously hard that for once all them so-called, "EXP PRO WAMMO LFG!" will shut their holes and learn to really play the game.
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Great pic, and i agree with it, but whats the red dot with no name for?

This "Hard Mode" in nightfall at least, may lead to the new sunspear title =O?
Originally Posted by brokenmonkey
This "Hard Mode" in nightfall at least, may lead to the new sunspear title =O?
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Yes, what you see is the precursor of something that we are working on for the future. We'll have more to say about this in a while.
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Sorry for my sarcasm, but I really feel like you Dev guys are missing something lately. Leave existing titles alone or tweak all, especially those community actually thinks unfair/etc. We never minded protector, leave it be! Stop making cosmetic changes to some unimportant things just to make it seem you do SO much. Sure, you do, just do it where we'd really appreciate it? Please?
Originally Posted by Cherrie
Thank you for it. Yay. How about tweaking something we actually ask for (and you've promised), please? Why not tweak Survivor title instead? How about... Auctions? Makeover? Lightbringer? Sunspear? Whatever community really wishes for? And not, as it was mentioned, a 'pathetic attempt to make ppl play things over"?
Sorry for my sarcasm, but I really feel like you Dev guys are missing something lately. Leave existing titles alone or tweak all, especially those community actually thinks unfair/etc. We never minded protector, leave it be! Stop making cosmetic changes to some unimportant things just to make it seem you do SO much. Sure, you do, just do it where we'd really appreciate it? Please? |
Umm does Reconnects ring a bell?
Originally Posted by sixdartbart
Thats the mapping into LA 1 with your chat turned on dot.
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Your protector titles won't be effected at all. Seems like it will just be a new title bar per campaign. It won't be adding onto your protector titles.
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Oh, not Droks ID1?

@ Cherrie; How about not pissing and moaning until you actually find out what is involved/behind this new feature, It very well may be a way for the sunspear title to be fixed or maybe you will even get makeup since that seems to be a big concern of yours.
And thanks for speaking for the entire community

Ohhhh thats right alot of people think the ideas you just listed are completely trivial so until you actually know what they are doing with this get over yourself!
they mentioned extra levels in koabd title track maybe this is a way to help people the new higher tiers without spending 6 million gold on chest keys ect?
Originally Posted by sixdartbart
Why in gods name would you go there
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we sometimes share space with bots... Elona Reach ID1 anyone?
Wait what about abbadon shiro and the lich? Will they become like like 60s or something? lol
Originally Posted by Issac
Wait what about abbadon shiro and the lich? Will they become like like 60s or something? lol
morecharacters of terrifyingly badass goodness
Bryant Again
I don't mind if they add the "hard" mode just as long as it doesn't have to do anything with the titles.
Mister Overhill
Maybe this is the "heroes, henchies, and me mode". It's hard enough to find eight people to play a regular/masters/bonus mission now, and I can just imagine how it will be in the old parts of the game, after the next chapter is released.
The way I read the description, having protector of ??? seems to be a prerequisite for going to hard mode.
And what comes after hard mode? Nightmare mode? And will the new mode be for the entire game or just missions?
Will have to wait until this comes for me to say what I think - it does seem familiar though, really familiar. I know, Diablo 2. Silly me thinking that all things are new. Just hope the drops are reflective of the "mode".
And what comes after hard mode? Nightmare mode? And will the new mode be for the entire game or just missions?
Will have to wait until this comes for me to say what I think - it does seem familiar though, really familiar. I know, Diablo 2. Silly me thinking that all things are new. Just hope the drops are reflective of the "mode".
Originally Posted by Faer
Well blow me down, might'n this be a reason to PvE again?
Arr, I'll be a drinkin' to that'n, me hearties! |
This sounds cool. Provided of course the difficulty is set very high. I want this game to out right try and kill me, none of this crappy monster skill bar stuff we've been having.
I'd also like to point out to all you people freaking out over titles that this probably wasn't made with titles in mind at all. Just another challenge for people to try out.
Woot! How's this for hard mode: No rez for players in mission, if you die you're kicked back to town. Monster's get new and improved random template skillbars (selected from a database of actual successful builds) so you'll be forced to think on your feet so to speak as well face more challenging enemies with just more of the same (double damage everything, +40% monsters or +5 levels everything) .
Oh they're making PvE harder? They're doing it wrong. PvE should not be made harder by increasing damage or levels. They should add more variety in mobs, give them more skills, let them be more coherent. Basically like the zaishens when you start an HA run. That is challenging for a pve team. Not some level 40 that does 10000 dmg but 1 shelter screws him up royally.
Yu Takami
My 2 cents:
I couldn't give two hoots about a *truely optional* hard mode. It will give some people a challenge who want it, and those who do not want it can simply not do it!
What I *will* be wound up about is if titles get screwed up. It has been mentioned that titles won't be devaulued, i sincerely hope that is the case, or some KOABD (and possibly any People Know Me's if theres any out there) might just get frustrated with a game that penalises them for all the time and effort they've put into obtaining the titles.
They will either be forced to take up an entirely new title track or effectively re-do the entire mission track. If you're a player who has 20 odd titles across various characters giving up on the game is by far the easier option.
I hope ArenaNET do it *RIGHT* or they're going to upset a lot of the community.
I couldn't give two hoots about a *truely optional* hard mode. It will give some people a challenge who want it, and those who do not want it can simply not do it!
What I *will* be wound up about is if titles get screwed up. It has been mentioned that titles won't be devaulued, i sincerely hope that is the case, or some KOABD (and possibly any People Know Me's if theres any out there) might just get frustrated with a game that penalises them for all the time and effort they've put into obtaining the titles.
They will either be forced to take up an entirely new title track or effectively re-do the entire mission track. If you're a player who has 20 odd titles across various characters giving up on the game is by far the easier option.
I hope ArenaNET do it *RIGHT* or they're going to upset a lot of the community.
"Hard Mode" sounds like a direct copy of WoW:TBC's "Heroic Mode" for instances [except with a generic name]. If so, then Hard Mode will be incredibly dissappointing.
If GW will follow suit, the enemies in "hard mode" missions will just deal more damage, and maybe have an [additional] Elite. Nothing special. I seriously doubt that ArenaNet will put effort into refurbishing 58 missions.
And what's worse is that there would be no motivation. Guild Wars has a bad risk vs. reward ratio, since gear is easily obtained. What would you get from completing Hard Mode missions? New weapon skins? Hah. And the title is meaningless. (I have Protector of all 3 continents. Does anyone care? No.)
And it'll come too late. Within two months, I predict a significant portion of the player base will leave for WoW. (especially after the lackluster PvP upgrades)
If GW will follow suit, the enemies in "hard mode" missions will just deal more damage, and maybe have an [additional] Elite. Nothing special. I seriously doubt that ArenaNet will put effort into refurbishing 58 missions.
And what's worse is that there would be no motivation. Guild Wars has a bad risk vs. reward ratio, since gear is easily obtained. What would you get from completing Hard Mode missions? New weapon skins? Hah. And the title is meaningless. (I have Protector of all 3 continents. Does anyone care? No.)
And it'll come too late. Within two months, I predict a significant portion of the player base will leave for WoW. (especially after the lackluster PvP upgrades)
Originally Posted by King's Spectre
Mmm.. hell mode. *looks forward to gold colossal blades and hydra bows*
Id panic if ANet added mosnters like those :P
pleeeaaasssee im not flaming, just pleassse stop comparing WOW to GW, there nothing alike.
And I would never leave GW for WoW Zinger.
And I would never leave GW for WoW Zinger.