1) Versatility in teams, not in characters
In PvE you can't always count on your allies to cover your back, so it's understandable when you bring some defensive skills even if you are a damage dealer. In PvP, if you can't count on your teammates, then you can't hope to win at all. Make sure your character focuses on what it's best at, rather than spreading too thin.
Uhh....especially with heros...yes you can...most of my PvE skill bars have minimal healing skills...this is beacuse Dunkoro is decked out and Tahlkora is an uber prot monk....if they cannot help me, no one can.
3) Resurrecting isn't a Monk job
Though most resurrection skills are Monk skills, they're not best used on a Monk. If your Monk begins to cast something that takes six seconds to complete, the enemy team has a huge window to bring all of their damage to bear while one of your Monks is rendered completely useless. Expect a good team to get at least one kill in such a window. It is better to bring several Resurrection Signets on damage dealers and one rechargeable resurrection skill ("hard rez") on a midline character like an Elementalist or Paragon
True...in Urgotz either the rit lord, R/RT or the BIP do the rezzing
As I see it, the skills portion is talking about the extremely coordinated (Top level-Elite) aspects of PvP...TA, HA, GVG...NOT AB, RA or JQ/FA...but his arguments about PVE to PVP can be the same as those made for PVE to Elite areas (DOA, The Deep, Urgotz)
Some general comments:
On...HB and Mending are good for countering weak degen or sacrifices to take presure off the monks...besides how often do you use ALL 8 Skills
Remove Hex: holy veil cost a regen pip..sometimes this in not a trade you can make
Heal area can be useful if you need to heal NPCs if they need to stay alive for a quest...Heal area combined with Enfeeble blood (ah-ha Combine skills for desired effect)
Animate flesh golem vs Jagged bones...I have treid to run jagged bones with bone minions...with the 20 sec recharge jagged bones, it is tough to keep this on all the minions...especially since A level 13 Bone Minion has 340 health and 39 armor...they DO NOT last long in PVE...sometimes not long enough to cast both copies...Especially if there is holy damage. I doubt that in PVP they would last long either...especially against AOE of metoer shower or SF. Now the FLesh golem does about 110 damage per hit to the back line...that can really change things...it cannot tank, but it can distract...refocus attention and irritiate