Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
What's up with the low amount of added skills?

Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
What's up with the low amount of added skills?
Ninja Spectre
Originally Posted by Undressed
Positive people don't need attention. Learn that lesson in RL imo, then come back and realize that it's pathetic to cry over a game.
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Originally Posted by Undressed
Positive people don't need attention. Learn that lesson in RL imo, then come back and realize that it's pathetic to cry over a game.
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Originally Posted by coleslawdressin
Can we PK in GW2?
Originally Posted by prism2525
PK?? What's PK??? |
Originally Posted by prism2525
PK?? What's PK??? |
Originally Posted by Ninja Spectre
still seeking attention i see, so you can have your opinion and other people cant? how about you learn that lesson in RL imo then come back and realise its pathetic to think the world revolves around what you think only. whos crying? are your eyes watering? whos asking for attention? all I see is people saying what they think of this. not saying look at me look at me. the only person whos even close attention seeking is yourself
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Originally Posted by prism2525
PK?? What's PK??? |
Originally Posted by Ninja Spectre
still seeking attention i see, so you can have your opinion and other people cant? how about you learn that lesson in RL imo then come back and realise its pathetic to think the world revolves around what you think only. whos crying? are your eyes watering? whos asking for attention? all I see is people saying what they think of this. not saying look at me look at me. the only person whos even close attention seeking is yourself
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Ninja Spectre
Originally Posted by Undressed
You don't have an opinion, just a bad attitude. "Oh noes, oh noes, I won't play GW2 ever, bye people, bye, please wave, heeeey I am announcing my goodbye. Are you listening? Cry Cry Cry. Please sob with me".
@topic: It's not that easy to transfer items and characters into the new world. You would need to recycle all old skins, animations, player models while you could do something totally new and attract more people with the freshness you create, and freshness is key, everywhere. |
Passalus Cercopes
savage vapor 33
cthulhu reborn
Originally Posted by bart
hmm world PvP... so what is a PvE-er going to do when he is Ganked by a PvP-er while questing? heh... i hope we are able to turn on/off PvP or else as a PvE-er once i step out of town i'm a dead fish
Originally Posted by eightyfour-onesevenfive
Player killing. In GW terms that would mean allowing PvP in RPG instances. Enabling people to kill other players while questing etc (without their consent). Highly controversal topic. According to some, the only form of PvP that's worth playing, according to others the downfall of all culture.
I highly doubt that will happen in GW. |
Originally Posted by Ninja Spectre
Exodeous yes your right I dont have a very informed opinion, but Im giving an opinion on what I do know...I can do that right? Im giving my opinion from what Ive read on that magazine. So how do you know its going to be such a great game? are you making it?
savage vapor 33
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I also doubt this would happen. I think Gaile said she / Anet don't support that. If it were ever to happen I highly doubt I would keep playing GW. Basically in real life, it's not good to go beat someone up on the street and steal their stuff...that's what boxing rings are for, if you want to go and randomly punch someone for no real reason...so we don't need that sort of thing on Guild Wars. The current set-up of PvP and PvE is nice, though the skill balances can get some people pretty angry, it could be a lot worse.
I feel scared and excited at the same time about the news...though I want to be able to read the article when it comes out in the UK before I start worring needlessly. |
Originally Posted by Ninja Spectre
I have a bad attitude? yeah? many of us were told there would be a chapter 4. and I was saying my opinion on why I have a bad attitude towards it like you say why you have a positive attitude towards it, so we cant do the same? you have a good attitude...people are allowed to have bad attitude is this your forum? cry cry cry oh noes oh noes i wont play gw2 ever thats right, saying that is not attention seeking its just giving an example of one person who wont play it I also know many others..because of those reasons, but you commenting on it is attention seeking.. cry cry cry so you can say you will definitely play it...and other cant say they definitely wont play? wow...the world revolves around you oh oh noes noes!
Originally Posted by Exoudeous
Anet: ok ok, no gw2
forum posters: OMG WTF ANET, I HATE YOU!! 2 years later... forum posters: OMG WTF THESE GRAPHICS ARE OUTDATED AND IM BORED OF THE CURRENTPLAYSTYLE, I HATE YOU ANET!!!!! WHY DONT YOU MAKE A NEW GAME, YOU GUYS SUXORS!!! Anet:....wtf do you people want srsly. |
Passalus Cercopes
Mr 1337
Ninja Spectre
Originally Posted by Undressed
The world evolves around those who adapt, and in this case you don't need to adapt because it's an environment you can easily leave, and freely choose to do so. I can't consider your attitude healthy, I am sorry.
Look, I have almost three quarters of the sum to obtain FoW armour, my warrior has all elites, perfect items, a perfect energy set, a perfect health set. She lacks absolutely nothing. It's my favorite character, I can understand your feelings but I don't consider them worth keeping. You need to let go. Now you can wait 2 years and notice positive/negative changes from announcement to announcement/preview, THEN decide if you grab a copy or you can start mourning the loss over time and lessen your game experience. You choose. |
Originally Posted by prism2525
IF it DOES turn out very similar to WoW, the fact that it's Fee Free may actually get some WoW players on the GW side. I mean, if both games are the same (as some ppl suggest here - I disagree) why play the one with monthly fees?
Originally Posted by Mr 1337
All anet are doing is releasing a new game.
Tetris L
Originally Posted by Exoudeous
the diffrence here being the people that arnt complaing are saying tehy will give the new game a try, while others are saying they wont even try it.
You cant have a very informed opinion on something you havent played. let alone something that is 2 years away. You can hate the game fine, but hate it in 2 years when you have played it and decided not to like it to think a game wont change in a 2 year time is foolish, and to base an opinion of a video game on a written preview is even more foolish. all the people on this forum like to jump to conclusions about things its just a bunch of choas |
Originally Posted by Undressed
You don't have an opinion, just a bad attitude. "Oh noes, oh noes, I won't play GW2 ever, bye people, bye, please wave, heeeey I am announcing my goodbye. Are you listening? Cry Cry Cry. Please sob with me".
Originally Posted by Undressed
The world evolves around those who adapt, and in this case you don't need to adapt because it's an environment you can easily leave, and freely choose to do so. I can't consider your attitude healthy, I am sorry.
Originally Posted by lifeinthefridge
Well then good for Anet then looks like they'll be the most popular game on the market by your logic. By the way I suggest you get a life or maybe stop posting here if your raging the Guild Wars Franchise.
Originally Posted by lifeinthefridge
Another thing i'm sure I have more achievements in this game then you. 8 PvE chars many high titles . Rank 9 pvp title ect ect. Maybe you should learn nothing lasts forever... we all will die someday as will online games. O but look galie has already mentioned that achievements will be transferable.
The Gewch
Malibu Illusion
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I want to be able to read the article when it comes out in the UK before I start worring needlessly.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I really don't see how having a higher level cap equates to "grinding." Seriously -- I've played games with caps, without caps, with caps that the devs raised over the years, and everything in between.
As a gamer, I think I sort of like the ability to get higher numbers, even if it only shows my investment, my time spent in the game. Now, surely it's true that someone may have lots of lower-level characters, and that player may have achieved more and know more about the game than a player with a single high-level character. It's not, in my opinion, anything like, "My level 50 is 'better' than your level 20." Or, "I'm all that because I was the first to reach Level X." I just sort of like that feeling of having been around for a while, or "veterancy." It sort of ties in with how much I like the Divine Aura, and the birthday presents, and the first year's Halloween items and with the fact they're only owned by those of us who were here, 'way back then. Each of those things seem to show a history, and for some, that's a very cool thing. |
Ninja Spectre
Originally Posted by walmart_player
most of the people that like this new GW2 thing are the people that enjoy grinding lvls, PvErs. this is starting to sound like WoW, super high lvl caps, and in WoW the PvP is very very dumb. it is who has the best stuff wins, i think the people that will enjoy this are the people that are to cheap to pay for WoW now.