Provisionally speaking, I won't be buying Guild Wars 2. It seems the team's philosophy in both PvE and PvP is moving away from what I enjoy about their current product, and towards the elements that I really,
viscerally loathe about Nightfall.
...Were I a paranoid man - and I'm nothing if not that! - I'd suspect they've decided to allow Achievements to carry over onto the next game to spite me, in the full knowledge that I can't stand 'em since they started being linked to gameplay. The more realistic side of me acknowledges that I haven't been vocal enough in my disapproval for that to be the case, though.
(The inability to transfer characters is something I don't mind in the slightest - it's an obvious and sensible move in the face of the new races system and the full /levels rebalancing. In other words, that's not what I'm complaining about!)
The only question that remains is whether I'm likely to pick up Ye Olde Expansion Pack... And to be honest, I'm unsure. On one hand, I'm reasonably interested in "more-of-the-same" type content. On the other hand, PvE-only skills and the hero system have sucked enough of my enjoyment out of Nightfall PvE already - an expansion devoted entirely to those two elements sounds, well,
...So on the current balance of probabilities, it looks like I'll stop playing Guild Wars if-when the userbase fragments off to play the new expansion. A pity, but then I've gotten plenty of value for my money already!
There's a moral here, kiddies: No matter
what you're told by employees whose job it is to massage information, or by the all-too-zealous moderation team, you
must get your complaints, ideas and requirements in early if you want to be heard. Once they're ready to announce official feature sets it's too late.
Way, way,
waaay too late.
For example:
FFS, the game is two years away, yet you and your cronies claim it's a WoW clone. Where exactly is your crystal ball shoved that you can make these statements with such authority?
...Shows you don't pay enough attention to how this system works. The simple fact of the matter is that the amount of cacophonous screaming on this board is going to
directly affect how many WoW-type features do or do not end up in GW2. Minor features, that is, since it looks like it's too late for some details like the longer level progression (see my comments on "getting in early", above).
So even if you happen to be an illiterate idiot, you may as well tell them what you want - in all caps, if you must. Devs are human, whether they like it or not. This stuff sinks in.
[edit] Come to think of it, a game designed entirely around getting in a bunch of Gwen jokes sounds like my own personal hell! I
hate that GW meme!
