Originally Posted by Relambrien
However, what exactly does "redirecting" the program work? Honestly, I don't have a clue.
Is this changing the software? That depends on whether you take a ones-and-zeros approach or an algorithmic approach to defining software (and, if you take an algorithmic approach, where you draw the line between the client software and windows software).
Does any of this matter? Not really. The powers that be have said that texture modding is OK, so texture modding is OK.
My understanding of Gaile's and Emily's posts can be summed up as follows. I'd appreciate official verification/correction.
- Texture Modding is permitted. You will not be banned for it.
- If other forms of modding become possible in the future, whether or not they are permissible will decided at that time, based on whether they can or do convey unfair in-game advantages.
- There is no technical support for texture modding. Don't pester support about problems with mods/modding.
- The original textures themselves are copyrighted works of art, so, if you extract them, don't use them for non-GW purposes prohibited by copyright law.