Originally Posted by Nuj08
This game has been out for 2+ years and it continues to have MAJOR issues. Where do these people get these armbraces? Are they the new currency? This is absolutely sad if you ask me.
Now I am 100% in favor of a rollback, because that many ambraces will ruin the economy, and a rollback would only go a day or so back tops. Once the fix the bug they should have a rollback, and that will be the end of it. I am also in favor of banning all the people that exploit this bug. If they are so set on getting rich quick that they would ruin a game I love, then thats 1 less dumb player I don't have to deal with.
People are sayings I will quit GW if they have a rollback because in the past 3 months I have worked hard....blahblah...and I am going to quit if they have a rollback. No game would have a 3 month rollback. The problem has only recently become apparent. Most games that have a bug like this will rollback a couple hours, a day tops. Now if your gonna quit over a couple hours lost work.."then thats 1 less dumb player I don't have to deal with.