Originally Posted by Seraphic Divinity
Ok, wth, I swear 50% of the suggestions have been "make it so armbraces are useless/limit the number of armbraces to 1 per person/ make armbraces un-stackable"
ok let's think for a second... no that makes absolutely no sense. Why? Because if the duping occurred the way Enko and Fenix replicated and sent to anet, then armbraces sure as hell weren't the first things duped, I'm betting they experimented with something simple and cheap, such as a dye as the testers did, and then were like "Sweet! Let's Dupe Ectos!!!" (NOBODY would have thought to offer 'armbraces' as a method of payment because its never been done before), I'm sure the reason they started doing armbraces was because they knew a group of people were duping, and therefore to acquire more money than the other, they figured armbraces would be more tactical due to their overwhelming wealth. ARMBRACES are not the problem, what is a problem are -all- of the items that were duped, whether they be mini-pets, ectos, crystallines, you name it. |
100% agree!!!