All item duplication exploit (do not name players please)
Archangel Avoca
I believe that a rollback would be unfair to the majority of the players that were not involved in this dupe.
If a rollback is done many players (including myself) would lose titles that take quite a few hours to attain. I don't think it would be fair to someone who earned Legendary Survivor to have it taken away, and then die before he/she reached it again. The last rollback was done before such titles exsisted, and for those who enjoy maxing titles I think it would have major implications on working on them again.
I don't have any good solutions to offer, but I would hope that ANET would choose not to rollback (or at least let people keep the titles that they ahve worked for). I believe it would be better to have a few players upset rather than the entire community because of all the lost time playing a character.
If a rollback is done many players (including myself) would lose titles that take quite a few hours to attain. I don't think it would be fair to someone who earned Legendary Survivor to have it taken away, and then die before he/she reached it again. The last rollback was done before such titles exsisted, and for those who enjoy maxing titles I think it would have major implications on working on them again.
I don't have any good solutions to offer, but I would hope that ANET would choose not to rollback (or at least let people keep the titles that they ahve worked for). I believe it would be better to have a few players upset rather than the entire community because of all the lost time playing a character.
I had bought a couple of armbraces to get the tormented items, and low and behold, my account is now banned. So apparently, if you even touched a duplicated item, you account was "perma-banned"
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Jason Xll
Hmm just saw Fenix ingame rofl...
Originally Posted by Hlaford
I had bought a couple of armbraces to get the tormented items, and low and behold, my account is now banned. So apparently, if you even touched a duplicated item, you account was "perma-banned"
There are several pro's & con's about making a rollback.
You could probably go on for ages with pro's & con's, but I think it's in the community's favour that A-net will not do a rollback. Think of GW:EN coming out in 2 weeks, nice PR for a company to roll back a couple of days just before a new game gets released? I think not.
/signed banpeople > rollback
- Easy solution, get rids of many of the duped Armbraces
- Opportunity to ban the accounts that did the duping later - to prevent further use of exploiting from those people
- People that might have lost their minipets (and other items) to the dupers can have them back
- Makes everyone mad, considering during the last days alot of people have been spending hours on AFK'ing the Nine Rings, not to mention racing too
- ALOT of people will loose their maxed titles - considering the new favour system that was integrated
- All the items that were sold & bought will be lost - and returned to it's original owner (could be good and bad)
You could probably go on for ages with pro's & con's, but I think it's in the community's favour that A-net will not do a rollback. Think of GW:EN coming out in 2 weeks, nice PR for a company to roll back a couple of days just before a new game gets released? I think not.
/signed banpeople > rollback
Originally Posted by rhythmstripp
I've been reading through these posts all morning.
I want to get the conversation back on track so I'm going to say that I don't think that minipets can be duped. The trick seemed to be you would reconnect while obtaining the armbrace to dupe it. You never receive a minipet like an armbrace so therefor the minis can't be duped. Can we get someone to tell us the status of the rare minis? Are the perm ban accounts with rare minis truly going to forever be the death of some of them? Poor lil guys! I was working my way to a rare dreams are smashed doh! |
Everyone can just quit talking about a rollback. They are already issuing bans to accounts linked to the duped AoT. That seems to be their solution for the AoT. I'm just wondering when they can get a fix on reconnects that will allow legitimate players to reconnect without the villains being able to exploit it.
Easy, they can stop trades in Explorable areas.
I don't know if this has been already suggested but what about rolling those who sold their rare minis or weapons for an absurd amount of armbraces and permanently banning the duppers themselves? This way not everyone involved in this scandal has to go through a roll back per se.
Could be. But the chances are the people that did this regularly played both sides of the trick at least once, so they should still be caught.
And yes it seems people that end up with the armbraces are getting banned too, friend had his storage account banned that had 4 most probably duplicated armbraces on it. We could be lucky and it basically means the duplicated armbraces are all trackable, along with everything else thats been duplicated, so we could end up with a mass deletion.
Maybe he was never banned :S That would actually be worrying if they are missing people who did the dupe. Hopefully Enko will be unbanned soon. |
And yes it seems people that end up with the armbraces are getting banned too, friend had his storage account banned that had 4 most probably duplicated armbraces on it. We could be lucky and it basically means the duplicated armbraces are all trackable, along with everything else thats been duplicated, so we could end up with a mass deletion.
Oops double post is attributed to a wonderful lag spike.
In any event, I hope people don't jump to rash conclusions and instead they give ANET some time to sort out the mess. We are all upset evidently but we need to have some patience as this is just a game and see if anything materializes.
In any event, I hope people don't jump to rash conclusions and instead they give ANET some time to sort out the mess. We are all upset evidently but we need to have some patience as this is just a game and see if anything materializes.
It was suggested, by yourself, in two posts, heh. I just wish my account was unbanned.
Could be. But the chances are the people that did this regularly played both sides of the trick at least once, so they should still be caught.
And yes it seems people that end up with the armbraces are getting banned too, friend had his storage account banned that had 4 most probably duplicated armbraces on it. We could be lucky and it basically means the duplicated armbraces are all trackable, along with everything else thats been duplicated, so we could end up with a mass deletion.
Maybe he was never banned :S That would actually be worrying if they are missing people who did the dupe. Hopefully Enko will be unbanned soon. |
And yes it seems people that end up with the armbraces are getting banned too, friend had his storage account banned that had 4 most probably duplicated armbraces on it. We could be lucky and it basically means the duplicated armbraces are all trackable, along with everything else thats been duplicated, so we could end up with a mass deletion.
Xenex Xclame
Hlaford, you probably got banned because you knew about this because "a friend" of you did this.
God i love the "a friend" posts.
Nuj08 , read a few pages back, from what we know its not possible for Anet to do partial Roll back , that includes rolling back only for a few people.
Edit: Wow Evilsod , the lag your getting is bad :P managed to skip 5 minutes between double post, i know i know , its Guru , probably all the people reading about this thread.
God i love the "a friend" posts.
Nuj08 , read a few pages back, from what we know its not possible for Anet to do partial Roll back , that includes rolling back only for a few people.
Edit: Wow Evilsod , the lag your getting is bad :P managed to skip 5 minutes between double post, i know i know , its Guru , probably all the people reading about this thread.
I reported him. And I never received any items from him. Due to a fear that has come true. The banning of my account.
Yeah its getting stupid... i can't load up advanced posting, it just spends ages loading and gets nowhere and it takes ages to decide its actually posted... so i have to press it a few more times

Yeah its getting stupid... i can't load up advanced posting, it just spends ages loading and gets nowhere and it takes ages to decide its actually posted... so i have to press it a few more times

Lets outline the plan.
Accounts Duping. Banned. Not hard to figure out.
Accounts who received large amounts of duped items.
Theres 2 possibilities. Legit players with rare items (innocent rich) and Accounts designed to launder off the duped items. The legit players are easy to find, they would have traded very rare things (super rare minis perhaps) for armbraces. The other kind of accounts would of course be banned.
Step down and you get to the poor folk. Innocent players who buy armbraces from: The dupe wholesaler/laundry account and the innocent rich account. These guys have no idea that they are dabbling in ill gotten goods. They could be banned by association.
Accounts Duping. Banned. Not hard to figure out.
Accounts who received large amounts of duped items.
Theres 2 possibilities. Legit players with rare items (innocent rich) and Accounts designed to launder off the duped items. The legit players are easy to find, they would have traded very rare things (super rare minis perhaps) for armbraces. The other kind of accounts would of course be banned.
Step down and you get to the poor folk. Innocent players who buy armbraces from: The dupe wholesaler/laundry account and the innocent rich account. These guys have no idea that they are dabbling in ill gotten goods. They could be banned by association.
Why guildwiki s%ck that hard on servers? Look at any guildwars wiki, the have more users and run mediawiki that eats cpu and run like it was candy and yet they are fast. This site has advertising, sponsors and they have such bad servers? this is a rip off
Xenex Xclame
Because maybe just maybe there are more people on the site at this time then there are on the other site?
And do you mean official wiki or the original wiki? Cause if you mean official then maybe its because they have Anet that owns the site.....
And do you mean official wiki or the original wiki? Cause if you mean official then maybe its because they have Anet that owns the site.....
6am3 Fana71c
woot! It took me whole day to read 40 pages of this wonderfull thread...All I can say is... Wow, man. I need coffee.
Anet defiantly needs to address this ASAP.
If a rollback is necessary to fix this problem, then it needs to be done.
If a rollback is necessary to fix this problem, then it needs to be done.
Originally Posted by pvxbuilds
Why guildwiki s%ck that hard on servers? Look at any guildwars wiki, the have more users and run mediawiki that eats cpu and run like it was candy and yet they are fast. This site has advertising, sponsors and they have such bad servers? this is a rip off
Originally Posted by pvxbuilds
GuidWiki, PvXwiki - run 100 time faster even they are wiki's and run extremely heavy scripts. This site sucks so much. Its just a stupid forum and they can't even get a decent servers for that. This is so lame. |
Gaile Gray
Just FYI: We will not be doing a rollback. There is no need to do so. We banned a significant number of players involved in the exploit, and we're continuing to research to ascertain whether other bans will be necessary. But according to Mike O'Brien -- who oughta know
-- we won't need to do a rollback.

Easy, they can stop trades in Explorable areas. |
Originally Posted by pvxbuilds
This site has advertising, sponsors and they have such bad servers? this is a rip off
I would like to see some info from Anet (Gaile?) about what is being done to resolve this issue. Obviously, from people who have posted, there are bans being issued. What about the people not involve with high end sales of any kind? Will there be a reset, will items be removed, will potential 'non rare' items cause bans (lockpicks, etc.)? We would like some info about this so the speculation can stop.
EDIT: Thanks for making me look like an idiot for posting when you were Gaile

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Just FYI: We will not be doing a rollback. There is no need to do so. We banned a significant number of players involved in the exploit, and we're continuing to research to ascertain whether other bans will be necessary. But according to Mike O'Brien -- who oughta know
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I am still amazed this has happened.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Just FYI: We will not be doing a rollback. There is no need to do so. We banned a significant number of players involved in the exploit, and we're continuing to research to ascertain whether other bans will be necessary. But according to Mike O'Brien -- who oughta know -- we won't need to do a rollback.
Charge Thunder
Thanks gaile for telling that, Now i am all happy again i wont lose my new titles

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Just FYI: We will not be doing a rollback. There is no need to do so. We banned a significant number of players involved in the exploit, and we're continuing to research to ascertain whether other bans will be necessary. But according to Mike O'Brien -- who oughta know
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I knew a rollback wouldn't happen, but it's great to get it straight from Anet.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Just FYI: We will not be doing a rollback. There is no need to do so. We banned a significant number of players involved in the exploit, and we're continuing to research to ascertain whether other bans will be necessary. But according to Mike O'Brien -- who oughta know
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Originally Posted by max gladius
It has gotten very annoying and pathetic lately how many high end minis are getting 100+ armbrances in trade,
examples of what ive heard of / seen: Mini Kanaxi 95 mil! 1000 armbrances for 5 minis, in 1 trade.... I, and many other legitimate high end traders are very turned off to the game because there are so many trades like this happening. ANET FIX IT NOW BEFORE I SELL MY SOUL TO THE DEVIL! Few things are going on, with no doubt.... EBAYER or DUPERS... You make the call.... 95 mil.. ebaying would be... im guessing 5 - 10 thousand dollars american.... i dont know exactly cause i dont deal with or go to any of the such sites... Duping items seems the only logical option happening... i am thinking the only location that they are able to dupe items like this is... at the stone for armbrance dealer.. im guessing they offer, disconnect, accept, reconnect, and do it over again.... I am not saying to do this, i am not saying i want to or approve of it, i am just suggesting how they are doing it.... Many reasons, they are not duping anything but armbrances... from the way it looks... not like 1000 mini pandas, its 1000 armbrances.... POST YOUR THOUGHTS... if this lasts much longer i feel i will have to find a new game to play.... ![]() TO CLARIFY... i was in ascalon inter dist 1 spamming (selling kanaxi show me ur offers) and that was offered To RE-CLARIFY - no way in world did i or do i have a mini kanaxi To OVERLY CLARIFY - i didnt photoshop nothen.... if someone doesnt believe me, they they dont know me.... i have nothing to gain from anet smacken these ppl upside the head... alot... |
This site sucks so much. Its just a stupid forum and they can't even get a decent servers for that. This is so lame. |
Originally Posted by g r i m 7
All you people that would quit because of a Rollback are just plain selfish. You don't want to lose all YOUR little accomplishments but you don't look at the big picture here. Rollback would be the only thing to do right now until A-Net can think of something else to do.
They can't remove all the Torment Weps/Armbraces because most people sold them already and because some people actually spent their time and money getting them. They can't make them untradable seeing as most people sold them for a lot of cash. I don't see any other choise A-Net has other than to Rollback. |
Well, when the rollback hurts more ppl than help, that means the rollback will hurt the greater good.
When that happens, rollback = fail.
Hott Bill
All I have to say is Congrats to Anet for fixing the exploit.
Originally Posted by ibex333
Yeah? And who's gonna give me my 350k back that I spent to buy an armbrace from a scammer?
AoT's were 100k+60e roughly lately, sounds to me like you paid a fair price.
King's Spectre
Originally Posted by lacasner
Thnx for letting us know gaile, but what about people who have armbraces via trades and never duped them or did anything wrong?
My question is for the people who are selling these things now, and taking advantage the exploit (via buying and selling them). Are these individuals going to get banned?
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Just FYI: We will not be doing a rollback. There is no need to do so. We banned a significant number of players involved in the exploit, and we're continuing to research to ascertain whether other bans will be necessary. But according to Mike O'Brien -- who oughta know
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if i was Anet, id freeze the guy who redeems the armbrace and go through and trace all items back to the sources. Sadly, massive item deletion is the only real solution.