Female Armor: Please leave SOMETHING to the imagination.
R!ghteous Ind!gnation
Lol its still considered 15k armor due to the fact that it requires rubies/saphires to craft. In any case, if 122 armors or 50+ armors simply isn't enough then how many more Amish armors would satisfy you? Anet does take conservative dressing into mind when considering outfit design. If your still not satisfied then get a texmod reskin that has everyone in huge baggy cloths like MC Hammer pants or something lol.
I would say that this thread is asking for in the future to make sure there are armors that cover a bit more and not just things 'showing off the goods'. All those saying "Well there is already such and such armor", that isnt the point. Some of us would like to see more (lower priced) armors that have modesty to them. Suggestion threads are for what we would like to see in the future and obviously this IS something that some players would like to see.
And going back, a Design Armor contest would be rather neat.
And going back, a Design Armor contest would be rather neat.
hey I am all for more variety in armor but I think its really ignorant to call the armor designs that are "revealing" or showing some skin disgusting, indecent and unrealistic
I seriously hope some of you guys dont play age of conan, its certainly going to be a M rated game. if you are going to buy it for yourself or your kids dont complain about the revealing armor and nudity because they clearly warned you about it from the beginning, its in the rating and the developers are being true to the settings of the conan novels
I seriously hope some of you guys dont play age of conan, its certainly going to be a M rated game. if you are going to buy it for yourself or your kids dont complain about the revealing armor and nudity because they clearly warned you about it from the beginning, its in the rating and the developers are being true to the settings of the conan novels
No one who has posted yet has articulated what DG's request would cost those with a differing preference. She's not called for her opinion to be enforced on everyone else, she's simply asked for options that appeal to a more corporally modest demographic. What basis does anybody have for linching her when she's attempting to widen the appeal of the game? Pointing out that there are already options that cover this ground turns the argument into whether or not the available options are adequate. So would DG bother to post if she were of the opinion that said options were already satisfactory? In this day and age why chose to come down on somebody who is advocating more options? Would you attack someone asking for rainbow armor to express their gay pride with the same voracity or would the politically incorrect safe-haven that's been created blunt your pitchforks? Don't be hypocritical haters just cuz jr is doing the thinking. There's room for the horny, the modest and the gays, for that matter, in this make believe place we escape to. Leave each to their own. Let them naturally form their own societal circles and quit trying to force differing perspectives on the societal circles that don't uphold your same ideas. Modesty and Sex Appeal are 2 faces of the same coin, for Balthazar's sake! Can there be one without the other? Do both have some place in our lives? Will we ever all agree on where the lines should be drawn? Enough already!
Celebrate diversity. Stick to your guns and let others stick to theirs.
Celebrate diversity. Stick to your guns and let others stick to theirs.
R!ghteous Ind!gnation
I second that grottoftl, Good point. There is a difference between asking for more and saying that most (when its clearly not the case) armor in GW is indecent.
generally more variety = good
being negative towards the art dept = bad
btw design-an-armor contest is a really great idea.
generally more variety = good
being negative towards the art dept = bad
btw design-an-armor contest is a really great idea.
Well, GW:EN being the last game before GW2, coming into stores in less than two weeks, I very much doubt the dev team will take this suggestion into consideration now that all is done.
You just have to hope that in GW:EN there will be cheap, fully coverable armors. If not, well too bad.
You just have to hope that in GW:EN there will be cheap, fully coverable armors. If not, well too bad.
If you don't want to see other armors, just use textmod and put burkas to all female models.
No need to spoil the great art that GW developers made.
There is nothing profane or with bad taste in GW armors. >
No need to spoil the great art that GW developers made.
There is nothing profane or with bad taste in GW armors. >

No One is saying anything that would change the way current game and armor is viewed by you. This discussion does not in any way try to spoil any of the current art. It is all about options for those who choose them. I don't understand why everyone is all up in arms when having these options would not in any way change or reflect differently on how people currently play.
Kool Pajamas
Leave something to the imagination? Why do I want to imagine pixels?
jkyarr, you're entirely right.
And just because this is the last retail expansion doesn't mean that there aren't going to be packs that can be downloaded, like their mission pack. Surely they're not just putting that out there as a one-off and never again. There are various possibilities that can be presented to players of the original Guild Wars who either have no interest in 2 or intend to continue playing the original.
It's going to be necessary for them, as well, to pay more attention to the dedicated players -- which will not, on the whole, be the teenaged sexhound straight male trendchasers -- once Guild Wars 2 takes the people who are overall more fixated on novelty rather than reliability.
I agree with exactly what was put forth in this subject, that we need more variety. It's not like we're saying 'get rid of all that crap that's there now'. Some of it's not great, but that's not to say nobody else likes it, obviously. However, there needs to be more variety for those of us who want to have our characters the way we want them, but don't want to parade around looking like we could get our platinum on street corners, if you know what I mean.
And just because this is the last retail expansion doesn't mean that there aren't going to be packs that can be downloaded, like their mission pack. Surely they're not just putting that out there as a one-off and never again. There are various possibilities that can be presented to players of the original Guild Wars who either have no interest in 2 or intend to continue playing the original.
It's going to be necessary for them, as well, to pay more attention to the dedicated players -- which will not, on the whole, be the teenaged sexhound straight male trendchasers -- once Guild Wars 2 takes the people who are overall more fixated on novelty rather than reliability.
I agree with exactly what was put forth in this subject, that we need more variety. It's not like we're saying 'get rid of all that crap that's there now'. Some of it's not great, but that's not to say nobody else likes it, obviously. However, there needs to be more variety for those of us who want to have our characters the way we want them, but don't want to parade around looking like we could get our platinum on street corners, if you know what I mean.
Well, since there are already many armor that cover the whole body but the head, either the sugesttion is unnecessary, since there are already that kind of armors, or the OP wants to hide every single inch of skin shown in all armors, and that's something I will never agree with.
Since there is already a way to change them client-sided (texmod), the op can only be asking to change the current ones ingame for all characters.
I bought wear for my caster professons, and armor for my martial professions.
Y like the Cultis armor of my Necromancer as much as I like the Krytan armor of my elementalist.
Just look at the armor galleries:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Armor (Right list Armor by profession)
What's the problem with them?
Most Female Warrior armors just show part of the legs
Most Female Ranger armors show nothing.
Most Female Monk armors show feet and arms.
Most Female Necromancer armors show part of the legs.
Most Female Mesmer armors show nothing.
Most Female Elementalist armors show arms, belly and legs.
Most Female Assasin armors show nothing at all, some the belly.
Most Female Ritualist armors show the belly and arms.
Most Female paragon armors show arms, belly and legs.
Most Female Derish armors show just the shoulders.
Look at them. The are far from indecent.
I insisnt. If you want to turn the armors into this:
Use textmod in your own client.
Armors are perfect as they are for the rating of the game.
Since there is already a way to change them client-sided (texmod), the op can only be asking to change the current ones ingame for all characters.
I bought wear for my caster professons, and armor for my martial professions.
Y like the Cultis armor of my Necromancer as much as I like the Krytan armor of my elementalist.
Just look at the armor galleries:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Armor (Right list Armor by profession)
What's the problem with them?
Most Female Warrior armors just show part of the legs
Most Female Ranger armors show nothing.
Most Female Monk armors show feet and arms.
Most Female Necromancer armors show part of the legs.
Most Female Mesmer armors show nothing.
Most Female Elementalist armors show arms, belly and legs.
Most Female Assasin armors show nothing at all, some the belly.
Most Female Ritualist armors show the belly and arms.
Most Female paragon armors show arms, belly and legs.
Most Female Derish armors show just the shoulders.
Look at them. The are far from indecent.
I insisnt. If you want to turn the armors into this:
Use textmod in your own client.
Armors are perfect as they are for the rating of the game.
Originally Posted by R!ghteous Ind!gnation
Quarath... Cute thoughts, but still way off base... there are 122 current armor types that allow your toon to look as slutty as Vabbian 15k Ele or as modest as most Monk/Nun outfits... I'm all in favor of more armor, but creating a petition per say. What you do with your game means nothing to me, I just think its a bit narrow minded to accuse Anet of not making enough Amish armor when there is clearly plenty (122+). If you would like to make your own non-Amish armor feel free there are texture mods all of the internet.
I have created no petition simply voiced my support of Dervish's desires for the game and offered a suggestion for an alternative. I have not accused Anet of anything. Only suggested that more thought be put into suggestive dress in a game where they know children will be playing.
Now as far as narrow minded goes. You can't seem to get the point that if something like this were implemented it would not even affect you only those who choose to use it. You are the one with the narrow view of things here. If a change like this was instigated (which is not very likely so also mute) you could go about your everyday playing and nothing would be different. Your arguments have no basis as my suggestion does not affect you.
Simply using a texture mod to change what my characters clothing looks like does nothing to change all the have naked chicks dancing around on the screen. While having a filter in place that changes that means my children can play the game and not have to be subject to it.
We all know you are going to continue arguing for the sake of arguing. weather you have a valid point or not. There is pretty much one of you in every forum on earth. Since no matter what I say you always have something ridiculous to add I will likely end my comments on the topic here.
I support Dervish's ideas and offered my own suggestions. If anything every comes of it great if not oh well.
R!ghteous - I think I just heard your mommy call and say to get off the computer it's time for dinner.
Kool Pajamas
Children playing? It's rated Teen. 13+
That's high school age. You are all underestimating kids and what they know. When I was 13 I had seen much more than what's on Guild Wars.
That's high school age. You are all underestimating kids and what they know. When I was 13 I had seen much more than what's on Guild Wars.
Originally Posted by moonmonday
...don't want to parade around looking like we could get our platinum on street corners, if you know what I mean.
Since this thread was started about Jora's armor, I would like to submit this picture for your attention:
Is that an acceptable alternative? Granted, we can not see the front in that picture, but then it seems premature to object to the possible lack of alternative armors when you have not seen what alternatives there may be. Please don't construe my post as an attack or flame; I am merely trying to point out that the game is not even out. It seems premature at this point to protest.
Is that an acceptable alternative? Granted, we can not see the front in that picture, but then it seems premature to object to the possible lack of alternative armors when you have not seen what alternatives there may be. Please don't construe my post as an attack or flame; I am merely trying to point out that the game is not even out. It seems premature at this point to protest.
or 3) the OP would like to see more armors ingame that look cool but are of a conservative nature. Why do you assume that they want to change all ones ingame? They said nothing of that nature.
Texmod only changes client side. You could mod the skin but if the mesh is a few mm from nip-slips then it will still be that afterwards, correct? Next, your friends would never see it. People buy armors not just their own enjoyment but for others to see also. Not everyone has the resources to make their own armor for texmod anyhow. People, please stop pushing it as the only option to ever seeing new armors in this game. There is NO REASON that new armors cant be put in down the line. *cough*Labryinthine*cough*
Yes they said GW:EN is the last one but they also said they arent opposed to doing more in the future. Nothing can be counted out as long as there is interest in the game.
And as for those saying "Well, you see worse stuff in tv, movies, etc that is just how things are now." Just because that kind of stuff is being pushed (because sex sells and our society seems to be obessed with getting that almighty buck at any cost, but that leads to a completely different discussion) does not mean we have to stand by and embrace it. Guess what, some of us make the choice not to view that and to follow the morals we grew up with. Am I saying I hide away with a blindfold on? No of course not. Some of these revealing things are quite creative and neat. I applaud the art team for a lot of what they have done. But personally if I can get the option of a longer full skirt not just flaps on the side and short-shorts under for the world to view, a shirt that doesnt make me look like Im smuggling peas, or something that just doesnt show my underwear I would sure rather take that. Its about lots and lots of options and NEW MATERIAL. After two years of the same choices it is always nice to hope for new things to replace it. Yes, we don't know what GW:EN holds, but that art is already done. In 6 months or so they could add more when people start getting bored of whats available and NOW would be the time to give ideas for them to toss around.
If we dont ask for what we want to see in the future, how will they decide on what to give us?
Texmod only changes client side. You could mod the skin but if the mesh is a few mm from nip-slips then it will still be that afterwards, correct? Next, your friends would never see it. People buy armors not just their own enjoyment but for others to see also. Not everyone has the resources to make their own armor for texmod anyhow. People, please stop pushing it as the only option to ever seeing new armors in this game. There is NO REASON that new armors cant be put in down the line. *cough*Labryinthine*cough*
Yes they said GW:EN is the last one but they also said they arent opposed to doing more in the future. Nothing can be counted out as long as there is interest in the game.
And as for those saying "Well, you see worse stuff in tv, movies, etc that is just how things are now." Just because that kind of stuff is being pushed (because sex sells and our society seems to be obessed with getting that almighty buck at any cost, but that leads to a completely different discussion) does not mean we have to stand by and embrace it. Guess what, some of us make the choice not to view that and to follow the morals we grew up with. Am I saying I hide away with a blindfold on? No of course not. Some of these revealing things are quite creative and neat. I applaud the art team for a lot of what they have done. But personally if I can get the option of a longer full skirt not just flaps on the side and short-shorts under for the world to view, a shirt that doesnt make me look like Im smuggling peas, or something that just doesnt show my underwear I would sure rather take that. Its about lots and lots of options and NEW MATERIAL. After two years of the same choices it is always nice to hope for new things to replace it. Yes, we don't know what GW:EN holds, but that art is already done. In 6 months or so they could add more when people start getting bored of whats available and NOW would be the time to give ideas for them to toss around.
If we dont ask for what we want to see in the future, how will they decide on what to give us?
Originally Posted by grottoftl
I know what you mean and I think its pretty ignorant. just because someone wearing revealing armor doesnt automatically make them look like a hooker, slut or skank. not only you are being ignorant but you are also insulting the art team
I'm an artist myself and was not insulting the art team. In fact, if I wanted to analyse their work I would have done it in a way that would have incorporated my feelings about the style, the fashion, and the way the ensembles looked together, thematically. Overall the art team for Guild Wars has created many striking things, visually, but there have also been plenty of missteps. Creating that many things is not going to have everything to be a hit.
It's also hardly ignorant, since I did point out specifically what I had a grievance with, why, and what I would do to fix things. Why aren't there many male armors that manage to show anything? We have...the Paragon. We have one or two for the Warrior. We have Scars for the Necromancers. And while some of the Ritualist armors are nice, that's pretty much it. And none of them are to the extent that some of the female armors are.
If you were to look at them, you would see that more of the female armors tend to be more revealing than the male ones. That is all I am saying. There are practically no male armors that reveal much of anything at all, and that's not to say that there couldn't be; there just aren't. Personally I'm for equal exploitation and not a doing-away with all exploitation, which I believe you've misconstrued me to be about. I'd be perfectly happy seeing male armors with a nice reveal on the top, or so forth!
And personally, I don't care about 'kids playing'. As I said before, the game is rated T. If anyone's playing that shouldn't be, then it's not anyone's responsibility but theirs and their parents'. I could not care less about catering to children.
In any case, I stand by my statement and, while the street corner platinum comment was meant as a humorous throwaway, some of these armors...have you even bothered to look at them? If someone went out just wearing that to walk around in, they would not be mistaken for a virtuous individual by many. While it is regrettable to judge someone by external appearances...this topic is about the very external appearance that armor in this game gives you. I would like to see more elaborate and less skimpy female armors, as well as more skimpy male armors. Balance it out a little. Because, well, some of them do look slutty, plainly speaking. If you were to think about someone you know wearing these armors, some of them would make you think 'wow, this person is slutty'. I don't tend to wear a pushup bra and daisy dukes when I'm trying not to attract attention. :P
Anyway, that's all I'm trying to say. Forget kids playing who shouldn't, forget all the people mistaking this for a 'get rid of the armor!' subject, which it isn't; some of us would just like to see a little bit more equality in terms of design. And don't even claim it can't be there. I've designed enough fashion to know that it's just as easy to make a sexy and pretty outfit for men as it is for women. If not easier!
Curse You
Originally Posted by Tutis Evito
Yes it can cause close mindedness but on the other hand high standards is something the world in general has lost.
Originally Posted by Quarath
As for ignorance what the hell does having made a model or re-skinned a model have anything to do with it. If you are referencing to the coding not being to difficult that has nothing to do with the coding. The coding simply turns on or off a filter much like a filter that filters out cuss words in a chat program. A collection of statements such as If OUTFIT(1)=Slutty replace with OUTFIT(1a) which is Modest. As for skinning a character model. I am a graphic Designer by profession and I am pretty sure I could handle it.
It takes enough resources to render people's armour in a Town/Outpost as is. If you had to "filter" everyone's armour, it would basically double the resources needed.
Originally Posted by Quarath
No it's not Censorship. Censorship would forcing a change that would affect everyone regardless of if they liked it or not.
It's called choice. I gives someone the Option to choose to view things differently. It in no way affects you. |
to censor (third-person singular simple present censors, present participle censoring, simple past censored, past participle censored)
1. (transitive) To review in order to remove objectionable content
2. (transitive) To remove objectionable content
Originally Posted by Lilanthe
You just have to hope that in GW:EN there will be cheap, fully coverable armors. If not, well too bad.
Therefore, this whole discussion has no meaning, since the OP has already stated that they are unwilling to get 15k armours.
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
Leave something to the imagination? Why do I want to imagine pixels?
Im sick of all this whining about pixalated tities...

That's high school age. You are all underestimating kids and what they know. When I was 13 I had seen much more than what's on Guild Wars. |
Why do people think the human body is such a bad thing...how do you people even think babies are made, by praying to God? There is plenty of armor variety, and OP, creepy whispers [I know, I've had it happen to me while playing a female character] are easily solved by the ignore button...
While I agree that we don't need to worry about kids while playing a game that's clearly been rated for teens and above (who see things much more revealing), that still really dismisses the fact that there is not really all that much selection for a female character in certain professions who doesn't want to parade around in next to nothing. So many of the male armors are all-covering, so exactly why is it that so many of the female ones are so skimpy, hmm?
All I'm saying is that I'd like a little variety and a little finery on both sides. If the human body's a great thing -- which I agree, it is -- why cover it up for men, and not for women?
I don't like double-standards much, that's all. And, well, I'd like to see some nice hot male armor instead of all the puritanical nonsense.
Honestly, I don't see why so many people apparently have a problem with wanting a little more variety to the armor. All I'm seeing here is this:
Person 1: I want more variety, I'm tired of running around in lingerie!
Person 2: NO WAI U SUCK
Person 3: I'd like more too!
Person 4: LOL NO VARIETY 4 U
Personally I'd just like a sensible compromise on this and let us agree that it would be nice to have some more variety in armor styles, especially since there is so much of certain kinds already. I don't see exactly what is so outrageous about wanting a little more variety and a little more to choose from.
All I'm saying is that I'd like a little variety and a little finery on both sides. If the human body's a great thing -- which I agree, it is -- why cover it up for men, and not for women?
I don't like double-standards much, that's all. And, well, I'd like to see some nice hot male armor instead of all the puritanical nonsense.
Honestly, I don't see why so many people apparently have a problem with wanting a little more variety to the armor. All I'm seeing here is this:
Person 1: I want more variety, I'm tired of running around in lingerie!
Person 2: NO WAI U SUCK
Person 3: I'd like more too!
Person 4: LOL NO VARIETY 4 U
Personally I'd just like a sensible compromise on this and let us agree that it would be nice to have some more variety in armor styles, especially since there is so much of certain kinds already. I don't see exactly what is so outrageous about wanting a little more variety and a little more to choose from.
Can you please explain what this topic is doing on the forum? This forum is for guildwarsfans who talk and discuss with eachother about the game. That is two way traffic, and i can see only one way here.
You only quote your blind 'followers' and a bunch of people with a temper who react impulsive.
You totally ignore all the good replies from people who don't share your view.
If you want a change, send a ticked to a-net. If you wan't a discussion, please break down that inpenetrable firewall of yours, so there can be a healty discussion.
If you want attention, go outside and meet some people, so much forum posting (read: using the computer) isnt healthy for your social life.
You only quote your blind 'followers' and a bunch of people with a temper who react impulsive.
You totally ignore all the good replies from people who don't share your view.
If you want a change, send a ticked to a-net. If you wan't a discussion, please break down that inpenetrable firewall of yours, so there can be a healty discussion.
If you want attention, go outside and meet some people, so much forum posting (read: using the computer) isnt healthy for your social life.
Curse You
Originally Posted by moonmonday
While I agree that we don't need to worry about kids while playing a game that's clearly been rated for teens and above (who see things much more revealing), that still really dismisses the fact that there is not really all that much selection for a female character in certain professions who doesn't want to parade around in next to nothing. So many of the male armors are all-covering, so exactly why is it that so many of the female ones are so skimpy, hmm?
All I'm saying is that I'd like a little variety and a little finery on both sides. If the human body's a great thing -- which I agree, it is -- why cover it up for men, and not for women? I don't like double-standards much, that's all. And, well, I'd like to see some nice hot male armor instead of all the puritanical nonsense. |
Also, the male paragon armour. Need I say more?
look the game is in fact rated +18 for the alcohol consumtion feature. and as to your point that you dont make your elementalist dance because her boobs move is quite silly. when women dance there breasts obviously have to move, would you have your characters boobs defy gravity... no they most remain in motion to be more realistic. there is armor that covers females entirely and you should desist trying to enforce your old lady ways on all of us. strippers contribute a lot to society you know.
Originally Posted by moonmonday
While I agree that we don't need to worry about kids while playing a game that's clearly been rated for teens and above (who see things much more revealing), that still really dismisses the fact that there is not really all that much selection for a female character in certain professions who doesn't want to parade around in next to nothing. So many of the male armors are all-covering, so exactly why is it that so many of the female ones are so skimpy, hmm?
All I'm saying is that I'd like a little variety and a little finery on both sides. If the human body's a great thing -- which I agree, it is -- why cover it up for men, and not for women? I don't like double-standards much, that's all. And, well, I'd like to see some nice hot male armor instead of all the puritanical nonsense. Honestly, I don't see why so many people apparently have a problem with wanting a little more variety to the armor. All I'm seeing here is this: Person 1: I want more variety, I'm tired of running around in lingerie! Person 2: NO WAI U SUCK Person 3: I'd like more too! Person 4: LOL NO VARIETY 4 U Person 5: THINK OF THE CHILDREN Personally I'd just like a sensible compromise on this and let us agree that it would be nice to have some more variety in armor styles, especially since there is so much of certain kinds already. I don't see exactly what is so outrageous about wanting a little more variety and a little more to choose from. |
Person 6: Quit the nonsense, what you as is already in the game.
There is no lingerie armor in the whole game. A couple of bikinis, maybe, but what are the players supposed to wear in maguuma tropical jungle? Norn fur armor?
You look like FORCED to wear the more revealing gear.
Look the galleries. Barely 5% of the female armor is what you claim it to be.
You ask about 'alternatives'?
THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES for all professions.
Now, stop wallowing. You know you are not right.
I have a different dispute with the whole overly-flashy armour thing; authenticity. I understand this is a fantasy game, but there are porno fantasies and then there's "other." I like the fantasy genre to be rich, deep, and authentic; not a bunch of blond girl-next-doors running around barefoot doing cute poses while fighting evil. It's like I'm watching hentai! I've always found the clothing on the females, among other this like this, take me out of the game. It's like when you watch a movie and in the middle of an important scene you see the actors start promoting a brand name, and suddenly you're thinking about how this is a Hollywood movie, not an epic battle between protagonist and antagonist.
There's a time for me to drool over naked woman (or celebrate the human body, if you prefer to put it more elegantly) and there's a time for me to play video games. If they had made practical armour for all the women right from the very beginning, it wouldn't have made a lick of difference for their sales, the success of Guild Wars, or the enjoyment of the game, except nobody would complain about people being too scantily clad. To think that having conservative clothes in the game would turn off male gamers is really under-appreciating your game.
My wife had to wait until Nightfall to get armour for her ele that didn't look like a joke (Ancient Armour). Now her ele looks like she's actually going into battle. That made her feel better about playing this game and gave her more attachment to her character. She couldn't empathize with her character, dressed like a tramp. I can understand that. My male ritualist had kinda revealing armour for a long time and I hated it. When I got him some nice armour I started playing him a lot more and grew to appreciate him (as a character, not just as a build). When GW:EN comes out, neither my wife nor I will be able to take that Norn chick seriously.
Those of you who belittle this complaint by saying it's nothing more than pixels, that's hardly a valid observation. It should be bloody obvious that those pixels make an image and that image has meaning. If you understand that, which any sentient being should, then I don't understand why you would say it's nothing more. A professor's 48-page essay is months of laborious research to him, but in truth it's only 67KB of data on a magnetic platter in his computer. That doesn't mean it's meaningless. Besides, if it's really just pixels then it doesn't matter if the OP gets her way or not.
There's a time for me to drool over naked woman (or celebrate the human body, if you prefer to put it more elegantly) and there's a time for me to play video games. If they had made practical armour for all the women right from the very beginning, it wouldn't have made a lick of difference for their sales, the success of Guild Wars, or the enjoyment of the game, except nobody would complain about people being too scantily clad. To think that having conservative clothes in the game would turn off male gamers is really under-appreciating your game.
My wife had to wait until Nightfall to get armour for her ele that didn't look like a joke (Ancient Armour). Now her ele looks like she's actually going into battle. That made her feel better about playing this game and gave her more attachment to her character. She couldn't empathize with her character, dressed like a tramp. I can understand that. My male ritualist had kinda revealing armour for a long time and I hated it. When I got him some nice armour I started playing him a lot more and grew to appreciate him (as a character, not just as a build). When GW:EN comes out, neither my wife nor I will be able to take that Norn chick seriously.
Those of you who belittle this complaint by saying it's nothing more than pixels, that's hardly a valid observation. It should be bloody obvious that those pixels make an image and that image has meaning. If you understand that, which any sentient being should, then I don't understand why you would say it's nothing more. A professor's 48-page essay is months of laborious research to him, but in truth it's only 67KB of data on a magnetic platter in his computer. That doesn't mean it's meaningless. Besides, if it's really just pixels then it doesn't matter if the OP gets her way or not.
Heh. Can someone please explain to me while gnome isnt offended by the fact that you can slaughter thousands of humans and animals, as well as get totally wasted in this game, but is offended by...what is bascially bathing suits?
Reminds me of the GTA hot coffee scandel. No one even blinked at the fact taht you could kill hookers, old ladies, old men, and innocents by the thousands, commit robbery, grand theft auto, as well as vehicular manslaughter, but show vanilla sex between two consenting adults in an M rated game and suddenly you've gone too far?
Lol...the irony!!! Your playing a game that is basically about killing, murdering, slaughtering your enemies with giant weapons and massive spells, but you cant deal with a bit of skimpy armor?
Gee, dont ever play Everquest...or WoW...or KoTor...or basically 95% of T or M rated games on the market.
Reminds me of the GTA hot coffee scandel. No one even blinked at the fact taht you could kill hookers, old ladies, old men, and innocents by the thousands, commit robbery, grand theft auto, as well as vehicular manslaughter, but show vanilla sex between two consenting adults in an M rated game and suddenly you've gone too far?
Lol...the irony!!! Your playing a game that is basically about killing, murdering, slaughtering your enemies with giant weapons and massive spells, but you cant deal with a bit of skimpy armor?
Gee, dont ever play Everquest...or WoW...or KoTor...or basically 95% of T or M rated games on the market.
I'll Be straight on this, It's just a game. Deal with it and if you don't like the armors play another game *period*
- Ganni
- Ganni
I'm reading through this thread and chuckling every now and then. I agree and disagree with you on a lot of subjects.
I agree that there needs to be more armor that are covering, my eles istani armor (I think that's what it is) is basically two 1 foot wide blankets and a bra.
Now what I don't agree with you on is how you're using your female state to your advantage. In the first page (all I could stand reading) someone said cry moar. This is a term from chans, (4chan.org for example-nsfw) and is used for anyone/thing. They don't know if you're a girl or boy, they're don't care.
You said 'My crying is depicted to make me weaker' Paraphrasing a bit, but that's basically what you said.
I don't recall seeing any sort of gender/sex bonus in guild wars. Are you serious?
"Or is this just a sexist statement because women are known to show emotion more often then men? You may be okay with the armor and that's just fine...but I'm not okay with it and I have the right to post an objection or idea about what can be done about it"
Okay, that's directly quoted.
No, it's not a sexist statement, don't take it as one, as explained above. And that's just it, you really have no way of dealing with it. Sure you can post an objection like this one, but you're really not going to get anywhere with your "I'm a girl, everythings sexist" way of thinking.
Sorry if I'm harsh, but it's my beliefs.
I agree that there needs to be more armor that are covering, my eles istani armor (I think that's what it is) is basically two 1 foot wide blankets and a bra.
Now what I don't agree with you on is how you're using your female state to your advantage. In the first page (all I could stand reading) someone said cry moar. This is a term from chans, (4chan.org for example-nsfw) and is used for anyone/thing. They don't know if you're a girl or boy, they're don't care.
You said 'My crying is depicted to make me weaker' Paraphrasing a bit, but that's basically what you said.
I don't recall seeing any sort of gender/sex bonus in guild wars. Are you serious?
"Or is this just a sexist statement because women are known to show emotion more often then men? You may be okay with the armor and that's just fine...but I'm not okay with it and I have the right to post an objection or idea about what can be done about it"
Okay, that's directly quoted.
No, it's not a sexist statement, don't take it as one, as explained above. And that's just it, you really have no way of dealing with it. Sure you can post an objection like this one, but you're really not going to get anywhere with your "I'm a girl, everythings sexist" way of thinking.
Sorry if I'm harsh, but it's my beliefs.
i TOTALLY agree...the armor is to showy indeed... i cant decide on my ele cause males have no good hairs or faces...while females are to "showy" and no good skin colors.. they are so fun, but they need to work on the looks and armor
they do o.O
since when
Originally Posted by populationcontrol
strippers contribute a lot to society
since when

They help the fight to cure the world of E.D.
Wow I'm good at killing threads.
Curse You
Originally Posted by Undivine
I like the fantasy genre to be rich, deep, and authentic; not a bunch of blond girl-next-doors running around barefoot doing cute poses while fighting evil.
What you're saying is like saying, "I like Sci-Fi, but I don't want it to be about stuff we can't do today."
Originally Posted by «Ripskin
Wow I'm good at killing threads.
I agree, and Yes I'm a guy.
No I'm not gay, the armors are a little to much slutty.
If they are going to do someting about it, can't they make the Paragon armor also less gay, I find it very annoying to wear armor as a male charr that looks female.
No I'm not gay, the armors are a little to much slutty.
If they are going to do someting about it, can't they make the Paragon armor also less gay, I find it very annoying to wear armor as a male charr that looks female.
If A-net got a make your armor contest I'm sure many people in this thread gonna win ,eh
I think the armor choice is good enough.My Ritualist armor (Excotic) do show nipple on the male but covered up alll the chest on female.Artist could probably have to send multiple variants before the work qualified.
I think the armor choice is good enough.My Ritualist armor (Excotic) do show nipple on the male but covered up alll the chest on female.Artist could probably have to send multiple variants before the work qualified.
This isn't a question about morals or censorship. They may be hanging around the edges, but it's a distraction from the real issue. It's a question about choice.
As people have said, there are girls in real life who do wear some pretty risque outfits. That's their choice. There are others, however, who choose to dress more conservatively. Again, that's their choice.
The problem, at the moment, is that there is no choice. With the Istani and Sunspear female Elementalist sets, it took me about a month before I could even pick the difference between one set of strategically-wrapped scarves and another. There's nothing wrong with having the choice to have a scantily-dressed character - but a player who would prefer not to have a scantily-dressed character should also have that choice - without having to avoid particular professions and/or campaigns to do so.
At the moment, anyone who only has Nightfall who wishes to play an Elementalist doesn't have that choice. Until they get to the Bone Palace - which is in the final stages of the campaign - they have no choice - and that's assuming they can afford to get the armour as soon as they get there, and if not, it'll take longer. That is something I consider to be a problem.
And it's not a problem that I see as requiring much effort to surmount. All they need to do is make the Tyrian sets available early on. While I can't say I'm intimately familiar with how the armour crafters are programmed, I daresay that it wouldn't require too much effort to take one or more already existing armour designs and make them available from new crafters.
To make some specific comments:
1) The Spartans did wear armour - fairly heavy for the day, in fact - even if some of the artwork (and movies like 300) might lead you to believe otherwise. Fighting nude had been done in earlier times, but there was armour even in the Trojan wars - it is, for instance, how Patroclus managed to get himself killed while passing himself off as Achilles.
2) R!ghteous, you've made a list of "Amish" armours. The problem is that there are some professions, in some campaigns, where none of the armours on that list are available until near the end of the campaign. Any armour in a different campaign to that the character started in, and any elite area, is going to require completing the starting area before it becomes accessible. If it's an 'elite' armour, there's also the question of paying for it - not a trivial concern for a starting player. So, on your question at the top of page 7 of "how many more would satisfy you", the answer is... zero. Take some of those EXISTING low-priced armours and make it accessible to starting characters in campaigns which currently don't have one of those armours available to starting characters is all we ask.
3) On people talking about using client-side game modifiers like "textmod" - isn't that a) against the EULA, and b) strongly advised against due to the risk of picking up a Trojan?
Female elementalists in Nightfall ARE. Until they get to Consular Docks if they have other campaigns - until they get to (and can afford) the elite armour options if they don't. There are NO other choices until then.
This isn't a question about morals or censorship. They may be hanging around the edges, but it's a distraction from the real issue. It's a question about choice.
As people have said, there are girls in real life who do wear some pretty risque outfits. That's their choice. There are others, however, who choose to dress more conservatively. Again, that's their choice.
The problem, at the moment, is that there is no choice. With the Istani and Sunspear female Elementalist sets, it took me about a month before I could even pick the difference between one set of strategically-wrapped scarves and another. There's nothing wrong with having the choice to have a scantily-dressed character - but a player who would prefer not to have a scantily-dressed character should also have that choice - without having to avoid particular professions and/or campaigns to do so.
At the moment, anyone who only has Nightfall who wishes to play an Elementalist doesn't have that choice. Until they get to the Bone Palace - which is in the final stages of the campaign - they have no choice - and that's assuming they can afford to get the armour as soon as they get there, and if not, it'll take longer. That is something I consider to be a problem.
And it's not a problem that I see as requiring much effort to surmount. All they need to do is make the Tyrian sets available early on. While I can't say I'm intimately familiar with how the armour crafters are programmed, I daresay that it wouldn't require too much effort to take one or more already existing armour designs and make them available from new crafters.
To make some specific comments:
1) The Spartans did wear armour - fairly heavy for the day, in fact - even if some of the artwork (and movies like 300) might lead you to believe otherwise. Fighting nude had been done in earlier times, but there was armour even in the Trojan wars - it is, for instance, how Patroclus managed to get himself killed while passing himself off as Achilles.
2) R!ghteous, you've made a list of "Amish" armours. The problem is that there are some professions, in some campaigns, where none of the armours on that list are available until near the end of the campaign. Any armour in a different campaign to that the character started in, and any elite area, is going to require completing the starting area before it becomes accessible. If it's an 'elite' armour, there's also the question of paying for it - not a trivial concern for a starting player. So, on your question at the top of page 7 of "how many more would satisfy you", the answer is... zero. Take some of those EXISTING low-priced armours and make it accessible to starting characters in campaigns which currently don't have one of those armours available to starting characters is all we ask.
3) On people talking about using client-side game modifiers like "textmod" - isn't that a) against the EULA, and b) strongly advised against due to the risk of picking up a Trojan?
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
You look like FORCED to wear the more revealing gear.
Originally Posted by DarkGanni
I'll Be straight on this, It's just a game. Deal with it and if you don't like the armors play another game *period*
- Ganni |

Originally Posted by «Ripskin
I'm reading through this thread and chuckling every now and then. I agree and disagree with you on a lot of subjects.
I agree that there needs to be more armor that are covering, my eles istani armor (I think that's what it is) is basically two 1 foot wide blankets and a bra. Now what I don't agree with you on is how you're using your female state to your advantage. In the first page (all I could stand reading) someone said cry moar. This is a term from chans, (4chan.org for example-nsfw) and is used for anyone/thing. They don't know if you're a girl or boy, they're don't care. You said 'My crying is depicted to make me weaker' Paraphrasing a bit, but that's basically what you said. LoL I don't recall seeing any sort of gender/sex bonus in guild wars. Are you serious? "Or is this just a sexist statement because women are known to show emotion more often then men? You may be okay with the armor and that's just fine...but I'm not okay with it and I have the right to post an objection or idea about what can be done about it" Okay, that's directly quoted. No, it's not a sexist statement, don't take it as one, as explained above. And that's just it, you really have no way of dealing with it. Sure you can post an objection like this one, but you're really not going to get anywhere with your "I'm a girl, everythings sexist" way of thinking. Sorry if I'm harsh, but it's my beliefs. |
Obey The Cat
Originally Posted by B E A S T
Sex sells and the majority of people playing GW are men...nuff said.
i dont know any fantasy game/movie where females are NOT sexy. sorry. change your game.
Originally Posted by DreamRunner
First, rules 1 and 2. Second I like your guild name. Third, I think what you said, had to be said. I hate to generalize, but I'm seeing more and more of this way of thinking in a lot of women I know. I think its sad and stupid in the way because its done, mostly seen done by the media that feeds it into the public.
Originally Posted by Seppi
I'm going to sign this for a wider range of clothing rather than focusing future armor toward 1 end of the spectrum.
Therefore... /Signed for more armor ranging from underwear garments to a full blown astronaut suit. Subnote: Jora's armor can be upgraded with hero armor. Most likely there will be a fully covered version of her armor. I don't see the point to arguing against diversity, considering Anet will diversify anyway. |
For the lot who desire modest armour but think the current available choices are "ewww", I think they're just a little too greedy.