Originally Posted by JDRyder
players will always be smarter than NPCs, thats why in HM NPCs have fast casting, 30 atts so their skills do 10000 damage 500 energy and 1000 armor
imo make the IA better and take that crap off cause it has rended some profs/skills useless
Enemies in PvE need to know how to react towards certain situations, not incredibly high attributes and buffs. They also need full bars and with decent comprahension.
Just giving people PvE skills isn't going to balance it out, it's just power creep versus power creep.
i think he means SY warriors
... Which usually refers to Godmode D-Slashers in the first place anyway?
also dont forget FGJ does not work for DS in pvp
I understand that. SY wouldn't exactly work in PvP either though, will it?
Originally Posted by Damian979
PvP is a breeding ground for making skills mediocre. It's always about "itz so imba", "itz so op". Instead of constantly omitting or nerfing skills in the name of "balance", I say make it harder. Open up all the skills, ignore the whining, learn to counter skills, and be a better player and let's see who can really survive in PvP instead of having the watered down whine pool of skills we now have.
You're pretty retarded if you think build wars is a good idea, which is what "learn to counter skills" means. A common balanced build is very tight, but if you have to prepare for more and more different things and take a more defensive, one-sided approach you end up having an inflexible build that can't combat much at all.
"Really survive in PvP" isn't the case at all, because if you have some uber awesome 1337 counter to X build, but it fails against Y build and maybe Z build because your bar isn't designed to combat Y or Z build, which degenerates into build wars.
I might actually stand to play PvP more like I used to if it weren't for all the QQ's of "you're only winning because you're running an overpowered build". I'm sorry, but I don't start crying just because someone takes me down with a good bar, and I call someone running an underpowered build a noob.
In other words, (going back to the Cultist's Doom Spikers here) you'd blame someone for losing if they were using a build not equally as powerful?
Build flexibility is a very important thing. You can't design your build to defeat everything if there's too many builds that need specific counters and beat every single one, because once again, it degenerates into build wars and skill won't be nearly as important as bringing counters. That, and power creep versus power creep is bad.