Originally Posted by JDRyder
and this makes me wrong how?
The game was designed from conception to be able to be played alone is this in anyway unclear to you?
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by JDRyder
and this makes me wrong how?
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
The game was designed from conception to be able to be played alone is this in anyway unclear to you?
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by DreamWind
Yes...its extremely unclear because the box says HENCHMEN. It says nothing about heros. Not to mention the brilliant fact brought up by Avarre that original game design (as advertised on boxes) and current game design are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. asfdsafds
Amy Awien
Originally Posted by DreamWind
Yes...its extremely unclear because the box says HENCHMEN. It says nothing about heros.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
You've been wrong this whole entire time you just absolutely dogmatically sticking to a rubber gun hoping it will shoot a bullet your sterile.
The game was designed from conception to be able to be played alone is this in anyway unclear to you? |
Originally Posted by Amy Awien
The Nightfall box extends it to heroes.
"Recruit a team of fearless Heroes who will fight at your side and follow orders in combat." There's no basis for claims that the game was intended to be played with humans alone. The henchmen were in it from the start and with the heroes added later this really does not indicate to me that using H/H is in any way going against the 'design'. |
Originally Posted by trankle
Maybe I'm missing something here, but isn't playing with random people what you're all about? Isn't that what defines fun, and is best for the game?
Originally Posted by trankle
Wouldn't grabbing random players from LA serve this purpose nicely?
Also, is it not true that every time you group with seven guild members, that's seven potential PUGgers you exclude? |
Originally Posted by JDRyder
with no heros you can still solo the missions, with the way things are now you can solo the missions, Some areas were made for guilds/friend/pugs cause they didnt add henchmen to it.
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by JDRyder
and this means you have to 7 heros why?
with no heros you can still solo the missions, with the way things are now you can solo the missions, Some areas were made for guilds/friend/pugs cause they didnt add henchmen to it. I dont see where it says "have 7heros" no i play with H/H, Guild groups, friends and pugs ? |
Originally Posted by Shasgaliel
I think you will need to post this part on every next coming page of this thread even though it was posted more than 10 times already. It still seems that it is unnoticed or misunderstood by people discussing with you. The game can be done solo with henchmen and heroes and there is no need to make this soloing any easier.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
It doesn't it says Heros implying more than 1 or that would be "hero", you could take implication of which that it could mean 2,3,4,5,6 or 7 additionally it leaves them open to increase or decrease the number of allowed heros without being sued for false advertising by not mandatory stating an exact number, which gives them flexibility if they need it.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
You play with guilds / friend and pugs that is perfectly fine but where do you get off dictating to the rest of the community 500+ of us so far that your way is the way it should be?
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
Not everyone has friends they can call on, not everyone has a guild with people to do things with, that's the very reason henchmen and heros exist for but the henchmen do not match the game mechanics when it comes to hard mode, but then there is no use explaining this to you I may as well have the conversation with my wall, because it has about the same flexibility and understanding of the over all picture as you do.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
Henchmen fall far far short when it comes to hard mode, I wouldn't even bother adding the extra 4 heros for normal mode, but for hard mode you bet I would add the other 4 of my heros, I've vanquished every area in the game and if it had not been for consumables and power stones it would not have been possible at all, I should not have had to resort to spending gold to complete that game goal I should have been able to construct a build to complete the goal without them.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
Any easier ? have you any idea how hard some of that stuff is with h/h I guess not maybe your another one of these lucky people with friends and a guild?
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by JDRyder
Originally Posted by JDRyder
this this is dumb ....
if 99% of Guild wars wanted a sword that killed every thing in 1 hit do you give it to them? |
Originally Posted by eximiis
Pugs are bad, they will alway be bad.
If they remove heroes, ppl will go with henchman or will go with guilds not with Pugs. So if they add 7 heroes or remove heroes, ppl still don't go with pugs. Why do you puggers don't want 7 heroes, what do you want ?? any things we can do for you ??? Your pugs are already bad, why don't you go find a guild and play with them while we (Hway) get 7 heroes ??? |
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
I'd agree with that maybe I should sue them for false advertising ? - I don't think so the basic concepts are still there or henchmen would not exist today, the point is that simple concept is 35% of the reason why I brought the game, saw the game looked at the box and thought "Ahuh! so if I can't find/don't want too I can play it by myself bonus" one for the tick column.
Originally Posted by Amy Awein
The Nightfall box extends it to heroes.
"Recruit a team of fearless Heroes who will fight at your side and follow orders in combat." There's no basis for claims that the game was intended to be played with humans alone. |
Originally Posted by sixofone
LOL -true! Your argument "is dumb..." If the thread were about a sword that killed everything in 1 hit, then chances are most of us would agree. But, since its not...
Try arguing the actual point instead of some ridiculous, exaggerated one. |
Originally Posted by eximiis
Pugs are bad, they will alway be bad.
If they remove heroes, ppl will go with henchman or will go with guilds not with Pugs. So if they add 7 heroes or remove heroes, ppl still don't go with pugs. Why do you puggers don't want 7 heroes, what do you want ?? any things we can do for you ??? Your pugs are already bad, why don't you go find a guild and play with them while we (Hway) get 7 heroes ??? |
Originally Posted by DreamWind
Actually I find his argument to be quite valid. Should something be put into the game because the players demand it even if it is bad for the game? Thoughts of Ursan ring in my head.
Originally Posted by Shasgaliel
Answers you will find in this thread. Please read the thread. My question is how many times people have to post the same arguments over and over? 7 heroes reduces the possibility of PUGs if you want detailed arguments read the thread. BTW most of the people against the heroes have guilds so I do not get your advice of finding one.
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by eximiis
I have read this thread. the same arguments are post over and over because they are true. If ppl already have a guild then play with your guilds and don't pug. experience with pugs are bad.
And NO 7 heroes will NOT REDUCE the possibility of PUGS. the possibility are already kill !!!! It's like shooting on a dead body. He's already dead so he won't die more ! |
Originally Posted by sixofone
LOL -true! Your argument "is dumb..." If the thread were about a sword that killed everything in 1 hit, then chances are most of us would agree. But, since its not...
Try arguing the actual point instead of some ridiculous, exaggerated one. |
Originally Posted by JDRyder
you can replace that with any thing really, if people wanted something that would ruin the game, is it a good idea?
try making a point other then trolling |
Originally Posted by sixofone
And most people here argued for nerfing Ursan, iirc.
Originally Posted by sixofone
Please - no more of the "should something bad be added to the game no matter how many people want it" arguments. Obviously the answer is no. But, you make a huge leap about what is "bad for the game" when you equate 7 heroes with imba OP God-mode!
Originally Posted by DreamWind
LoL? Ok for your benefit lets replace Ursan with Soul Reaping. The most whiney thread in the history of this forum...most people not wanting it nerfed even though it should have been nerfed years ago for the better of the game. See what I'm getting at?
The leap isn't that huge. Something is either good for the game or it isn't. |
Originally Posted by sixofone
On your first point, I'm in the camp that still feels SR is OP.
Originally Posted by sixofone
As for the second, yes. But, you need to argue the specifics, not a generalized statement like that. Agreeing that you don't add something bad for the game does not equate to saying the use of 7 heroes is bad for the game.
Originally Posted by sixofone
I swore I wouldn't do this, but...
Considering that the way you argue is little more than trolling. You keep stating things like "would ruin the game" when that hasn't been shown, nor even agreed with. Given the feedback here, it is overwhelmingly considered that using heroes has been a positive experience for people vs. PUGging. Can I say that's good for the game? Don't know. I can only say it's something I desire, and have enjoyed H&Hing. So, again, how exactly does adding the use of 7 heroes ruin the game? By making it harder to PUG, in PvE? Hardly ruins anything - but, then again, I don't PUG, so I can appreciate your concerns. Ack! Why do I bother responding to your posts... |
Originally Posted by DreamWind
positive experiences don't always equate to a good thing.
Sleeper Service
Originally Posted by eximiis
@ JDRyder
Are you a pugger ?? If yes, how do U know that 7 heroes are bad for pugs ?? How come you still didn't notice pugs are bad ??? Have you ever seen a good pug ?? Have you ever found a pug in Snake Dance ??? Can i pm you to help me with Snake Dance or should i take henchman ??? DoA = 2 players with 6 heroes !!! If that's your only concern, then restrict to 2 human to enter those place. But then again, 8 perma/terra can clear the whole UW in ??? 10-30 mins ?? but i could bring my 7 heroes ?? why not ? |
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
heaven forbid having a positive enjoyable experience while playing a game.
Sleeper Service
Originally Posted by JDRyder
i do pug,friends,H/H and guild i said that a page ago.
Originally Posted by JDRyder
i do pug,friends,H/H and guild i said that a page ago.
People have already given reasons go back and read them I already said some are bad and some are good go back and read what i said about pugs Yes ive seen many good pugs, go read back a few pages. What? is snake dances to hard for you to H/H? if so get a guild You still need to have a friend, guild or pug to do so. I had it my way you'd need 7 other friends/guildies/pugs to do so, or at least take heros down to 1 per person |
Originally Posted by eximiis
Not everyone has guild, or want's a guild.
Originally Posted by eximiis
Yes we could use H/H but why not just heroes. Because you want more failure in pugs, i have to use henchmen. What if i get the 7 heroes (i'm happy) and you continue to play whatever way you like.
Originally Posted by trankle
On the occasions you H/H, what are your reasons for doing so?
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
if we had it your way JDRyder GW would be DEAD.
how bout you stay in your guild and stop posting crap. |
Sleeper Service
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
Jesus get a clue before talking, if the game had remained the same as at release it would be Prophesies only and people would have LEFT.
Originally Posted by JDRyder
the game would be way to easy with 7heros, 3 heros already make it easier then needed. think about the builds that people come up with just 3heros, and then think about what they could come up with if they added 7heros. This is not a SP game there are no cheat codes, if some content is to hard for you, get better.
Originally Posted by JDRyder
the game would be way to easy with 7heros, 3 heros already make it easier then needed. think about the builds that people come up with just 3heros, and then think about what they could come up with if they added 7heros. This is not a SP game there are no cheat codes, if some content is to hard for you, get better.
Originally Posted by JDRyder
whats your reason for posting? thats a bad Q imo.
Originally Posted by trankle
You do understand that real players are more powerful than heroes, don't you?
Amy Awien
Originally Posted by JDRyder
Originally Posted by JDRyder
... If all the people that only play H/H left the game it'd do nothing to the game anyway other than make ecto go up. ...