That's not what he said at all. But it is naive to think that everyone has no problems in this game. If there were no player issues the official wiki would not exist. The help sections on these forums would not exist...
It is completely unnecessary for you to keep quoting Bryant's points without adding anything constructive. You've actually said "1+1=2" more times than you've actually refuted an argument. Instead of posting something so useless, why didn't you refute his argument instead of using "1+1=2" AS your argument...If you wanted to convince him you should have quoted his passage and then provided the proof you claim you've been giving all along...seriously, I'd like to see it.
That is very true, but I don't see how that figures into this at all except to strengthen our earlier points about 7 heroes not affecting PUG's in the first place as we didn't use them to begin with...
THIS is your biggest failing. You fail to grasp that other people may have fun in different ways to you. 7 heroes will open up so much scope for build creating, personal creativity and it will certainly increase MY fun. I didn't like the NF gameplay but I'm sure many others did. However the advent of heroes brought a new dimension to the game that really re-vitalized it for me making NF worth every dollar even though I didn't much care for the campaign. I WOULD find 7 heroes as a game re-vitalizing facture and would find it fun. If you don't, that is your prerogative, but don't dictate what is fun to people who might not share your idea of what 'fun' actually is...
But our main argument has always been that it lets you create new builds, and test out new strategies in a way that isn't possible at the moment. I sometimes feel like you're not actually reading anything that is written...
Once again, way more rewarding to YOU. The rest of that quote didn't make any sense, but once again you're forcing YOUR play style on other people. Your arguments are simply selfish. Bringing in 7 heroes is all about choice. You don't need to use them, but it is good to have the option. That way it can cater to all different play styles. You want everyone to conform to your idea of fun and your ideas of reward. It's just mind-boggling how circular and frankly unconvincing your arguments are.
Remove them and YOU will have more fun. People in Australia and NZ for one wouldn't even be able to play. Seriously, think before you post...
Please JD, don't micro-quote me with pointless posts and add something constructive to the discussion. Actually refute points instead of repeating your catch-phrase "1+1=2". I'm going to refrain from replying to any more of your posts because it's just getting pointlessly circular. I can't make any promises, because inevitably you will say something so un-informed or biased that I will not be able to stay quiet; but I will certainly do my best.