Wow was Factions so bad?
Lord Sojar
Factions wasn't really that bad when I look back. Nightfall was better, but it is better then GW:EN. I enjoyed factions looking back.
Factions is my second favorite chapter and it is where I have created all my characters except Paragon and Dervish. I like the timed missions, I like it that to get masters you usually had to have a group or at least most of a group and for that reason there was more "lfg" people to meet and play with. You can level to 20 fast there and I made lots of plat there. The only thing I didn't like so much was that you had to get 10k factions to get to end and do it on every character..and the afflicted's auto death nova when you kill them.
I liked factions, but NF was the best because of heroes.
I like factions best of all. I quit GW a week after release, found the story boring and uninteresting and there just wasn't much to do.
Once factions was released I returned to GW and was amazed by the improvements. Everything looked and played so much better. Good story, good missions, beautiful maps, cool armors and weapons... I finished Factions before I completed the prophecies campaign.
I didn't like Nightfall at all, and I'm not sure what to think of GWEN.
Once factions was released I returned to GW and was amazed by the improvements. Everything looked and played so much better. Good story, good missions, beautiful maps, cool armors and weapons... I finished Factions before I completed the prophecies campaign.
I didn't like Nightfall at all, and I'm not sure what to think of GWEN.

i play through the game. i don't let people run my chars. locked gates didn't hurt me a lot.
the primary quests at the beginning of the kaineng area were quite boring -- however considering that i pretty much wanted to do every quest i could find, i finished them on my ways through optional quests.
once you had to split, it turned a bit surprising and annoying with problems at the start -- but in the end it was still fun.
the only thing i hate factions for is the fact that it promoted a split in the game that made unmature morons so much happier (kurzick / luxon).
factions also tried to introduce more into PvP (altough it failed, it just introduced more idiots into scrubfests), which was another good thing (on paper).
generally, NF and GWEN PvE grind are a lot worse than Factions grind for 10k faction.
the primary quests at the beginning of the kaineng area were quite boring -- however considering that i pretty much wanted to do every quest i could find, i finished them on my ways through optional quests.
once you had to split, it turned a bit surprising and annoying with problems at the start -- but in the end it was still fun.
the only thing i hate factions for is the fact that it promoted a split in the game that made unmature morons so much happier (kurzick / luxon).
factions also tried to introduce more into PvP (altough it failed, it just introduced more idiots into scrubfests), which was another good thing (on paper).
generally, NF and GWEN PvE grind are a lot worse than Factions grind for 10k faction.
In the PC Gamer artice, they are cutting off Elona and Cantha of GW2, that means they will be future expansions.
Originally Posted by CagedinSanity
Factions was a PvP lovefest (just as Gwen was a PvE lovefest). Though it's almost a must have for AB, newly introduced PvE skills from kurz/lux.
Factions is annoying as mess. I still haven't beaten it, as I have beaten Proph/NF. |
Lets look at GWEN.
PVE only skills
Grindish titles
New armour
New weapons
New elites dungeons
Mini games
New pets for rangers
100 skills or 10 skills each profession.
And you really want to compare that to a stand alone game? Like whoa, thats an really amazing and stupid conclusion. But I really do want to know what your reasoning is behind this. I'll take a wild stab; Factions had some PvP elements brought into the PvE, however you can actually not do any of the PvE infused PvP content at all.
Factions is an amazing game. I actually like it the most. The art is fantastic and who ever says otherwise are just not liking city art, when they are actually thinking the art is bad. The music is good and Jeremy did an extremely good job with it. Luxon theme? Very nice.
Divinus Stella
Factions was just boring grind, dragging characters thru just for elite caps.
Cant say im suprised its been axed.
But where do you think GW2 will take place? if its tyria then they are gonna have to re-map all the terrain and mobs in a new engine which would be cool to see, but would lack new gameplay.
Cant say im suprised its been axed.
But where do you think GW2 will take place? if its tyria then they are gonna have to re-map all the terrain and mobs in a new engine which would be cool to see, but would lack new gameplay.
Olim Chill
I'll always love Factions... for giving my Prophecies character very easy access to max armor. 
Seriously, I think it's not as bad, or as good, as others have said. It's somewhere in the middle.

Seriously, I think it's not as bad, or as good, as others have said. It's somewhere in the middle.
As I see it, Factions > NF > GWEN.The only thing that NF did better than NF is heroes.
Hero battles... what a joke.
Hero battles... what a joke.
Factions= Wallows= my smiling...
Achilles Antony
The locked gates did it for me, and the amount of time spent in the ugly Kaineng city. However, the Jade Sea and Echovald Forest areas are amazingly beautiful, as is the Shing Jea Island. Honestly, when Nightfall came out, I preferred the new chapter to Factions. However, after playing both chapters again since they came out, I actually prefer Factions to Nightfall. The scenery in Factions Jade Sea and Echovald Forest areas are far better than anything in Nightfall (brown, or how about light brown... maybe some greyish brown as well...). I find myself in Factions now surprisingly often, and I only go to Kamadan for trades. Prophecies is still #1 though.
Captain Robo
In terms of PVP, the skills Factions added were great and did not have nearly as much inherent degeneracy as those added by Nightfall.
I maintain that Blessed Light is probably the best monk skill in the game; and its a shame that its fallen into disuse.
Also, if you played assassin in Factions, you had to know the class inside and out. It wasn't for scrubs, took a lot of skill, and it meant your ass if you didn't know what you were doing.
A world of difference from the 1234567 killswitch we see nowadays.
I also liked Factions because it had such a short level grind. I leveled up several characters to 20 within 10 hours; it can probably be done in three if you're insane...
I maintain that Blessed Light is probably the best monk skill in the game; and its a shame that its fallen into disuse.
Also, if you played assassin in Factions, you had to know the class inside and out. It wasn't for scrubs, took a lot of skill, and it meant your ass if you didn't know what you were doing.
A world of difference from the 1234567 killswitch we see nowadays.
I also liked Factions because it had such a short level grind. I leveled up several characters to 20 within 10 hours; it can probably be done in three if you're insane...
Dione Davore
Factions looked the same everywhere. The city-part was the most boring and the tutorial isle had a bit of everything which made me feel like they made a small prophecies out of it.
Hmmmmm i see that many people dislike factions.
And the funniest thing is i may be one of few who likes factions so much.
That i play it many many times.
As many bow down @ Prophesies i just hate that part, it may be the first but it wasn't that good it had many flaws in it
And what is so bad about th locked gates.
It motivates you to play.
And the 10k factions you have it in 3/4 hours only from quests.
Afterall #1 Factions #2 Nightfall #3 Prophesies #10000000 GW:EN
And the funniest thing is i may be one of few who likes factions so much.
That i play it many many times.
As many bow down @ Prophesies i just hate that part, it may be the first but it wasn't that good it had many flaws in it
And what is so bad about th locked gates.
It motivates you to play.
And the 10k factions you have it in 3/4 hours only from quests.
Afterall #1 Factions #2 Nightfall #3 Prophesies #10000000 GW:EN
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Locked gates FTL
Put me off Factions. |
Originally Posted by Mokone
factions also tried to introduce more into PvP (altough it failed, it just introduced more idiots into scrubfests), which was another good thing (on paper).
generally, NF and GWEN PvE grind are a lot worse than Factions grind for 10k faction. |
Oh, and Factions had a much nicer Starter island than NF.
10K Faction grind is only a grind if you're someone who doesn't enjoy doing all the side quests. I find it easy to rack it up just by playing the game. The shrine priests make it even easier now.
When I first played through Factions I found it frustrating, but more of a challenge than Prophecies, I like the fast levelling, and the environments are gorgeous. I find myself taking Elonian characters to Cantha much more than I do to Tyria, unless I'm vanquishing.
The only aspect I didn't like were the forced 2 party missions. People on the other side tend to quit if they see an assassin or heroes/hench, when in actual fact I get masters in Viz Sq and Unwaking Waters with just H/H pretty much every time.
When I first played through Factions I found it frustrating, but more of a challenge than Prophecies, I like the fast levelling, and the environments are gorgeous. I find myself taking Elonian characters to Cantha much more than I do to Tyria, unless I'm vanquishing.
The only aspect I didn't like were the forced 2 party missions. People on the other side tend to quit if they see an assassin or heroes/hench, when in actual fact I get masters in Viz Sq and Unwaking Waters with just H/H pretty much every time.
The voice actor for Danika (Arborstone mission) is enough of a reason to have this chapter removed. Forget the locked gates and the Asian ghetto theme.
Originally Posted by leprekan
The voice actor for Danika (Arborstone mission) is enough of a reason to have this chapter removed. Forget the locked gates and the Asian ghetto theme.
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter
And most of the best faces and hair. Most of my characters are Canthan for this reason...
Speaking of which, I hope we can create Canthan-looking characters in GW2. |
Anyway, on topic. Factions was actually my favorite campaign. It's the one that got me hooked on Guild Wars. I don't understand why so many people prefer my opinion, it's the worst. If I'd played that, I highly doubt I'd have gotten hooked. I have only one Tyrian character (my main) and she is the only one that's beaten all 3 campaigns. The rest have either beaten Factions, Nightfall, or both. And they aren't past the Maguuma Jungle (only my mesmer is that far, the rest are in Kryta) because i have no interest in Prophecies. No end game greens, ridiculous how far away and difficult it is to get max armor, very hard to follow and dumb storyline, and how long it takes (and all the stuff you have to do like missions) to get your 30 extra attribute points. And here they are making GWEN as returning to Tyria and probably in Guild Wars 2 as well. I personally don't like Tyria and wish the expansion and sequel would have been made from one of the other two campaigns.
My favorites go in alphabetical order both by campaign and continent: Factions (Cantha), Nightfall (Elona), and Prophecies (Tyria). I loved Factions, and the locked gates didn't bother me. The only time I ran into that problem was when I'd beaten the game and needed to the Luxon side for my mapping title and the Unwaking Waters gate was closed (and I hadn't beaten Gyala Hatchery). But a Luxon friend took me right through it so it was no problem. And I love the alliance battles, and the constant sparring between the Luxons and Kurzicks. And how each faction has their own different land they live in. And the frozen Jade Sea was incredible. I like it more than the Echovald Forest, not to mention the cute turtles. hehe
Ah Factions and my many mixed feelings.
I think it has the best armor. Elite Warrior Kurz ftw! I enjoy an ab every now and again, and I enjoy Fort Aspenwood a lot.
What I hate: Its dreary, bleak, and at times depressing. I want to see Kaineng City become a beautiful city. Not miles upon miles upon miles of slums. I want to see a restored forst. I want to see a restored sea. That would be my ideal Cantha.
Locked gates never bugged me, because I actually play the game.
I do enjoy the campaign however. I think the storyline is bad, the cut-scenes are the wort of all the GW, but I find myself redoing missions for fun such as Vizunah and Gyala for the challenge.
While I would say that factions and catha is without a doubt my least favorite, I find myself going there often because there are fun elements within factions.
I think it has the best armor. Elite Warrior Kurz ftw! I enjoy an ab every now and again, and I enjoy Fort Aspenwood a lot.
What I hate: Its dreary, bleak, and at times depressing. I want to see Kaineng City become a beautiful city. Not miles upon miles upon miles of slums. I want to see a restored forst. I want to see a restored sea. That would be my ideal Cantha.
Locked gates never bugged me, because I actually play the game.
I do enjoy the campaign however. I think the storyline is bad, the cut-scenes are the wort of all the GW, but I find myself redoing missions for fun such as Vizunah and Gyala for the challenge.
While I would say that factions and catha is without a doubt my least favorite, I find myself going there often because there are fun elements within factions.
freaky naughty
Factions was the greatest, it had the most realistic feel to it for some reason, and everyone just hates it because they actually had to do the storyline for once.
Xue Fang
I loved Factions, it's the only game I'll make a new character in, and as such I have no Dervish or Paragon. :\
Factions sucked because they used the same monsters over n over... honesitly how many times can you fight the same afficlited mobs with the same skill bars with the same graphics and enjoy it?
The way I see it, Factions was a turn-off for many for two reasons:
1) Compared to the openness and freedom of Prophecies, the Factions campaign was incredibly linear, with locked gates and zero exploration factor. The continent was/is MUCH more compact and allowed little room for non-linear gameplay. This, I believe, was the main reason why people didn't like Factions.
2) The fact that compared to Prophecies storyline, Factions was also very short and could be finished rather quickly. Levelling from level 0 to 20 could be done in a day, which was a mixed blessing at best.
Personally, I was very pissed off about the lack of exploration in Factions. But later, it doesn't feel like such a big deal anymore and Factions redeemed itself a bit in my books, mainly because of Ft. Aspenwood which I still play actively. The concept of PvPvE was a good one and I hoped for something similar to future expansions as well. But as we know, it didn't fly.
1) Compared to the openness and freedom of Prophecies, the Factions campaign was incredibly linear, with locked gates and zero exploration factor. The continent was/is MUCH more compact and allowed little room for non-linear gameplay. This, I believe, was the main reason why people didn't like Factions.
2) The fact that compared to Prophecies storyline, Factions was also very short and could be finished rather quickly. Levelling from level 0 to 20 could be done in a day, which was a mixed blessing at best.
Personally, I was very pissed off about the lack of exploration in Factions. But later, it doesn't feel like such a big deal anymore and Factions redeemed itself a bit in my books, mainly because of Ft. Aspenwood which I still play actively. The concept of PvPvE was a good one and I hoped for something similar to future expansions as well. But as we know, it didn't fly.
Bryant Again
Definantly agree with 1, Traveller. That was one of the best and coolest aspects of Proph. I can understand Factions being as it was to avoid running, but it came at a bad cost.
Factions introduced Assassins, and Assassins = Ninjas. So if you are playing a female Assassin, that = Ninja chick which = awesome^2.
Plus it is Asian, which is > all in gaming.
Plus it is Asian, which is > all in gaming.
freaky naughty
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
Factions introduced Assassins, and Assassins = Ninjas. So if you are playing a female Assassin, that = Ninja chick which = awesome^2.
Plus it is Asian, which is > all in gaming. |
My main problem with Factions was the fact that you had to use the terrible spirit henchman as your second healer if you henched the game, thats what made it hard. Factions is much better if you can go through with heroes.
dont feel no pain
I left gw when factions got released and came back when nightfall got released LOL
A revolution occurs in Cantha! The heroes travel the seas to join the cause.
Guild Wars 2: Chapter 2 the return of Cantha
I think Factions was great, a memorable chapter with many revolutionary changes in GW. NF just overshadows it a bit too much.
Guild Wars 2: Chapter 2 the return of Cantha
I think Factions was great, a memorable chapter with many revolutionary changes in GW. NF just overshadows it a bit too much.
Factions is now my favourite campaign. It grew on me. The storyline of GW2 has somewhat put me off getting it in the future. Too much of what we worked for in the first campaign ceases to exist...
Ghost Omel
Originally Posted by anonymous
My main problem with Factions was the fact that you had to use the terrible spirit henchman as your second healer if you henched the game, thats what made it hard. Factions is much better if you can go through with heroes.
I henched it didnt Find it being as a problem or a chalange at all
And Factions Well it is Birthplace of my First char and i enjoyed every minute of the game really Never seen a closed gate i couldnt get through Afllicted were pain sometimes but through pain you gain victory right hehe So on scale from 1-10 Factions get a 10 in my eyes
Originally Posted by freaky naughty
Well they used pretty much every race so far black (nf), white (prophecies), asian (factions). I guess there are no more races to add to any continents except for maybe Mexican.
Lets not forget Australians.
Oh and Southern USA...thats a race of its own >.>
No Cantha, you've lost my sale
If I don't get to free the country from Opressive rule and free my luxon and Kurzick allies.
theres a 60% chance I WILL not buy it.
And god help A-net if I have to take some stupid butt ugly face in Tyria because Cantha doesn't exist.
Proph sucks
Omfg I can skip parts of the game so omfg awesome! Omfg im at Droks at level 7 im pro!Can beat the game so fast!
Maguuma Jungle SUCKS. SCrew The Wilds!
I had only 1 epic Moment in Tyria,
The Great Northern Wall, most epic part of Prophecies Running from a freaking army of charr who are moving 50% faster than you in HM.... I always love it when me and the pugs are like "Shit there gaining on us!"
"I'll sacrifice myself" "ENSORIKI!!!!"
*You hear the clang of metal on flesh*
Me: Well that wasn't so hard
But Cantha oh the epicness
Raisu Palace is freaking amazing, I don't care wtf you say... go there High graphics turned on...your seeing people sacrifice themselves...Cynn blowing up the bridge (Freaking win)...Danika Going to die in that chamber(Wish she screamed and lost her voice)
Unwaking waters vs kuunavang....on the very spot Shiro killed the emperor..awesome
Fighting Shiro to avenge Master Togo... I run in Shouting Leeroy
Shiro: Nub You've been banished!
Shiro: OMFG hes back!
God I love Cantha, theres much more culture in it than anywhere else.
Cantha has its own Civil wars, Cantha looks 2x better than prophecies.
Seriously only thing thats pretty in prophecies = Shiver Peaks, but we have sunqua vale mountains so F off prophecies.
You can't see me
Factions is the best campaign in my opinion. It has the shortest and most to the point Storyline, and has a very helpful tutorial, and gets you to level 20 with good skills fast. Best thing is about it is that the storyline could not be compromised.
I also love it because of some of the good skills in it, it had some of the best elites out there. It will be missed by me at least.
I also love it because of some of the good skills in it, it had some of the best elites out there. It will be missed by me at least.
1 up and 2 down
Ehh, our characters in GW2 will probably sail to Cantha after we take out the Orr dragon. Then we will have a big adventure and will probably end up dethroning the emperor and restoring peace to Cantha.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
No instances = bad = I don't wanna play it. |

Originally Posted by Molock
Same opinion here..
![]() |
Wrath of m0o
I left when Factions came out, came back when Nightfall came out, bought Factions after completing Nightfall, only because i needed the skills.