Originally Posted by tyla salanari
no...that was to anyone who wants it for the weapon skins.
BMP sell seperate petition.
Midnight Harmony
Originally Posted by tyla salanari
no...that was to anyone who wants it for the weapon skins.

Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
Really people just want access to everything the game has on offer, if they cant they get annoyyed, simple.
so to you it is a weapons pack and you want the shineys?
i would have gotten it if there were no weapons at all as my idea of content ins not weapons/armor but stuff to do
so loyal he/she cant get the weapon pack and they quit
Originally Posted by Gin Cometh
I dont like how ANET/NCSOFT have to place those damn weapons in the main citys,its like they are rubbin it in that we have no access to the new content. |
i would have gotten it if there were no weapons at all as my idea of content ins not weapons/armor but stuff to do
Guild Wars has also just lost a loyal customer. |
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
I always buy boxed retail versions, and never buy games through online stores or via D2D.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Besides, I pre-ordered it in my local GAME store and had the pre-order pack ages before the announcement of the pack.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Some people still can't puchase online, and maybe it is due to their financial situation or maybe their parents are very strict.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
There's a whole range of different circumstances that apply to many many people.
Originally Posted by Ember010
I am a MASSIVE Guild wars fan, If there had been an EotN collectors edition I would most definately have bought it. But there isn't. And seeing as the BMP was announced, what, a day? maybe 1/2 a day? After EotN went live, I would NOT have went down to my local Gaming store and bought Eotn. Even though the reason I did buy it was because I wanted the extras, I wanted the poster, and I wanted to read the book. Want is the word. And I do want the BMP. My brother, who is by no means as in to guild wars as I am, told me he was going to be lazy and buy EotN in the online store, he did. Later on the BMP was announced, he emailed Anet yesterday I think asking if he qualified, he does. |
Originally Posted by wiki.guildwars.com
How to Qualify
To qualify for the Bonus Mission Pack promotion, you had to spend a total of $29 USD (€26/£17) or more in the Guild Wars In-Game Store or purchase and activate any product worth $29 USD (€26/£17) through the PlayNC online store, between Noon Pacific Time July 5, 2007 and Noon Pacific Time October 31, 2007. |
/not signed
Midnight Harmony
Originally Posted by CHunterX
As I said, I do to. But I chose to buy this one expansion (all the others, mind you, I have the original packaging for) soley for the BMP. If they were to allow purchase of the BMP, I'd like my box, and I'd happily /sign this thread, for fairness.
Pre-orders can be canceled, can they not? Financial situation? If you have a financial situation preventing you to purchase a game online, then you probably shouldn't be buying MMOs. Parents being strict? It isn't Areanet's fault your parents are strict (if you have very strict parents who won't even buy you the game, you probably are playing Guild Wars without their permission in the first place). Not really. |
Heh! Whiner got owned by a mod.
/fans flames
Keep our BONUS just that... a BONUS.
Like the mini moa, the bmp was a REWARD. Get the fook OVER it people. You screwed up.
/fans flames
Keep our BONUS just that... a BONUS.
Like the mini moa, the bmp was a REWARD. Get the fook OVER it people. You screwed up.
Jongo River
Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
Really people just want access to everything the game has on offer, if they cant they get annoyyed, simple.
I have pretty much everything from CE's to the BMP, but I still don't get the mentality of those who want to see others deprived. Everyone should be able to purchase whatever products they want, at whatever time they choose - especially with digital products, were there are no manufacturing concerns to worry about.
I actually recall having doubts about buying GW, when I read about the "Divine Aura". I'd ordered on impulse, because I was a bit flush with cash that month and saw a good offer the week it was coming out, but the moment I started reading forums and hearing about that special CE only feature, I actually thought about cancelling my order. I was getting the CE, but I just don't like [insert prefered toilet expletive here] like that. Segregating people for marketing is just really lame.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Please don't turn my question around to me, I have no financial situations, am 21 and have every means necessary to purchase online (credit cards, debit cards and cheques)
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Yes you can cancel pre-orders, but when I get £5 worth of points on my GAME card, I don't really want to.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
and if you truly believe that every person can purchase online then you sir/madam are being ignorant.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Besides, I'm pretty sure at the time GWEN couldn't be bought in the store, I'm not sure if that's the case now as I never check the store.
Gin Cometh
New Content as in a whole , & where did i say Quit?
so to you it is a weapons pack and you want the shineys? i would have gotten it if there were no weapons at all as my idea of content ins not weapons/armor but stuff to do WRONG so loyal he/she cant get the weapon pack and they quit |
Jongo River
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Besides, I'm pretty sure at the time GWEN couldn't be bought in the store, I'm not sure if that's the case now as I never check the store.
Your collectors 15>50 sundering sword of QQ slaying has the same stats as my kickass looking mursaat sword..... except mine was a FREAKIN REWARD because I CHOSE to use the online store and QUALIFY for the bmp. You SCREWED it up. Not my problem.
Jongo River
How many times have you declared that it's not your problem, now, Kane?
Originally Posted by Jongo River
That raises a very good point. It was very unclear when and how GW:EN would appear in the store. The pre-order pack description was very vague and the actual full product didn't appear until the game went live. There were many concerns, at the time, that people buying from ANet wouldn't get their orders processed in time for the launch. I actually bought mid-afternoon on the launch day and it took something stupid like 40 minutes to get the order through.
Originally Posted by Jongo River
How many times have you declared that it's not your problem, now, Kane?
Originally Posted by Jongo River
That raises a very good point. It was very unclear when and how GW:EN would appear in the store. The pre-order pack description was very vague and the actual full product didn't appear until the game went live. There were many concerns, at the time, that people buying from ANet wouldn't get their orders processed in time for the launch. I actually bought mid-afternoon on the launch day and it took something stupid like 40 minutes to get the order through.
No, it doesn't raise a good point. EotN went live on the 31 of August, almost 2 months after the promotion was announced. The promotion didn't end until two months later.
sorry but that is wrong.
this is NCsoft who owns Anet pays their bills and gives them paychecks setting things up for GW2 which will be heavy on ingame store items.
CHUNTER X it is my opinion that it will be heavy micropayments on vanity items and not on good looking drop items.
5 dollars to change hair style 3/10 dollars?
5 dollars for hair dye 3/10 dollars?
style and color 7.50 3/15 dollars?
extra street clothes?
the vanity items are endless while still letting me play a non ingame store character that is fun.
i have more faith in jeff/mike and the devs than turning it into a better looking maplestory
Originally Posted by grottoftl
it seems everyone is forgetting that this is arenanet. you know they are going to offer this to everyone for purchase in the later months, probably in late 2008
this is NCsoft who owns Anet pays their bills and gives them paychecks setting things up for GW2 which will be heavy on ingame store items.
CHUNTER X it is my opinion that it will be heavy micropayments on vanity items and not on good looking drop items.
5 dollars to change hair style 3/10 dollars?
5 dollars for hair dye 3/10 dollars?
style and color 7.50 3/15 dollars?
extra street clothes?
the vanity items are endless while still letting me play a non ingame store character that is fun.
i have more faith in jeff/mike and the devs than turning it into a better looking maplestory
Jongo River
My point was that people wanted GW:EN on launch and had concerns over buying it from the store. For many GW:EN was the only product left to buy and qualify for the offer (many of us already had character slots and the weapon pack).
I have the BMP because I, like many others, purchased EotN online rather than retail. Half of my guild and most of my friends have it because of that reason.
I feel bad about those who didn't/couldn't qualify (have a friend who lost his job in that time frame and couldn't buy anything), and I wouldn't mind if they were given another crack at it. However, I don't know if allowing it to be sold stand-alone would be a good idea, because of the whole "Bonus" part tied with it. Lots of people bought EotN online ONLY because they would qualify for BMP, so I wouldn't be opposed to Anet running another promotion on it in the future.
/signed on condition that it is offered again in a similar promotion only
I do understand that some people didn't qualify for the BMP due to real life issues and I sympathize with that, but I wonder if some of the loudest complaints are because no one realized how cool the weapons in the BMP are. Most of us wanted to qualify for the BMP because we really wanted to play the missions. We purchased online in blind faith and trust in Anet that it'd be awesome content, and it is.
I feel bad about those who didn't/couldn't qualify (have a friend who lost his job in that time frame and couldn't buy anything), and I wouldn't mind if they were given another crack at it. However, I don't know if allowing it to be sold stand-alone would be a good idea, because of the whole "Bonus" part tied with it. Lots of people bought EotN online ONLY because they would qualify for BMP, so I wouldn't be opposed to Anet running another promotion on it in the future.
/signed on condition that it is offered again in a similar promotion only
I do understand that some people didn't qualify for the BMP due to real life issues and I sympathize with that, but I wonder if some of the loudest complaints are because no one realized how cool the weapons in the BMP are. Most of us wanted to qualify for the BMP because we really wanted to play the missions. We purchased online in blind faith and trust in Anet that it'd be awesome content, and it is.
Midnight Harmony
Originally Posted by CHunterX
I didn't turn the question around on you. You said financial situations would prevent someone from buying a game via the internet. And I said if someone has a financial situation preventing them from buying a game via the internet, then they shouldn't be buying an MMO in the first place. It wasn't directed at you.
Areanets fault that you "didn't really want to." So they should change the entire promotion to cater to you? Ignorant because no one can supply a decent argument as to why they can't purchase online? I think you are ignorant for standing behind that argument without a fact to back it up. All I asked was for a country that couldn't use Paypal. ...... Yes, it could. Thats how 90% of people qualified for it. Did you read any of this thread? |

Originally Posted by KANE OG
Your collectors 15>50 sundering sword of QQ slaying has the same stats as my kickass looking mursaat sword..... except mine was a FREAKIN REWARD because I CHOSE to use the online store and QUALIFY for the bmp. You SCREWED it up. Not my problem.
What exactly is wrong with offering the bonus pack for lets say, $10-$15 in a couple of months time? Any non signer here have a single valid reason (I have not seen one thus far) why it should not be made available again for a substantially lower price than the promotion requirement?
Looking forwards to enlightening responses.
Looking forwards to enlightening responses.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
sorry but that is wrong. this is NCsoft who owns Anet pays their bills and gives them paychecks setting things up for GW2 which will be heavy on ingame store items. CHUNTER X it is my opinion that it will be heavy micropayments on vanity items and not on good looking drop items. 5 dollars to change hair style 3/10 dollars? 5 dollars for hair dye 3/10 dollars? style and color 7.50 3/15 dollars? extra street clothes? the vanity items are endless while still letting me play a non ingame store character that is fun. i have more faith in jeff/mike and the devs than turning it into a better looking maplestory |
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Like I stated I had an incentive to buy in town, and I did, and nothing future nor past will make me purchase through an online store.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
I've spoken to many people who couldn't use the store because their payment methods aren't allowed, and those people got the short straw as there's nothing they can do.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
This discussion will always have three groups of people; those who don't have it, those who do but are mature about it, and those who act in an infantile, pathetic and embarassing way regardless, and have about 1 neuron total.
![]() Above you can see a perfect example that proves my point. |
Originally Posted by Ecomancer
What exactly is wrong with offering the bonus pack for lets say, $10-$15 in a couple of months time? Any non signer here have a single valid reason (I have not seen one thus far) why it should not be made available again for a substantially lower price than the promotion requirement?
Looking forwards to enlightening responses. |
I dont like how ANET/NCSOFT have to place those damn weapons in the main citys,its like they are rubbin it in that we have no access to the new content.Very bad move, i can see how GW2 is going to be ,pay online for upgrades just like Battlefield 2 addons were,EA lost a lot of players due to that & Guild Wars has also just lost a loyal customer. signed/not signed does not even matter any more. |
Originally Posted by Jongo River
My point was that people wanted GW:EN on launch and had concerns over buying it from the store. For many GW:EN was the only product left to buy and qualify for the offer (many of us already had character slots and the weapon pack).
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Like I stated I had an incentive to buy in town, and I did, and nothing future nor past will make me purchase through an online store. I have read the thread in parts, and if those people are happy to use the store then that's cool, I'm just not in that demographic. I've spoken to many people who couldn't use the store because their payment methods aren't allowed, and those people got the short straw as there's nothing they can do. This discussion will always have three groups of people; those who don't have it, those who do but are mature about it, and those who act in an infantile, pathetic and embarassing way regardless, and have about 1 neuron total
Question: You absolutely won't buy from the online store, so what are you arguing for? That it be sold at Gamestop? That's definitely not going to happen.
Midnight Harmony
Originally Posted by CHunterX
Thats nice, you chose the incentive of 5 GAME bux instead of the incentive for content, and now you regret it, and all of a sudden Areanet should change it for you?
Please, read some of the thread, at least the latest 5-10 pages of it. Name calling is the sign of a weak argument. And against the rules. |

Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
You live in America so I don't expect you to understand game promotions here in the U.K, but it's not "bux", the money gained from double points because I pre-ordered is £5 or to you, $10 which is ample incentive. On a side note, don't try backseat moderating as nobody likes it. I'm arguing for the masses trobinson, and want to see it released, that is all.
![]() |
And arguing for the masses doesn't unlock the "free-pass" to tossing around names.
Originally Posted by trobinson97
I understand the concerns, but that's the whole point of making choices, you have to deal with them.
Question: You absolutely won't buy from the online store, so what are you arguing for? That it be sold at Gamestop? That's definitely not going to happen. |
Originally Posted by CHunterX
Ok, so you traded content for $10. It doesn't matter whether or not it was ample incentive or not. You chose it over the BMP. And now you want the BMP too. Having your cake and eating it too?
And arguing for the masses doesn't unlock the "free-pass" to tossing around names. |
Nothing wrong with having cake and eating it too, in fact, anyone that eats cake needs to have it in their possession first.
Midnight Harmony
Originally Posted by CHunterX
Ok, so you traded content for $10. It doesn't matter whether or not it was ample incentive or not. You chose it over the BMP. And now you want the BMP too. Having your cake and eating it too?
And arguing for the masses doesn't unlock the "free-pass" to tossing around names. |

I don't see how it adversely affects the people who already bought it for it to be made availible.
If you say it's because you could have got EoTN for cheaper or whatever, so you only paid more at the ingame store, then financially, assuming the BMP is a reasonable price it'll still be cheaper for them in the long run. Other than that, the only reason is that people don't want other people to have the weapons/don't think they deserve it or whatever and in all honesty that's just pathetic. I just don't see how it affects people to see other people enjoy the same content they've already played through/got.
A lot of people's argument seems to be: "you had your chance, you missed it, haha." Which really doesn't make sense, because it doesn't affect them adversely except if it meant they had to pay more for GWEN, which shouldn't be a problem if it's priced reasonably.
They could release it in conjunction with another thing, or re-open the same offer.
From anets view point there is no draw-back to releasing it, other than annoying some of the people who already have it, as they already have the content. It really is to good a money making opportunity for them to never open up another way for it imo.
I don't see how it adversely affects the people who already bought it for it to be made availible.
If you say it's because you could have got EoTN for cheaper or whatever, so you only paid more at the ingame store, then financially, assuming the BMP is a reasonable price it'll still be cheaper for them in the long run. Other than that, the only reason is that people don't want other people to have the weapons/don't think they deserve it or whatever and in all honesty that's just pathetic. I just don't see how it affects people to see other people enjoy the same content they've already played through/got.
A lot of people's argument seems to be: "you had your chance, you missed it, haha." Which really doesn't make sense, because it doesn't affect them adversely except if it meant they had to pay more for GWEN, which shouldn't be a problem if it's priced reasonably.
They could release it in conjunction with another thing, or re-open the same offer.
From anets view point there is no draw-back to releasing it, other than annoying some of the people who already have it, as they already have the content. It really is to good a money making opportunity for them to never open up another way for it imo.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
I'm not going to explain it anymore as you obviously don't understand but that's ok. You prefer the online store, I use retail. I mean after all everyone deserves this pack, but I guess ANet and NCSoft think otherwise. Shame.
![]() |
Black Eagle the principle of the thing is that the people who took advantage should be rewarded and the people who didn't shouldn't. It's as simple as that. Catering to regret is just reprehensible and only encourages more irresponsible behavior and whining. On principle I think they should with hold the pack from further release. It wouldn't be fair to the people who were justly rewarded for fulfilling the obligations of the promotion to offer it in response to all this whining. You could argue that life isn't fair but I've always found that that is the argument of people who refuse to take responsibility for the conditions of the world around them . Life is not fair because people do not choose to act in a fair manner. So call it pathetic if you want. I think it is equally pathetic to cry about missing out on something you had ample opportunity to take part in.
Originally Posted by Ecomancer
You sound like quite a good advocate for the naysayers here. Let me ask you this, why do you hold that people should not be allowed to get the bonus pack?
Nothing wrong with having cake and eating it too, in fact, anyone that eats cake needs to have it in their possession first. |
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
I'm not going to explain it anymore as you obviously don't understand but that's ok. You prefer the online store, I use retail. I mean after all everyone deserves this pack, but I guess ANet and NCSoft think otherwise. Shame.
![]() |

To all those who have this pack and don't want others to be able to buy:
That's the only thing it's possible to say to people like you.
That's the only thing it's possible to say to people like you.
Originally Posted by CHunterX
Thats nice, you chose the incentive of 5 GAME bux instead of the incentive for content, and now you regret it, and all of a sudden Areanet should change it for you?
Please, read some of the thread, at least the latest 5-10 pages of it. Name calling is the sign of a weak argument. And against the rules. If someone is able to buy the BMP in the in-game store in a few months, what was preventing them from qualifying for it in the original four months time, by simply purchasing EotN? Why should they get it cheaper when they ignored the promotion that specifically stated "The Bonus Pack will only be available to the exact account that fulfills this promotion in the in-game store?" |
If a company runs a promotion for x period of time (limited time) there is nothing that prevents them from reintroducing the promotion.
Also, if your question was also why should items get cheaper on a latter date? For the simple reason that items devaluate over time. Am I complaining that "Hey I paid 29.99 for Prophecies, why are people allowed to buy it for 14.99, they shouldn't be, its not fair to me"?
From the plethora of responses, most are complaining that it cost them xyz for useless things such as and that it would be unfair to them if it were made available cheaper. Seriously folks, you paid the price to be privy to the bonus pack. If it is made available and for a considerably low amount, please learn that things get cheaper over time.
The bonus pack is CONTENT and having content that is privy to some is totally against the principles of this game.
There is no reason to feel jealous, or twist mean spiritedness into this...it is only a game.
And I thank everyone for posting the beautiful pictures of the BMP locations and skins!
Who knows...maybe this is a taste of something to come in the future of GW...(GW2?)
Originally Posted by dan-the-noob
Let me just point something out to you. The flipping store version:
1) HAS NO MANUAL 2) IS ONLY A PAPER THIN CASE (not even a box) 3)THE DISC ISN'T EVEN NEEDED TO PLAY GW So i don't see how that is a reason to not allow us the opportunity to buy the BMP. It's so amazing how you can cry so badly over an item you haven't even seen first hand!!! Do you want me to dam well take photo's of the outstanding box, amazing "bonus key booklet" (manual in your case) just to drill that FACT into you!? P.S. I also notice you keep saying discS <-- plural. There is no plural about it. 1 disc, that isn't even needed to play the game. |
Originally Posted by Azagoth
Erm, you seem to slightly mistaken there! At this exact moment I am looking at the EotN retail version and it's in a full size pastic DVD case with a full coulour manual and a map!
Originally Posted by Ecomancer
If a company runs a promotion for x period of time (limited time) there is nothing that prevents them from reintroducing the promotion.
Originally Posted by Ecomancer
Also, if your question was also why should items get cheaper on a latter date? For the simple reason that items devaluate over time.
Originally Posted by Ecomancer
From the plethora of responses, most are complaining that it cost them xyz for useless things such as and that it would be unfair to them if it were made available cheaper. Seriously folks, you paid the price to be privy to the bonus pack. If it is made available and for a considerably low amount, please learn that things get cheaper over time.
The bonus pack is CONTENT and having content that is privy to some is totally against the principles of this game. |
Originally Posted by Ecomancer
The bonus pack is CONTENT and having content that is privy to some is totally against the principles of this game.