And i did tried my luck with SMS before unfortuantly i came 2 days to late. They had just stopped recruiting(this was a couple of months ago). Also i am euro and most of SMS are americans/canadians

LF HM Euro Guild No UB ^^
Originally Posted by Martin Firestorm
My thought is mind your own business and let ppl play how they want to play. Don't like ursanway, don't use it. A pve only skill needs a nerf? Do you understand why skills get nerfed/buffed? No, of course you don't have any clue at all or you wouldn't have suggested that. Here's your answer: pvp balance. Are you seeing the pointlessness of your suggestion yet?
bel unbreakable
Originally Posted by Martin Firestorm
My thought is mind your own business and let ppl play how they want to play. Don't like ursanway, don't use it. A pve only skill needs a nerf? Do you understand why skills get nerfed/buffed? No, of course you don't have any clue at all or you wouldn't have suggested that. Here's your answer: pvp balance. Are you seeing the pointlessness of your suggestion yet?
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
On the topic of SMS, i agree they are very skilled players. But them trashing UB the way they do, and then use one of the most imba builds in PvE history is just hilarious to say the least. For the record TNTF+SY Paragon = UB.
Originally Posted by Vinraith
There should never be a single "best way" to do things in an RPG, it kills game variety, depth, strategy, and challenge and just leaves a generally crappy PvE experience. I'm all for removing what has functionally become a cheat code from the game. If nothing else, it's made farming high end areas far too easy and as such negatively impacts the player driven economy.
Originally Posted by Ghost Omel
I think its an awsome skill for some 1 who has problems with their build
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I HATE Ursan way. Why? Because it DOES cause discrimination. Sure... mesmers and sins and what not can now do elite areas. But only if they have GW:EN. Instead of causing discrimination between players due to there character (which isn't such a big deal, if you want to do UW, you can still do it by just switching to a secondary character, people forget that those guys who have mesmers and sins, etc and are discriminated against, probablly also have an ele, a necro, a monk, or a warrior that they can use instead) you cause discrimination based on what games they own (which is MUCH worse, because now people who don't have GW:EN are not able to group with 90% of the PUGs out there).
Originally Posted by trobinson97
Oh yeah?
"GLF 2 SF Eles" Ele: Doh! I don't have Nightfall. "GLF BHA Ranger" Ranger: Dammit, I don't have Factions. "GLF SS Necro" Necro: Jeez, I don't have Prophecies, ugh! See what's going on here? |
Originally Posted by Randvek
I must be hanging out in the wrong areas. I only rarely see one or two people looking for a UB group, and even much more rarely find a full team actually together.
I guess your mileage may vary. |
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
UB is a good skil IMO, but the community is totally abusing it. A slight nerf would not harm this skill. Or maybe even a restriction like say only 2 people with UB are allowed in one party.
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
Picture this: Your a monk and ask your Alliance if anyone needs lets say Great Northern Wall on HM. 3 monks say hey i need that. So you could all go smite but we all know smite aint the greatest attribute line. So then 1 goes UB the other one Air of Enchant AoE smite and the third goes signet smite with you going as standard heal/prot monk. Here UB is used in a balanced build with the UB holding Aggro and the others doing there job.
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
But all these groups asking for 6 UB in the PuG section is just lame. It does take no skill to mash 111111121111111211111112. So i really hope anet would restrict the amount of UB in a party to bring back the balanced aspect of the game.
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
And speaking of balance TNTF+SY needs a bloody nerf too its way overpowered and anyone who has played in a party with this build knows its no better than a party full of UBs. And people who bring up the excuse of "its only one lame build in a party of 8" well the bloody paragon gives Party Wide buffs.
Koda Kumi
Originally Posted by The Phantom
However, in SMS there are a lot of people who believe that SY needs to be hit as well. It just so happens that UB is abused so much more than SY and so you see us protesting against it. If there were as many threads and controversies on guru about SY you would sure as heck see us arguing about how SY needs to be nerfed as well.
Originally Posted by Koda Kumi
Oh, how I love the maturity level of this forum. Has there ever been a thread without playground flames here?
On topic: Discrimination is not the issue. The fact you need to grind a title to get into the majority of groups for high-end PvE can easily be called absurd. |
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I HATE Ursan way. Why? Because it DOES cause discrimination. Sure... mesmers and sins and what not can now do elite areas. But only if they have GW:EN. Instead of causing discrimination between players due to there character (which isn't such a big deal, if you want to do UW, you can still do it by just switching to a secondary character, people forget that those guys who have mesmers and sins, etc and are discriminated against, probablly also have an ele, a necro, a monk, or a warrior that they can use instead) you cause discrimination based on what games they own (which is MUCH worse, because now people who don't have GW:EN are not able to group with 90% of the PUGs out there).
Pyro maniac
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
Just nerf all their chants into have cast time
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
So your saying SMS is all for a nerf on SY and yet you guys seem to continously use it wherever you can. All those pics of how fast you cleared DoA, FoW,UW and whatnot all had the skill TNTF and SY. So you are against a skill but still contiously abuse it?
Originally Posted by unienaule
Where did she say that?
Nemo the Capitalist
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
But the community thats flawed by always taking the least skillfull and easiest course of action.
Originally Posted by Nemo the Capitalist
ursan is way oped and needs tobe nerfed
Originally Posted by Savio
They already do.
If you want to be effective, you use whatever happens to be the best option, even if it's retardedly overpowered and you dislike it. You don't get brownie points for using weaker builds. |
Originally Posted by Gregslot
I dont want to HAVE to play something, i want to play what i want.
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by trobinson97
You can play what you want/are capable of. Who's stopping you?
Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
It is rather ironic how the thread starters of these threads always state how overpowered Ursan is, and it should be nerfed, since the community is abusing it. I did some researches beforehand, the majority of the community had no idea what Ursan is until the discovery of these threads. In fact, the overcrowded Ursanways only formed after the introduction of the second thread. This is the third thread made about Ursan Blessing: another one that wants to nerf Ursan. In all honesty, you guys are promoting Ursan by advertising it over and over.
trobinson97: Hi again, care to join me for some ice creams afterwards? |
Alex the Great
Originally Posted by Gregslot
I remember this from Diablo2, a totally unbalanced game, focused on PvE. You HAD to play with a Sorceress or a Barbarian or else you would fail at the game.
I dont want to HAVE to play something, i want to play what i want. |
Originally Posted by Gregslot
Wow, do you think before you write?
Originally Posted by Gregslot
How long have you been playing this game?
Originally Posted by Gregslot
Better yet: How old are you?!
Originally Posted by Gregslot
Good lord, are you writng just to write?
Originally Posted by Gregslot
Anyways, the problem is the FACT (yes, it is a concrete fact) is that this skill foreces the WHOLE GUILD WARS CUMMUNITY to use it in order to play in other areas. Better yet... ANY AREA.
Originally Posted by Gregslot
Its just like an overpowered build at PvP, you have to use it in order to join play (play in pvp=join a team and win).
Originally Posted by Gregslot
If this skill stays like this, in about 3 months the whole game will be using it because it will be REQUIRED to join other teams.
Originally Posted by Gregslot
It is just like some months ago (before EoTN) a players that uses an elite skill vs. a players who doesnt use an elite skill (doesnt use it because it doenst have one).
Originally Posted by Gregslot
If you, a player with an elite skill, meet a player with no elite skill, you will imediatly kick him from your team or you will leave the party. Why? Because he is not in the same grade of power as you.
Originally Posted by Gregslot
So if i, a player with an elite skill and even with my Rank10 Sunspear skill and Rank10 Kurzick skill, wont be accepted in teams because people will be asking for Ursan Blessing, just like the exemple above. Because im not in the same grade of power as the rest of them.
Originally Posted by Gregslot
And what will i have to do? Get Ursan Blessing and max it.
So YEA, i will be FORCED to play with it, wanting it or not, no matter how good i am, even beeing capable of playing what i want. |
Originally Posted by Gregslot
What you want me to do? Get heroes and HENCHMAN to do FoW, UW, DoA, Urgoz?
YOU CANT! You have to play with players. And what will the players require? URSAN BLESSING. BAM! I am FORCED to get Ursan Blessing! AGAIN! |
Originally Posted by Gregslot
GuildWars at PvP = FlavorOfTheMonth Wars
GuildWars at PvE = Ursan Wars |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
Yeah its lame, titles will never have the same credibility:
Person 1: Wow Legendary Vanquisher Nice Person 2: Thanks Person 1: Did you UB it? Person 2: No I used my own team set ups. Person 1: YEAH RIGHT.......... |
More Outrage
Originally Posted by More Outrage
Hmm.. don`t really care and don`t see any need at all for a nerf.
Let`s face it the games over, was fun but that`s it! It`s over! So some people got stuck, well this seems to be the solution, should be if not then go buy the expansion. Get past that nasty mission/quest or whatever. If you`re complaining cos you aint got the expansion and can`t get the skill then LOL, you know what you need for Christmas. And what about PUGs? Oh for gods sake even a full group of hench left alone could do better than most PUGs and that`s been the truth for a long time. Live with it. |