Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
Guild Wars is only a game; it's not life.
And other games that that approach. Look at other RPG games, do they offer high end stuff to c-spacers?
Technically, when you run Ursan, you don't only bring one skill. You bring other skills to reinforce it. Even so, the completion time of an elite area is still somewhat similar to the standard completion time. It is not an ideal farming technique, since most farmers prefer areas with shorter completion time.
can bring other stuff but there's no need, bringing skills to enchance ursan is just kicking the monster while it's on the ground. Completion time of an elite area is somewhat similar? That depends on the group.
How are you so sure that people with Obsidian armor have to farm for so many hours? Just let you know, I just got my Obsidian armor recently; I only saved up for 2 months, while playing 30 minutes a day. I can tell you that I didn't use Ursan at all. In fact, I used the Hard Mode warrior build, which was posted on Guru. Guild Wars is a game; it's not rocket science. It doesn't take an Einstein to determine which of your daily activities yield the greatest amount of profits.
2 months isn't long for you?
I meant running high-end/Hard Mode areas.
Considering that all enemies in HM have a innate speed boost, if someone can make a viable/reliable build that can run in HM then they deserve it. They need to
think about what skills to bring
when they should use it etc etc. With Ursan you just mash '1' on the keyboard with the odd '2' and '3' thrown in just to screw over the monsters even more.
You don't have the rights to judge people who have a busy schedule, just because you don't have a busy schedule yourself. Clearly, this is not anyone's problem; it is your problem: you are unable to accept other people for being different.
Very lol.
You want to eat your cake and not get fat.
You don't want to spend the hours but you want the good stuff.
Yeah. Right. Sure. Have a nice day.
Ursan does not make a significant difference when comes to credibility of the game. There are many other avaliable options, which are more efficient. For example, it is possible to mod your Guild Wars client to find what areas you missed for your cartographer title.
That's TexMod and ANet didn't make it. They did however make Ursan
Another example would be consumables, which grant a player with even more power. I am amazed how you managed to blame all the faults to Ursan.
For most PvE players, consumables make it harder for you to die (the monks can spam orison quicker), most of them is about buffing life and whatnot. Even still you still had you use your own skills
Real life does not equal to a game. However, I'll argue anyways. In real life, there's a Ursan too, and if you don't use it, you can't even find a decent job.
To make things worse, you have to do a lot more grinding to achieve the best profit. How do I know? In university, they do offer all sort of courses like Existentialism or philosophy of logics, but we all know only the cookie-cutter few will grant us a job that pays.
At least your spending time
That doesn't apply if anyone chooses to smart play. See above for a more detailed analysis.
Because mashing '1' is super intelligent