Whats your view on Anet allowing level 10s now into GWEN?
I'm happy with it. A relative is giving my brother Factions for Christmas and I'm giving him EotN, so this just means he'll be able to play with my present faster, heh. (I'll be the one dragging him everywhere, too, so he won't be bugging you in outposts.) I imagine it will be nice when I make a new character and want to get to level 20 some way other than the usual Proph/Factions/Nightfall quests.
The more the merrier, right?
The more the merrier, right?
Hailey Anne
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Basically I personally just hate the idea, because it kills the idea of GWEN being high end content and having a sort of reasurance that most players there have experience. Also how does a lvl10 deserve to run around in high end armor or to own a destroyer weapon or prestige armor? |
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
GWEN should stay high end IMO.
If you dont like the lvl 10-19s there dont group with them. It easy to just not accept the invite.
Feminist Terrorist
GWEN was marketed as being for level 20's only, so I think Anet should stick to that. If it's a temp measure, for the weekend, then that's fine, but after that, anyone under level 20 should be unable to continue in GWEN: no more missions or quests. It just ain't right for the expansion to be marketed as "high end content", then for Anet to change that later. Lame.
max gladius
letting the players in isnt my problem, the free boost in health and armor and skill / attribute points is,
why even have lvl difference, let everyone spawn at lvl 20, start with 2mil in storage, max armor, perfect builds..... i mean isnt that why we play this game... to get best we can, lets just hand it out like candy at halloween....
btw, this is just about the end of what i can take for a game ruining itself....
why even have lvl difference, let everyone spawn at lvl 20, start with 2mil in storage, max armor, perfect builds..... i mean isnt that why we play this game... to get best we can, lets just hand it out like candy at halloween....
btw, this is just about the end of what i can take for a game ruining itself....
Stolen Souls
While they're at it they should add Ascension and the 15 Attribute Point quests immediately after leaving pre. 
After all. Things need to be more accessable.

After all. Things need to be more accessable.
Star Gazer
good idea souls! after all, everyone with full 200 attribute points affect your gameplay in every way, shape, AND form!
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Star Gazer
good idea souls! after all, everyone with full 200 attribute points affect your gameplay in every way, shape, AND form!
Rocky Raccoon
It is only for 5 hours total time over 10 days, so I see no problem with this.
Alex the Great
wow...not like it is that big a deal
takes me 5 1/2 hours to get to lvl 20 so lvl 10's wont matter that much
and you speak of lower levels like they are different than you, like they are noobs! most of them have other characters
and the grouping thing is BS, they are just as good as a lvl 20 with the boost
takes me 5 1/2 hours to get to lvl 20 so lvl 10's wont matter that much
and you speak of lower levels like they are different than you, like they are noobs! most of them have other characters
and the grouping thing is BS, they are just as good as a lvl 20 with the boost
max gladius
the fact they can get in ist the issue, the boosts are the issue, atleast from my point of view
basically in my eyes, its a cheat anet is implementing..... that is my problem, that is why i am pissed off about it....
why in the world would they think people need the boosts... isnt the game designed for you to reach certain lvls to do certain things? they are over ridding that entirely for no good reason...
basically in my eyes, its a cheat anet is implementing..... that is my problem, that is why i am pissed off about it....
why in the world would they think people need the boosts... isnt the game designed for you to reach certain lvls to do certain things? they are over ridding that entirely for no good reason...
I was they meant all levels when they said "everyone."
I don't see it as a big deal at all. As has been pointed out, they get that big buff, so their attributes won't be hurting. As has also been pointed out, most of these lower level characters will be played by experienced players. The only thing they might lack in is some skills. No biggie.
Let's tone down the rhetoric and hyberobole for just a sec...
Can someone please state a logical argument against this boost in GWEN only?
I understand GWEN was not marketed to be for level 10 players. My counter argument: This is an online game. Content is subject to change. I don't see how allowing MORE people to use a product is a bad thing.
As someone else pointed out, I'm sure some bean counter at Anet looked at the number of player under level 20, looked at GWENs sales numbers, and thought: "Hmm, if we allow lower level characters to access GWEN, maybe they'll buy more copies!"
We'll see if it works. But the upside for veterens if you don't feel like leveling up your 14th character.... well, now you can level up easily. It works for me.
Can someone please state a logical argument against this boost in GWEN only?
I understand GWEN was not marketed to be for level 10 players. My counter argument: This is an online game. Content is subject to change. I don't see how allowing MORE people to use a product is a bad thing.
Originally Posted by max gladius
the fact they can get in ist the issue, the boosts are the issue, atleast from my point of view
basically in my eyes, its a cheat anet is implementing..... that is my problem, that is why i am pissed off about it.... why in the world would they think people need the boosts... isnt the game designed for you to reach certain lvls to do certain things? they are over ridding that entirely for no good reason... |
We'll see if it works. But the upside for veterens if you don't feel like leveling up your 14th character.... well, now you can level up easily. It works for me.
Originally Posted by Risky Ranger
It is only for 5 hours total time over 10 days, so I see no problem with this.
Oh, and ps. My secondary ele has climbed 4 levels in the space of an hour thanks to the huge XP rewards and a little bit of Kilroy shaped fun. Her skill pool is more than adequate as well thanks to tomes. Certainly no different, possibly even better than a new lvl 20 fresh out of Viz Square.
It’s the review backlash of EotN that A-net is still trying to fix. A good portion of the reviews complained about the grind, and they gave a fix to that awhile back. However, their main complaint was the fact that EotN was geared for hardcore players and people who were in their level 20’s. Therefore, this is their fix to that.
I thought it was high end lvl area as well but so much for that idea.I don;t see any diferrence from low lvls in Droks wanting power lvlers.What ths means for them is when they return to the low level area they won't recieve the buff that they had.This could all be for GW2 as experiment as for the buff when soloing my guess.
The big issue I have is there are constant bugs in game right now that need fixing and they add this.I would rather them fix those bugs than do this at the moment.
The big issue I have is there are constant bugs in game right now that need fixing and they add this.I would rather them fix those bugs than do this at the moment.
Originally Posted by Age
I thought it was high end lvl area as well but so much for that idea.
End content: well, that's another topic entirely.
I honestly don't know what to think because we haven't seen the full scope of its integration yet. So until then, I will remain optimistically skeptical.
look at the complainers and mostly they are
1. farmers thinking of the drop in prices with more people getting their own instead of buying from them (the high end forum)
2. epeeners with the how can they let the casual common crud into my exclusive area.
max gladius
Originally Posted by Loviatar
there is none
look at the complainers and mostly they are 1. farmers thinking of the drop in prices with more people getting their own instead of buying from them (the high end forum) 2. epeeners with the how can they let the casual common crud into my exclusive area. |
Originally Posted by max gladius
the fact they can get in ist the issue, the boosts are the issue, atleast from my point of view
basically in my eyes, its a cheat anet is implementing..... that is my problem, that is why i am pissed off about it.... why in the world would they think people need the boosts... isnt the game designed for you to reach certain lvls to do certain things? they are over ridding that entirely for no good reason... |
anet is ruining every aspect of this game 1 step at a time.... their answers to fixes are more obsurd then the problem....
problem: mini pets are expensive.
solution: give out tons and tons so everyone has everything
problem: weapons with nice skins are wanted by many
solution: give out tons and tons so everyone has everything
problem: people are getting tired of GW
solution: make skills and armor and such people must grind to obtain
problem: ebayers get lumps of money from stores
solution: if u move more then 90k between accounts with no "equal trade" 72 hr ban
problem: people must take 6hrs to get lvl 20 to enter GWEN
solution: give them boosts to go right in at 2 hrs
anet is ran by a bunch of drama queens who are alone for the holidays and need to spred as much hate and discontent around where ever they can so they dont realize how their game is becoming a total failure.
How can anyone be bothered about this when you can get to level 20 in a day of pve? Scrubs that think levels 10-20 mean anything?
Originally Posted by max gladius
there is my logical reason.... it is unneeded update that is just ruining another aspect of the game... whats next lvl 60 heros that your character rides on the shoulders of to just walk threw the game?
Originally Posted by max gladius
anet is ruining every aspect of this game 1 step at a time.... their answers to fixes are more obsurd then the problem....
problem: mini pets are expensive. solution: give out tons and tons so everyone has everything |
But then I guess I'm not "everyone".
Originally Posted by max gladius
problem: weapons with nice skins are wanted by many
solution: give out tons and tons so everyone has everything |
Originally Posted by max gladius
problem: people are getting tired of GW
solution: make skills and armor and such people must grind to obtain |
Originally Posted by max gladius
problem: ebayers get lumps of money from stores
solution: if u move more then 90k between accounts with no "equal trade" 72 hr ban |
Originally Posted by max gladius
problem: people must take 6hrs to get lvl 20 to enter GWEN
solution: give them boosts to go right in at 2 hrs |
Originally Posted by max gladius
anet is ran by a bunch of drama queens who are alone for the holidays and need to spred as much hate and discontent around where ever they can so they dont realize how their game is becoming a total failure.
"Drama queen" indeed....
Most of the drama queens inhabit this forum.
Originally Posted by Saraphim
Most of the drama queens inhabit this forum.
*cue shocking music and closeup*
So we have been nerfing ourselfs this entire time, damnit.
Lol. Nah, it just means I think drama queen* is a hilarious term to apply to people who don't post here, unless Gaile Grey and Andrew Patrick are said hysterical people and are the only ones working at Arena.net.
Hey... what does that remind anyone of ???
Originally Posted by Urban Dictionary
Someone who turns something unimportant into a major deal. Someone who blows things way out of proportion when ever the chance is given.

It's only for the weekend. I don't know about you people.
max gladius
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Funny, I don't have a mini-Oni, Yeti, Raincaller, Mallyx, Gwen, etc.
But then I guess I'm not "everyone". |
Originally Posted by Mordakai
LOL. Well, what do you propose? (it's funny you call getting armor grind, but think rare weapons litter the ground)
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Meh, at least they're trying (if this is true).
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Uh huh. Sounds like somebody needs a hug. Do you need a hug?
what i need is anet to open their eyes and realize the stuff they are doing that isnt needed or wanted, and to fix the things that have sat broken for 2+yrs... thats what i and im sure many others need...
Originally Posted by garethporlest18
It's only for the weekend. I don't know about you people.
Originally Posted by max gladius
what are you talking about only for weekend?
I'm not upset about level 10s being in GW:EN. They won't get far. Newbies won't be able to handle playing against level 28s. Even with boosted attributes, builds would still be terrible, as would aggro management/damage reduction etc.
Their armor is boosted to max as well, all they need is one elite scroll for WoH, SF or Fleshy etc and they are just as good as you ZOMFG NERF PLOX NOOOEEES!!!
I understand your points freekedoutfish, but to be honest I'm indifferent on the matter and don't think it will have much, if any, impact on the game.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I'm not upset about level 10s being in GW:EN. They won't get far. Newbies won't be able to handle playing against level 28s.
Damage dealt is affected by the difference in level between monsters and the player.
A lvl 20 monster hits a lvl 20 player for 100% damage. A lvl 24 monster hits a lvl 20 player for over 100% damage (don't know the exact equation) because of the difference in level.
So even though the lvl 10-19 players get their HP and armor buffed to lvl 20 status, their actual level is still 10-19. Does that mean monsters will hit them for more damage then they do lvl 20 characters (because the level difference is larger)? Or does the game simply treat their level as 20 when calculating damage?
Damn, that is a HUGE question that needs to be answered.
I don't care.
My view?
Anet is hungry and wants to sell more copies of GW:EN, that's the idea behind the lvl 10 and 5 hour trial. Think about it, new player in GW:EN with only 5 hours... In 5 hours they won't cover all that GW:EN has to offer and maybe they'll want to continue playing... They would need to buy it then. If they had 15~20 hours instead of 5 maybe they'll find out there's not much to do afterwards and won't make the buy. Anet didn't stop there, improved drops, honeycombs, etc. are there just as a way to make new guys think drops are bettern in GW:EN.
Lame weekend.
Anet is hungry and wants to sell more copies of GW:EN, that's the idea behind the lvl 10 and 5 hour trial. Think about it, new player in GW:EN with only 5 hours... In 5 hours they won't cover all that GW:EN has to offer and maybe they'll want to continue playing... They would need to buy it then. If they had 15~20 hours instead of 5 maybe they'll find out there's not much to do afterwards and won't make the buy. Anet didn't stop there, improved drops, honeycombs, etc. are there just as a way to make new guys think drops are bettern in GW:EN.
Lame weekend.
max gladius
Originally Posted by Grammar
Holy crap I didn't even think of that!
Damage dealt is affected by the difference in level between monsters and the player. A lvl 20 monster hits a lvl 20 player for 100% damage. A lvl 24 monster hits a lvl 20 player for over 100% damage (don't know the exact equation) because of the difference in level. So even though the lvl 10-19 players get their HP and armor buffed to lvl 20 status, their actual level is still 10-19. Does that mean monsters will hit them for more damage then they do lvl 20 characters (because the level difference is larger)? Or does the game simply treat their level as 20 when calculating damage? Damn, that is a HUGE question that needs to be answered. |
this more effects caster weapons and spells... but only is effective in relative to lvl of caster / attacker, not to the lvl of what you are attacking... my lower lvl char, lvl 10 does get hit softer from skills of lvl 10 warrior then lvl 20 warrior, but the "core" or "base" damage of both is the same, even with attributes the same accross all...
I've got no problems with it. I have no difficulty ignoring their requests for runs and denying their "join party" requests. If they want to come H+H EotN, that's fine with me.
The whole L1-19 part of guildwars is just the tutorial mode. Anything that allows players to skip it and start playing gw proper is a good thing. They need to add some 30 attribute quests up there too.
Oh my god! People accessing a product they paid for? OMG!
Who the heck cares? If their is someone under 20 trying to get into your group, then don't let them in.
How does someone accessing EOTN content affect you? It doesn't, you just want another thing to whine about.
Who the heck cares? If their is someone under 20 trying to get into your group, then don't let them in.
How does someone accessing EOTN content affect you? It doesn't, you just want another thing to whine about.
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Toxage
Oh my god! People accessing a product they paid for? OMG!
Who the heck cares? If their is someone under 20 trying to get into your group, then don't let them in. How does someone accessing EOTN content affect you? It doesn't, you just want another thing to whine about. |
Stop whining about people whining!! ><
Originally Posted by max gladius
Seriously shut up. Just go to factions, and reach level 20 in a couple hours. This allows more people to become involved EOTN, allowing more groups to be formed for dungeons/vanquishing/HM.