Whats your view on Anet allowing level 10s now into GWEN?
Exactly. Guild Wars stopped being a decent game as soon as Anet went for the money. Now all we have is some bland quasi-clone of WoW with a ton of grinding and nothing else.
It's not like it takes any time at all to reach level 20, therefore lowering that restriction is just stupid. Anet fails to realize the only people buying Guild Wars are the ones who have had previous expansions, and thus would have a great chance of having a high level character. By dumbing down missions and requirements for that fan base is a slap in the face.
It's not like it takes any time at all to reach level 20, therefore lowering that restriction is just stupid. Anet fails to realize the only people buying Guild Wars are the ones who have had previous expansions, and thus would have a great chance of having a high level character. By dumbing down missions and requirements for that fan base is a slap in the face.
Actually, GW would have been better if they had been after money from the start, instead of trying to sell multiple Chapters. If they had made Prophecies pay to play, they'd have had the funding to make their expansions better, and PvP would still be as huge as it used to be, as they wouldnt need to pump out bad campaigns with bad skills.
Onarik Amrak
I disagree, a large chunk of the population probably wouldn't have picked it up if it was P2P.
There are advantages and disadvantages either way.
The trick is to minimise disadvantages and get the most of what you have.
There are advantages and disadvantages either way.
The trick is to minimise disadvantages and get the most of what you have.
That is very true, which will be interesting for GW2. If it's pay to play, they'll have most players quit. If it's the current system, they'll make no money. If they had made it P2P from the get go, sure, a lot of people wouldn't have gotten it, but a whole new crowd of players would have.
Even so, we're far off the topic :P
Even so, we're far off the topic :P
Loki Seiguro
Its fine imo. Theyll be kicked out after a few hours if they don't have GWEN if not..well they won't be getting far without lvl 20 heros

Rothen Kithkanan
sometimes fish you come up with the most bizarre complaints. i couldn't really care
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Are those heroes still level 20 when you aquire them from GWEN with a lvl10?
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
If so, they could go back to the game they started in with a huge advantage of having a lvl 20 monks and a lvl20 elemental at just lvl10.
Does that seem fair? |
allow me to put all the threads where low lvl monsters complain
and those were all the posts
i'd say they should remove all the heroes because you know, people who only have prophecies are under a huge disadvantage against those who have heroes, oh and ban all those lvl 20 who help their guildies on low lvl missions too!
seriously if you care that much about lvls related to monsters start QQ'ing about the ferry to docks, to cantha, the droknar runs and every way to acquire max armor, and see how many players care about it.
you always make a big deal of nothing
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by EinherjarMx
allow me to put all the threads where low lvl monsters complain
.... .... .... .... and those were all the posts |
There are 1231481548175501 threads from players complaining about GW.
Take note people

I remember they dumped C4 and announced GWEN as an expansion dedicated to the lv20's out there, meaning they rather concentrate on high end gaming/ lv20 content, then make a new chapter.
Now with the lv10's that can access EotN... I mean what the hell anet? What were they thinking? Is this another skit to sell games? I'm actually furiously pissed, not because lv10's will RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO the game (which is improbable), but they kind-of (maybe Im stretching it) went back on waht they said.
If I'm wrong, tell me, I really need to get this straight before I do something stoopid...
Now with the lv10's that can access EotN... I mean what the hell anet? What were they thinking? Is this another skit to sell games? I'm actually furiously pissed, not because lv10's will RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO the game (which is improbable), but they kind-of (maybe Im stretching it) went back on waht they said.
If I'm wrong, tell me, I really need to get this straight before I do something stoopid...
Raiin Maker
How many level 10's are there that don't have a level 20 main?
I would say very few.
I would say very few.
Then why implement this in the game? They could surely get through the other 10 levels

Raiin Maker
Originally Posted by Sujoy
Then why implement this in the game? They could surely get through the other 10 levels
![]() |
Boo hoo.
More people get to enjoy the game, if they have EoTN it means they bought a campaign and EoTN, you wan't people unable to play a game they bought UNTIL they are level 20 >.>.
Sure if your a factions character its pfft whatever.
If your a prophecies owner its....jesus christ.
If anything this is keeping their word.
GW does not have grind, if you need to get to get to level 20 to actually play a game you own, thats bloody pathetic.
More people get to enjoy the game, if they have EoTN it means they bought a campaign and EoTN, you wan't people unable to play a game they bought UNTIL they are level 20 >.>.
Sure if your a factions character its pfft whatever.
If your a prophecies owner its....jesus christ.
If anything this is keeping their word.
GW does not have grind, if you need to get to get to level 20 to actually play a game you own, thats bloody pathetic.
Rinadan Farhunt
My view on letting level 10 people into EotN:
It has no effect whatsoever on me playing the game. Not to mention that its hardly worse than getting a run to Droknar's Forge at level 1...
It has no effect whatsoever on me playing the game. Not to mention that its hardly worse than getting a run to Droknar's Forge at level 1...
Eh... interesting point. The main reason I see them doing this is so new cosumers using the premuim edition with prophecies and GW:EN bundled together will now use GW:EN as soon as they reach Lion's Arch.
But, yeah it is an interesting backslide on the whole "level 20 content." Technically though, its still the same content though. And there is a good chance a.net hadn't planed to impliment this level 10 access when they said "level 20 content." You can't blame a company for not being able to see the future.
But, yeah it is an interesting backslide on the whole "level 20 content." Technically though, its still the same content though. And there is a good chance a.net hadn't planed to impliment this level 10 access when they said "level 20 content." You can't blame a company for not being able to see the future.
Ugoff The Unholy
They didn't go back on their word, it's still "geared towards level 20's".
Would you rather have them dumb down the enemies to level 14 so that the level 10's can gain access? No, instead they buffed the level 10's. Same content, new/more players.
Would you rather have them dumb down the enemies to level 14 so that the level 10's can gain access? No, instead they buffed the level 10's. Same content, new/more players.
If they hadn't done this they may actually of Lost potential players.
I know I would've thrown away GW for good, Prophecies was just way to slow for me.
but then a shining Light,Factions.
People complained about how Factions levels people up to fast.
Now they're going to complain how EoTN doesn't need you to level up as fast if you want to play >.>
then in 3 months we will get
"The Jokes over A-net Fix EoTn" threads
Then 6 months later everyone will forget they even did this update because they are used to it.
If you hadn't made this thread, this evolution of acceptance would occur even faster.
I know I would've thrown away GW for good, Prophecies was just way to slow for me.
but then a shining Light,Factions.
People complained about how Factions levels people up to fast.
Now they're going to complain how EoTN doesn't need you to level up as fast if you want to play >.>
then in 3 months we will get
"The Jokes over A-net Fix EoTn" threads
Then 6 months later everyone will forget they even did this update because they are used to it.
If you hadn't made this thread, this evolution of acceptance would occur even faster.
Neo Nugget
You basically turn lvl 20 while in GW:EN, not permanently though.
Levels are a big deal in Guild Wars!
Getting to lv20 is not the end of the world... it can be done fast and in a enjoyable fashion, so that is not a valuable argument.
I know that having lv10's in GWEN won't affect anybody, but I just have a hard time understanding the logic behind this feature...
I know that having lv10's in GWEN won't affect anybody, but I just have a hard time understanding the logic behind this feature...
Bo Azum
The only thing I find weird about it, is the buffs.
If level 10 characters want to go to Eye of the North, feel free to try! All levels welcome!
That would be the same issue as getting a run to Droks, and then run around as a level 10 in South Shiverpeaks. OR going back, with your maximum armor and continue from Beacon's, where you left.
But with the Buffs we get to go to the Eye, it seems like a insta-powerlevel at Beacon's.
The buff is what's wrong with this, in my opinion. Not the fact level-10's can get to the Eye.
It actually might be challenging getting to the Eye as a level 10, on your own, and withOUT the buffs. But with them? No.
If level 10 characters want to go to Eye of the North, feel free to try! All levels welcome!
That would be the same issue as getting a run to Droks, and then run around as a level 10 in South Shiverpeaks. OR going back, with your maximum armor and continue from Beacon's, where you left.
But with the Buffs we get to go to the Eye, it seems like a insta-powerlevel at Beacon's.
The buff is what's wrong with this, in my opinion. Not the fact level-10's can get to the Eye.
It actually might be challenging getting to the Eye as a level 10, on your own, and withOUT the buffs. But with them? No.
Lady Raenef
Anet has to make money, and if they can't make money off their product because no additional content or new options aren't being made, no sells. They have the free to play option available because that alone attracts customers, but to keep it going strong, they need to do things like this. Honestly, I really don't care because the only way to make a lame player any good, is to let them have practice. Team up with them, and show them the ropes instead of complaining.
More Outrage
I love it. Gave me a reason to play all my low lvl mule chars, must get Ursan Blessing and pwn when I get back to the starter islands.
Funniest thing so far is my Mesmer with attributes 12/9/9/9 making my starter skill bar work very nicely, a very strange but welcome bonus. I feel so leet lol
Can`t wait to try out a multi talented ele.
Funniest thing so far is my Mesmer with attributes 12/9/9/9 making my starter skill bar work very nicely, a very strange but welcome bonus. I feel so leet lol

Can`t wait to try out a multi talented ele.
This is just a way for people buying the platinum edition to experience the GWEN stuff a bit more quickly. Personally, I thought prophecies was too drawn out, and if that's the only campaign I had, I'd welcome a way to get through some of the more annoying parts a bit more quickly.
The only thing I would have done differently would be to *not* give out the extra attribute points as much as they have. Instead, I would have allowed you to set 1 attribute to 12, and called it a day.
The only thing I would have done differently would be to *not* give out the extra attribute points as much as they have. Instead, I would have allowed you to set 1 attribute to 12, and called it a day.
It was released as high level content. Allowing level 10's in completely defeats that purpose. I agree with freekedoutfish.
Sleeper Service
it still is "high level content" its just that low levels get buffed to spec.
classic Anet fix and example of how they twist their way through things they said previously. Dont get me wrong i have nothing against it, but its annoying when someone repeatedly tells you such and such thing is impossible or/and that its just not going to happen and then they turn round and do it anyways.
classic Anet fix and example of how they twist their way through things they said previously. Dont get me wrong i have nothing against it, but its annoying when someone repeatedly tells you such and such thing is impossible or/and that its just not going to happen and then they turn round and do it anyways.
Jongo River
Originally Posted by pamelf
It was released as high level content. Allowing level 10's in completely defeats that purpose.
...in response to the topic, I'd say my view on it is "So f**king what?"
GW:EN was released as high-level content, yes, but if you're enjoying it with your high level characters, who gives a s**t if some level 10 is in GW:EN? Making something out of nothing, yeesh.
GW:EN was released as high-level content, yes, but if you're enjoying it with your high level characters, who gives a s**t if some level 10 is in GW:EN? Making something out of nothing, yeesh.
el oh el pee vee eee! But, aren't thos lvl10's buffed to lvl20 style? So it doesn't really matter does it?
well i dont mind..i just took my level 10 ele from NF over and several hours later i have most of EoN primary done gained most heros and am now level 20 with a couple of elites under my belt..
one thing i have noticed though...is in towns and outposts..low levels wanting a run..eg in EoN outpost someone spams looking for runner to Gunnar...i say take h/h..he says have tried but keeps dying.
one thing i have noticed though...is in towns and outposts..low levels wanting a run..eg in EoN outpost someone spams looking for runner to Gunnar...i say take h/h..he says have tried but keeps dying.

Originally Posted by Yanman.be
el oh el pee vee eee! But, aren't thos lvl10's buffed to lvl20 style? So it doesn't really matter does it?
max in any line is 12...if i recall rightly

I think that the buffs should be removed, lvl10's should be able to feel free to try to come and do EotN, but there is no way they should get buffs just because they are lower level. I guess the idea of EotN being 'high-end' content has really gone out the window now...
doesnt bother me the more the merrier, wont affect my gameplay and maybe more will buy gwen when they can get into it.
its not too difficult gettign to level 20 unless you are prophicies character and nice for them to get there
its not too difficult gettign to level 20 unless you are prophicies character and nice for them to get there
Guild Wars: Eye of the North is the first true expansion for the Guild Wars franchise, providing new content geared exclusively for level 20 characters. |
Characters can now enter Eye of the North as early as level 10 by accepting the quest |
Now a level 10 character can enter and they get buffed so that they can play in here.
What they did was go back on their word.. again.
Is nobody a little ticked off at this? That new character you made and grinded to get to level 20 in order to into eotn was a waist of time. Now some scrub can get power leveled to 10 and go in. Where is the fairness in this? (and no, this didn't happen to me)
This is as fair as making it that you can start a brand new character in eotn at level 20 with the 30 attribute points. We paid for new content geared for level 20.
Thoughts anyone...
Dante the Warlord
I think we have have several characters... so what is the problem starting a little earlier in EoTN? I like the idea personally, my lvl 19 ranger was denied entrance to EoTN when it first came out.... he was 1 lvl off.... Anyways, if they have the skill to do the missions well, i don't see why not! Besides when did lvl ever play a big issue... this isn't WoW, lvl is so easy to obtain.
Originally Posted by ThyNecromancer
Dec 6th update
I thought EOTN was supposed to be the "elite" section of the game, hence all the dungeons and the fact that you had to be level 20 to enter. Now a level 10 character can enter and they get buffed so that they can play in here. |
It was set at lv 20 to obviate the need of a 'newbie' island, it wasnt created as an 'elite' expansion.
Onarik Amrak
It's still meant for lvl20s. Are you telling me a lvl10 without the buff can survive?
lvl 20 ≠ elite
If this was WoW, you'd have a point, but GW was advertised as grind-free..no level grind ftw eh? now they can start title grind

Servant of Kali
Is nobody a little ticked off at this? |
It's absolutely disgusting how many people want to have their own private sandbox. I thought people around me leave much to be desired when it comes to personal qualities, but when I see people in MMOs I thank God for people around me IRL.
Eric Cartman syndrome needs to DIE. For those who don't know what it means, it's a "all for me none for you" and "looking down on others and feeling good because they don't have what you do, nya nya nya".
That new character you made and grinded to (...). Where is the fairness in this? |
Fools dwelling in darkness,
wise in their own conceit,
and puffed up with vain knowledge,
go round in circles,
like blind men led by the blind.
The Hereafter never rises before the eyes of the careless child,
deluded by the delusion of wealth.
"This is the world," he thinks,"there is no other";
thus he falls again and again under my sway.
* Yama - Katha Upanishad
(Yama = Vedic god of Death and Justice)