What was the dumbest thing you did as a noob?
King Farquaad
well i still do it. when i buy something like armour, i click to buy it and i accidentaly click again to buy it again by accident because i dont see nothing happen to the screen when i buy something. so i ended up wasting all my money cause i kept buying the same thing.
Kendar Muert
I couldn't for the life of me figure out how the Crystal Desert teleport thingies worked- and that was after I had played for close to a year. Just dense, I guess....
Abe Grey
I was really drunk one night and decided to roll up a new mes. Took out all my cash from storage to buy armor etc. FORGOT about the money cause of the drink and then saw I already had a mes so I deleted him along with 87k.
one from recently
going in UW as 55 with my friend as SS while i was still wearing my 600 armor
going in UW as 55 with my friend as SS while i was still wearing my 600 armor
Orange Milk
Metor Shower on my Ranger
Apply Posion + Barrage and saying WTF?
bought 2 Steel Ingots for 2k instead of 200g that the guy wanted.
Apply Posion + Barrage and saying WTF?
bought 2 Steel Ingots for 2k instead of 200g that the guy wanted.
The Way Out
Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
one from recently
going in UW as 55 with my friend as SS while i was still wearing my 600 armor |
I did the following early in my guildwars career...
Merchanted Ecto...
Merchanted Black Dye...
Salvaged a piece of 15k armor...
Merchanted a perfect jade sword...
Gave away my birthday presents because I didn't know what they were...
Two years later...
I salvaged a Norn Woad...
Merchanted a perfect colossal...
Merchanted 80+ lockpicks at 3am in the morning...
Kept push to talk held down on vent while I was talking to myself...
Lastly... got my guild to run me to the forgemaster for FoW and forgot cloth and tanned hides...
Nemo the Capitalist
Originally Posted by jimmyboveto
I FFF a lot. I mean, i spent the majority of my newbie days fffing... a lot. I feel so stupid for letting those selfish guilds take advantage of me. What did I get out of it? Nothing. I wasn't doing elite missions then even though we owned urgoz, and I sure as hell wasn't spending my money on discounted keys...
get the chunks for urself....screw teh guild
This happened yesterday after 2000++ hours of playing the game.
I was trying to get Protector of Elona on my Tyrian Necromancer, and for the life of me, I could not figure out why I was missing one mission. Took me a long time look and after comparing maps with a guildmate, I found it: Chabek Village.
I was trying to get Protector of Elona on my Tyrian Necromancer, and for the life of me, I could not figure out why I was missing one mission. Took me a long time look and after comparing maps with a guildmate, I found it: Chabek Village.
Skyy High
Originally Posted by Nemo the Capitalist
get the chunks for urself....screw teh guild
I sold the first ecto I ever found.......to the merchant.......for 100g.
By far the most silly thing I ever did. Never second a monk with a warrior
Caged Fury
Dumbest thing I've ever done was when I first started. I tried, very hard, to leave Ascalon City via a closed gate in the wall. Spent quite a long time standing by the gate going through emotes (including made up ones e.g. /open), thinking there was a special command/action that will open the gate to let me out of the city. When I failed miserably, I ran around the city and noticed people run to a big, glowing blue thing and disappeared. I then realised how stupid I was being.

I tried everything to open those gates too
but i think the common mistake alot of people made/make is selling everything to the merchant 
I must have wasted thousands by selling dye /materials and weapons to the merchant over time...

I must have wasted thousands by selling dye /materials and weapons to the merchant over time...
deleted my sin on accident lost around 500kish
I Is Special
When i started playing i thought that i couldnt leave Ascalon City -post searing, because i couldnt find the teleporter and i thought that after finishing presearing that i had finished the game...so i stopped playing for about a week.
Dr Strangelove
My ex
not really as as noob... but i deleted my warrior with fow armor as i was rerolling for gvg.... then i did it again in 3 months when i had over a mill worth of gear and fow boots.... then i change the name so i wouldn't delete it again.
Originally Posted by Torra
I was never a "Noob" a Noob is a complete idiot who never learns and just wants to piss people off. A "Newb" or "Newbie" however (Which means your New to something), well i missed the Festival Hats for Halloween and Wintersday 2005 because i didn't know what day they gave the hats and also i didn't think Halloween would give anyone hats since it's not a big holiday.

Snow Bunny
This was oh my goodness, must have been my 7th day of playing. I joined some guild called "Mitsoko's Grand Mercenary Army" [MGMA] and was promoted to officer because it was one of those 1 leader/3 officer/2 member start-up guilds, you know, the ones that end up dissolving 2 weeks after conception?
Well, we needed to buy a guild hall, but didn't have enough money; we needed 7k (or about that) more. I had found a black dye, when it was 12k for one. I didn't know the exact amount, and thus I gave him the full 12k. He took it, bought the hall, and kept the change.
It was all the money I had
Well, we needed to buy a guild hall, but didn't have enough money; we needed 7k (or about that) more. I had found a black dye, when it was 12k for one. I didn't know the exact amount, and thus I gave him the full 12k. He took it, bought the hall, and kept the change.
It was all the money I had

Didn't get into FoW/UW until ecto prices had become a third of their former glory.
I didnt realise I could use Ursan Blessing to complete all the hard areas of the game with other people untill after I had already finished them with H/H.
Wow, I fail at GW. Gogogogo Ursan Blessing
I wish I could use it, but im too noob for the amazingness that is Ursan Blessing.
Wow, I fail at GW. Gogogogo Ursan Blessing

I wish I could use it, but im too noob for the amazingness that is Ursan Blessing.
Hokays, so I just bought this super cute pair of Elite Druids Shoesies for my Ranger and dyed it pink :3
And I salvaged them, thinking they were my old pair. D:<
And I salvaged them, thinking they were my old pair. D:<
Originally Posted by tyxa
well,back at newb days I got a old school black dye in the stinger quest cave,and I remember I merched the dye black dye...I was like..wow.1g for a dye...
Originally Posted by Karis Elanay
Hokays, so I just bought this super cute pair of Elite Druids Shoesies for my Ranger and dyed it pink :3
And I salvaged them, thinking they were my old pair. D:< |
LOL I'm just kidding!
For me I can't really think of anything other than probably paying too much for weapons when I was a noob. I payed 1k for a collector sword which was kinda dumb. I also got a Droks run when I was at Dragon's Lair.
Zahr Dalsk
Didn't buy the game when it was sitting there right on a shelf at EB Games in 2005 :P
Sold a 2 year mini-pet in pre-searing for 5k...
Konig Des Todes
O, where to start...I'll just name the 3 biggest noob things I have done. In order of when it was done.
1)Deleting my first necro and first sin because my new characters were not getting the bonus weapons and I wanted the characters to have them so I "remade" my account...
2)Buying 2 Major Blood and 2 Major Soul reaping for my second necro*may it rest in peace, next thing shows why*
3)Deleting my second necro and first big time *and only real* warrior. Necro had 15k necrotic and my war had 15k kurzick and some proph 15k, which one i cannot remember...may they both rest in peace...
1)Deleting my first necro and first sin because my new characters were not getting the bonus weapons and I wanted the characters to have them so I "remade" my account...
2)Buying 2 Major Blood and 2 Major Soul reaping for my second necro*may it rest in peace, next thing shows why*
3)Deleting my second necro and first big time *and only real* warrior. Necro had 15k necrotic and my war had 15k kurzick and some proph 15k, which one i cannot remember...may they both rest in peace...
Did a few:
1. Played for a few hours until I got the quests Across the Wall and the res signet. Since I didn't know anyone in game, didn't feel confident enough to ask random people to join me, and couldn't find any henchies, I thought I couldn't continue so gave up.
2. Six months later, some friends were all starting the game and forming a guild, so I logged back into the account and got my character out of pre-searing. After a few hours, I realised I'd missed almost all the skill quests in pre-searing and thought I'd gimped my ranger (who was six months old!) so I deleted her and started over. I didn't realise I could still get those skills on the original character!
3. Played my ranger right through until Droks before I realised that the 4th bag was the same as the third. It was only when I asked a guildy when the 4th bags would appear that I found out. I mean, the second was a belt pouch, then the third was a bag and only available in post-searing...so I was waiting for the fourth to appear at the merch. It didn't help that the pic with the bag in place looked different to the one without the bag
4. I was just starting to look at collecting mini pets, and someone was trying to sell a mini bone dragon. I asked them how much, and they said 'pm offer' - so I offered 10k (not having any idea what they were worth), and wondered why they said "you've gotta be kidding".
1. Played for a few hours until I got the quests Across the Wall and the res signet. Since I didn't know anyone in game, didn't feel confident enough to ask random people to join me, and couldn't find any henchies, I thought I couldn't continue so gave up.
2. Six months later, some friends were all starting the game and forming a guild, so I logged back into the account and got my character out of pre-searing. After a few hours, I realised I'd missed almost all the skill quests in pre-searing and thought I'd gimped my ranger (who was six months old!) so I deleted her and started over. I didn't realise I could still get those skills on the original character!
3. Played my ranger right through until Droks before I realised that the 4th bag was the same as the third. It was only when I asked a guildy when the 4th bags would appear that I found out. I mean, the second was a belt pouch, then the third was a bag and only available in post-searing...so I was waiting for the fourth to appear at the merch. It didn't help that the pic with the bag in place looked different to the one without the bag
4. I was just starting to look at collecting mini pets, and someone was trying to sell a mini bone dragon. I asked them how much, and they said 'pm offer' - so I offered 10k (not having any idea what they were worth), and wondered why they said "you've gotta be kidding".
One I can remember now:
I dropped an obsidian shard after I ran out of inventory room while in FoW because I thought it was worthless.
I dropped an obsidian shard after I ran out of inventory room while in FoW because I thought it was worthless.
Asked why normal mode is so hard.
Deleted a charrie with Kuunavang in the inventory... Smashed my head in a couple of times when I realized where I left that bloody thing.
Have not let my minipets out of my xunlai ever since.
Have not let my minipets out of my xunlai ever since.
Marty Silverblade
Mending, Orison of Healing, and Healing Breeze all on my Warriors bar at the one time (back in 2005). 3 days later, after trying to get through icedome, I realised how bad they were and dropped them for useful skills.
Paying 700g for a blue 11-18 dmg bow for my ranger with fire storm and fireball. I was such a noob :P
Not discovering Wiki for about 7 months after i was playing...people told me about it but i tought it was .com....not .org
Merching nice things to Merchant
Merching nice things to Merchant

Originally Posted by garethporlest18
I payed 1k for a collector sword which was kinda dumb.
Max collector weapons are as good as it gets stat-wise, I still use several collector items on my main character.
When I was a newbie I would have thought that was pretty good invested money. It took me at least a month to go from Ascalon to the Desert, a nice collector weapon would certainly had helped.
Dumbest thing myself?
* Panicing when not finding the save-game button.
* Not finding the entrance to the Northern Wall mission, went all over Ascalon, before I stumbled on it inside the City!
Anime Divine
ill join in :O
i remember when i first started playing ab with my warrior i though minions were so cool i had to put them in my skillbar i played a week with that untill i had enough that people kept calling me noob
merch good stuff.
saying greens are worth more than golds
etc etc.
i remember when i first started playing ab with my warrior i though minions were so cool i had to put them in my skillbar i played a week with that untill i had enough that people kept calling me noob
merch good stuff.
saying greens are worth more than golds
etc etc.
When I was a noob, I thought purple and blue items were really worth something and would spend hours modding them up and trying to sell them.
This is not so much as a noobish thing rather where I’m old and easily confused.
Around the time of Faction release I was away for a couple of weeks on holiday. I loaded Faction before I went and on my return went with my 55 monk to farm the usual places at the time.
Unbeknown to me, didn’t look when I logged on, my guild had become part of an alliance. As people started to talk I got very confused with the gold text in my peripheral view thinking they where in fact gold drops.
All very confusing and disappointing
Around the time of Faction release I was away for a couple of weeks on holiday. I loaded Faction before I went and on my return went with my 55 monk to farm the usual places at the time.
Unbeknown to me, didn’t look when I logged on, my guild had become part of an alliance. As people started to talk I got very confused with the gold text in my peripheral view thinking they where in fact gold drops.
All very confusing and disappointing

Echuu Ishtar
Putting att. points in everything with my ele thinking that balanced stats made the best characters, then proceeding to spam flare.
i wanted to be a warrior, but didn't like the warrior armor. So i made an ele/war. -.-