strongly encourage everyone who is upset about this to contact ANET about it and let them know your displeasure with their actions.
Letters always are stronger than email, here is the mail address:
ArenaNet, Inc.
227 Bellevue Way NE #75
Bellevue, WA 98004
If you must send an email, I think this address is most appropriate:
[email protected]
And for the 100th time, for those who think this is about selfishness, elitism, or happiness in others not having something you have, stop beating that poor strawman to death.
This isn't about you at all. It's not between us and you, it's a beef between us and ANET. I don't care if others can get it, or how they get it. It's about the perception of being lied to and taken advantage of. If they had just re-opened the original offer (buy $30 or whatever in the online store, get it free) and let it go on forever, I would have no problem with it. But turning around and selling it now for only $10 is a kick in the face to those of us they were so strongly "thanking" for buying stuff in the online store.
You guys who want it (and Gaile) can spin it all day long, it doesn't change how this whole thing
really went down.
1) The implication was made
very strongly that the only way to obtain it was going to be thru the original promotion. Please note I didn't say they promised it. But it was definately a strong implication. It's exclusivity is also proven by the fact that the items are customized. They wanted it to be private and exclusive to those that got it through the promotion.
2) It comes out, and many people want it, and are screaming to give money to ANET.
3) ANET suddenly realizes there is much money to be made. But they also can't be naive enough to realize that people will not be happy about it. So Gaile comes out and starts the leagalese and spin doctoring. It was obvious from that point that it was going to be sold, and they were trying to do a pre-emptive strike on ruffled feathers. Complete waste of time.
This is about integrity and deciet and honor, and nothing else. Something that I thought ANET had, but now it's obvious that they do not.
They are willing to mortage their future vs the short term gain of extra cash now.
If the BMP was a big "thank you" to those who bought stuff in the online store during the promotion, than it's fair to say that selling it now is a big "F#*k you" to us now.
Someone earlier in this thread said that they have been shooting themselves in the foot lately. They've been shooting themselves in the foot for over a year.
How many people left over changes in the past? The 8 player reduced to 6 player HoH matches? Loot scaling? The abandonment of the original Guild Wars model to make GW2? Constant farming nerfs? The list goes on and on.
They have proven they have no integrity and cannot be trusted to keep their word at all. I hope that Guild Wars 2 suffers horribly and leaves them all scrambling to find new jobs.