[Dev Update] Exploits and Bans – 10 January 2008
Well, after seeing all this, A Net is probably benefitting even more than just saving the economy. Because a majority of these 117 people were probably rich to start with, this is a large money sink.... Just an idea, but its possible
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
what? whats the point? they break eula.... they are all subject to punishment also. ok they dont have the man power. but its these breaches of user agreement which made these 117 think it may be ok to exploit mallyx. wrong i know but you cant punish one without the other.counter argue all you want.
they cant punish one without the other...no matter the seriousness. if you do wrong you get punished to my knowledge... ethics morals and the law all stand by what i say. all of the "minor offenses" still are profiteeering and exploits. get off my back and let me help these guys |
Its the same reason you can speed past a cop sitting in a speed trap and not get yourself a ticket. Part of it requires identification of the offender, as well as intent, as well as a means of capture, seriousness of the offense.
Bots are harder to identify as such. If Anet had the manpower, they'd ban all bots. They wish to. They just cant identify all of them, track all of them and get that done, but they ban all the ones they can and have been doing that for ages now. There's still more coming in than they can give a speedy exit to.
Now along comes someone like one of the 117, leaving a nice trail in the logs that is ridiculously obvious, exploiting a high end boss for large monetary gain and its easy for them to see. What did you think Anet was going to do? Ignore them and let them continue because they havent gotten rid of all the bots? What do you think the policeman in the speed trap is going to do when his or her radar detects a speeder and they get a call about an armed robbery? Its not a valid argument you are making.
Some criminals deserve to be caught. Some of the excuses are also very entertaining, and games imitate real life.

Originally Posted by SirJackassIII
Though last time I checked, ANet bans bots as well. They just keep coming back...so that really doesn't go unpunished.
high priestess anya
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
If you think you deserve to be un-banned because you can cite a bot that has not been banned, then they should also ban your ip so you cant come back and make another account.
Its the same reason you can speed past a cop sitting in a speed trap and not get yourself a ticket. Part of it requires identification of the offender, as well as intent, as well as a means of capture, seriousness of the offense. Bots are harder to identify as such. If Anet had the manpower, they'd ban all bots. They wish to. They just cant identify all of them, track all of them and get that done, but they ban all the ones they can and have been doing that for ages now. There's still more coming in than they can give a speedy exit to. Now along comes someone like you, leaving a nice trail in the logs that is ridiculously obvious, exploiting a high end boss for large monetary gain and its easy for them to see. What did you think Anet was going to do? Ignore you and let you continue because they havent gotten rid of all the bots? What do you think the policeman in the speed trap is going to do when his or her radar detects a speeder and they get a call about an armed robbery? Some criminals deserve to be caught. Some of the excuses are also very entertaining, and games imitate real life. ![]() And you can come back too, Anya. Unfortunately. |
im not here for myself. an unban would be justified for me i will be getting what i deserve. the others deserve the ban if they repeatedly farmed mallyx and i back the ban. i am merely pointing out that ANET cannot punish one without the other. ethics and morals bla bla...
the aim of my last few posts is focused on better policing of the game, not ...unbanning...
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
as far as im aware ANET's drop off point means i get my account back...
im not here for myself. an unban would be justified for me i will be getting what i deserve. the others deserve the ban if they repeatedly farmed mallyx and i back the ban. i am merely pointing out that ANET cannot punish one without the other. ethics and morals bla bla... |
Fril Estelin
I think that there's a beautiful book to write about this story.
Tiel: "How Mallyx killed my GW account"
Chapter 1. Presentation of Guild Wars and Anet
Chapter 2. The hack and the guys that exploited the server vulnerability
Chapter 3. The reaction of Anet and the GW population
Chapter 4. Morale of the story
I'd like to see a Chapter3.5 where people go to trial against Anet. I'm pretty sure they'd loose and that would make a strong precedent for GW2. The business of EULAs is a strong one in the law and I'd be surprised that Anet and NCSoft could be beaten at that "game" (no offense to lawyers).
We've spent too much time circling over the same topics, just written differently. It'd be good that everyone stops for a day or two, maybe spend that time re-reading calmly this thread, and that Anet comes back to us revealing the extent of the "affair". I'm waiting for the next announcement, because on the side of the exploiters I don't see any progress at all since around page 50.
Tiel: "How Mallyx killed my GW account"
Chapter 1. Presentation of Guild Wars and Anet
Chapter 2. The hack and the guys that exploited the server vulnerability
Chapter 3. The reaction of Anet and the GW population
Chapter 4. Morale of the story
I'd like to see a Chapter3.5 where people go to trial against Anet. I'm pretty sure they'd loose and that would make a strong precedent for GW2. The business of EULAs is a strong one in the law and I'd be surprised that Anet and NCSoft could be beaten at that "game" (no offense to lawyers).
We've spent too much time circling over the same topics, just written differently. It'd be good that everyone stops for a day or two, maybe spend that time re-reading calmly this thread, and that Anet comes back to us revealing the extent of the "affair". I'm waiting for the next announcement, because on the side of the exploiters I don't see any progress at all since around page 50.
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
... but its these breaches of user agreement which made these 117 think it may be ok to exploit mallyx. ...
They knew that Duncan ferry was fixed asap. That is huge hint
Thus, they knew that it was serious enough that anet would fix it once it went public.
They were very secretive about it. Why be so secretive? Because it would be fixed.
If they knew it was due to be fixed, they knew they were abusing bug. Hence, "QQ, i am innocet, i didnt know it was wrong" does not work at all.
How the hell should anet react to people who found bug, exploited it and were secretive about it?
55 on its own is not a breach. botting is. 55 is lame, but legal. And anet actually bans bots.
Running to get max armor is completelly fine with anet since day 1.
Duncan (and tele-anywhere) was fixed asap - it was actually cue that anet does not like people skipping content to get rewards.
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
We've spent too much time circling over the same topics, just written differently. It'd be good that everyone stops for a day or two, maybe spend that time re-reading calmly this thread, and that Anet comes back to us revealing the extent of the "affair". I'm waiting for the next announcement, because on the side of the exploiters I don't see any progress at all since around page 50.

Honestly, my position was best summed up in my single post some pages back now and I should have stopped somewhere around there. I'm just amazed so much by the positions of some I read that I really want to reply. M..u..s..t not.

Forum rants only get people frustrated because everyones too blind to read everything, yes I do it too but if your responding to people and having a go either dont or please understand what their saying. Youll only get yourself as mad as them when they dont listen to you either.
What we can learn from this thread:
People dont like to be mis-read
People like to mis-read
Mis-reading is the problem of this thread
Anets relation team sucks and also mis-read
Guild Wars is still poorly managed
If your banned concentrate on something else, yes you will feel robbed and all that stuff but just move on. You made a mistake and now your paying for it. Sue anet if you want, maybe it'll get a new management team and be a good thing but until then just get on with it.
What we can learn from this thread:
People dont like to be mis-read
People like to mis-read
Mis-reading is the problem of this thread
Anets relation team sucks and also mis-read
Guild Wars is still poorly managed
If your banned concentrate on something else, yes you will feel robbed and all that stuff but just move on. You made a mistake and now your paying for it. Sue anet if you want, maybe it'll get a new management team and be a good thing but until then just get on with it.
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
GWG team doing an excellent job :P sorry for one liner |
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
What? Defending Anet? Come now. Have you ever read any of my posts? I complain about Anet as much as I praise them. Depends on the issue. If you disagree with Anet in this case fine. Dont take it out on those who happen to agree.
Inde said no names, no outing, no one liners.... so those keep getting deleted. People keep posting but we are not advancing page-wise. Posts are being deleted faster than they are being posted.
I say Kudos Mods!!

Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
read my last 20 posts....
you cant join in half way through an argument unless you are psychic |
When we'll look back at this thread later, it'll be amazing to see how many people may have been lying around. This is the "internet anonymized me" effect that script kiddies used... until they realised that they could be located exactly located.
*knock knock on the door Excuse me sir, do you own the computer that had the IP address 123.456 from ISP fastNet?*
new GW version:
*Err045 you've been perma-banned* *goes to webforums to complain and make his case* *sorry the case is closed and you're guilty!*
high priestess anya
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
Actually zwei2stein's argument stands on its own, unrelated to the previous 105 pages, and it's a very strong one. IIRC Gaile mentioned that some people sold this ferrying and asked people to keep it secret (source: here). So that automatically makes more suspicious the comparison with previous exploits and it surely does sound wrong when people want to get out of the "guilty" box. It looks like "intent" in a legal framework, though I'm not versed into this domain.
When we'll look back at this thread later, it'll be amazing to see how many people may have been lying around. This is the "internet anonymized me" effect that script kiddies used... until they realised that they could be located exactly located. *knock knock on the door Excuse me sir, do you own the computer that had the IP address 123.456 from ISP fastNet?* new GW version: *Err045 you've been perma-banned* *goes to webforums to complain and make his case* *sorry the case is closed and you're guilty!* |
please read my last 20 posts before quoting me
you guys seem to think i am guilty also
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Dont Mess WithMe
I think she/he means that Guild Wars Guru Mods are all over this thread deleting inappropriate posts, doing their job quite well. Inde said no names, no outing, no one liners.... so those keep getting deleted. People keep posting but we are not advancing page-wise. Posts are being deleted faster than they are being posted. I say Kudos Mods!! ![]() |
Feel better already. And yes, kudos to the mods on this one, certainly.
high priestess anya
the length of this thread goes to show that this issue isnt black and white and no one solution solves all. ethics and morals come into play, the who is more guilty and the who deserves what punishment seem to be in set as a decision and not a total mass ban.this whole thread can help anet providing the people involved get there say without being ridiculed even further...these guys know they did wrong and have been punished. let them get their point out.
my fave quote of all time is "jumping to conclusions starts wars" its so true it hurts
sounds so funny when someone with a lisp says it also ><
my fave quote of all time is "jumping to conclusions starts wars" its so true it hurts
sounds so funny when someone with a lisp says it also ><
Originally Posted by Dont Mess WithMe
Sorry but I am still quite confused....
so what you are saying is after you killed Mallyx you had to get the quest again.. BUT... WHERE did you get the quest from?? I'm guessing the *official* post, DOA?? since the *unofficial* one did NOT have any NPC's. If this is what needed to be done... how can anybody claim they didn't know... You go to DOA get the quest You go to your GH or Party leader's GH you MAP to this post that you can not access any other way and you Kill Mallyx again hmmmmm did no bells ring??? |
3 times per run. And if Anet is running their bans off "profit" rather than "times accessed outpost" we will be seeing alot of unbans next week.
When my friend told me that you could access it via resign, I immediately thought, "oh, so you can just try again." I hadn't been to Zellix or w/e his name again except for the quest reward/quest.
Btw, congrats Anya, I hope you get your account back. Even the hope of getting an account back right now is good enough for a congrats.
Originally Posted by pablo24
The client saves the ZoneID of the zone you are in somehow. If by some weird error which I have already encountered the client thinks you are in an outpost even though you are in an explorable area, then it will save that ZoneID and if you relog you get into the Mallyx outpost! I already had that problem twice with other areas and I also simulated it for the Mallyx outpost which did indeed get me there. This was by the way how I figured out the teleport into instance exploit which is still not fixed
Originally Posted by Creeping Carl
I tried it. And it's not working for me. Are you sure that it wasnt because of a previous visit to the Ebony Citadel that allows this?
high priestess anya
this was my response to PlayNC's report saying that i was banned with good reason:
i went to the affected area but only proceeded to mallyx once. i did not ferry people to the location. i didnt know how to.the one time i actually went to mallyx from this location was once and i left mid battle. i gained nothing from the bug therefore didnt "exploit" its vulnerability.
i thank you for taking the time to assess this.
my defense is that i didnt think going to the area was permabannable as it itself holds no personal gain hence the reason why i was going there as i didnt think i was "exploiting" it. using it for no other means than to see friends...yes. there to make a profit...no.
i hope you have the means to see that i ddint profit and i hope you check the chat logs back to 5 weeks ago wheni was pleading with all my friends not to do this as it was bannable.
once again. thank you guys for taking the time to do this but please let me know if the fact that just being there with no intention of making a profit is perma- bannable.
also note the meaning of "exploit".
i went to the affected area but only proceeded to mallyx once. i did not ferry people to the location. i didnt know how to.the one time i actually went to mallyx from this location was once and i left mid battle. i gained nothing from the bug therefore didnt "exploit" its vulnerability.
i thank you for taking the time to assess this.
my defense is that i didnt think going to the area was permabannable as it itself holds no personal gain hence the reason why i was going there as i didnt think i was "exploiting" it. using it for no other means than to see friends...yes. there to make a profit...no.
i hope you have the means to see that i ddint profit and i hope you check the chat logs back to 5 weeks ago wheni was pleading with all my friends not to do this as it was bannable.
once again. thank you guys for taking the time to do this but please let me know if the fact that just being there with no intention of making a profit is perma- bannable.
also note the meaning of "exploit".
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
this was my response to PlayNC's report saying that i was banned with good reason:
i went to the affected area but only proceeded to mallyx once. i did not ferry people to the location. i didnt know how to.the one time i actually went to mallyx from this location was once and i left mid battle. i gained nothing from the bug therefore didnt "exploit" its vulnerability. i thank you for taking the time to assess this. my defense is that i didnt think going to the area was permabannable as it itself holds no personal gain hence the reason why i was going there as i didnt think i was "exploiting" it. using it for no other means than to see friends...yes. there to make a profit...no. i hope you have the means to see that i ddint profit and i hope you check the chat logs back to 5 weeks ago wheni was pleading with all my friends not to do this as it was bannable. once again. thank you guys for taking the time to do this but please let me know if the fact that just being there with no intention of making a profit is perma- bannable. also note the meaning of "exploit". |
An act or deed, especially a brilliant or heroic one. See synonyms at feat1.
tr.v., -ploit·ed, -ploit·ing, -ploits. (ĭk-sploit', ĕk'sploit')
1. To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.
2. To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor. See synonyms at manipulate.
3. To advertise; promote.
I like the first one
Tbh, Anya, you deserve your account back. Others won't be so lucky.
Originally Posted by Mickey
3 times per run. And if Anet is running their bans off "profit" rather than "times accessed outpost" we will be seeing alot of unbans next week.
That's still higher than the apparent bar of 4. The people that might be unbanned are the ones that did it once or twice, to see how it's done and reported it to ANet. Which are the people that actually deserve to be unbanned.
And if it's indeed a bug, you still exploited it (repeadedly), which still puts you up for a ban.
I really don't know what are you all trying to do here. Anet never banned ppl for anything ( not for Duncan, not for pre-searing thing..list is long), the fact that they done this now just shows how serous this thing was. Think about it, what would you do if you find out that someone has hacked your pc? Would you be furious, mad, would you like to find that person and punish him/her? I know I sure would. I was banned in WOW and I am still not sure why,I tryed to find out the reason, and gave up at the end and got new acc. ANet is trying to talk to you guys, trying to explain why they have to do this, if this happened in WOW Blizzard would bann the whole server without any explanation ( keep in mind this is a pay to play game). Maybe the problem is that ANET wasn't so firm with other things, so ppl thought this will go unpusnished as all things before it did, but you can't say this is unfair. Someone did hack the server, I am sure in this, since I really don't see the reason why would they lie about it, they never did before, they just said exploit was there and now it's not for all other things that you say are the same as this one. I would really like someone to explain me why would they lie about a hack?

Originally Posted by Mickey
Well, 1. Complete all areas first 2. Either A. Go to Guild Hall and get Ferried or B. Resign then go to Guild Hall and get to outpost (not confirmed, friend told me then leprekan said it here 3. Kill Mallyx 4. Get reward inside the mission 5. Ferrier goes to the guild hall 6. Other party members get quest 7. Go to Guild Hall 8. Ferrier takes you to the outpost 9. Ferrier gets quest 10. People go back to guild hall, to pick up the ferrier 11. Back to outpost 12. Repeat.
3 times per run. And if Anet is running their bans off "profit" rather than "times accessed outpost" we will be seeing alot of unbans next week. When my friend told me that you could access it via resign, I immediately thought, "oh, so you can just try again." I hadn't been to Zellix or w/e his name again except for the quest reward/quest. Btw, congrats Anya, I hope you get your account back. Even the hope of getting an account back right now is good enough for a congrats. |
1- did not involve visiting forbidden outpost.
2- you get ferried to outpost. 1 time
3- kill Mallyx... you are in the area killing him, after being in the outpost 1 time.
4- get reward in mission, still in same area, still 1 time
5- Ferrier goes to GH ( rest of players I'm guessing may have /resigned and landed in post... so even though it's 2nd time there, I guess you can count it as First time for next run. To try and get to the 3 times, I will count it as First time in outpost for run # 2.
6- You go get the quest, I'm assuming in DoA, since that post has NO NPC's.
7- Go to the GH
8- Ferrier takes you to outpost.. so 2nd time there for Run #2
9- Ferrier gets the quest, so I'm guessing he leaves the party in the post while he goes to legit DoA and grab quest.
10- People go back to GH to pick up ferrier... that Means... all the times YOU went there... YOU were the one that went back to the GH to fetch him?? or the WHOLE Party did?? This makes no sense. You only NEED one player to ferry. If this was NOT your GH, why keep going back and forth? I mean it's not like there were districts.
11- Back to outpost, and yes if you all traveled as a group to pick uf the original ferry guy, it's 3 times.
so none of this seemed odd to you? Having to get a quest in a Normal post, to then go through all these steps to end up in a deserted post to go straight to kill Mallyx??
Frankly, Gaile's version makes more sense to me. You opened the chest 7 times, but ANET is also counting the times you went in there and did NOT kill Mallyx. Just because you didn't get his chest all the times you went in, doesn't mean they shouldn't count those visits.
Either way, if ANET were to establish a clear line as to HOW many times you can abuse an exploit before getting permanently banned... players that like shortcuts would find a way around it....
"but I ONLY did it 3 times with my ranger!! and 2 with my Monk, and 3 with my Necro!!!, I didn't know it was 3 times per account!!"
They may have let some things slide that needed to be addressed, like armbraces, I'm all for that, BUT those 117 and all the others that went in there, MOST of them KNEW this was fishy. They were hoping NOT to get caught, and thought if they did get caught the worst case scenario would be a 72 hr ban. Unfortunately for them... ANET has finally sent a LOUD and CLEAR message about cheating. "If you cheat, you MIGHT get caught. If you get caught, we MIGHT Perma Ban you. Before you decide to cheat and exploit the game... THINK TWICE!! "
high priestess anya
Originally Posted by Maca
I really don't know what are you all trying to do here. Anet never banned ppl for anything ( not for Duncan, not for pre-searing thing..list is long), the fact that they done this now just shows how serous this thing was. Think about it, what would you do if you find out that someone has hacked your pc? Would you be furious, mad, would you like to find that person and punish him/her? I know I sure would. I was banned in WOW and I am still not sure why,I tryed to find out the reason, and gave up at the end and got new acc. ANet is trying to talk to you guys, trying to explain why they have to do this, if this happened in WOW Blizzard would bann the whole server without any explanation ( keep in mind this is a pay to play game). Maybe the problem is that ANET wasn't so firm with other things, so ppl thought this will go unpusnished as all things before it did, but you can't say this is unfair. Someone did hack the server, I am sure in this, since I really don't see the reason why would they lie about it, they never did before, they just said exploit was there and now it's not for all other things that you say are the same as this one. I would really like someone to explain me why would they lie about a hack?
![]() |
i hope they find the original hacker and turn him in.
Commander Ryker
Another reminder.......
Originally Posted by Inde
Okay, my brain is about to explode. From the misinformation, the repeated questions that I can find on every 5 pages of this thread, and from those who just like to do +1 posts when they could bring a conversation to PM's. I'm not sure how much longer to persist with this thread. Despite having numerous people ask for it's closure, both mods and users, it's starting to go around in circles. Everything someone needs to know from Anet is on the first page of this thread.
Everything contained in this thread is being read, tested or explained by Anet as evidence from several posts from Gaile Gray. I understand the communities frustration and yes... from some of you, betrayal and outrage. But banging our heads to try to make the other side see our point is not doing anything but contributing to the over 500 deleted posts in this thread. Not to mention countless edits. That's 1 in every 4 posts being deleted. This is a massive amount of effort over the last several days to assure that the community has a voice. That you can express your displeasure, your acceptance or your support of what ArenaNet did. I wish that there could be some resolution for everyone... both banned, those that think it unfair, friends of those who were banned, those who have been hurt or ridiculed for this, or those simply striving to make the other side hear and understand their point of view. But there's no end to this in sight. I think all view points have been represented in this thread. I wish there were a better way to handle this, to let those who were banned get their stories and points to ArenaNet directly for consideration but that method has been provided whether you like the answer or not... go through support. The question of this being a hack or a bug or an oversight by Anet is not going to be resolved nor will it change ArenaNet's mind. They have seen the steps some of you have posted to contribute toward your ban or that of a friend. I have seen the arguements, the flames and the frustration. From this point forward this thread will become strictly monitored. Any one-liner... ANY ONE LINER... will be deleted. Anymore reference to this being a QQ thread will be deleted. Any reposting of what you said 30 pages ago, will be deleted. Any analogies will be deleted. Any insult/flame or flamebait will be deleted. Any post about lawsuits/libel/defamation will be deleted. These rules are subject to change. Try to stay on topic. Try to express your views by really posting and thinking of your responses. Stop the back-and-forth bickering and conversation mode. If we can continue with this thread in a reasonable manner with an honest debate with the information we have then I'll keep it open. Any new stories from those who were banned who would like to come forward to express their viewpoint are welcome. We'll see how this goes. |
Originally Posted by Dont Mess WithMe
1- did not involve visiting forbidden outpost. 2- you get ferried to outpost. 1 time 3- kill Mallyx... you are in the area killing him, after being in the outpost 1 time. 4- get reward in mission, still in same area, still 1 time 5- Ferrier goes to GH ( rest of players I'm guessing may have /resigned and landed in post... so even though it's 2nd time there, I guess you can count it as First time for next run. To try and get to the 3 times, I will count it as First time in outpost for run # 2. 6- You go get the quest, I'm assuming in DoA, since that post has NO NPC's. 7- Go to the GH 8- Ferrier takes you to outpost.. so 2nd time there for Run #2 9- Ferrier gets the quest, so I'm guessing he leaves the party in the post while he goes to legit DoA and grab quest. 10- People go back to GH to pick up ferrier... that Means... all the times YOU went there... YOU were the one that went back to the GH to fetch him?? or the WHOLE Party did?? This makes no sense. You only NEED one player to ferry. If this was NOT your GH, why keep going back and forth? I mean it's not like there were districts. 11- Back to outpost, and yes if you all traveled as a group to pick uf the original ferry guy, it's 3 times. so none of this seemed odd to you? Having to get a quest in a Normal post, to then go through all these steps to end up in a deserted post to go straight to kill Mallyx?? Frankly, Gaile's version makes more sense to me. You opened the chest 7 times, but ANET is also counting the times you went in there and did NOT kill Mallyx. Just because you didn't get his chest all the times you went in, doesn't mean they shouldn't count those visits. Either way, if ANET were to establish a clear line as to HOW many times you can abuse an exploit before getting permanently banned... players that like shortcuts would find a way around it.... "but I ONLY did it 3 times with my ranger!! and 2 with my Monk, and 3 with my Necro!!!, I didn't know it was 3 times per account!!" They may have let some things slide that needed to be addressed, like armbraces, I'm all for that, BUT those 117 and all the others that went in there, MOST of them KNEW this was fishy. They were hoping NOT to get caught, and thought if they did get caught the worst case scenario would be a 72 hr ban. Unfortunately for them... ANET has finally sent a LOUD and CLEAR message about cheating. "If you cheat, you MIGHT get caught. If you get caught, we MIGHT Perma Ban you. Before you decide to cheat and exploit the game... THINK TWICE!! " |
4 areas completed, tried Mallyx with pug, failed. Friend said "hey, we can help" guest invite to Guild Hall, I got to outpost, and we start the mission, I think, "Oh, just another way to get to Mallyx, no biggie." Complete quest, get reward. "Hey, wanna stay for a few more, idk how many more were doing." "Umm....sure...don't you have to do the other four areas first though?" "Nope," "Ok."
I KNOW some of you will say, how could you not know, it's been said TONS of times in this thread. Look, look at the position I would be in, infact, even more people than me would be in. First time through DoA, NEVER SEEN MALLYX, or his little mission area, ever, absolutely no idea what to do when I get there. With the reassurances of my friends, I made the decision to trust them, that this was neither an exploit or a hack, because my experience in DoA compared to theirs was next to nothing.
Originally Posted by SirJackassIII
Well, that'd depend. If the outpost was originally accessed by a hack, such as in this case according to ANet, I think that there'd still be a few temp-bans, but no permabans because of the whole "No personal gain" thing.
The whole personal gain thing is really wierd as well.
I've been told that none of my appeals will be looked at by now, and I have introduced every aspect of my case.
Basically, this is it: So, I did it 7 times, I'm guilty, I agree, however, I personally gained out of this exploit, and my actions followed: 18 k + 1 Mallyx's Reaver + 3 primeval armor remnants. This is after, however, I gave most of my greens away, along with money for my PvP friend's shield, and a few primeval armor remnants to guildies. I seriously doubt that Anet is considering personal gain in this banning spree.
high priestess anya
apparently i went to the affected area 18 times...
to my knowledge it was like 3-4.
im just wondering if they are taking into account the number of legitimate times i went to mallyx. i farm DOA quad runs. i was doing mallyx 3 times a day legitimately...
any other bannee's surprised by the apparent number of visits reported?
btw i got my reply not so long ago so anet support are working through the weeend to solve this. good dedication...
to my knowledge it was like 3-4.
im just wondering if they are taking into account the number of legitimate times i went to mallyx. i farm DOA quad runs. i was doing mallyx 3 times a day legitimately...
any other bannee's surprised by the apparent number of visits reported?
btw i got my reply not so long ago so anet support are working through the weeend to solve this. good dedication...
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
apparently i went to the affected area 18 times...
to my knowledge it was like 3-4. im just wondering if they are taking into account the number of legitimate times i went to mallyx. i farm DOA quad runs. i was doing mallyx 3 times a day legitimately... any other bannee's surprised by the apparent number of visits reported? |
Originally Posted by Mickey
The whole personal gain thing is really wierd as well.
I've been told that none of my appeals will be looked at by now, and I have introduced every aspect of my case. Basically, this is it: So, I did it 7 times, I'm guilty, I agree, however, I personally gained out of this exploit, and my actions followed: 18 k + 1 Mallyx's Reaver + 3 primeval armor remnants. This is after, however, I gave most of my greens away, along with money for my PvP friend's shield, and a few primeval armor remnants to guildies. I seriously doubt that Anet is considering personal gain in this banning spree. |
Originally Posted by SirJackassIII
Well, technically speaking, you still gained the items in a not so proper fashion and redistributed them in your own way. That'd be dealing in "illegal goods" so to speak. Bottom line being you still gained items. Exploiting the game to dupe Ambraces, then giving them all away in towns doesn't make the duping good either.
high priestess anya
quote: Basically, this is it: So, I did it 7 times, I'm guilty, I agree, however, I personally gained out of this exploit, and my actions followed: 18 k + 1 Mallyx's Reaver + 3 primeval armor remnants. This is after, however, I gave most of my greens away, along with money for my PvP friend's shield, and a few primeval armor remnants to guildies. I seriously doubt that Anet is considering personal gain in this banning spree.[/QUOTE]
although you yourself did not gain the economy was still populated with illegal goods....
although you yourself did not gain the economy was still populated with illegal goods....
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
quote: Basically, this is it: So, I did it 7 times, I'm guilty, I agree, however, I personally gained out of this exploit, and my actions followed: 18 k + 1 Mallyx's Reaver + 3 primeval armor remnants. This is after, however, I gave most of my greens away, along with money for my PvP friend's shield, and a few primeval armor remnants to guildies. I seriously doubt that Anet is considering personal gain in this banning spree.
Yeah, I can see that. Tbh, if Anet really wanted me to, I could contact my Guildies, and my friend, and have them destroy the items.
I mean hell, if Anet really wanted me to, I would wipe anything I got using gemset money. But idk how I am gonna wipe an elite tome I already used, lol, maybe my sins max armor which....no wai...I already deleted....and I got vabbian via kilroy farming. I could wipe my account, Ranger, Necro, as long as my sin was still there, because she came after I had given most of my funds away.
Originally Posted by Mickey
Thanks......I didn't say I wouldn't be up for ban. I hope they decide to perma-ban 12 runs+ week or 72 hour bans for 5+ and unbanned for 1-4.
The problem with your argument regarding gradual bans is this:
You ran Mallyx 7 times. Even if it was not 21, it is still 3 over the limit ANET has decided that the no ban- perma ban cut off line will be set. So for you, it works out that you did +3 runs more than what would've saved you.
Ok, let's raise the bar... people that did this run more than 10 times will get a perma ban. That saves you ( I know all of you would be thrilled with a temp ban, so I won't even mention that possibility). Now what happens with those guys that did the run 12 times!!! I mean, those that did it 10 times, get their accounts back.... and those that did it 2 times more... lose thousands of hours of their lives.
Ok, let's raise the bar again, those poor 12 times runners... now we will make it 15 runs!!. Under 15 you get a temp ban, over 15 you get a perma ban. Now what happens to those that ran Mallyx 17 times??? I mean those that did it 15 times get their accounts back... and those that did it 2 times more... lose thousands of hours of their lives.
Do you see the pattern??
ANET tried to give some of you the benefit of the doubt!! They felt that maybe some of you guys didn't know what you were doing, and that going in there 1-4 times, EVEN if you killed Mallyx, got gems, got a green.... is more than sufficient times to realize there was something WRONG with this picture, the post looks different from any other post you have ever been to. Get out and don't go back.
Your friends lied to you. They told you it was not an exploit. It is towards them you should be directing your anger.
Originally Posted by Dont Mess WithMe
I don't know how ANET came up with the number of times they claim any of you went in there.
The problem with your argument regarding gradual bans is this: You ran Mallyx 7 times. Even if it was not 21, it is still 3 over the limit ANET has decided that the no ban- perma ban cut off line will be set. So for you, it works out that you did +3 runs more than what would've saved you. Ok, let's raise the bar... people that did this run more than 10 times will get a perma ban. That saves you ( I know all of you would be thrilled with a temp ban, so I won't even mention that possibility). Now what happens with those guys that did the run 12 times!!! I mean, those that did it 10 times, get their accounts back.... and those that did it 2 times more... lose thousands of hours of their lives. Ok, let's raise the bar again, those poor 12 times runners... now we will make it 15 runs!!. Under 15 you get a temp ban, over 15 you get a perma ban. Now what happens to those that ran Mallyx 17 times??? I mean those that did it 15 times get their accounts back... and those that did it 2 times more... lose thousands of hours of their lives. Do you see the pattern?? ANET tried to give some of you the benefit of the doubt!! They felt that maybe some of you guys didn't know what you were doing, and that going in there 1-4 times, EVEN if you killed Mallyx, got gems, got a green.... is more than sufficient times to realize there was something WRONG with this picture, the post looks different from any other post you have ever been to. Get out and don't go back. Your friends lied to you. They told you it was not an exploit. It is towards them you should be directing your anger . |
I think an edited system for this would be:
5-15: 72-week ban + deletion of items, ect that were farmed, that you still have, that you can get a hold of.
1-4: get off clean, no ban, but deletion of items.
15+: Sorry, just a little to far tbh.
high priestess anya
Originally Posted by Dont Mess WithMe
I don't know how ANET came up with the number of times they claim any of you went in there.
The problem with your argument regarding gradual bans is this: You ran Mallyx 7 times. Even if it was not 21, it is still 3 over the limit ANET has decided that the no ban- perma ban cut off line will be set. So for you, it works out that you did +3 runs more than what would've saved you. Ok, let's raise the bar... people that did this run more than 10 times will get a perma ban. That saves you ( I know all of you would be thrilled with a temp ban, so I won't even mention that possibility). Now what happens with those guys that did the run 12 times!!! I mean, those that did it 10 times, get their accounts back.... and those that did it 2 times more... lose thousands of hours of their lives. Ok, let's raise the bar again, those poor 12 times runners... now we will make it 15 runs!!. Under 15 you get a temp ban, over 15 you get a perma ban. Now what happens to those that ran Mallyx 17 times??? I mean those that did it 15 times get their accounts back... and those that did it 2 times more... lose thousands of hours of their lives. Do you see the pattern?? ANET tried to give some of you the benefit of the doubt!! They felt that maybe some of you guys didn't know what you were doing, and that going in there 1-4 times, EVEN if you killed Mallyx, got gems, got a green.... is more than sufficient times to realize there was something WRONG with this picture, the post looks different from any other post you have ever been to. Get out and don't go back. Your friends lied to you. They told you it was not an exploit. It is towards them you should be directing your anger. |
Originally Posted by high priestess anya
peer pressure can have an affect...and especially these so called friends who have been doing it for so long and getting away with it. it does send mixed messages but everytime i was asked to join in i was dubious and stuck with my quad run farm...which to me...was a lot more fun anyway
Thank god I went on vacation, I would have done it so many more times, to the point of absolutely no chance from return of ban, lol.
Originally Posted by Mickey
I did it 7 times, for like, an hour and a half, then stopped. Never went back there. That counts for nothing, but it's something.
Maybe ANET should take into account the players that REALLY only went in there ONCE, did a few back to back runs.... then maybe something CLICKED and they said... "HMMM... let me get out of here, something is not right". Maybe that 1hr of messing up VS the rest of gameplay time of not breaking rules should account for something. I don't know.
Bottom line is, only you know what you did and how many times you really did it.
Originally Posted by Dont Mess WithMe
Hmmm, I think in a way you have a valid point there. If you only went in there during that one hour and a half period... and really NEVER went back.... maybe it took you that long for things to click.
Maybe ANET should take into account the players that REALLY only went in there ONCE, did a few back to back runs.... then maybe something CLICKED and they said... "HMMM... let me get out of here, something is not right". Maybe that 1hr of messing up VS the rest of gameplay time of not breaking rules should account for something. I don't know. Bottom line is, only you know what you did and how many times you really did it. |
If it really is just a bug, then this is no different from Duncan, a bug that players used to skip parts of hard quests that were not meant to be skipped.
Btw, how many of you would have considered the Duncan Bug (used in much the same manner as this one) to be more or less profitable as this one?
high priestess anya
i lost a lot of friends to this ban. they were all excellent players also...
their eyes where bigger than their stomaches.
in there defense i will say this (although i am not supporting their actions)
6 months without the bug being fixed...about 80% of all people who came into contact with someone with access eventually started doing it (why such a high percentage?) peer pressure, wanting to be with friends who were busy doing this "farm" only way they could be with friends is by joining in...
the obvious MASS PROFIT also in there, lets not count that out
all my friends who did this were oblivious to the site being hacked...as i said we thought it was the GH trick.
this ban was easily avoidable and common sense would make most turn away but this imo is the way the farmers were thinking to as plus/negatives to whether to do this is or not.50% of my friends reported the bug themselves...
i agree with the ban but also understand where the banned people are coming from
their eyes where bigger than their stomaches.
in there defense i will say this (although i am not supporting their actions)
6 months without the bug being fixed...about 80% of all people who came into contact with someone with access eventually started doing it (why such a high percentage?) peer pressure, wanting to be with friends who were busy doing this "farm" only way they could be with friends is by joining in...
the obvious MASS PROFIT also in there, lets not count that out
all my friends who did this were oblivious to the site being hacked...as i said we thought it was the GH trick.
this ban was easily avoidable and common sense would make most turn away but this imo is the way the farmers were thinking to as plus/negatives to whether to do this is or not.50% of my friends reported the bug themselves...
i agree with the ban but also understand where the banned people are coming from
Originally Posted by Mickey
Yeah, I agree. Once Anet sorts this stuff out, they might, too.
If it really is just a bug, then this is no different from Duncan, a bug that players used to skip parts of hard quests that were not meant to be skipped. |
Is this the same line that the others at the 'Mallyx Party outpost' repeated over and over again?
"It's ok...at most we will get a stinking 72hr ban or something."
"The Duncan exploit was WAYYYYYYY bigger than this, it's ok."
Please, clear this up for the rest of us veiwers?
Originally Posted by Trub
Is this the same line that the others at the 'Mallyx Party' repeated over and over again? "It's ok...at most we will get a stinking 72hr ban or something." "The Duncan exploit was WAYYYYYYY bigger than this, it's ok." Please, clear this up for the rest of us veiwers? |
When they fixed it, like, a week ago, everyone moved on. I talked to tons of people, everyone said, it was just like duncan, good while it lasted. Then the bug was posted on guru, another way in. I expect a ton of people went off to do that.
Edit: Basically, I got my reassurance from people that had been farming this for ages. And DoA. I thought it was ok from them, then to turn around and see them banned, I knew it was going to turn out bad.
high priestess anya
Originally Posted by Trub
Is this the same line that the others at the 'Mallyx Party outpost' repeated over and over again? "It's ok...at most we will get a stinking 72hr ban or something." "The Duncan exploit was WAYYYYYYY bigger than this, it's ok." Please, clear this up for the rest of us veiwers? |
i never seen anyone saying anything other than "yes ok lets go" and "uhmmm nah no thanks. think i will pass because i might get banned"
edit:most of my friends declined to do it for the first few weeks. they refused...but after the other guys had been doing it for so long they thought it was ok. i seen lots of people decline, half of them went on to do it after it hadnt been fixed for so long.i can say that only about 3 people i know refused to do this permanently, out of about 30 people
high priestess anya
i cant see ANET lying, i think if they "tought" it was a hack then they would have stated that. the only argument being that the GH trick has been fixed so therefore it cannot be tested. bare in mind that anet only tried to solve this after the GH trick was fixed. if they claikm it was a hack im leaning towards anet, lets face it, their whole tech support knows a lot more than any of us.
BUT and this is important... the GH excuse was extremely believable, especially to those who have no experience with this GH trick as they didnt know the ins and outs of it
the only thing which makes this different from the "duncan bug" is the profitability..both situations are extremely alike the only thing setting them aside is profit margins
BUT and this is important... the GH excuse was extremely believable, especially to those who have no experience with this GH trick as they didnt know the ins and outs of it
the only thing which makes this different from the "duncan bug" is the profitability..both situations are extremely alike the only thing setting them aside is profit margins