the most overrated skin/title/armor/accomplishment
Usual fow dyed black with chaos gloves and sunglasses/bandanna.
Hate the FoW Male Ele+Chaos Gloves+ Blindfold
They should make a "Light side" version of FoW

They should make a "Light side" version of FoW
i hate ele FoW armor. ugliest thing in the game. (except maybe warrior fow..)
Scf Blacknight
Originally Posted by Squishy ftw
Warrior Primeval Armour.
I don't understand why all warriors have this armor, seriously, it's shit.
I don't understand why all warriors have this armor, seriously, it's shit.
armor: warrior primeval
weapon: by far Eternal sword(by faaaar) - so expensive and so ugly and doesn't fit with any armor combination!
title: err, pretty much any title takes some time to accomplish, so i can't really say any is overrated, but if i had to pick... Legendary Survivor
weapon: by far Eternal sword(by faaaar) - so expensive and so ugly and doesn't fit with any armor combination!
title: err, pretty much any title takes some time to accomplish, so i can't really say any is overrated, but if i had to pick... Legendary Survivor
Joe Fierce
anything that isn't required to play the game effectively, that includes anything that costs more than a max trader or a 1k armor set.
Angelina Collins
any halls emote regardless of level is overrated
well errything in this game is personal preference....atm however voltie spears and frog scepters have to up there.
Originally Posted by tzavong
Old Black?
New Black? Huh? |
cthulhu reborn
Heh, this is an interesting thing to ask. I do agree that there are a lot of fashion mistakes and not all armours look that great, but how much different is asking what people feel as overrated from asking people how jealous they are of stuff other people have and they don't?
Lord of kryta
I cannot stand the people who have full dyed black fow with spectacles and the GWAMM title who dance at the end of Heroes Ascent
Oh the "Female monk in FoW and bun hair with hight slider turned all the way down" takes the cake
That crazy assassin armour, with all the daft metal bits, seriously, it has no use.
And looks crap.
And looks crap.
eternal blade, just a long see-through sword...100+400e. sure theres bad but DAMN
voltiac spear, far and away. so expensive, but for why? easy to farm with that stupid perma sin. they cant be worth anything near 100k+ when in spamadan one day, i see a guy spamming 'WTS VOLTAIC SPEAR q9(5), q10 (8), q11 (3), q12(11), q13(7)' how can they be worth anything when people have so many? same with ectos and ambrace duping. people try and rip off other people way too much.
whats overrated? well that would make such a long list ill just name the obvious though.
*most fow armors. i think theyre fugly. the only one i honestly like is female mesmer.
*even worse than fow. adding the chaos gloves with the bandana/mo zing mask.
*the worst looking thing to ever be a part of guild wars..the crown. its just a really failed attempt at trying to make you look like a king/queen.
*Warrior primeval. Just about every warrior has it. I could stand in spammadon and lose track of how many i see.
*Rit norn. just no.
*now as a player who does like the looks of nice things i just dont like when everyone has the exact same things and you see it over and over.
chaos gloves. everyone has them and some just REALLY dont go with the armor set. for example find a warrior with the gloves and fow. they dont match at all. but if they are matched well they look very nice.

rip me apart if you want but i personally like the look. im not like most(all) monks who have to have the fow armor. i actually like elite luxon the best. and i like the gloves personally. and yes theyre purple. to all the black dye haters i would dye my armor pink if i could to be honest but theres just no good combinations to make it turn out pink. it always ends up looking like a really really faded red.
and i just thought of this too. if were talking about overrated things lets add skills to this convo. it would definately be avatar of balthazar for me. every new derv thinks its the coolest thing. along with lyssa because you can do so much dmg!! wheres all the dwayna dervs comon now.
*most fow armors. i think theyre fugly. the only one i honestly like is female mesmer.
*even worse than fow. adding the chaos gloves with the bandana/mo zing mask.
*the worst looking thing to ever be a part of guild wars..the crown. its just a really failed attempt at trying to make you look like a king/queen.
*Warrior primeval. Just about every warrior has it. I could stand in spammadon and lose track of how many i see.
*Rit norn. just no.
*now as a player who does like the looks of nice things i just dont like when everyone has the exact same things and you see it over and over.
chaos gloves. everyone has them and some just REALLY dont go with the armor set. for example find a warrior with the gloves and fow. they dont match at all. but if they are matched well they look very nice.

rip me apart if you want but i personally like the look. im not like most(all) monks who have to have the fow armor. i actually like elite luxon the best. and i like the gloves personally. and yes theyre purple. to all the black dye haters i would dye my armor pink if i could to be honest but theres just no good combinations to make it turn out pink. it always ends up looking like a really really faded red.
and i just thought of this too. if were talking about overrated things lets add skills to this convo. it would definately be avatar of balthazar for me. every new derv thinks its the coolest thing. along with lyssa because you can do so much dmg!! wheres all the dwayna dervs comon now.
Yes. I would agree as I am seeing more Monks with thier black FoW armour and bandanas or shades.I do agree with the title of the deer as well as crystalline or elemental swords and hot shieled to match.
This is possibly because I am jealouse and want the same thing and the game is coming to the end of it life some what.
This is possibly because I am jealouse and want the same thing and the game is coming to the end of it life some what.
White Lies
I like rit norn 
on certain *armors* black dye looks good.
sin armor for example
Hes the only guys i got with black armor, because i think it looks nice.
He's also got a MotMZ, dyed black. Again because i though it looked nice.
Now kill me guru
I dont like FoW at all (any profession
), hate chaos gloves, and all the rest, except ice gloves, which i find look really neat on eles if you got the ice armor and a freezie crown
, and the blindfold which looks pretty neat on necros with the right armor.
I also hate it when people rage about stuff because its been stereotyped (like my sin armor, its black. get over it
Peoples tastes varie. But then again, i have to admit that an army of monks in blk FoW and chaos gloves with theyre destroyer staves and voltiac spears and torm shields, is a bit much.

on certain *armors* black dye looks good.
sin armor for example

Hes the only guys i got with black armor, because i think it looks nice.
He's also got a MotMZ, dyed black. Again because i though it looked nice.
Now kill me guru

I dont like FoW at all (any profession

I also hate it when people rage about stuff because its been stereotyped (like my sin armor, its black. get over it

Peoples tastes varie. But then again, i have to admit that an army of monks in blk FoW and chaos gloves with theyre destroyer staves and voltiac spears and torm shields, is a bit much.
Chaos gloves probably, at first I thought "Oooh, Wow that looks cool" but now everybody and their granny has them so I'm sick of the sight of them tbh 
Armour wise, definetly FoW armour, it doesn't even look like elite armour compared to others, and the female necro is lollably bad, thats one that I'm proud to say won't be in my HoM

Armour wise, definetly FoW armour, it doesn't even look like elite armour compared to others, and the female necro is lollably bad, thats one that I'm proud to say won't be in my HoM
Owik Gall
Destroyer trinkets. I hate the fact that they are the only set (before Tormented now that we can use them) to be displayed in HoM. I was disappointed. I wanted to display the sword and shield I've used throughout all my adventures in this game, or at least as a signature set specifically for my character. Same goes with armor. Now, I don't mind that we have to put elite armor there. That's fine with me. It's just that I can't display a set of mixed armor. There's no variety. Now, the only armors that are highly regarded as display are FoW and Primevil. I don't necessarily hate them that much, but they are mainly the same theme. Dark, and rugged. What about shiny and nice? Well, that's my armor, but I can't display it because it's mixed AND the parts are Deldrimor armor. Mega ouch. It ticks me off because in my belief I've made probably made a good fashion armor set in the game. Yet, I can not display it!
So in short for overrated are Prime armor, FoW armor, and the Destroyer Set. As for titles? Eh. Doesn't bother me that much. Flaunt them all you want!
So in short for overrated are Prime armor, FoW armor, and the Destroyer Set. As for titles? Eh. Doesn't bother me that much. Flaunt them all you want!
Grenths Ire
Having read only about 5 pages of what we hate, I just want to say that the Mo Zing mask looks good on an Assasin, but that makes sense doesn't it?
and I think the Crystalline Sword is nice looking...
Over-rated things.... I think anything that is supposed to be elite but was bought, whether title, achievement, or item are over-rated. But then, how are you supposed to know whether someone attained it legitimately or bought it?
I guess the most over-rated thing in the game is our own opinions, yes?
and I think the Crystalline Sword is nice looking...
Over-rated things.... I think anything that is supposed to be elite but was bought, whether title, achievement, or item are over-rated. But then, how are you supposed to know whether someone attained it legitimately or bought it?
I guess the most over-rated thing in the game is our own opinions, yes?
Zaishen Title. [email protected],000k
Guild Wars has been around so long that no items, titles, or armors inherently deserve respect. Nothing is overrated.
Hanging Man
I think the most over-rated titles are the ss/lb ones.
everyones runnin around sporting sunspear castellan or general, you and everybody else
or maybe the explorer ones, 60% is good but you can do that if you simply play through the game, not a big accomplishment
everyones runnin around sporting sunspear castellan or general, you and everybody else
or maybe the explorer ones, 60% is good but you can do that if you simply play through the game, not a big accomplishment
I think the most over-rated titles are the ss/lb ones.
everyones runnin around sporting sunspear castellan or general, you and everybody else or maybe the explorer ones, 60% is good but you can do that if you simply play through the game, not a big accomplishment |
A word from my experience, to max ss/lb you need to do more than just beat the game. Espcially with lb, you NEED to farm the last 2ish ranks to max it out, and boy, was it tedious.
For myself, I got my fissure armor on my warrior when ectos were ~15k, shards were ~10k, superior abs was ~90k (this is when it was a global damage reduction and not just physical damage reduction) and superior vigor was ~50k. Shortly after, I bought my monk FoW armor, and shortly after that, I bought my necro and elementalist FoW armor (I was rich enough that I didn't even think about deleting my elementalist and necros for pvp slots when I did).
Why? Because I was one of the few people who had the chance to run UW and FoW daily with my guild, sometimes 5-10 times a day (on weekends with long hours) and frankly that was the only thing I could spend any money on. When you're maxed on gold and you have a plethora of item swaps (this is before greens were around and r9s would go for 50-60k minimum if perfect, even ugly skins like flamberges) then whats the point in not investing in something that is 'show off-y' ? I needed to get rid of money, so I invested in something I could use to show off my wealth, I don't see an issue with that, even in the modern GW world where farming 5 sets of fissure armor is easily possible in a couple of weeks if you aren't an idiot.
Another thing is, back in the day, you couldn't use runes and insignias to get the stats you wanted. If you wanted optimal stats you ran around with weird combination of gear comparable to knights and radiant insignias today. Fissure armor allowed you to buy max gear with the best stats that all matched, which is vastly important to me. This is obviously not much of an issue now, but back in the day the only way to get a matching set of armor with the best stats was to buy FoW.
I find it amusing all the hate towards high end gear in this thread though. Just because you can't or don't have the time to invest in working to get the gear doesn't mean you have to shun those that have had the time to get it. My warrior has 4 or 5 sets of armor, each ones with the head piece swap for mastery (FoW, 15k sunspear, 15k glads being the main full sets, but like most wealthy female warriors I run around in glad chest / gloves, vabbian legs and fow feet with the head slot turned off and dyed black with a tormented shield and assortment of axes mostly dyed black). Personally, I think the glad / vabbian / fow setup is hands down the best looking female warrior setup in the game so far. You can hate me all you want for myself having expensive armor that looks good, but that's what matters to me, that I look good. I personally love FoW monk armor, its simple, but very well designed, and very 'monk-ish'. The other armors imo are not attractive (well, minus a couple of mix and match setups I have that I use for armor swaps). I recently just purchased assassin FoW armor because I maxed out gold again and had too many ectos wasting space in my stash, and its currently my farming gear. I use red dyed asuran armor as my main gear because my female character looks best in that, but I also of course have different armor sets (15k imperial being the other main one I use).
Anyways, on topic, I really think titles are overrated, I honestly don't see the point in *aiming* towards them, but if you get them, awesome, if its for PvE skills (like the asura / norn / dwarven / ebon / sunspear / lightbringer) ranks, that's fine, but that isn't as much of a title thing as it is just leveling up your skills to be more powerful.
Why? Because I was one of the few people who had the chance to run UW and FoW daily with my guild, sometimes 5-10 times a day (on weekends with long hours) and frankly that was the only thing I could spend any money on. When you're maxed on gold and you have a plethora of item swaps (this is before greens were around and r9s would go for 50-60k minimum if perfect, even ugly skins like flamberges) then whats the point in not investing in something that is 'show off-y' ? I needed to get rid of money, so I invested in something I could use to show off my wealth, I don't see an issue with that, even in the modern GW world where farming 5 sets of fissure armor is easily possible in a couple of weeks if you aren't an idiot.
Another thing is, back in the day, you couldn't use runes and insignias to get the stats you wanted. If you wanted optimal stats you ran around with weird combination of gear comparable to knights and radiant insignias today. Fissure armor allowed you to buy max gear with the best stats that all matched, which is vastly important to me. This is obviously not much of an issue now, but back in the day the only way to get a matching set of armor with the best stats was to buy FoW.
I find it amusing all the hate towards high end gear in this thread though. Just because you can't or don't have the time to invest in working to get the gear doesn't mean you have to shun those that have had the time to get it. My warrior has 4 or 5 sets of armor, each ones with the head piece swap for mastery (FoW, 15k sunspear, 15k glads being the main full sets, but like most wealthy female warriors I run around in glad chest / gloves, vabbian legs and fow feet with the head slot turned off and dyed black with a tormented shield and assortment of axes mostly dyed black). Personally, I think the glad / vabbian / fow setup is hands down the best looking female warrior setup in the game so far. You can hate me all you want for myself having expensive armor that looks good, but that's what matters to me, that I look good. I personally love FoW monk armor, its simple, but very well designed, and very 'monk-ish'. The other armors imo are not attractive (well, minus a couple of mix and match setups I have that I use for armor swaps). I recently just purchased assassin FoW armor because I maxed out gold again and had too many ectos wasting space in my stash, and its currently my farming gear. I use red dyed asuran armor as my main gear because my female character looks best in that, but I also of course have different armor sets (15k imperial being the other main one I use).
Anyways, on topic, I really think titles are overrated, I honestly don't see the point in *aiming* towards them, but if you get them, awesome, if its for PvE skills (like the asura / norn / dwarven / ebon / sunspear / lightbringer) ranks, that's fine, but that isn't as much of a title thing as it is just leveling up your skills to be more powerful.
Hi All
I say each to there own, everyone’s tastes and opinions are different, if they weren’t then the world would be a boring place, combinations that one person sees as stupid and ridiculous, another may find superb and fascinating, its an expression of our individuality with what we ware for armours, weapons and or titles to display, although I do agree that some use it as a means to say " Look at me, look at me I am God Incarnate", and others just want to copy cause they think wow that’s cool, again each to there own its up to them. Now on a personal note and this is purely from my perspective the following is my perceptions.
Any Monk Tattoo Art, just hideous
Ancient Necro and Assassin, hmmm trees and bushes come to mind.
Primeval Necro and Elementalist, the fish look and the tortured soul look, not my cup of tea.
Survivor - People nowadays just think you have HFFF grinded it, and are not really willing to believe you earned it the old fashioned way.
Now just for comparison, here is some of the armours I love..
All Elite Sunspear, just think its one of the nicest armour sets around.
Norn Monk and Dervish it looks so comfy, I want a set for real :-)
Paragon and Monk Primeval, just love them. I am currently playing towards a set of Norn and Primeval armour for my Monk, although it will take me a long time to achieve.
Any way just my 2 cents.
I say each to there own, everyone’s tastes and opinions are different, if they weren’t then the world would be a boring place, combinations that one person sees as stupid and ridiculous, another may find superb and fascinating, its an expression of our individuality with what we ware for armours, weapons and or titles to display, although I do agree that some use it as a means to say " Look at me, look at me I am God Incarnate", and others just want to copy cause they think wow that’s cool, again each to there own its up to them. Now on a personal note and this is purely from my perspective the following is my perceptions.
Any Monk Tattoo Art, just hideous
Ancient Necro and Assassin, hmmm trees and bushes come to mind.
Primeval Necro and Elementalist, the fish look and the tortured soul look, not my cup of tea.
Survivor - People nowadays just think you have HFFF grinded it, and are not really willing to believe you earned it the old fashioned way.
Now just for comparison, here is some of the armours I love..
All Elite Sunspear, just think its one of the nicest armour sets around.
Norn Monk and Dervish it looks so comfy, I want a set for real :-)
Paragon and Monk Primeval, just love them. I am currently playing towards a set of Norn and Primeval armour for my Monk, although it will take me a long time to achieve.
Any way just my 2 cents.
Xunlai Guru Agent
Most overrated armor = monks' fow
most overrated weapon skin = Crystalline swords
most overrated title = survivor
most overrated weapon skin = Crystalline swords
most overrated title = survivor
Personally I think no particular armor or weapon can be considered overrated or "ugly", every armor/weapon can look cool if combined a certain way (or at least to certain people). For example FoW armor can look really good (I personally quite like it for paragons and dervishes) if combined with the right dyes/other armors/weapons. Also, the EotN masks and gloves CAN look really cool (for example, bandanna on certain monk sets and Mo Zing mask for certain assassin/ranger sets) the just don't go with everything.
Also, for titles, a lot of people who display the SS/LB/explorer/EotN titles because those are the only titles they have, or because they want the buffs from them, not because they actually think they are prestigious (although I suppose they were somewhat when the campaigns first came out). Really, the only title that ISN'T overrated to some degree is the champion title since you actually have to be quite good to play for those top rated guilds.
Oh also you can't really judge any of the prophecies armors before Nightfall came out, since at the time, you couldn't choose what mods were on your armor so people had to decide based on that (I still have my 1.5k gladiator armor sitting around because I used a lot of high energy builds on my warrior way back when).
Also, for titles, a lot of people who display the SS/LB/explorer/EotN titles because those are the only titles they have, or because they want the buffs from them, not because they actually think they are prestigious (although I suppose they were somewhat when the campaigns first came out). Really, the only title that ISN'T overrated to some degree is the champion title since you actually have to be quite good to play for those top rated guilds.
Oh also you can't really judge any of the prophecies armors before Nightfall came out, since at the time, you couldn't choose what mods were on your armor so people had to decide based on that (I still have my 1.5k gladiator armor sitting around because I used a lot of high energy builds on my warrior way back when).
Really, the only title that ISN'T overrated to some degree is the champion title since you actually have to be quite good to play for those top rated guilds.
but to the statement about how they wear the titles because its the only thing they have. if i have a title like sunspear commander that happens to be the first one on my character i wont wear it. the only times i do is out of outposts for the bonus yes but i wont keep it on inside an outpost. it especially gets annoying when i see someone with a set of fow and wearing sunspear commander. tell me what bonus you get from wearing that one.
After reading the thread today on "cheating" for farming champion points, that title's respect is going down the drain...but atm the worst is still Survivor. What. A. Freakin. Joke. Good for KoaBD though if you're into taht kinda stuff
Chaos gloves are actually not bad dyed the same color on eles...but def. not worth the money. Those shit armors that look like fish and spikes...bleaah
Favorite armor(that I'll never afford) ---Mesmer FoW. Except for the clipping issues or w/e...

Chaos gloves are actually not bad dyed the same color on eles...but def. not worth the money. Those shit armors that look like fish and spikes...bleaah
Favorite armor(that I'll never afford) ---Mesmer FoW. Except for the clipping issues or w/e...
Damn, MiraBlackhand share the wealth- buy me my FoW chest D:
Yeah for armours I'd say Primeval because when Nightfall was released I pretty much saw every Warrior with that armour, and I don't really like it, but that's my opinion.
Titles seem more over rated than anything. As said above especially the Survivor title. However I understand that for some (probably many) people, it's also a way of feeling good about yourself (that's what they're about after all) and not specifically to show off.
Also Black Dyes, what? Over rated? Yeah it's over rated if you're a sheep who follows the trends of everyone dying their FoW black.
However, I also have FoW dyed black (minus the chest xD), although I said to myself I wouldn't dye it that colour because I'd look like everyone else.
Why did I dye it black? Because black is my favourite colour, and in my opinion it looks good and sleek in black. As do other armours, not just FoW.
So as I said it's over rated if you're a sheep, but if you dyed it because you like it that way, not because you're following others, then cool.
Yeah for armours I'd say Primeval because when Nightfall was released I pretty much saw every Warrior with that armour, and I don't really like it, but that's my opinion.
Titles seem more over rated than anything. As said above especially the Survivor title. However I understand that for some (probably many) people, it's also a way of feeling good about yourself (that's what they're about after all) and not specifically to show off.
Also Black Dyes, what? Over rated? Yeah it's over rated if you're a sheep who follows the trends of everyone dying their FoW black.
However, I also have FoW dyed black (minus the chest xD), although I said to myself I wouldn't dye it that colour because I'd look like everyone else.
Why did I dye it black? Because black is my favourite colour, and in my opinion it looks good and sleek in black. As do other armours, not just FoW.
So as I said it's over rated if you're a sheep, but if you dyed it because you like it that way, not because you're following others, then cool.
By nothing is overrated, I'm not saying all accomplishments are "adequately rated." Just saying that nothing in this game inherently distinguishes an excellent player from an average one.
most likely the norn title..
Shemsu Anpw
The hedgehog armor for warriors. And the riduculously spikey/bladed Sin armor. Mummy Rit Armor. Ugg
Chaos gloves.
Worst skin ever.
Worst skin ever.
Vaal 84
Worst Skin. = Destroyer bow. it looks like a turd