Firearms in GW
G.O.L.E.Ms are giant hunks of rock and twine that are magically controlled.
Robots are giant hunks of STONE and twine that are MECHANICALLY controlled.
Also, the Dwarves had mining facilities and ballistae. I'd be surprised if they had no guns actually - then again we have to stay far from WarCraft.
Then again, Prophecies is in 1072 AE - turn the AE into AD. Now, Prophecies was in a medieval-esque time period (it's hard to tell due to the diverse cultures, but in terms of armor and weaponry, it was). We were in the middle ages around 1072 AD.
Technically if Guild Wars follows the same flow of time as we do, in a few hundred years we'll be in the Renaissance with GUNS!
Actually, GW2 will be in 12## or 13## AE. Nearing/early renaissance, anyone?
Also, Canthans have FIREWORKS! The Chinese had discovered GUNPOWDER! Yeah, you see the parallels?
Robots are giant hunks of STONE and twine that are MECHANICALLY controlled.
Also, the Dwarves had mining facilities and ballistae. I'd be surprised if they had no guns actually - then again we have to stay far from WarCraft.
Then again, Prophecies is in 1072 AE - turn the AE into AD. Now, Prophecies was in a medieval-esque time period (it's hard to tell due to the diverse cultures, but in terms of armor and weaponry, it was). We were in the middle ages around 1072 AD.
Technically if Guild Wars follows the same flow of time as we do, in a few hundred years we'll be in the Renaissance with GUNS!
Actually, GW2 will be in 12## or 13## AE. Nearing/early renaissance, anyone?
Also, Canthans have FIREWORKS! The Chinese had discovered GUNPOWDER! Yeah, you see the parallels?
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
This is Guild Wars, not Granado Espada.
Guns in an RPG = fail. (Just like swords in a shooter = fail.) kthxbai. |
errr halo+plazmah soord=teh win
on the other note, not all rpgs need massive open specs of weapons/lore, or else they get shmultzy and bloated with far too much nerdery for the casual player to really ever get interested. either stick with one theme, or suffer the never ending spectrum of story editing :P
Originally Posted by Ouchie
So the shiny warrior runs up to a boss with his firey sword and thick armor and the boss laughs pulls out a gun and shoots the warrior in the head? Wow game over
Or perhaps we all get Wonder Woman Braclets to defend ourselves with? |
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
I really did want GW2 to allow me to make a character with a longcoat, cane and rifle. I thought that would be cool.
And it'd be less nonsensical than an infinite supply of spears! ugh |
Meat Axe
Personally, I don't think that there will be that much technological growth between GW1 and GW2. Think about all of the disasters that happen during that period. Tyria gets overrun by dragons, half of the continent of the same name gets flooded. Cantha gets taken over by a tyrant. Elona gets enslaved by hordes of Undead. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if technology moved backwards, not forwards.
I pwnd U
If you guys really want to have guns go back to playing FPS or RTS's, but GW is not in anyway a game that should incorporate guns... would just be stupid. Even if you put in matchlocks and older guns, just doesn't fit the time period they were goin gfor as pointed out above.
(BTW, double posting is bad, lrn2edit)
(BTW, double posting is bad, lrn2edit)
Deviant Angel
Guns don't kill people, I do!
They have no place in a game like GW.
FPS are for when I want to play with guns. There are MMOs out there for those of you that want to play with guns, this just isn't one of them.

They have no place in a game like GW.
FPS are for when I want to play with guns. There are MMOs out there for those of you that want to play with guns, this just isn't one of them.
I think everyone understands by now that people with no creativity think that the only genre of video games guns belong in is the first-person shooter. Carry on.
I must also remember the rifts and the world travelers.
We could even have firearm sellers in GW if they came though those.
The thing is that they don't fit in the scheme of things on GW1, but there's nothing stopping then from being real in GW2.
Proyectiles really hard to be avoided would mean greater snipping power, so to compensate firearms users would have to be limited like having less armor or having to carry ammo and things like that.
We could even have firearm sellers in GW if they came though those.
The thing is that they don't fit in the scheme of things on GW1, but there's nothing stopping then from being real in GW2.
Proyectiles really hard to be avoided would mean greater snipping power, so to compensate firearms users would have to be limited like having less armor or having to carry ammo and things like that.
It's just a Tube with a Chunck of Metal with Gunpowder.
We have Gunpowder in GWs, Dwarves, BTW, the Dwarves may be dead but they may have left Thousands of Kilos of Gunpowder in there Houses or Mines.
Also the Creatures in GW are not Primitive, don't Underestimate them.
If they can create GOLEMS and Fireworks/Cannons why not Rifles.
And what makes you sure Golems are Magically Batteried?
Obviously metal.
So why not?
I also believe Asuras have the ability to create Computers.
Not saying there should be computers or whatsoever.
And Tyria isn't Earth also.
Or maybe you guys are imagining, guns like 9mms or Shotguns.
To restate, I meant by Flintlock Rifles and other First-Age Firearms.
And please don't base this on FTS or RTS games.
Were talking bout Lore not game types.
Or if you hate the Idea of Firearms, we alrady have Firearms, Cannons, ahem...
And there are already Fireworks, If we have Large GOLEMS, Large totting Cannons, why not a Thin Long Tube which fires of Bullets?
Timelines, why base this on our Timeline?
It's Tyria not Earth, and the Technology GW is far ahead of us already.
The only thing were better is Technology which would help our Life-Style.
And a Upper-Normal Asuran is as smart as Einstein.
And Normal Asurans are just those guys who gets A+ everytime in there Grades.
We have Gunpowder in GWs, Dwarves, BTW, the Dwarves may be dead but they may have left Thousands of Kilos of Gunpowder in there Houses or Mines.
Also the Creatures in GW are not Primitive, don't Underestimate them.
If they can create GOLEMS and Fireworks/Cannons why not Rifles.
And what makes you sure Golems are Magically Batteried?
Obviously metal.
So why not?
I also believe Asuras have the ability to create Computers.
Not saying there should be computers or whatsoever.
And Tyria isn't Earth also.
Or maybe you guys are imagining, guns like 9mms or Shotguns.
To restate, I meant by Flintlock Rifles and other First-Age Firearms.
And please don't base this on FTS or RTS games.
Were talking bout Lore not game types.
Or if you hate the Idea of Firearms, we alrady have Firearms, Cannons, ahem...
And there are already Fireworks, If we have Large GOLEMS, Large totting Cannons, why not a Thin Long Tube which fires of Bullets?
Timelines, why base this on our Timeline?
It's Tyria not Earth, and the Technology GW is far ahead of us already.
The only thing were better is Technology which would help our Life-Style.
And a Upper-Normal Asuran is as smart as Einstein.
And Normal Asurans are just those guys who gets A+ everytime in there Grades.
Christ.. G.O.L.E.M.s are not your local R2D2.. There magical enchanted creatures..
Also, any form of 'firearms' in Guild Wars? = No.
Also, any form of 'firearms' in Guild Wars? = No.
If golems are "magical enchanted constructs", then firearms could be 'magical enchanted sling-poles".
At the end it's just the same: Long-range fast proyectile weapons.
At the end it's just the same: Long-range fast proyectile weapons.
Nothing says it's Magically Enchanted^^.
It's Projectile^^.
And Wands and Stave are just Magical Enhancing Instruments.
While Firearm is a Weapon of War.
And please explain to me what is Magic?
And what sets Magic apart from Mechanical Energy, Elecrtical Energy, Chemical Energy and much more.
Other than it's Fantasy Based.
In what I understand, Magic is basicly a "Ability" to manipulate Nature.
Through, Supernatural Means, like how Necros call upon Dead Spirits to Posses a Dead Corpse or like Rits call Spirits in Real Ethereal Forms.
Also how Eles use Telekenisis, to manipulate Elements.
If what I believe, Magic is just a ability which causes Supernatural Abilities.
If you say GOLEMs are magically batteried, I say GOLEMS are able to move through Mechanical Energy made by Eletrical energy caused by Magical energy.
But it is possible, to Turn Chemical Energy to Eletrical Energy too, Hydro Electric Energy too and alot more.
Heres the Proccess of the Energy:
Magical Energy > Eletrical Energy > Mechanical Energy
Also possible, Chemical Energy > Electrical Energy > Mechanical Energy
Or even, Mechanical Energy > Electrical Energy > Mechanical Energy
So actually Magic is just an Ability for Supernatural possibilities.
Nothing says it's Magically Enchanted^^.
It's Projectile^^.
And Wands and Stave are just Magical Enhancing Instruments.
While Firearm is a Weapon of War.
And please explain to me what is Magic?
And what sets Magic apart from Mechanical Energy, Elecrtical Energy, Chemical Energy and much more.
Other than it's Fantasy Based.
In what I understand, Magic is basicly a "Ability" to manipulate Nature.
Through, Supernatural Means, like how Necros call upon Dead Spirits to Posses a Dead Corpse or like Rits call Spirits in Real Ethereal Forms.
Also how Eles use Telekenisis, to manipulate Elements.
If what I believe, Magic is just a ability which causes Supernatural Abilities.
If you say GOLEMs are magically batteried, I say GOLEMS are able to move through Mechanical Energy made by Eletrical energy caused by Magical energy.
But it is possible, to Turn Chemical Energy to Eletrical Energy too, Hydro Electric Energy too and alot more.
Heres the Proccess of the Energy:
Magical Energy > Eletrical Energy > Mechanical Energy
Also possible, Chemical Energy > Electrical Energy > Mechanical Energy
Or even, Mechanical Energy > Electrical Energy > Mechanical Energy
So actually Magic is just an Ability for Supernatural possibilities.
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
This is Guild Wars, not Granado Espada.
Guns in an RPG = fail. (Just like swords in a shooter = fail.) kthxbai. |
Put simply, the GW universe has cannons, it has explosives, it has gunpowder. So why not muskets? its a logical argument and really has no technical reason for not being part of the GW universe other then art style.
Yeah, really can understand people.
Basing it on Timeline not Possibility.
As if Tyria is Earth XP!
I think there is a Type of Mentality to that.
Basing it on Timeline not Possibility.
As if Tyria is Earth XP!
I think there is a Type of Mentality to that.
would a new class need to be implemented tho?
maby in gw2
maby in gw2
Nope, A Firearm can just be another Skin for a Ranger.
In my post in Sardalec I was trying to add more Weapon Types as Skins.
But still usable, by other Classes, Like a Ranger can weild Rifles.
Assassin can use Gauntlets for Punching.
Also adding Maces as Skin for Axes.
And turning Scythes to a more General Form instead, Polearms, and it would have Skins like Scythes, Poleaxe or Spears.
But I would like Assassins to have Sickles, Darts, Whips also Firearms(like when Ninja's use Firearm for Assassinating) for Deadly Arts.
In my post in Sardalec I was trying to add more Weapon Types as Skins.
But still usable, by other Classes, Like a Ranger can weild Rifles.
Assassin can use Gauntlets for Punching.
Also adding Maces as Skin for Axes.
And turning Scythes to a more General Form instead, Polearms, and it would have Skins like Scythes, Poleaxe or Spears.
But I would like Assassins to have Sickles, Darts, Whips also Firearms(like when Ninja's use Firearm for Assassinating) for Deadly Arts.
That would bring a whole new level to the game. People would have no idea how to spray. Their ganna have builds like nadespammer or something lol.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
I think everyone understands by now that people with no creativity think that the only genre of video games guns belong in is the first-person shooter. Carry on.
Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Nothing says it's Magically Enchanted^^. |
And a brief explanation of Golems in modern fantasy, they are artificial beings animated by a magical force, usually by binding an elemental or spirit to the physical body.
Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
And please explain to me what is Magic?
And what sets Magic apart from Mechanical Energy, Elecrtical Energy, Chemical Energy and much more. Other than it's Fantasy Based. |
The most commonly accepted, and practical definition of real-world magic, also appropriate for the vast majority of fantasy magic. You don't want me to go into more detail - trust me.
Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Nope, A Firearm can just be another Skin for a Ranger.
In my post in Sardalec I was trying to add more Weapon Types as Skins. But still usable, by other Classes, Like a Ranger can weild Rifles. Assassin can use Gauntlets for Punching. Also adding Maces as Skin for Axes. And turning Scythes to a more General Form instead, Polearms, and it would have Skins like Scythes, Poleaxe or Spears. But I would like Assassins to have Sickles, Darts, Whips also Firearms(like when Ninja's use Firearm for Assassinating) for Deadly Arts. |
Their normal proyectile speed would be really fast, more than the fastest Air projectile under Glyph of Switness.
Meat Axe
Originally Posted by Muspellsheimr
Role-playing and first-person are not game genre's, they are game mechanics.
Also, to say that guns don't belong in fantasy is utterly ridiculous. Are you saying that the Final Fantasy series belong in the fantasy genre? Are you saying that a game like Arcanum, which mixes magic and technology seamlessly, doesn't belong in the fantasy genre? Either your definition of fantasy is way too limited and is completely wrong, or... well, there isn't really another explanation I can think of.
There are 2 fantasies:
High Fantasy - D2, LOTR, DND, magic and swords, no guns.
Sci-Fi - Psychic powers, space traveling, aliens, uber guns.
You can mix them, but few chooses to do so because it kind of makes no sense. Why use bow/arrow when you can use a gun?
But then again, this is a video game. Realism doesn't exist.
Still, guns are boring. Fireball > guns.
High Fantasy - D2, LOTR, DND, magic and swords, no guns.
Sci-Fi - Psychic powers, space traveling, aliens, uber guns.
You can mix them, but few chooses to do so because it kind of makes no sense. Why use bow/arrow when you can use a gun?
But then again, this is a video game. Realism doesn't exist.
Still, guns are boring. Fireball > guns.
Hey it's opinion.
People would rather use a Gun than a Fireball, other's would rather use a Bow rather than a Gun.
People would rather use a Gun than a Fireball, other's would rather use a Bow rather than a Gun.
Lead Bullet
10e 1/2cast 5sec/recharge
You shoot a bullet that does +15...23...99 and travels 1000 ft/s . You can not avoid/block this attack unless you name is Bruce Lee.
Bullets travel too fast to block or see. You'll just see full teams of gunners in PvP. Melee will be down the drain, unless the "tanks" actually become tanks.
DPS for guns will be insane.
But I can see Cannons replacing the Trebuchets. Same function just differenet looks.
If you want guns you need to be playing a different game.
10e 1/2cast 5sec/recharge
You shoot a bullet that does +15...23...99 and travels 1000 ft/s . You can not avoid/block this attack unless you name is Bruce Lee.
Bullets travel too fast to block or see. You'll just see full teams of gunners in PvP. Melee will be down the drain, unless the "tanks" actually become tanks.
DPS for guns will be insane.
But I can see Cannons replacing the Trebuchets. Same function just differenet looks.
If you want guns you need to be playing a different game.
Originally Posted by Meat Axe
No, they are genres. RPG or FPS or RTS or any other are styles of games. A genre is simply a categorisation of something to more easily sort them into manageable groups. There are different types of genre. The style of the game is one sort of genre, and the theme (fantasy and whatnot) of the game is another.
Also, to say that guns don't belong in fantasy is utterly ridiculous. Are you saying that the Final Fantasy series belong in the fantasy genre? Are you saying that a game like Arcanum, which mixes magic and technology seamlessly, doesn't belong in the fantasy genre? Either your definition of fantasy is way too limited and is completely wrong, or... well, there isn't really another explanation I can think of. |
Second, you did not clearly read what I have said. I have said, and will say again that *typically* guns are a bad idea in a fantasy game. There are fantasy games that have guns, but the vast majority of them are crap. The few good ones are usually an equal amount of fantasy and sci-fi, and so are mis-classified as pure fantasy.
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
There are 2 fantasies:
High Fantasy - D2, LOTR, DND, magic and swords, no guns. and Sci-Fi - Psychic powers, space traveling, aliens, uber guns. |
I think I give up on this thread. The few people supporting the idea seem unable to grasp the basic concepts of why firearms are not in the game, and why it would be a very bad idea to add them. Luckily, I have no need to worry about ArenaNet adding them in, as the idea is clearly fail, has been suggested many times before, and has never been taken seriously.
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
There are 2 fantasies:
High Fantasy - D2, LOTR, DND, magic and swords, no guns. and Sci-Fi - Psychic powers, space traveling, aliens, uber guns. You can mix them, but few chooses to do so because it kind of makes no sense. Why use bow/arrow when you can use a gun? But then again, this is a video game. Realism doesn't exist. Still, guns are boring. Fireball > guns. |
Science Fiction has nothing to do with Fantasy. |
Dune is an example, that actually made sense regarding having knives and laser cannons in the same world. |
Maybe if it was a Crossbow? That might work.
Slower recharge time but faster shots.
We can even call it a BOWGUN so we can have guns in guildwars..... no?
Slower recharge time but faster shots.
We can even call it a BOWGUN so we can have guns in guildwars..... no?
Haha, You'r exagerating the power of Guns.
There's no difference between a Headshot from a Bow and with a Gun.
And why do you think of so much of guns, Bullets are Evadable and Blockable.
In fiction characters are able to fight like Bruce Lee or even better.
Guns are easily Ballanced, Cause you people think of Guns as overpowered Weaponry.
As if a Bullet is stronger than a Meteor Shower or a Fireball.
And no one said GW2 would have to be Fantasy based, Also G.O.L.E.Ms are just another excuse for a Robot, and Asura Gates are just Teleportation Devices.
BTW, GOLEMS and Gates are already qualified as Technology. Technology is the knowledge of Tools and Crafts.
And if you say it's not cause it Magically endowed then I tell you, Magically, eletrically, Mechanically, Chemically or whatever type of Energy.
It is still counted as Technology, and Flintlocks and Revolvers are alot more Primitive than GOLEMS or Gates.
And why say something alot Easier to make be less of possible.
I dunno if you blind or just can accept the Truth, but GW is capable of such Firearms.
There's no difference between a Headshot from a Bow and with a Gun.
And why do you think of so much of guns, Bullets are Evadable and Blockable.
In fiction characters are able to fight like Bruce Lee or even better.
Guns are easily Ballanced, Cause you people think of Guns as overpowered Weaponry.
As if a Bullet is stronger than a Meteor Shower or a Fireball.
And no one said GW2 would have to be Fantasy based, Also G.O.L.E.Ms are just another excuse for a Robot, and Asura Gates are just Teleportation Devices.
BTW, GOLEMS and Gates are already qualified as Technology. Technology is the knowledge of Tools and Crafts.
And if you say it's not cause it Magically endowed then I tell you, Magically, eletrically, Mechanically, Chemically or whatever type of Energy.
It is still counted as Technology, and Flintlocks and Revolvers are alot more Primitive than GOLEMS or Gates.
And why say something alot Easier to make be less of possible.
I dunno if you blind or just can accept the Truth, but GW is capable of such Firearms.
Meat Axe
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
Explain, I don't really get that :/
Originally Posted by Muspellsheimr
First, First Person, Role Playing, Real Time Strategy, etc. are game mechanics. Genre deals with the flavor of the game, style of the world, not with how the user interacts with it.
Second, you did not clearly read what I have said. I have said, and will say again that *typically* guns are a bad idea in a fantasy game. There are fantasy games that have guns, but the vast majority of them are crap. The few good ones are usually an equal amount of fantasy and sci-fi, and so are mis-classified as pure fantasy. |
Anyway, you do have a point in that guns will not slot seamlessly into some games. I have a feeling GW is one of them (and by saying GW, I'm including GW2). I can't really see guns fitting into the world of Tyria. Not only do they not fit, there are heaps of balance issues. A bullet propelled by combustion is always going to go further and faster than an arrow propelled by a piece of string. Differing damage isn't the point. An arrow can do just as much damage as a bullet. The simple fact that a bullet can move faster and further makes it too hard to balance. They won't be able to be dodged as easily (if at all). I can also see people killing enemies before they even get close because of the increased range of a bullet.
It just isn't as simple as reskinning a bow. Personally, I prefer some level of realism (not much, but some) in the games I play, and it would disturb me deeply to see a bullet travelling at the same speed as an arrow.
Bullets would have faster Travel Speed but Slower Attack Speed.
A Gun would take 4.33 seconds while Bows would take 3.00 seconds.
And we can make Bullets slower in GW, like it would take 0.99 seconds of Flight.
Or also we can make, Guns as only a Tube which fires of Gunpowder but without bullets.
Making it more of a Shotgun, but and Explosion Comes out of the tip.
So it would have Shorter Range, but Slower Recharge yet Fast Flight Speed.
Blowgun?.., Nothing just naming it^^.
A Gun would take 4.33 seconds while Bows would take 3.00 seconds.
And we can make Bullets slower in GW, like it would take 0.99 seconds of Flight.
Or also we can make, Guns as only a Tube which fires of Gunpowder but without bullets.
Making it more of a Shotgun, but and Explosion Comes out of the tip.
So it would have Shorter Range, but Slower Recharge yet Fast Flight Speed.
Blowgun?.., Nothing just naming it^^.
Malice Black
Ok...seing as you're really keen on this..
Remember all old guns were pretty 50/50 if they backfired/exploded or just didn't fire. All this would have to be added.
Gunmanship below 4 would = 50% chance of backfire, causing xx damage.
Remember all old guns were pretty 50/50 if they backfired/exploded or just didn't fire. All this would have to be added.
Gunmanship below 4 would = 50% chance of backfire, causing xx damage.
Dante the Warlord
Firearms would be terrible in GW, why because you click the person an automatically start shooting, boring to me... If you actually have to press a button to attack then it might be ok, especially with an alternation between swords and such. If you want a cool game with swords and firearms, play Devil May Cry 4, its got firearms and swords. If you wanna stick to GW play ranger or paragon, they use long ranged projectiles anyways, kinda like a gun...
We can add Backfire as an Effect for Guns.
But triggered on through Skills, for ballancing.
-That goes for all Click & Hit Games, and GW have same Gameplay, except for Sins.
And also if you say no, maybe cause of the skills, Firearms would have skill also.
But triggered on through Skills, for ballancing.
-That goes for all Click & Hit Games, and GW have same Gameplay, except for Sins.
And also if you say no, maybe cause of the skills, Firearms would have skill also.
Bullets may have longer recharges and higer cooldown times after skills.
WTB shield with +10 Armor vs Bullets
just in case...
just in case...
Just imagine the 'real' Barrage:
Bullet Barrage
Elite Firearm Attack. All your Preparations are removed. Shoot arrows at target foe and up to 12 foes adjacent to your target. These arrows strike for +2...9...10 damage if they hit.
Hm... bullets would have piercing or blunt damage?
Bullet Barrage
Elite Firearm Attack. All your Preparations are removed. Shoot arrows at target foe and up to 12 foes adjacent to your target. These arrows strike for +2...9...10 damage if they hit.
Hm... bullets would have piercing or blunt damage?
matchlock: 9-41 damage. attack speed slow, fast projectile speed (you can still kite and strafe out of shots btw)
to sum up all the nonsense being passed around here, this is what i would think of as balance. the musket, or matchlock will be a spiking tool, that causes deep wounds, and the occasional disease and/or burning with some of its skills. it would have the same attack rate as hammers/scythes, and will do a damage amount similar to the scythe (having massive criticals and low dead spots).
gun mastery will bacfire if you're under 9 attribute points in it by 50%, and there will even be some skills saying you have a % risk of backfire. also, you're primary would be something like "gunmanship", or "firearms", which would counteract some of the backfire percentage, and speed up your longer activation times (sort of like fast casting, but for just regular skills, like say "iron shot"-5e, 3sec cast, 10 sec rec: you shoot a rusty iron pellet at target for +5..25 damage, causing disease for 1..10 seconds).
also, this would all be piercing damage, like a bow, and still physical combat, so counters would of course be similar to any physical projectie i.e. bows/spears.
it would use preperations similar to a ranger, and have some shouts similar to command mastery, so you could sort of rally your team with called shots.
thats my two and a half cents.
and p.s. i'd take a fight against a matchlock wielding a sword before i fight a skill marksmen with a bow. matchlocks are slow, cumbersom, and were dangerous to use. sounds pretty balanced to me.
to sum up all the nonsense being passed around here, this is what i would think of as balance. the musket, or matchlock will be a spiking tool, that causes deep wounds, and the occasional disease and/or burning with some of its skills. it would have the same attack rate as hammers/scythes, and will do a damage amount similar to the scythe (having massive criticals and low dead spots).
gun mastery will bacfire if you're under 9 attribute points in it by 50%, and there will even be some skills saying you have a % risk of backfire. also, you're primary would be something like "gunmanship", or "firearms", which would counteract some of the backfire percentage, and speed up your longer activation times (sort of like fast casting, but for just regular skills, like say "iron shot"-5e, 3sec cast, 10 sec rec: you shoot a rusty iron pellet at target for +5..25 damage, causing disease for 1..10 seconds).
also, this would all be piercing damage, like a bow, and still physical combat, so counters would of course be similar to any physical projectie i.e. bows/spears.
it would use preperations similar to a ranger, and have some shouts similar to command mastery, so you could sort of rally your team with called shots.
thats my two and a half cents.
and p.s. i'd take a fight against a matchlock wielding a sword before i fight a skill marksmen with a bow. matchlocks are slow, cumbersom, and were dangerous to use. sounds pretty balanced to me.
HuntMaster Avatar
Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
Guns don't kill people.
People kill people. Say no to guns. |
I wouldn't mind having guns in GW. its not like it would break the game or anything. The games already nearly broken as it is.
Bazooka Warrior in Da House!

Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
Bullets travel too fast to block or see. You'll just see full teams of gunners in PvP. Melee will be down the drain, unless the "tanks" actually become tanks.
DPS for guns will be insane. |
For example, a Gatling Gun (something like a mobile Vulcan minigun) has very fast attack speed, but it's pretty weak and slows down user by 10-15%.
Or there are handguns that have an ability to (with right skills) double-shoot or shoot all targets around them, consuming A LOT of bullets (if there are 5 enemies, it consumes 50 bullets - those are 3 times more expensive than arrows, if there are 10, it consumes 100 bullets), but has a 10% bigger chance to miss than normal weapon/other gun.
There are also ,,sniper rifles'', which have 10% bigger chance to hit than normal weapon/gun, 10% higher chance for critical damage and bigger dmg per hit, but it's very, very slow. Plus they have fewer skills than other weapons.
There are also shotguns and grenade launchers, but that would be way off...
But seriously, if dwarfs have powder and asuras have golems (yea, I know, they're not robots, but magical things... but weapons can be too), why they can't combine their talents to make a gun?
Or let's look at the.. Discworld. There was a powerful weapon, first gun ever, which used fireworks as bullets. It was of course corrupted, but hey, everyone feels that surge of power when holding a weapon. Check out Guards! Guards! for more info.
I wouldn't mind having guns in GW.