Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Simple. The influx of added gold will devalue gold, raising prices. This does affect me.
No. it. won't. Before LS prices went down, too. You know why? Because in Guild Wars, with a constant supply of items that are generated from nothing, all things are doomed to be worth 1 gold in the end. Besides, with HM, more Locked Chests, dungeon rewards and the Zaishen chest, most weapon's prices are beyond saving and are doomed to become worthless forever (Like the Elemental Sword and the Colossal Scimitar).
Of course, if Loot Scaling affected goldies, Colossal Scimitars would still be 100K + 500 ecto's because there would be no supply.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
I made myself some builds for special purposes and farming is VERY EASY. Even more if you just use other people's builds, what most people do.
It's easy, but it's always harder than the tab+space hitting you do in normal missions or quests. Besides, it still takes alot of time for you to become actually rich from farming without the LS.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Yeah, no one likes to trade. But that is fixed by adding something like the Xunlai Market, not messing with something that is already fixed. (Yes FI·XED)
I don't know what the Xunlai market is, but it's obviously not yet in the game. The market is a mess these days. A player cannot sell anything unless it is UBER rare. And even then, it is worth 10K max. Besides, thanks to loot scaling, people will think twice on what to spend their money on.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
IT won't affect me in the part of people getting armors or items from NPCs.
But what if someday, for some reason, I decide that I want a req9 Strength inscribed gold Gothic defender? Should I farm to get 100k+100e they ask for it, or just we leave things how they should be, without LS and with Xunlai Market and pay 10..50k for it, the REAL intended price for something like that?
It's your own choice wether you buy an obviously overpriced item. Only the skins that were actually worth it, were 100K + ecto's prior to the LS. And these are the items that are un-farmable. Today, however, there are WAY more items in the market, and there are WAY more ways of obtaining rare weapons. Asking 100K + ecto's for an easy-to-get-weapon is dumb... And paying 100K + ecto's for that item is even dumber.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
LS is NOT an issue for any casual player. Because no causal player is required to farm.
No one.
Not required, but still most of the population farmed back in the days. Why? Because it's fun and it comes in really handy. Guild Wars is really boring without money, and you can't even play the game to it's fullest without cash. I'm not saying that every Casual Player farmed every hour of every day of their life, but at least they had the chance to WORK for their cash back then.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Clinging to old wrong systems and old wrong ways is always a waste of time... a waste of time...
If the system was wrong, it would have been fixed a long time before. The reason why LS was added, was because the bots were getting worse, and they had no other options after the Griffon nerf failed totally and just moved the bots from Augury to Droknar.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
There are other possble things to be done, like making customization better, to remove items from the market, or reduce the drop rates of most rare skins...
So basically, you are saying you don't want to pay 100K + ecto's for a shield, but you do want weapons to increase in price?