Originally Posted by Fay Vert
Crikey, can the pro-LS continent come up with any argument other than "the other side is ignorant" or some other insult?
Have they really lost the debate that badly?
Seems so, but then, when the facts are against you, and you are flat wrong, I guess insulting, trolling and general flame abuse is all you have left.
Coming from the "I stopped giving a darn about it a year ago" camp, here's my thoughts:
The anti-LS argument seems to consist of "it makes us sad pandas and we don't want to be sad pandas". Both sides have about the same level of fact.
Some facts (I'm sure not all):
-Agreed, LS did not change prices that much for players
-We don't have much data on how it affected hardcore farmers and gold resellers
-LS did not affect anything of actual value (really, it only has to do with piles of gold drops and crappy items - golds, greens, rare crafting materials, lockpicks, lots of stuff is exempt from LS)
-The RTM trading policy will not *solve* the gold seller problem
-In GW, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer; those who hae been around longer and gathered lots from before nerfs have a clear advantage over those that haven't. LS or no, that's probably not going to change.
-The rich don't want the poor to have a chance to be rich because that might displace the e-peen.
-GW on average rewards farming a lot, and rewards casual playing little; LS helps close the gap.
-A person CAN make enough money just playing the game to get what they *need* (1k max armor and collector's weapons).
Why do people think that comparing who is happier (LS or no LS) has anything to do with how it should be? Players will always be happier if they can rake in the bucks. That has more to do with base human greed than it does LS. People will also be happier if you make all skills cost 5 energy, all armor 1k with cheap materials, and every creature drops 500 gold when you kill it. But that doesn't mean it's a good idea.
As I've said, I couldn't care less at this point. I think leaving it alone is the right thing to do, but on the other hand, if they removed it, maybe these threads would go away. Now THAT would make me happier.