Originally Posted by Inde
Red Sonya, while I understand your perspective... this doesn't make for a good game. If everything can be obtained in only playing an hour or so a day/week/whatever then what appeal does that have for anyone else who actually wants to play the game more??? There's just no way to make something easily obtainable while still maintaining a playerbase that keeps the game running. And this is a massive multi-player online game. There are plenty of games out there that are solo... MMOG's are community driven by their nature. Which means interacting and actually grouping. This is a genre of games, there are plenty of other genre's out there from strategy to FPS that appeal to the solo player. MMOG's are not solo games.
Well if you read the origional box from Prophecies this game was advertised as just that a SOLO game. Not one place does it ever say forced grouping. This is one of the first to offer BOTH to the community and with the invention of Heroes made it even MORE soloable than ever before. Only a few places people can't go with heroes/henchies and those places they created URSANS BLESSING for those that don't have the time to stand around and wait on someone who's nice and kind and loveable to let them in their group. We've all seen it. People in this game are HATEFUL for the most part, you know it and I know it and if you don't abide by their rules then you are booted from the group. Anet in their infinite wisdom though created an alternative way to play pure solo or to give those casual players a sure fire way to play anywhere and get just about any loot.
But, as far as "challenge" goes there's challenge beyond anyones ability but nobody wants to take it or accept it as I stated, play solo purely solo just you in either mode and see how far you get before you die. Pretty challenging beyond anyones ability to do also, no one will ever beat this game single person solo, but, the CHALLENGE is there who wants to take up the torch?
Also, EVERYTHING can't be obtained in an hour, you play on words. Everything can be gained in MANY hours of play over time. In other words you can't get every unique and rare drop in the game in an HOUR. That's how YOU are wording it. But, in several months even years with the ease that the game is now yes you or someone probably could get almost everything playing 1 or 2 hours a day. But, certainly not EVERYTHING in an HOUR. lol
Remember GW was never advertised to be a MMORPG not really even a MOG, but, a co op game. Thus your mmorpg economies don't matter in this game and shouldn't and Anet has seen to it that it pretty much doesn't now. Time only matters if you're into the 100's of title grinds and there's only a couple of grinds that really matter as far as the game is concerned and welp I'm happy those grinds were introduced. I want things to be easy to get, but, I didn't say I wanted them to be got ALL AT ONCE as you are implying I said. I don't even like that some things are still 100k plus ectoes. It's rediculous to have items of that value since your casual gamers will never aquire that kind of cash. Thus why UB is now in the game, they don't need cash anymore, just a few hours of time and UB and they might get lucky and get that 100k + ecto item. Looks like it's working out that way and I'm glad for the little guy.
If people want to play an econ game go play WOW or EQ or DAOC and all those others that really build an economy like that just to keep people paying $15 a month. Anet doesn't get any extra out of the gamers per month so if people quit it's no big deal they already made their profit off those people. Out with the old in with the new there's kids turning 8-13 everyday.
Plus even as the game is now nobody is beating the game to a pulp I see a lot of exaggeration here as I've played in all these zones and areas with my heroes and henchies and everything isn't peaches and cream there's plenty of challenge and moving of flags required it's not just move from point A to point B everywhere in the game. Realm of Torment in hard mode is still a terror fighting those rain of terrors with heroes and henchies, especially the henchies as they are pretty ignorant.
The other point is that Anet can see the data that you and I can't see. So, no matter if the game is dull and boring and non-challenging to you as long as it's fun and entertaining to a majority that's all that matters. They cannot please a minority and shun the majority. Thus all they are doing is to benefit the majority. It comes down to that again of create your own challenges (you never madeup house rules for any of your games?) or quit.
Myself as I said I pretty much went to PVP. I'm having a blast dancing on assassins and rangers heads everyday and gaining those zashien keys now to get my first emote spear. If they have an event that has some good items like during wintersday or like Gailes goodbye party I'll pve for those items. Then sometimes I just feel like a PUG and sometimes I don't like a mounds or almond joy bar. haha
If one can have the ability to move around play something different each day or week they might find they can enjoy the game more. But, if people just want to be fuddy duddies and complain complain complain welp they are just sour people and probably sour in life as well. Now that's not to say I won't complain "sometimes", but, lol here I see the same people complaining every single day usually about the same thing like 7 heroes or this skill getting nerfed or these people are jerks cause they do this or this or this. You know the spill you read it more than I do.
One more thing Inde, if you really look deep at this game it's nothing more than a larger Diablo 2 with animated chat rooms (and crappy drop rates lol). Each town and outpost is just that an animated chat room to trade, store stuff get different stuff etc. But, when you move into that "instanced area" it's just like Dialbo 2, nobody except those in your group can interact with you. So, it's hardly like a true MMO or MMORPG which have persistant worlds to play in as well as instanced areas. That's why soloing is so popular in this game, because it's EASY to use and do and NO WAITING like you have to do in those elite areas or in other MMORPGs or MMO's. If NScoft turned this game off tomorrow it could still be made to be played OFFLINE just like you would a Neverwinter Nights, a Diablo 2 or any other offline game. It's only difference right now is you can play it online and there's bunches of people to chat with. Hell even those offline games you can play online and with the same size groups and in instanced areas just like GW. Diablo 2 and Neverwinter Nights come to mind right off.