Originally Posted by MoriaOrc
I'm not sure how you came up with this one. There are two things that probably cause people to sync: The reward (in Glad points) for having an above average team every time, and the fun of winning most of your matches. If anything, Dishonorable makes this harder. Before Dishonorable, syncers could leave at the beginning of the round if they got on the wrong team. Now they can only do that once before Dishonorable kicks in and slows them down. Granted, other things like the district merge have made this a lot easier, but once again that has nothing to do with dishonorable.
It promotes syncing because of the existence of glad points. Everybody wants them. So they have 2 choices to get them consistently...look for the best RA team they can find, or sync with friends. Since dishonorable makes it much tougher to find good teams, syncing is the easier option.
Originally Posted by MoriaOrc
While the possibility is there, it honestly never happens. I've played thousands of RA matches since dishonorable was put in, and I've seen false reporting once, maybe twice, in all that time.
Odd...I've played less games than you and seen it more. I've seen reporting of players simply because they were bad by the reporters standards. The more interesting thing is, I saw less leavers than many people claim. I maybe saw a leaver once in every 5-10 games. I see reports at least as many as that.
Originally Posted by MoriaOrc
Griefing builds were common enough in RA before dishonorable. If anything they are now less common because the timer change made them less effective. Yes, it is annoying that I can't just leave when some runner or terra tank refuses to surrender. This is probably the only real negative effect of Dishonorable on normal players. But the builds themselves are less common then they were, and their effect on enemy teams has been significantly reduced. On the whole I'd say that it's better now then it was.
I personally think griefing is worse now. Think about it: Griefers now know that the griefed can not leave the game without getting dishonorable points. Running is more common than ever...even though it was always common. The only savior from these is the timer, which still isn't enough. Basically my main problem is that there are too many situations in RA now where I'll be staring at my screen doing nothing waiting for the game to end because of dishonorable existing.
Originally Posted by MoriaOrc
It's not about how many of which there are. It's about how RA was meant to be played.
Who says it was meant to be played the way it is now? I think it was meant to be played the way it was when it first started (before glad points and before dishonorable).
Originally Posted by MoriaOrc
Because even if only 1/10 people are leavers, that means about every third team I join has a leaver in it (assuming I am not one myself). In reality, the rate was much higher then this, with probably more like 1/5 people being leavers (meaning: every other game and sometimes back-to-back games). Like I said above, this made them common enough that RA was becoming unplayable for people trying to play it as intended.
My problem was that people are claiming that "everybody" loves dishonorable so that is the reason it should stay. My point is that if leaving was SO common before dishonorable (which I disagree with but we say it was so for now), than it stands to reason that a lot of people hated the change.
Originally Posted by MoriaOrc
The random in random arenas is obviously referring exclusively to team composition.
Originally Posted by MoriaOrc
Saying "Go to TA" makes perfect sense when the excuse for leaving is "I want good people on my team." You can go pug in TA and check everyones builds before entering if you don't have anyone you know to PvP with. That way you're guaranteed you won't be playing with anyone you consider to have a bad build.
Remember, people leaving is not neccessarily just because they want good people on their team. People are making all leaving sound like evil intentions. Maybe they leave because the game is already over and they want to save time, among many other legit reasons. Dishonorable punishes people for legit reasons as well.
The problem with TA is that it takes much more time, has no guarantee of finding a team (times I play there are rarely people in TA), and is worse than RA for gaining glad points (which is the reason many people play RA instead of TA). If you ask me, RA shouldn't have any glad points and TA should.
The TA argument has many problems. TA does not fulfill player needs that RA can such as playing a few quick games or playing without having to organize a team. Also, if the typical PvP player has players online to form a TA team, they would much rather play GvG or HA. TA, even though it sounds like RA, is essentially completely different form of PvP.
You can't say just go to TA because TA serves a completely different purpose than RA.
Originally Posted by strcpy
No, it is about your "fun" being contrary to the rules and making the ones following them "fun" lessened.
Of course it is against the rules NOW, but that isn't the point. The point is that the rules CHANGED, and some don't like it. The old RA had no rules and that is how a lot of people liked it.
Originally Posted by strcpy
Lastly, even if the vast majority wanted it this way doesn't make it right. To use another "extreme" (yet this time real) example just because at one time (and the few places it still happens) the majority thought slaves were fine and dandy (and the natural order of things) didn't make the system the Right thing to do.
You are making my original point for me. If the majority like dishonorable, does that automatically mean it is the best thing for the game? I don't think so.
Originally Posted by strcpy
You mistake "random" to be the whole process - you have random teams and organized teams. If it was fully random I would highly agree - however it is only random in team assignment.
Where did you hear that? Without a source, it is just an assumption.
Originally Posted by strcpy
No, *your* entire point for going there is that - that is entirely different from what Anet designed it to be.
How do you know what Anet designed it to be? For starters, the design of RA now is COMPLETELY different from the original RA. You are basically saying "Anet changed it this way so now you have to play by the new rules they designed".
Fine, but that is not what some people have a issue with. They have a problem with design changes that CHANGED the point of going there. There were hardly any complaints about leavers before glad points came along. Then people were given a farming reason to go there and there was an uproar about leavers. You can't say leavers are the problem when they only came about because of other changes to the arena.
You have to say changes are the problem.
Originally Posted by strcpy
In PvE land the same thing happens - people argue what the whole point of the game is - title hunting, rare item hunting, farming, killing things, etc and tell the others that they are playing the game wrong. Turns out PvE is about having fun and allowing you to do it.
Let me give you a PvE example. You claim people can like farming, hunting, titles, killing things, etc. And that is great, and people should be able to play the game however they want to have fun.
Now lets say Anet changed the game so one of those does not exist anymore. They claim they removed it because it ruined the fun of other people who did not like it. Wouldn't you be ticked off because they removed one of the ways you had fun for a stupid reason?
That is how some people feel about some of the RA changes. If PvE is about having fun and allowing you to do it, then why can't PvP (particularly RA) be the same way?
Originally Posted by strcpy
Anet has always kept RA for two basic reasons.
The first is for people who can not get into a team in TA to be able to get a team (and thus you can't leave because you don't like their builds). These people are generally considered bad or new players and is why they require so many wins before unlocking TA. It is a place to learn.
The second is for people who want a non-serious version of PvP wherein you get to play with, well, *random* teams. See reason number one as to why this was never anything more than a playground for PvP.
I agree with both of those reasons being reasons for RA. I think there are other reasons as well though (fun?). Let's say both of those reasons are true though...then why was RA changed to begin with and glad points added?
Originally Posted by strcpy
Dishonorable is working as intended.
Fair enough. I concede. I can't win this argument. I will say one thing though. All of these "rules" have simply conformed RA to something completely different. RA was originally for screwing around and for newbs. Now, its like RA has been packed into a box, where people can farm and there are various rules, as opposed to its original form where everything was out in the open and everybody was free.