Originally Posted by Teh [prefession]-zorz
Good, I [and many other people think] that titles ruined the game, before there was no grinding.
But I guess everyone has their own opinions.
1 up and 2 down
Originally Posted by Teh [prefession]-zorz
Good, I [and many other people think] that titles ruined the game, before there was no grinding.
I Dont Do Coke
Jongo River
Originally Posted by 1 up and 2 down
Like others have said, titles are optional. The only titles I can see affecting your game play are hero and Norn. But even those titles don't affect game play very much if you have a good guild.
Originally Posted by komma
jw why the hell any of you even play the game....all that goes on in this forum is QQ over skills, titles, farming, builds, and other players.
romeus petrus
Originally Posted by SaucE
I say none. If we didn't have them, what would we all have being doing for the last 6 months to a year? People keep going on about the grind and money sink, who said you HAVE to get them? You CHOOSE to grind them out to have them.
Originally Posted by Anet
Guild Wars® is an online roleplaying game that rewards player skill and innovative gameplay over hours spent online.
Sparks Dawnbringer
Originally Posted by Sparks Dawnbringer
None, If you are not interested in a title just don't do it, but don't ruin someone elses fun.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Anet
Guild Wars® is an online roleplaying game that rewards player skill and innovative gameplay over hours spent online.
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
So those are my thoughts. I only chose the PVP ones because I don't play it and don't really like it when I do. And I hate hard mode with a passion, which is why those were included. I wish if they have to have hard mode they'd make it not so "hard." Legendary Survivor is such a pain to get and sooo frustrating if you die so close to the title. And LDOA? Don't get me started, who wants to death level and do all that grind? Sure it's great to have but still. What does everyone else think? |
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
I only chose the PVP ones because I don't play it and don't really like it when I do. And I hate hard mode with a passion, which is why those were included. I wish if they have to have hard mode they'd make it not so "hard."
Loot Junkie
Don Doggy
Tamgi Sun
HARD mode IS HARD for reason, many gamers enjoy the challenge..instead of rolling face on the keyboard, in easy mode... |
Originally Posted by Tamgi Sun
That made me lol :P
Originally Posted by Loot Junkie
All this title talk has inspired me to start a new presearing mesmer and work at LDoA. Why? BECAUSE IT'S A FREAKIN CHALLENGE, THAT'S WHY! And I don't give a rat's rear end about who gets feeling insecure and bothered when they see my title lol.
Originally Posted by Innocent
Tooshortnow? |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Taurucis
From what I've seen during my 35 months of play, a whole ton more people play PvE than PvP for the most part... and I dunno if favoring the loud few over the quiet many is a good way to keep customers.
Originally Posted by Taurucis
Fostering PvP even more would probably have massacred the remaining GW fanbase.
From what I've seen during my 35 months of play, a whole ton more people play PvE than PvP for the most part... and I dunno if favoring the loud few over the quiet many is a good way to keep customers. |
romeus petrus
Originally Posted by Loot Junkie
And I don't give a rat's rear end about who gets feeling insecure and bothered when they see my title lol.
Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
gladiator and hero
cuz it's all rank discrimination now |
Fostering PvP even more would probably have massacred the remaining GW fanbase. |
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
I wish only there would this title not exist:
Legendary Defender of Ascalon: Rewarding People for Death leveling is just ridiculous retarded, especially when the Devs make out of it then such a retarded game design Catastrophes, that players with characters out of pre-searing will never have a chance to get it through an other alternative way. But for alternative ideas is anet just too stupid for. They think ever only in 1 way and never think about consequences their changes could lead to. Thats imo the only title, that should be kicked out... All the other ridiculous ones juts need tweaks to become better titles that make more sense and aren't frustrating... Legendary Survivor for example should become an Account Based Title, this way you must do this pain of 1000% hyper sensible careful playing only once and it is completely regardless, with which Profession you are successful, because YOU as PLAYER show it, that you have done it to receive the required Experience Points, without dieing, the profession you used therfore is completely regardless and not of interest. Drunkard, Sweettooth, Party Animal Titel need all to become Account Based to reduce the grind factor massively and to make Guild Wars again a large part more multi character friendly. because no one will ever have the time to max these 3 Grind Titles with more than 1 Character, besides also nearly no one will think on doing that with more than 1 character, cause of the extreme cost of these titles. Once those titles are account based, anet should let monsters drop also Alcohol, Sweets and Party Stuff. 1 Point Stuff drops then like Blue Items, 2 Point Stuff like Purple and 3 Point Stuff drops like Gold Items. This way would we players become finally more independent over Anets retarded concept of giving us Sweets, Alcohol and Party Stuff ever only X months, when such a stupid Holiday Event like the Dragon festival is running >.> With Monsters dropping all the stuff, we players then could actually really work for these Grind Titles to reduce the massive Cost Factor, so that we don't are forced to buy all the stuff either from NPC's or other Players, but could then farm for the stuff and receive so quicker it, then waitign ever for special events or to farm for the money to buy the stuff from others -.- But Anet has shown, thta they are Masters of catatrophal brainless game Design -.- The Zaishen-Title needs absolutely a Key-Reduction from 20k Keys required to 10K Keys to max it either, or anet has to reduce the cost of those keys from 5k Points to 2,5K Points. Changing that would also reduce their ridiculous value of like 5- 5,5 Platin to half. Also Anet has to increase the ways how to receive Z-keys. Z-keys should for example also drop out of all End Chests from Dungeons. Z-Keys should be a Reward for example too for winning Rows in RA and TA All 5 consecutive wins would receive the winner team's players all each 1 key. This, or anet should increase retroactively the reward points of using those keys from 5 to 10, this way the required amount of keys needed would also fall down from 20k to 10k, which is still a big grind, but doable as account based title. ALso the other grind titles require all also only 10k points/minutes, so why should zaishen take the double amount ? Just because of the emote ? LOL Then should become also Wisdom and Treasure Hunter finally account based, those both require absolutely no skill, you can do them with all professions easily, it plays no matter which class you use, so why is this unfair crap that gives unfair benefits to players character based ? Anet has really to learn, what good game design is >.> character based grind titles with unfair benefits are it surely not... Sunspear/Lightbrigner/Kurzick/Luxon and the other Reputation Titles. Need just only the tweak, that their pve-only Skills should not be bonded with the ranks of those titles. The Skills should be bonded with QUESTS and each time you make a certain Quests of a certain Title successfully, then will increase the power of the to those bonded quests pve only skills. This way getting those pve only skills to their maximum power would be not a grind fest, but more of an achievement, cause you would have really to work for them and that just by playing normally the game making quests... -------- Now to the PvP-Titles... Hero: PvE Charscters should also receive through playing through the Campaigns in NM and HM Fame Points - those characters saved the world, they ARE HEROES, so they shpould receive fame for it. at least it should be enough fame for Rank 3 to have the rank high enough, that the PvE Player can receive its Hero-Monument for his/her Hall. Same should be with Gladiator and Champion. Those 2 titles should receive for PvE some ways, how PvE Players can get through playing PvE at least enough points for Rank 3, so that gettign the Monuments will be no problem. all the rest Ranks from R4 to max those players would have then still to get through PvP alone - that would be but at least fair game design for both gameplay modes. I think it should be not so hard to implement in PvE a Gladiator Arena Outpost, where players then could fight there 1 vs 1 against Monsters and receive there then through killing all monsters of a row Gladiator Points. and for factions to implement a new Elite Competitive Mission in the style of Fort Aspenwood, where Kurzick Faction Guilds will fight against Luxon Faction Guilds and winners there will receive champion points instead of Luxon/Kurzick Points in PvE. And to the last: Commander. I think juts Hero Battles at all need a complete reconcept. take out the bulshit with ever holding such retarded points, where the whole battle looks then more like only running around from point to point to capture it, instead of fighting ... In hero Batttles both players hsould stand like on the hero tutorial on podests and then both players should just only command their Heroes. there then 7, not only 3 and the simple goal would be just to kill all heroes of your foe and that player which has after x minutes more kills, wins Why has anet to make Hero Battles more complicated, than neccessary >.< This way would make Hero Battles also alot more fun, because the players would then just have only to concentrate on commanding their heroes to kill the others most quickly. its at least still called "Commander Title" and not "Run Around from Point to Pount-Title" Thats imo everything needed: -kick LDoA -make all the Grind Shit account based -make Zaishen a bit easier compared to the other Grind Titles which require all only 10k Points - tweak the PvP Titles for PvE fairness, that you can get in both modes points for the titles, but in PvE its limited to R3 max, after that you would have to play PvP - oh and not to forget: give KoaBD it's deserved Emotes XD, best would be the Hero Emotes, but slightly different (without ring aura for example, or with a little different color grade, more darker or so, so that a KoaBD can be differentiated between a Hero Emote then) |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
gladiator and hero
cuz it's all rank discrimination now |
Originally Posted by aapo
- So in addition to being total noob in the game you're also intolerant idiot. You seem to think that if you don't play PvP, PvP isn't entitled to anything. Your post is stupid beyond words.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
I used the search feature and didn't see anything about this, so I thought I'd start a thread. We all know how many titles are available today, so I was just wondering what titles you'd like to see removed and wish didn't exist.
So those are my thoughts. I only chose the PVP ones because I don't play it and don't really like it when I do. And I hate hard mode with a passion, which is why those were included. I wish if they have to have hard mode they'd make it not so "hard." Legendary Survivor is such a pain to get and sooo frustrating if you die so close to the title. And LDOA? Don't get me started, who wants to death level and do all that grind? Sure it's great to have but still. What does everyone else think? |
Bryant Again