1. reward people for gameplay, both their modalities of preference and modalities they might otherwise neglect
2. do so without negatively influencing the Guild Wars economy
3. give relatively unique rewards to further promote these comparatively unprofitable activities
The straight value of a copper z-coin for conventional items is roughly 5 to 10 gold depending on what you buy, using these figures:
Creme Brulee: ~300g
Firewater: ~300g
Lockpick: 1,200g to 1,500g
Small Equipment Pack: 2,500g
Tomes: 300g to 800g
Elite Tomes: 3,000g to 8,000g
Taking some of the values that I recently completed (although they are different from quest to quest), and some ballpark estimates for completion:
bounty: 35 zcoins, 175 to 350 gold, 5-10 minutes
mission: 70 zcoins, 350 to 700 gold, 15-30 minutes
pvp: 350 coins, 1,750 to 3,500 gold, 30 minutes
Obviously this comparison isn't relevant for the higher end items. But right now, the z-coin reward is so unbelievably low for the conventional items that amassing the coins for the more unique (and entirely cost-ineffective) items seems like a Sisyphean task. And presently, there isn't enough reward for doing it, period.
The obvious problems that stand out though are:
1) conventional z-coin rewards are ridiculously overpriced
While I understand they don't wish to adversely influence Guild Wars economy, it's pretty clear that the z-coin to conventional item conversion rate is bad. No one is going to buy anything except for the equipment packs and the crate at present rates. They should reduce prices by at least 50% for everything that's larger than a small equipment pack or the fireworks crate. This would adjust the value of a z-coin to roughly 20 gold each.
Alternatively, you could simply double the z-coin rewards, but you'd have to then adjust the prices of the larger equipment packs and the fireworks crate
This would mean:
bounty: 700 gold of zcoins, 5-10 minutes of work
mission: 1,400 gold of zcoins, 15-30 minutes of work
pvp: 7,000 gold of zcoins, 30 minutes of work
Combined with the quest gold rewards (which vary in terms of gold), this makes the potential hourly reward closer to 10,000 to 15,000 hr. This is obviously not an amazing number for anybody that does elite area speed clears or even raptor or vaettir solo farming, but it's much more favorable.
2) Light equipment packs are the only sensible z-coin exchange.
A small equipment pack is 5 silver coins, or you can simply buy it for 2,500 gold. A light equipment pack is 10 silver coins, which is exactly twice the z-coin cost of a small equipment pack. It's presently the only item that your typical person would ever buy with z-coins, because it's the only sensible option; it's the only thing that's reasonably cost-effective. All other conversions are done at a huge loss.
3) Small equipment packs have a bad storage to cost ratio, especially for the cost of z-coins.
5 slots for 2.5 platinum is kind of expensive for such a marginal extra; they should be more like 1k each. Under the present system, a small equipment pack should be closer 2 silver coins. A PvE player who does the bounty and mission quests daily on a single character will have a light equipment pack in about four or five days.
4) There aren't enough unique z-coin rewards.
Besides equipment packs, there's just no reason to spend z-coins on anything because it's not practical.
These adjustments also make a straight up (and easier to understand) comparison a bit more meaningful for the z-coin exclusive items (excepting the crate, which can be obtained from the Traveler). The adjusted rates would be:
Light Equipment Pack: 10,000 gold
Large Equipment Pack: 50,000 gold
Heavy Equipment Pack: 150,000 gold
Everlasting Fireworks Crate: 500,000 gold
The Everlasting Fireworks Crate looks pretty okay: 100 + 80Eish is reasonably comparable to most of the mid-level monthly everlastings, but obviously higher than the ugly ones and lower than the phantasmal or the non-monthlies. The Large and Heavy Equipment Packs are still very expensive though. You are obviously paying a rather hefty amount for the extra space. For me, that's exactly the point for a unique reward that is only purchasable using z-coins. You've always paid extra for space. Using merchant values:
Belt Pouch: 5 slots for 100g, or 20g per slot
Bag: 5 slots for 100g or 20g per slot
Rune of Holding: 5 slots for 500g, or 100g per slot
Small Equipment Pack: 5 slots for 2,500g, or 500g per slot
Under an adjusted system you would pay:
Light Equipment Pack: 10 slots for 10,000g, or 1,000g per slot
Large Equipment Pack: 15 slots for 50,000, or 3,333 g per slot
Heavy Equipment Pack: 20 slots for 150,000, or 7,500g per slot
Even under an adjusted system, the pricing is just slightly unreasonable. I understand that reducing their cost isn't something to be taken lightly with regard for the original points, and that A-Net wants the pack to be a somewhat unique and hard-to-earn reward, but right now it's just a bit silly. The average PvE player that only clears the bounty and the mission for a single character (and skips elite areas), will get a heavy pack in just over two months. That seems a bit slow to me, but isn't too bad. Obviously this can change pretty quickly by doing the quests on multiple characters, doing one of the PvP quests, or finishing one of the elite areas. I'm sure Arena-Net had this in mind.
The system actually (and probably intentionally) gives the most rewards to multi-modal PvP players with highly active f-list or guilds; the GvG / HA quests in particular give you the most z-coins (350 per completion w/ bonuses). I have probably 6 gold coins from the HA quest alone.
In my opinion though, the Large Equipment Pack is probably more reasonable at 3 gold coins (30,000g, or 2,000g per slot), and the Heavy Equipment Pack at 10 gold coins (100,000g, or 5,000g per slot).
The quest rewards are messed up: they're acting like zaishen coins are precious resources and are far too stingy with them. For instance, I can win 2 hero battles and turn in the quest for 6k faction and .5 silver z-coins. I would have to repeat this 20 times (40 wins) in order to get a single z-key (1 gold z-coin). Meanwhile I would have made 24 z-keys in faction. |
The problem is that quests are often completed in the short term, and unless they provoke a greater interest in the format, just promote the already omnipresent farming mentality, which manifests in terms of playing dumb shit from which no one learns anything (e.g. mathway, b-spike, IWAY) to system abuse (red resigns, arena syncing, leeching competitive missions) to get a disproprotionately large basic reward.
Another problem is that players who don't care about the z-coins just farm certain quests over and over by re-rolling new PvP characters after they complete the basic requirements. I seriously doubt anyone is against such farming in terms of one's ability to farm them (honestly, rather than system abuse). But if people are deciding to farm the quests rather than engage in other profitable farming activities or finish the bonus objectives, it's pretty clear that the z-coin rewards are grossly inadequate or the basic rewards are too high.
I ground the math, and for the HA quest, with a good group and some dedication, you could easily get the quest, wipe the Zaishen, farm UW / Fetid, map out for the reward, transfer the rewards to storage, and re-roll in roughly 8 minutes. That's 9,000 faction and 1,500 gold per quest completion, plus the 1,000 or so from the first two maps. That makes for 11,250 gold and 67,500 faction per hour on average from the quest rewards. If you assume that you earn about 7,500 faction from UW / Fetid, that's 75,000 faction, or 15 z-keys. Sell your z-keys at 3.8k to 4k, and you're making 70,000 gold per hour.
I've been playing a ton of HA with a euro friend lately, and on the HA quest days, he would joke that he'd fake a D/C after Fetid, then conveniently re-roll for the quest. He re-rolled every time that we returned to the staging area. Unfortunately, he didn't make that much faction because we were disgustingly successful. On the other hand, we both made like 3,000 z-coins, which was in line with the original intention of the system.
Reminds me of when they introduced pvp faction originally, and didn't price it very well (had to be increased by many orders of magnitude before the system worked). |
The Z-Coin system is nowhere near as broken as that; I honestly don't believe most people understand how stupid that shit was. Maybe if you got a tenth the z-coins you get now, you'd begin to approach that level of stupidity. Right now the system is actually reasonably good, and actually the conversion rates are reasonably good too.
The problem right now is exactly as above: conventional crap is roughly twice as expensive as it should be, and the unique things have to priced somewhat independently of the conventional stuff. Which is not to say that some comparison isn't helpful (as above) but the heavy pack definitely isn't supposed to be something easy to get.
In the most efficient method of accumulation, zcoins account for about 3% of the quest reward value (faction being 80%, and gold 17%), directly comparable through zkeys. |
Without the bonus objectives, you're absolutely right. You'd only make about 500 gold in z-coins, which is ~77.8%, ~16.7%, and ~5.5% respectively. Which leads back to all of the original points.