The again there is no such word as polishness so you could possibly mean anything, including the degree of Polish influence on the game.
The game at its current state won't sell for **** even with Blizzard or Bioware or Valve or whatever name on it. |

The game at its current state won't sell for **** even with Blizzard or Bioware or Valve or whatever name on it. |
GW is certainly polished - the interface is pretty and informative with tooltips, all the core concepts are explained in game, the game is stable with few and infrequent bugs, the net code is efficient and so forth.
Rocky Raccoon
Zahr Dalsk
That;s a good point. I suspect (although can't prove) some of those WoW sales are actually WoW/Burning Crusade Bundle sales. But yeah, I probably shouldn't have used wikipedia as a source.
But Wikipedia is not the only source to claim that The Sims is the best selling video game of all time. My point was only that if we're using popularity as a game-ranking tool, than the The Sims is the best computer game of all time... and Nintendogs is the best video game. That right there should kill the "popularity = best" argument. There are plenty of reasons to argue that WoW is a great game, that it's a best-selling game is not one of them. |
Obrien Xp
You're telling me people bought Blizzard's games based on its reputation only?
You're using the wrong statistic.
You should, however, be referring to the number of active, paying players instead, which is 11.5 million. It's reasonable to conclude that WoW itself sold a lot, lot, LOT more than that, and that some players quit. The Wikipedia article you describe reflects that. I strongly doubt 11.5 million players actively play the Sims or Nintendogs. That is an instance where popularity is relevant. |
Ghost Omel
Bryant Again
In the ring of gamer-makers, Anet stands in the corner of "small companies", whereas Activision Blizzard and BioWare are in the major league. They cannot and do not want to compete with them. Their strategy (of silence) is risky as has been discussed at length in old threads, but they're very confident to make a huge splash to ensure GW2 will have a long life, without the need to spend millions on CGI (the SW MMO video was purely awesome, but it costs a lot, even for less than 4 minutes!).
I'm still a bit perplexed and slightly amazed by the Burning Crusade sales. Does this mean that most WoW players are just chilling in the earlier levels? That only a small portion of the playerbase is even seeing 70, let alone endgame content? Or is TBC purchasable through other methods not accounted for?
Either way, it's quite a surprising statistic, and really says quite a lot. |
Problem is, by the time GW2 hits you are gonna have games like SC2 and D3 already dominating the western and part of the asian market. You can't wait 10 years before releasing a sequel to a dead game because you will be eaten up by the competition.
And don't even believe for a second that GW2 will surpass SC2 or D3 in sales |
Well, as a buddy of mine who played WoW said when Burning Crusade came out, he's not going to buy it until he gets max level, which he eventually did. It's just common sense not to waste your money for something you can't use. Imagine what the sales would have been like for Factions if you had to be level 20 and ascended to access any of the content? Or you had to be max kurzick or luxon to use NF?
Red Sonya
So your argument that WoW wins because it is the best because it is popular is invalid. |
Bryant Again
Did you not read. Or can you not read? Must I explain you why picking an example and adding your blabla is arseholish?
Originally Posted by Red Sonya
Of course that is just your opinion and invalid. WOW is the BEST and the most POPULAR and those that don't think so always say it's not thus they are wrong and the statistics don't lie. In this day and time $$ is what determines what is best not some independent like you who merely doesn't think it is the best.
Why am I here instead of WOW? So I can be sure and remind YOU that WOW is the BEST and MOST POPULAR of course. |
Bryant Again
Longasc Popularity doesn't really signify if a game is good or not, it just means people like it. Remember the McDonald's analogy? The food is far from top-end and in general it's just bad for you, but people still enjoy it.
Bryant Again
No. You mixed something up. I did not say that, you quoted Red Sonya.
Regarding better examples, a comprehensive list of ANet's blunders:
Well, as a buddy of mine who played WoW said when Burning Crusade came out, he's not going to buy it until he gets max level, which he eventually did. It's just common sense not to waste your money for something you can't use. Imagine what the sales would have been like for Factions if you had to be level 20 and ascended to access any of the content? Or you had to be max kurzick or luxon to use NF?
Bryant though, you could say the same thing about GW's population. While we on guru are used to seeing people with 10+ level 20 characters, there are still a lot of people standing around naked dancing in pre-searing who have never left. |
Bryant Again
Ghost Omel
Problem is, by the time GW2 hits you are gonna have games like SC2 and D3 already dominating the western and part of the asian market. You can't wait 10 years before releasing a sequel to a dead game because you will be eaten up by the competition.
And don't even believe for a second that GW2 will surpass SC2 or D3 in sales |
Really. That will be a problem?
I must agree i NEVER HEARD OF PEOPLE BUYING MORE THEN 1 GAME. Please.. its just amusing .. thinking that a casual player plays only 1 game.. Not to mention they are ALL DIGFFERENT themed games. SC2 is a strategy..i fail to see how it is in direct competiition with GW2 D3 is a hack and slash to see direct competition Just because the games mentioned above have "seniority" or already established name and thinking all other games are infireor to them foolish and extremely fainboish... Man... Dawn Of War was much more enjoyable then Star Carft .... Be less biased please..... |
Bryant Again
Lord Sojar
Bryant Again
Ghost Omel
Im not biased, im a realist.
SC2 and D3 are two games that 99% of the people here are gonna buy and are going to come out before GW 2. Thats 2 games, more than enough for the casual gamer as well as the hardcore gamer. Not many people are gonna stop playing their D3 chars when GW2 comes out either and SC2 so....good luck having a GW playerbase after 5 years |
Lord Sojar
Endgame PvE in WoW is still fun, but it's super, SUPER easy. I no longer see it as having more longevity than GW, though I do find it a bit more interesting and balanced (IN PVE! The EXACT opposite goes for PvP).
PvP can be pretty fun, too, but it just gets soooo annoying. GW may have mechanics that have the potential to be annoying but are much more limited thanks to the fact that staying alive in GW just isn't about "healz moar". |
Bryant Again
Ulduar is easy? Well, color me pink and call me Susan... Oh wait, it's hard as hell.
As for balance... the GW developers ruined that a long time ago. WoW is honestly more balanced right now...
Angel Kiss
I just discovered this thread and was skimming through the various views and I wondered...
...what about the new competition NCSofts new game Aion will bring? Having just participated in the closed beta for Aion over this past weekend, I can definately say it's going to be hard to keep me interested in GW1 or GW2 having Aion as a contender for my game time. The graphics were absolutely stunning, I played from level 1 to 20 (that's all I had time for) with my bottom jaw on the floor 90% of the time. I realise Aion is intended to be a P2P, but so is WoW and we consider it to be in direct competition of GW regardless. If others wish this thread to purely be a GW/GW2/Wow discussion then feel free to delete this post, I won't be offended at all. |
Well, its not like some diceroll gods in the sky randomly assign games set amounts of advertising, Blizzard chose to advertise WoW a lot, and Anet/ NCSoft chose to advertise Guild Wars hardly at all.
Apparently 'Azns' is now a banned term... so I renamed her "A Boob" which apparently is allowed..
The only thing I'd put WoW and GW to be on par with are GvG vs. 5v5, and that's being insanely generous.
I'd give GW the personal vote due to having much more comfortable combat and a better class/build variety. Arms Wars only stay fun for so long, though DK's were hysterical for awhile. As a side problem in WoW, you will get screwed far more up the ass if there's some nasty imbalance.