What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard While Playing Guild Wars?
Think he might have meant "can't spell "flawless" without "lawl"" somehow?
Raven Wing
Fresh from henge of Denravi...its hilarious
Bathal Nasp
was in kama and some guy spamming he wanted to buy a rare mini so i said for laughs "mini destroyer 5k good deal!"
this is what happened:
this is what happened:

My New Name
Nightstalker you giving autographs signed "the greatest hero of all gw"? i want 1 !!!
same shit, different moron like yesterday
this time the guy started nagging about my first good impression and how i ruined it
total lolz
then ironically the other guy was there again in kama going like 'OMGWTFBBQ MINI DESTROYER WHO HAZ DAT!!1!1!1!1!1!' and got offered a few white mini's for it
think i'll put my status on do not disturb alot more now
this time the guy started nagging about my first good impression and how i ruined it
total lolz
then ironically the other guy was there again in kama going like 'OMGWTFBBQ MINI DESTROYER WHO HAZ DAT!!1!1!1!1!1!' and got offered a few white mini's for it
think i'll put my status on do not disturb alot more now
I used to play that trick in Diablo 2. Don't know how many of you have played it, but there was a point in the life of Diablo 2's economy in which a unique drop called stone of jordan ring (soj) was used as currency. The mods on the ring were ok, but for the most part, their value as currency far exceeded the actual usefulness of the item itself.
So what I would do is join a game with many other players in the middle of farming or some quest and talk to Charsi (merchant) and announce to all the players, "OMG! Who sold Charsi the soj!!! Somebody loan me 1000g quick!" Hilarity ensued. I could expect that no matter what was going on, I'd see 6 or 7 portals show up in town with players passing through them then racing to Charsi.
What you gotta do is ask 5k for the mini destroyer, and when he says he'd pay more, you say something along the lines of, "Wait... how much is it *really* worth?" Then watch him backtrack and try to play it off like he's some philanthropist being nice and giving more than he should for something that is worthless. :P
I know, I can be a real jerk sometimes.
So what I would do is join a game with many other players in the middle of farming or some quest and talk to Charsi (merchant) and announce to all the players, "OMG! Who sold Charsi the soj!!! Somebody loan me 1000g quick!" Hilarity ensued. I could expect that no matter what was going on, I'd see 6 or 7 portals show up in town with players passing through them then racing to Charsi.
What you gotta do is ask 5k for the mini destroyer, and when he says he'd pay more, you say something along the lines of, "Wait... how much is it *really* worth?" Then watch him backtrack and try to play it off like he's some philanthropist being nice and giving more than he should for something that is worthless. :P
I know, I can be a real jerk sometimes.
Sword Hammer Axe
I used to play that trick in Diablo 2. Don't know how many of you have played it, but there was a point in the life of Diablo 2's economy in which a unique drop called stone of jordan ring (soj) was used as currency. The mods on the ring were ok, but for the most part, their value as currency far exceeded the actual usefulness of the item itself.
So what I would do is join a game with many other players in the middle of farming or some quest and talk to Charsi (merchant) and announce to all the players, "OMG! Who sold Charsi the soj!!! Somebody loan me 1000g quick!" Hilarity ensued. I could expect that no matter what was going on, I'd see 6 or 7 portals show up in town with players passing through them then racing to Charsi. What you gotta do is ask 5k for the mini destroyer, and when he says he'd pay more, you say something along the lines of, "Wait... how much is it *really* worth?" Then watch him backtrack and try to play it off like he's some philanthropist being nice and giving more than he should for something that is worthless. :P I know, I can be a real jerk sometimes. |

My New Name
in HA we had a guy DC at start and right when we killed the last of zaishen
after like 3 mins he reconnected and we all said resign he said i "got deco".
we all said ok we saw now please resign,then he started spamming "omg i got deco i got deco" "i cant resign when i deco". then after 3 mins of spamming that he resigned but it was too late and we had to wait for opposing party for UW map. in the end after many decoes and tears we all left
after like 3 mins he reconnected and we all said resign he said i "got deco".
we all said ok we saw now please resign,then he started spamming "omg i got deco i got deco" "i cant resign when i deco". then after 3 mins of spamming that he resigned but it was too late and we had to wait for opposing party for UW map. in the end after many decoes and tears we all left
Neo Atomisk
after having bought atleast 30 unded mini's for my HoM, I began handing them out to alliance members who didn't have that much money. so I gave this one guy 7 ded minis because he seemed pretty new. He was very grateful, so I said "no problem, I just want to help people out." He spent the next few days harassing me to give him more dedicated minis.
It just pisses me off that I gave him a few ded minis (I mean they were mostly 4th years, a black beast and dagnar were in there) and he continued to harass and beg me for more... -_-
"The Leader said "Imbagon paragon is good enough for a monk". I said "What the hell are you on?" Hello kick from party :O"
@guy who was running imbagon: imbagons usually replace monks, they outdo most prot monks.
It just pisses me off that I gave him a few ded minis (I mean they were mostly 4th years, a black beast and dagnar were in there) and he continued to harass and beg me for more... -_-
"The Leader said "Imbagon paragon is good enough for a monk". I said "What the hell are you on?" Hello kick from party :O"
@guy who was running imbagon: imbagons usually replace monks, they outdo most prot monks.
Whenever I pass through Kamadan I usually check out the wtb/wts for anything I have in storage that I can get rid of. Usually I'll pm a few offers, sell my junk, and move on. So today I see a guy wtb aptitude not attitude. Lately I've been selling them for 7k, although I see them from 6-8k so I pm him, hey I'll sell that insc 7k. He immediately pm's back OMG if you even try that I will report you to anet you scammer they are 1-2k max. I was like lol? w/e you don't have to buy but don't be an idiot. Then he claims he got one for 1k already and keeps calling me a noob scammer. Um, how is offering to sell something around market value a scam? Even if I told him I'd sell it 100k, how is that even a scam? I had to make room for him on my ignore list cause I didn't want to be bothered.
Obrien Xp
Whenever I pass through Kamadan I usually check out the wtb/wts for anything I have in storage that I can get rid of. Usually I'll pm a few offers, sell my junk, and move on. So today I see a guy wtb aptitude not attitude. Lately I've been selling them for 7k, although I see them from 6-8k so I pm him, hey I'll sell that insc 7k. He immediately pm's back OMG if you even try that I will report you to anet you scammer they are 1-2k max. I was like lol? w/e you don't have to buy but don't be an idiot. Then he claims he got one for 1k already and keeps calling me a noob scammer. Um, how is offering to sell something around market value a scam? Even if I told him I'd sell it 100k, how is that even a scam? I had to make room for him on my ignore list cause I didn't want to be bothered.
I once bought hero armor for 1-2k because I told the person I really didn't know the actual value, I'd pay w/e they offered, and they said 2k so...

I was once in a WoW private server (Don't worry I got bored fast). The realm that everyone uses went down (this happens alot). Some people go to the other realm on that server when this happens. I go to that realm and I have a lvl 12 on it. I'm in world chat when someone asks what happened to the other realm. I know how these things work so I tell him that it probably had an emulator crash and would be up in around 10min. (which was true). He asked me my lvl and screamed at me "YOUR A F@*KING NOOB WTF ARE YOU EVEN TALKING TO ME! GO F*(K YOURSELF!" This ensued for 10min where I ended up (by popular vote) being labeled as a "d*(chebag" because clearly only being lvl 12 on that specific char you talked on means you know nothing about computers.
Zodiac Meteor
He asked me my lvl and screamed at me "YOUR A F@*KING NOOB WTF ARE YOU EVEN TALKING TO ME! GO F*(K YOURSELF!" This ensued for 10min where I ended up (by popular vote) being labeled as a "d*(chebag" because clearly only being lvl 12 on that specific char you talked on means you know nothing about computers.
+1 Guild Wars
I joined a HM Destruction Depths team. I was an Ele and gone support.
Leader: Are you damage
Me: No *ping skills*
Leader: Go damage, We have winter.
I knew the leader was failway as soon as he said that. Brings out Lightning Bar. Cold+armor penetration for the win.
Leader: Ping
Me: *Pings bar*
Leader: Go fire.
Me: What's wrong with my bar?
Leader: You have searing flames
Me: no, destroyers can't burn.
Other Ele: They will take damage with winter
Me: Winter changes the element. Searing flames won't do damage
Other Ele: Yes it will.
Leader: you have searing flames?
Me: no
/kicked me
*literally 5 minutes later after failway team left*
Other ele: LFG DD HM

As Yoda's brother Adoy said:
Ego lead to ignorance, ignorance leads to failing, failing leads to noobing, noobing leads to naked dance party.
in HA we had a guy DC at start and right when we killed the last of zaishen
after like 3 mins he reconnected and we all said resign he said i "got deco". we all said ok we saw now please resign,then he started spamming "omg i got deco i got deco" "i cant resign when i deco". then after 3 mins of spamming that he resigned but it was too late and we had to wait for opposing party for UW map. in the end after many decoes and tears we all left |
LOL I WUZ THAR we told him to resign like over 9000 times but he just sat there saying "omg I got deco" lolololo
After further consideration, I think pretty much everything I hear in RA belongs on this list. I'm only there to get r3 for my hom, I've been doing it for a month or so and am r1+ now, basically just monking for glad points. I'm decent, not the greatest monk ever but I've gotten a lot of compliments. But no matter what happens, if my team loses it must be my fault. NOOB MONK! FAIL MONK! etc etc. I've been called that by a sword wammo with mending, a r/mo with healing breeze and running skills, a derv with all scythe attacks and no other spells, etc etc. Pick a bad build, and they're calling me a noob for not being able to keep them alive. I lol. Makes me glad I put myself on dnd before I start, so they can't bother me.
I've always wanted to share one of my favourite exchanges from my time in the Kurzick side of JQ. A little bit of background: I like running interrupt Mesmers in JQ, mainly Power Block. I like watching RoJ Monks/Meteor Shower Eles/Necrobombers who don't put their enchantments up beforehand stand there for 15 seconds. I, apparently, thought that this was pretty good elite for JQ, at least, for the most part (I will run into the back of a quarry if an Assassin comes lunging for me.) Someone on my team obviously disagreed with me one match. I can't find the screenshot of it, sadly (it was months ago), so this is mostly from memory, but I will try my best to find it if I have to. XD
Let's watch...
Me: "I'm using Power Block on <insert Luxon player here>!"
Me: "Crap, sorry, I was holding the CTRL key down."
Me (thinking): "Managed to catch RoJ yey." *does a little happy Mesmer dance*
Other Mesmer standing next to me by the Green Quarry: "OMFG you f**king noob, Power Block is a bad elite. F**king noob Mesmer, bring VoR."
Me: "... Did you notice that the RoJ Monk's RoJ failed there? Now, what do you think did that?"
Other Mesmer: "VoR, you f**king noob."
This Other Mesmer was running VoR. Didn't even know what his own Elite did. I lost quite a bit of faith in humanity that day.
Let's watch...
Me: "I'm using Power Block on <insert Luxon player here>!"
Me: "Crap, sorry, I was holding the CTRL key down."
Me (thinking): "Managed to catch RoJ yey." *does a little happy Mesmer dance*
Other Mesmer standing next to me by the Green Quarry: "OMFG you f**king noob, Power Block is a bad elite. F**king noob Mesmer, bring VoR."
Me: "... Did you notice that the RoJ Monk's RoJ failed there? Now, what do you think did that?"
Other Mesmer: "VoR, you f**king noob."
This Other Mesmer was running VoR. Didn't even know what his own Elite did. I lost quite a bit of faith in humanity that day.
Nanaki Roren
After further consideration, I think pretty much everything I hear in RA belongs on this list. I'm only there to get r3 for my hom, I've been doing it for a month or so and am r1+ now, basically just monking for glad points. I'm decent, not the greatest monk ever but I've gotten a lot of compliments. But no matter what happens, if my team loses it must be my fault. NOOB MONK! FAIL MONK! etc etc. I've been called that by a sword wammo with mending, a r/mo with healing breeze and running skills, a derv with all scythe attacks and no other spells, etc etc. Pick a bad build, and they're calling me a noob for not being able to keep them alive. I lol. Makes me glad I put myself on dnd before I start, so they can't bother me.
ll Jamie ll
Thank god that you can judge a person on how good they are by their skills and not their level.
+1 Guild Wars I joined a HM Destruction Depths team. I was an Ele and gone support. Leader: Are you damage Me: No *ping skills* Leader: Go damage, We have winter. I knew the leader was failway as soon as he said that. Brings out Lightning Bar. Cold+armor penetration for the win. Leader: Ping Me: *Pings bar* Leader: Go fire. Me: What's wrong with my bar? Leader: You have searing flames Me: no, destroyers can't burn. Other Ele: They will take damage with winter Me: Winter changes the element. Searing flames won't do damage Other Ele: Yes it will. Leader: you have searing flames? Me: no /kicked me *literally 5 minutes later after failway team left* Other ele: LFG DD HM ![]() As Yoda's brother Adoy said: Ego lead to ignorance, ignorance leads to failing, failing leads to noobing, noobing leads to naked dance party. |
That you coudnt create a guild before lv.20..
´ZOMG, grasping have teh h1ghest ectozzzz drop rate in game kill em or i leave u noob plzplz´
Or something like that. Was doing Perma/SS at that time.
Or something like that. Was doing Perma/SS at that time.
The forth fly
last night
Me:WTS BDS req 9 smite
Idiot:i rlly want it but im short on cash ill give you 15 ecto now and i promise to give you 15 ecto a week for 2 months
Me:WTS BDS req 9 smite
Idiot:i rlly want it but im short on cash ill give you 15 ecto now and i promise to give you 15 ecto a week for 2 months
Zahr Dalsk
I don't know if this is the stupidest thing, but this was posted over on the 'what are your pet peeves' thread today
The crazy-assed mission known as Vizunah Square. It's divided into two quarters: Foreign and Local. It's freaking creepy to go into the mission when you are Local and seeing an invisible Foreign Quarter team running the same mission - up to and including see drops for them appear in your instance. If you hit Alt when this happens, you can even see their floating nametags. If it is supposed to work this way, then they need to fix it so that it's a proper 16-man mission and those people actually are more than ghosts stealing your drops and vice-versa.
The crazy-assed mission known as Vizunah Square. It's divided into two quarters: Foreign and Local. It's freaking creepy to go into the mission when you are Local and seeing an invisible Foreign Quarter team running the same mission - up to and including see drops for them appear in your instance. If you hit Alt when this happens, you can even see their floating nametags. If it is supposed to work this way, then they need to fix it so that it's a proper 16-man mission and those people actually are more than ghosts stealing your drops and vice-versa.
Sword Hammer Axe
last night
Me:WTS BDS req 9 smite Idiot:i rlly want it but im short on cash ill give you 15 ecto now and i promise to give you 15 ecto a week for 2 months WTF |
I had a guy a little more honest saying something like that once:
Me: WTS r11 Zodiac Sword (when they were worth tons).
Him: I probably don't got what you want, but I can pay you in a week.
Me: Excuse me? I'm not that stupid

Him: You're right. I thought I could have been lucky. I mean you never know right?
Me: ... Well true, but kinda dishonest o.0
Him: I guess so. But that would be my conscience XD
Was kinda an unethical policy he ran but my god respect for him actually being that straightforward XD Reason I didn't post this earlier on "stupidest thing" is: It's not really stupid. Just pretty weird

Thamior Shamus
"I cant put order the vamp on 1". and "Why should i frenzy in between spikes" ... Not the stupidiest but pretty funny when they keep saying it after you've explained it.
Zodiac Meteor
Wow... Just WOW! What are the odds?
Zahr Dalsk
Some Guy: So what state do you live in?
(I never said to him that I'm american. The ignorance, the blind assumption that everyone's american, still astounds me.)
(I never said to him that I'm american. The ignorance, the blind assumption that everyone's american, still astounds me.)
a few days ago i was selling some party points. i have a dude come say i'll buy them then puts in that shield the skeleton drops. umm okay. he says for quote, but dude its worth 4.5k! wth! i tell him no kick him then sell the points for money. the cof weapons are so over farmed to worth that much. lol
Skyy High
Sword Hammer Axe
Saldonus Darkholme
This last weekend:
"Don't kill Alem yet! You HAVE to kill his party first!"
Apparently, math and reading comprehension are electives now!
"Don't kill Alem yet! You HAVE to kill his party first!"
Apparently, math and reading comprehension are electives now!
Killing bosses in HM under light bringer bounty earns you extra light bringer points depending on how many regular monsters you've killed for that bounty already. Typically, in the run with Alem, you should kill his minions before killing him.
Saldonus Darkholme
During the Salajah runs, you kill the first 3 groups on your way TO Alem, thereby fulfilling that qualification. It's the Sunspear title, not the Lightbringer title. Reread the bounty in hard mode, then do the math. You get 8 points per kill. Once you achieve 25 kills, that's 200 points, which is the max. There is NO NEED to kill his group if you killed the other 3 groups preceding his.
This 'conversation' I just had while in GToB with my Ritualist is pretty stupid.

Apparently I should ditch my boyfriend for some random kid on GW. Yeah, okay.

Apparently I should ditch my boyfriend for some random kid on GW. Yeah, okay.
Skyy High
He never said he was on an American server. And even if he did it would still be BS. Do you have any idea how many non Americans come to American servers for trading, and pugging?
As for being on an American server, I just took that as a given. If he was indeed on a European server, and someone said that, I take back everything I've said on the subject. I pray someone couldn't be that stupid.
ll Jamie ll
That made me laugh, a similiar thing happened in my guild the other day 
But i also heard this like a week ago ingame:
Me: "Im looking forward to see the september update."
Some dude in alliance: "I think their nerfing barbarous slice or something like that."
...? Out of all the skills.. seriously.
On top of that i was thinking "wher'd he get this info?"

But i also heard this like a week ago ingame:
Me: "Im looking forward to see the september update."
Some dude in alliance: "I think their nerfing barbarous slice or something like that."
...? Out of all the skills.. seriously.
On top of that i was thinking "wher'd he get this info?"