Perhaps not the stupidest things, but two of the stupidest recent things I came across. I found them very entertaining. (:
The first was forming a group for Tahnnakai Temple with my monk (emphasis on Mo/Me). I hopped into this group with this guy and I think another person, as well as this poor Rit. He was asking everyone if they had the Rit elite 'Consume Soul' (I believe it's called) because that would make the mission easier - which I don't dispute.
Guy: Roren (my monk) u have hero with consume soul?
Me: Uh, nope.
-The Rit and another dude join-
Guy: u have heroes with consume soul?
Rit: No
Dude: No
Guy: Oh, 'Rit', ur a Rit lol. I didn't realize. do u have consume soul?
Rit: no? what does it do?
Guy: You steal Health from target foe. If that foe was a summoned creature, you steal all of that foe's life.
Rit: I'm sorry english isn't my first language, i'm having a hard time understanding
Me: -google a template with the skill so he can see the image of it and such-
Me: -ctrl z template- Here's a build with consume soul if that helps you out a bit?
Rit: Oh thanks
Guy: Ahhhahahahahaha! Brilliant! That will work nicely!!!
Guy: Hahahahaha!
Guy: Hahahahaha Roren are you using that build?
-brief pause while I asses my monk and mesmer skills and nope. no Rit spells there-
I felt bad when I had to remind him of that fact. And I guess this is an easy mistake to make, it just entertained me.
I think that's 'nuff said? (:
Number 2.
We were not that far into Aborstone. We had a Necro with us who was raising minions like no one's business, and was keeping them alive with Blood of the Master (I think). So every few seconds he'd lose a chunk of life and we'd heal him - no worries.
The trouble was when we were waiting for Danika (Monk prime, remember

) to catch up and open the door, this Necro spamming Blood of the Master to keep his minions alive.
Danika catches up and I guess her main priority before anything is healing, so she sees this Necro lose some health and heals him. She gets to the door and starts doing her thing but: Ooop! Necro lost some health again.
She drops what she's doing and rushes over to cure the Necro and then goes back to the door. Necro loses some health, she runs back to him and heals, then back to the door, and so on and so on. This happens quite a few times, and I wish I had kept count.
Getting a bit agitated I go: Please, let her open the door...
She manages to open the door finally, and guess that the Necro finally got what was going on. But no.
Necro: LOL!! Bout time Danika!!!