What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard While Playing Guild Wars?

To be honest, I'd agree with the other guy.. since in guild wars, ectos, zkeys, armbraces and other such items have a generally agreed upon value, and therefore are equivalent to cash. So.. yeah. Self ownage?
Ectos, Z-keys etc have a generall value, and everyone buys and sellings fairly close to this, whereas weapons and minipets can vary wildly in value depending on how much the buyer is willing to pay, and how greedy the seller is.
I can accept Z-keys and Ecto as a form of currency, weapons and minipets however, are not a form of currency.
Ectos, Z-keys etc have a generall value, and everyone buys and sellings fairly close to this, whereas weapons and minipets can vary wildly in value depending on how much the buyer is willing to pay, and how greedy the seller is. |

Unreal Havoc
Pretty much anyone in AB who complains about being outnumbered when they get killed.
"OMG you re so dishonourable you can't kill me on your own! Whhaaagghhhh!!!!"
My reply.
"It is 12v12? Right?"
"OMG you re so dishonourable you can't kill me on your own! Whhaaagghhhh!!!!"
My reply.
"It is 12v12? Right?"
Obrien Xp
That has no validity in anywhere outside the US, Territorial Ownerships, or US overseas bases. There may be freedom of speech in other countries, but INTERPOL and 4chan rule the net, and they say what's what.
Don't you love it when in movies, (and irl sadly) when someone says, "you can't (or I can) do that, I'm an American Citizen!"
Don't you love it when in movies, (and irl sadly) when someone says, "you can't (or I can) do that, I'm an American Citizen!"
El Presidente
That has no validity in anywhere outside the US, Territorial Ownerships, or US overseas bases. There may be freedom of speech in other countries, but INTERPOL and 4chan rule the net, and they say what's what.
Yep, to which I reply, "That's nice. North, Central or South America?"
Obrien Xp
It has no validity in the USA. It comes from the First Amendment to the Constitution which states, in part, "or abridging the freedom of speech". It doesn't come from the Declaration of Independence, which is what Martin was getting at.

All I care about is the BNA (British North America Act) and the Bill of Rights.

And, ignoring the factual error, it also doesn't apply on GW by the constitution either. The first part of that amendment is "Congress shall make no law..." Anet isn't congress and the GW servers are private property, so they can make whatever rules they want, restraining any kind of speech they like.
Sword Hammer Axe
And, ignoring the factual error, it also doesn't apply on GW by the constitution either. The first part of that amendment is "Congress shall make no law..." Anet isn't congress and the GW servers are private property, so they can make whatever rules they want, restraining any kind of speech they like.
Miss Bubbles
Some random guy said to me about a week ago:
Him: Why are you on my friends list?
Me: No idea, who are you?
Him: Me.
Me: Maybe you added me because we've done a mission together or something.
Him: Did you hack my Guild Wars account and added yourself on my friends list?
.......... lol
Him: Why are you on my friends list?
Me: No idea, who are you?
Him: Me.
Me: Maybe you added me because we've done a mission together or something.
Him: Did you hack my Guild Wars account and added yourself on my friends list?
.......... lol

Some random guy said to me about a week ago:
Him: Why are you on my friends list? Me: No idea, who are you? Him: Me. Me: Maybe you added me because we've done a mission together or something. Him: Did you hack my Guild Wars account and added yourself on my friends list? .......... lol ![]() |
Miss Bubbles
Well, you HACKED his account, you should know what he has and doesn't have...
Miss Bubbles
Yesterday I traded a Murakai's Blade for a Destroyer Sword. I was helping a guildie in Consulate Docks HM and a couple of randomers tagged along with us, one of them saw me using it and decided he really wanted one.
"Hey man wanna trade my destroyer for your sword? Yours looks way cool!"
"This sword? Heh, alright"
I have 3 more copies of Murakai's Blade in my stash due to all the CoF runs. That trade was definitely worthwhile. ^_^
"Hey man wanna trade my destroyer for your sword? Yours looks way cool!"
"This sword? Heh, alright"
I have 3 more copies of Murakai's Blade in my stash due to all the CoF runs. That trade was definitely worthwhile. ^_^
Sword Hammer Axe
Yesterday I traded a Murakai's Blade for a Destroyer Sword. I was helping a guildie in Consulate Docks HM and a couple of randomers tagged along with us, one of them saw me using it and decided he really wanted one.
"Hey man wanna trade my destroyer for your sword? Yours looks way cool!" "This sword? Heh, alright" I have 3 more copies of Murakai's Blade in my stash due to all the CoF runs. That trade was definitely worthwhile. ^_^ |
Zahr Dalsk
Martin Alvito
And, ignoring the factual error, it also doesn't apply on GW by the constitution either. The first part of that amendment is "Congress shall make no law..." Anet isn't congress and the GW servers are private property, so they can make whatever rules they want, restraining any kind of speech they like.
What was pathetic was that the kid wasn't aware of something that a properly educated American 8th grade boy should know. I infer gender and age from the content.

You're joking... we covered that in 9th grade Civics, and I ain't that old! (And I'm a computer programmer, not a lawyer. I have scruples, yanno!)
Last night someone tried to tell me that "Angel of Darkness" is an awesome band name.
The basics of the Constitution should be learned in high school.
My first character was a female elementalist. (I'm a guy)
This guy I was talking to in Piken Square asked me to join his guild; thinking it couldn't hurt, I did. Afterwards, he'd keep sending me the url to his MySpace for me to visit. I didn't know how to quit a guild at the time, so I just stayed and took it for awhile...
My ranger (yeah, female again) in GtoB.
There were bunch of people doing musical instrument emotes, so I joined it. This guy asks, "hey whats up."
I reply, "not much..."
He goes, "r u a girl."
I stop at this point.
After awhile, he goes, "why wont u talk 2 me?"
A while ago, in beetle racing.
If someone's getting pummeled in the racing, I usually join in to thin out the competition. This guy gets really upset and starts calling me an incestuous something. This was back when I'd actually try to argue/reason at ragers. I whisper back for few minutes before I ask for his district just to switch over and report him.
This guild I was in recently before I stopped playing for awhile.
The leader apparently invited a ranger who was supposed to be quite decent. I just saw him using longbow to kill archers while using troll unguent at full health. Anyways, he's mighty proud of this make-over he did on his female ranger... Silver hair... Elite Druid Set (twig bikini set)... Some Japanese name... He starts going around asking people what they thought of his character's costumes, hair, and name... We get a guest to take a midline spot to GvG, and it's a woman with british accent. The guy starts asking her to say, "fish sticks..."
Had a ranger for that one factions mission - one right before Shiro. This ranger has absolutely no idea what he's doing, so I ask him to just sit back and splinter barrage or something. He loads Barrage and Splinter Shot.
Of course, in AB, those who soloers who get mauled by a crowd and go, "LOL TOOK 5 GUYS TO KILL ME." More like taking five guys to kill you within five seconds.
... and those who always resorts to, "lol u live in your parent's basement and you're fat as fuk and will never get laid."
I'll never know if these people actually think every other Guild Wars players are unfortunate acne-written fat 40-year olds living in their parents' basement or if it's their escape tactic to divert the attention from whatever they were originally arguing about.
This guy I was talking to in Piken Square asked me to join his guild; thinking it couldn't hurt, I did. Afterwards, he'd keep sending me the url to his MySpace for me to visit. I didn't know how to quit a guild at the time, so I just stayed and took it for awhile...
My ranger (yeah, female again) in GtoB.
There were bunch of people doing musical instrument emotes, so I joined it. This guy asks, "hey whats up."
I reply, "not much..."
He goes, "r u a girl."
I stop at this point.
After awhile, he goes, "why wont u talk 2 me?"
A while ago, in beetle racing.
If someone's getting pummeled in the racing, I usually join in to thin out the competition. This guy gets really upset and starts calling me an incestuous something. This was back when I'd actually try to argue/reason at ragers. I whisper back for few minutes before I ask for his district just to switch over and report him.
This guild I was in recently before I stopped playing for awhile.
The leader apparently invited a ranger who was supposed to be quite decent. I just saw him using longbow to kill archers while using troll unguent at full health. Anyways, he's mighty proud of this make-over he did on his female ranger... Silver hair... Elite Druid Set (twig bikini set)... Some Japanese name... He starts going around asking people what they thought of his character's costumes, hair, and name... We get a guest to take a midline spot to GvG, and it's a woman with british accent. The guy starts asking her to say, "fish sticks..."
Had a ranger for that one factions mission - one right before Shiro. This ranger has absolutely no idea what he's doing, so I ask him to just sit back and splinter barrage or something. He loads Barrage and Splinter Shot.
Of course, in AB, those who soloers who get mauled by a crowd and go, "LOL TOOK 5 GUYS TO KILL ME." More like taking five guys to kill you within five seconds.
... and those who always resorts to, "lol u live in your parent's basement and you're fat as fuk and will never get laid."
I'll never know if these people actually think every other Guild Wars players are unfortunate acne-written fat 40-year olds living in their parents' basement or if it's their escape tactic to divert the attention from whatever they were originally arguing about.
After he tries to scam me for 4k or 5k.
Dumb Dude: Why don't you go f*** your mom?
Me: Ouch. I'll have to cry now.
DD: LOL cry b****. I know you love insects.
Me: Insects? I don't like bugs.
DD: Not bugs m*therf*****. Like when you have sex with your relatives.
Me: You mean incest?
DD: LOL you can't even spell.
Dumb Dude: Why don't you go f*** your mom?
Me: Ouch. I'll have to cry now.
DD: LOL cry b****. I know you love insects.
Me: Insects? I don't like bugs.
DD: Not bugs m*therf*****. Like when you have sex with your relatives.
Me: You mean incest?
DD: LOL you can't even spell.
Unless things have changed majorly since I graduated high school five years ago, they're at least taught. I know in Illinois you cannot graduate high school unless you've passed a course on US government. And that literally means you must pass every single thing in that class.
Raven Wing
Being from Europe I must say that these americans referring to US legislation regarding their right to swear and cuss etc on a privated owned server like Guildwars are clear candidates. Going very far in ridiculing themselves.
today I saw someone in Great Temple of Baltazar asking: How can I make money?
I mean, if you just buy the game and click create pvp char, then you arent in it for money...if you click create pve (roleplaying as i says) then your first obvious step isnt GTOB.
Its a question you expect to see in ascalon, shinjjea or kamadan.
today I saw someone in Great Temple of Baltazar asking: How can I make money?
I mean, if you just buy the game and click create pvp char, then you arent in it for money...if you click create pve (roleplaying as i says) then your first obvious step isnt GTOB.
Its a question you expect to see in ascalon, shinjjea or kamadan.
After he tries to scam me for 4k or 5k.
Dumb Dude: Why don't you go f*** your mom? Me: Ouch. I'll have to cry now. DD: LOL cry b****. I know you love insects. Me: Insects? I don't like bugs. DD: Not bugs m*therf*****. Like when you have sex with your relatives. Me: You mean incest? DD: LOL you can't even spell. |
I was in RA yesterday and someone was running a w/mo build with healing breeze and defy pain. Much laughter was had.
After he tries to scam me for 4k or 5k. Dumb Dude: Why don't you go f*** your mom? Me: Ouch. I'll have to cry now. DD: LOL cry b****. I know you love insects. Me: Insects? I don't like bugs. DD: Not bugs m*therf*****. Like when you have sex with your relatives. Me: You mean incest? DD: LOL you can't even spell. |
EDIT: There was some bug or virus IDK which filled my post with RED ENGINE GORED ENGIN..things

general shaun
some guy selling drops in rata sum: WTS Claws of The Brood Mother 3k
Tahlia Tane
Horace Slughorn
OMG guys guys. This one time... I was in this outpost... and in local chat... someone said something ignornant ... and I laughed out loud, but cried silently.

You know you love insects D:<
I was in RA yesterday and someone was running a w/mo build with healing breeze and defy pain. Much laughter was had. |
me and 3 mates all synced into RA with life bond healing hands wammos...good laughs were had when it took the opposition 5mins to kill the four of us

probs was one of us as we failed synced the first time and entered about 3 different games haha
on-topic: as I am generous sometimes and someone was asking for 2k to complete his armor, I thought, "o well wtf, I don't need it let him have it" - so I traded him the 2k and got a string of spam back saying "haha noob" - shows what thanks you get for being nice >.<
another funny one in RA: at the start of the fight our monk asked the entire team to /rank so he could see how "1337" we were (his words) so after the entire team /rank (one r6 two r9(tiger emote?) he goes "lol noobs, your ranks suck, i'm rank 16 and im so good A-net aen't even put a title in for me yet - I have haxxor skills so i'm the best HA player ever noobs" - he proceeded to quit the team...
my screenshot buttons broken - i couldn't take a pic

Sword Hammer Axe
on-topic: as I am generous sometimes and someone was asking for 2k to complete his armor, I thought, "o well wtf, I don't need it let him have it" - so I traded him the 2k and got a string of spam back saying "haha noob" - shows what thanks you get for being nice >.<
another funny one in RA: at the start of the fight our monk asked the entire team to /rank so he could see how "1337" we were (his words) so after the entire team /rank (one r6 two r9(tiger emote?) he goes "lol noobs, your ranks suck, i'm rank 16 and im so good A-net aen't even put a title in for me yet - I have haxxor skills so i'm the best HA player ever noobs" - he proceeded to quit the team... my screenshot buttons broken - i couldn't take a pic ![]() |
Number 2: I've probably met that EXACT same person lol. Because he said the exact same thing to me once. I didn't screen either because... well... I see many stupid people :P
Number 2: I've probably met that EXACT same person lol. Because he said the exact same thing to me once. I didn't screen either because... well... I see many stupid people :P
love the r16 haxxors they must be leetsauce
Its not in game but the last stupidest thing ive read today was " is pvx destroying the game? " :/
I was in the Eye of The North, around Wintersday 2007. I saw somebody selling "awesome greenz!!!11!!11!!," so I thought I'd take a look. I didn't really plan on buying anything, but there was hardly anybody in that outpost, so I figured I couldn't possibly waste more time of theirs than they'd already decided to waste on their own. Anyway, they opened the trade window, and showed what they had. None of it was good at all. Just obscure greens that would be better off given away to new players or merched. I promptly said "No thanks" and closed the trade window.
(The following is based solely on memory. Quotes are probably not exact)
Them: Noob.
Me: Excuse me?
Them: Noob
(Yes, they actually included the smiley)
Me: Because I don't want to buy your useless items?
Them: *rage about how their items are not useless with a few choice phrases thrown in for good measure*
Me: You shouldn't talk to people that way. It's very rude, and not very professional-sounding.
Them: I'm 13. I can do whatever the f*ck I want.
Me: /facepalm.
That was the day that I nearly lost all hope for GW.... and Humanity.
(The following is based solely on memory. Quotes are probably not exact)
Them: Noob.
Me: Excuse me?
Them: Noob

Me: Because I don't want to buy your useless items?
Them: *rage about how their items are not useless with a few choice phrases thrown in for good measure*
Me: You shouldn't talk to people that way. It's very rude, and not very professional-sounding.
Them: I'm 13. I can do whatever the f*ck I want.
Me: /facepalm.
That was the day that I nearly lost all hope for GW.... and Humanity.