What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard While Playing Guild Wars?
Well i find it hard to accept when people are rude to each other and have as a goal to help giving tips instead of directly insulting.
But i still get furious when people goes "ZOMG --- YOU STUPID!!!" when they seem to not know what i am doing at all, and they should really stay focused on their own gameplay.
I am a proud fool and really likes to try out new builds for the sensation of doing something different, and sometimes i will test it out in RA.
This sadly isn't seen lightly from the eyes of the average RA player but i still don't find it OK to insult players and don't really know what your built around, which is a big part of playing mesmer, doing a lot of things that not many understands.
To test out all thee updated skills the turn came to crippling anguish, which i was happy to find on the update page since its a shame it has been such a joke skill, so with the build given bellow i set out and ended up with a team composed of a monk, necro, asassin and me.
then after we won a couple of wins and beaten the first 5 we encountered a team that brought us down.
i used arcane condurum and rupting on mes, ele and necro while every once in a while using crippling anguish and calculated risk on the warrior (lovely skill btw)
and people start whining because i don't always follow the ping, maintaining stuff and rupting key skills.
don't know if they wouldn't accept that i cant no matter what interrupt Psychic instability.
don't criticize my build, it was made for testing purposes.
But i still get furious when people goes "ZOMG --- YOU STUPID!!!" when they seem to not know what i am doing at all, and they should really stay focused on their own gameplay.
I am a proud fool and really likes to try out new builds for the sensation of doing something different, and sometimes i will test it out in RA.
This sadly isn't seen lightly from the eyes of the average RA player but i still don't find it OK to insult players and don't really know what your built around, which is a big part of playing mesmer, doing a lot of things that not many understands.
To test out all thee updated skills the turn came to crippling anguish, which i was happy to find on the update page since its a shame it has been such a joke skill, so with the build given bellow i set out and ended up with a team composed of a monk, necro, asassin and me.
then after we won a couple of wins and beaten the first 5 we encountered a team that brought us down.
i used arcane condurum and rupting on mes, ele and necro while every once in a while using crippling anguish and calculated risk on the warrior (lovely skill btw)
and people start whining because i don't always follow the ping, maintaining stuff and rupting key skills.
don't know if they wouldn't accept that i cant no matter what interrupt Psychic instability.
don't criticize my build, it was made for testing purposes.
You obviously should have ran a build from PvXwiki and used an interrupt bot to appease your ignorant team members! The future of PvP is to eliminate any human elements.
Samurai Sol
the funnyiest thing ive seen was back before ursan got nerfed in olafstead there was a party search
GLF r10 ursans for ursan farm
GLF r10 ursans for ursan farm
Zahr Dalsk
Voodoo Rage
Terrible Surgeon
That mesmers can drop a warrior in under 5 seconds using mindwrack/esurge/overload....
Martin Alvito
No offense, but it is a pile of underpowered garbage. Doubly so after Friday's update.
I wholeheartedly agree with the proposition that the RA community is full of unimaginative, wiki-reliant idiots that don't understand game mechanics. But that shouldn't insulate you from the wrath of said idiots when you run a truly terrible bar.
If you don't understand mechanics well enough to construct good bars from scratch, you should be using the wiki until you do understand the mechanics. Even if you do understand mechanics well enough to build good bars, you should still be using the wiki in order to see what other people are using. Knowing what is out there enables you to bring proper counters.
It only makes sense to discard the wiki once you're among the elite in a constructed format (HA/GvG) and you are attempting to Build Wars specific opponents rather than an entire meta.
I wholeheartedly agree with the proposition that the RA community is full of unimaginative, wiki-reliant idiots that don't understand game mechanics. But that shouldn't insulate you from the wrath of said idiots when you run a truly terrible bar.
If you don't understand mechanics well enough to construct good bars from scratch, you should be using the wiki until you do understand the mechanics. Even if you do understand mechanics well enough to build good bars, you should still be using the wiki in order to see what other people are using. Knowing what is out there enables you to bring proper counters.
It only makes sense to discard the wiki once you're among the elite in a constructed format (HA/GvG) and you are attempting to Build Wars specific opponents rather than an entire meta.
Charlie Dayman
Someone trying to sell one of the new WiK minis for 2500e in LA last night.
Sword Hammer Axe
If you don't understand mechanics well enough to construct good bars from scratch, you should be using the wiki until you do understand the mechanics. Even if you do understand mechanics well enough to build good bars, you should still be using the wiki in order to see what other people are using. Knowing what is out there enables you to bring proper counters.
Seriously, new players, who have never even heard of wiki or who would rather try things out for themselves, without having to rely on the previous experiences of other players, have just as much a right to play this game as everyone else, without having to take crap from people who just don't like losing. If you don't want to lose: Play TA. There you can be sure of other peoples build, and actually have a right to expect something, while in RA, you shouldn't blame people even if they brought 3 PvE skills in their bar... this guy is one of the people who like to play his own way, and who likes to play PvP trying out different stuff by himself. Why can't you just let him do that? Where the hell else is he supposed to go to try out that new PvP build of his? Give him some freaking space. There is no excuse, for insulting people for their builds, and there is no way an insult can be refered to as "constructive criticism"
Anyways to stay on topic: Had a guy trying to sell me Hard Apple Cider for 5 k 0.0 Worst part is I've already used it for Thackerays hunt, and didn't even ask to trade (he just pm'ed me randomly) and then he actually started saying that drinking it on Wizard's Isle (the guild hall) gives you Aion wings XD Man I lol'd
Countess Marie
"It's purple!"
In response to a r8 12>50 crystalline.
In response to a r8 12>50 crystalline.
Some fool the other day traded with me (I was Wts - Interdictor) in LA. They clicked accept when I put in trade window, they put nothing in, after waiting for them to change offer for a min or so, I cancelled. They then pm'd saying "sorry, thought you wanted to buy", ok so why didn't you put it into trade window then & why did you click accept? is what I was thinking.
People telling you to play TA instead of RA if you want to team up with 3 other players you know are good.
Crimson Robes
High ranked GvG ppls backline going HA, refusing to run hb/ls, running WoH and RC instead, not taking heal party and saying rit can heal party using protective kaolai (and failing to understand this has a 25 sec recharge).
Outcome? RC against BBway doesnt work -.-'
Outcome? RC against BBway doesnt work -.-'
Sword Hammer Axe
Some fool the other day traded with me (I was Wts - Interdictor) in LA. They clicked accept when I put in trade window, they put nothing in, after waiting for them to change offer for a min or so, I cancelled. They then pm'd saying "sorry, thought you wanted to buy", ok so why didn't you put it into trade window then & why did you click accept? is what I was thinking.
No offense, but it is a pile of underpowered garbage. Doubly so after Friday's update. I wholeheartedly agree with the proposition that the RA community is full of unimaginative, wiki-reliant idiots that don't understand game mechanics. But that shouldn't insulate you from the wrath of said idiots when you run a truly terrible bar. If you don't understand mechanics well enough to construct good bars from scratch, you should be using the wiki until you do understand the mechanics. Even if you do understand mechanics well enough to build good bars, you should still be using the wiki in order to see what other people are using. Knowing what is out there enables you to bring proper counters. It only makes sense to discard the wiki once you're among the elite in a constructed format (HA/GvG) and you are attempting to Build Wars specific opponents rather than an entire meta. |
its people who go on like this that makes me sad

i play this game for my own fun, not because i think that a maxed glad will make you a president over the world.
i wont sacrifice fun for meta, and guild wars is fun for me because i can be creative.
i may not have played gw as long as you have but this character is still a 3 years old so its not like this is the best i could do because i created a pvp character without having played a mesmer in my whole life

i got a concept of the defensive/offensive hybrid with meele and caster counter and it worked pretty well.
and yes.... esurge was hax with mindwrack and i did have fun with it, but now its nerfed.
and i did the whole build on theorycraft vs metas but theorycraft is worthless without testing it out, which i did in a small format and the reason was that i felt that "the lost son" had come home when crippling anguish was updated, and id give it a chance to see how it was.
thats why i didnt want ppl to criticize the build, it was more the bad manner of some people in pvp.
theres the "noobs" who creates original builds that they think are fun.
theres the "noobs"who load everything from pvx
theres the experienced who load everything from pvx
theres the experienced who creates original builds that they think could be fun to try out.

Someone also pm'd me saying "I'll buy, 40 ectos"* and pretty much done the exact same thing, put nothing up but clicked accept, again after I cancelled they pm'd "sorry wrong person." same rules apply as before, why put nothing up and click accept?
*I know that is way too much but after 10 minutes of trying to sell in LA I was willing to accept anything. Ended up giving away to a guildie tho lol
*I know that is way too much but after 10 minutes of trying to sell in LA I was willing to accept anything. Ended up giving away to a guildie tho lol
Devil Luca
The Epic and Stupid thing i've heard is in another post of banning botter and is:
seriously, you killed the best pvpers, the richest gw players, and 1000s of people that loved this game. gratz.
seriously, you killed the best pvpers, the richest gw players, and 1000s of people that loved this game. gratz.
The Epic and Stupid thing i've heard is in another post of banning botter and is:
seriously, you killed the best pvpers, the richest gw players, and 1000s of people that loved this game. gratz. |

good one
Raven Wing
It is likely a innocent newb, but still:
WTS Copper shillings
In Ascalon????????????????
WTS Copper shillings
In Ascalon????????????????
Not sure this rit understood that bloodsong can't attack through walls, ell ohh ell.
Ka Tet
Voodoo Rage
Skyy High
even if he had a skill that has benefit is there's a spirit around, planting it on the other side of a wall would still do him a lot more harm than good
Gabriel of Ravn
Best thing I've heard is this idiot in another thread:
"Wow so many people QQ and rage about bots. Bots have been around since the 55 days of of prophecies kids... get over it... Bots will be around just like you and your rabid thirst for speed clears.... this game is driven to gimmicky nonsense...
Who cares?
Kids who cry about rupty... are bad players anyway... rupty was meta for over a month.... no one ran straight melee.... and those rare teams that did (kitkat, exile) actually beat us... it's using your brain retards.. QQ more and go play Aion... You can pvp your little heart away against monsters and people with wings!!! But seriously... go do something else....
Everyone's acting like we locked up criminals.... I botted because I already had gwamm, I already had high rank, I already had money... who cares... what's the difference? It doesn't matter... It actually got to a point that running rupty and watching little kids RAGE their little lives away was more fun that actually playing GW.... GW is dead... there's nothing to do anymore... If A-net really wants to take care of the bot problem.... give the players something to do... then it'll just go back to the small companies in india trying to sell GW gold for RL money...
/signed X 500 if I had to..."
Basically the guy was saying I botted because I'm pro and GW is dead.
"Wow so many people QQ and rage about bots. Bots have been around since the 55 days of of prophecies kids... get over it... Bots will be around just like you and your rabid thirst for speed clears.... this game is driven to gimmicky nonsense...
Who cares?
Kids who cry about rupty... are bad players anyway... rupty was meta for over a month.... no one ran straight melee.... and those rare teams that did (kitkat, exile) actually beat us... it's using your brain retards.. QQ more and go play Aion... You can pvp your little heart away against monsters and people with wings!!! But seriously... go do something else....
Everyone's acting like we locked up criminals.... I botted because I already had gwamm, I already had high rank, I already had money... who cares... what's the difference? It doesn't matter... It actually got to a point that running rupty and watching little kids RAGE their little lives away was more fun that actually playing GW.... GW is dead... there's nothing to do anymore... If A-net really wants to take care of the bot problem.... give the players something to do... then it'll just go back to the small companies in india trying to sell GW gold for RL money...
/signed X 500 if I had to..."
Basically the guy was saying I botted because I'm pro and GW is dead.
this isn't in GW (although there was a strange conversation i saw today :O ) but i couldn't disagree more:
you can tell this person played for like 10 hours or something
In shing jea/RA. also i thought the origin of the word "noob" was in WoW? ah well
Best MMO Communities #10 - World of Warcraft |
Worst Communities #3 - Guild Wars Ugh. Nevermind the game itself being a boring, instanced collection of poorly balanced crap, the article is focused on community. I'm always fond of pointing out to people: Guild Wars is not an MMO. Not only isn't it an MMO game-mechanics wise, it's not an MMO community-wise either. Boasting some of the most immature, annoying and YOUNG (due to the game being completely F2P after you buy the box) players of any currently released game, you can expect to be inundated with Chuck Norris jokes, your mama jokes, stale, washed up internet memes and people named XxXxxXXKILLUXxxXXx play-humping your character. Guild Wars' success has always been inexplicable to me. With a poor community, and poor, almost entirely instanced content, I'm always left to wonder if anyone would subscribe to this game if it were $15 a month. Guild Wars would be a top contender for #1 if I were to make a "Most Overrated Games" list. |

someone in spamadan wanting to buy an elite rit tome so i offered one and they didnt wanna pay 12k so i sold it...and then they asked how much i sold it for, and then this o.O (me=blue them =red)

Gabriel of Ravn
So I was playing FA a while back and the luxons had gotten past the inner purple gate and it seemed all hope was lost but then I started to just mess around and kept attacking the turtle even though I clearly saw the monk right beside it. Through the epicness of a monk on my team the turtle and the luxon allies kept attacking me for about 5 minutes straight all the while the luxons are calling me a noob and the monk on my team is just laughing and healing me because the green gate was never even touched. The entire luxon team was raging because they couldn't kill 1 "noob warrior" that was blocking the turtle. And yes they only had that siege turtle past the inner gates and all the luxons were concentrated there. The main point of this is laughing at them for not bringing enough damage to bring down 1 warrior (me) supported by 1 monk and note I did not bring defy pain I was only damage.
you can tell this person played for like 10 hours or something
![]() ![]() |
The guy pretty much described every on-line game ever made and slapped GW name to it for context....
He's probably just butthurt that he couldn't bunny hop around the map....
Also, A+ for pointing out that GW would make a poor p2p game as though that hasn't been obvious from day one...
"I'm not addicted to guild wars"
enough said.
enough said.
Dervish Kid
Hmm... this happened to me the other day when a player who was a Me/r was trying to justify to me why a mesmer beast master was a good idea. I didn't argue with him because he's free to play the game however he wants, but hmmm... maybe someone could tell me why a Mesmer would want to spend enough attribute points in Beast Mastery to make it a viable and complimentary option to mesmer spells. I could be missing something here.
Now, I know that a r/me has some nice options and maybe it could work the other way around as well, but not as a beast master. |
This thread comes pretty close to the the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
The Arching Healer
Someone said ingame that Anet is taking the game seriously.
ll Jamie ll
Loved JR's closing response too...