Originally Posted by reaper with no name
When I said, "from a gameplay perspective", I was referring to optimization (ie, what is "best").
Then say "optimization." Your argument takes on a whole different meaning then.
Energy management by itself is meaningless. Energy management is only useful if that extra energy allows you to do something that you otherwise wouldn't have had the energy to do. Anything beyond that is a waste. SF manages just fine without the energy management of an Ele.
It also provides a "cushion" if skills get interrupted, lag, moving and canceling a skill then having to re-cast, etc. I didn't claim that an Ele was best, all I said was that each class's "uber" elites offer something, maybe not as much obvious benefit as SF, but still its there.
Spirit spammers are inherently limited by the fact that you can't have more than one of a spirit out at a time. Compare 6 SF sins to 6 spirit spammers and get back to me.
Again, one of the main contentions in this thread is that Permasin is so uber it can solo 90% of the game. I proved that's not true, using the Rit as an example. Speedclears of areas are of course a different animal entirely, but I don't see many all-Sin teams outside of niche Speedclears of UW. Try taking an all Sin team through the Deep and get back to me.
SF is superior to other builds often enough to qualify. If you think it's alright for a certain profession to only be mechanically useful (as opposed to a waste of a party slot that could have been filled by a SF sin) in one area, then fine. Otherwise, SF needs to be nerfed for the other professions to have any hope of being useful.
Unfortunately you're wrong as is obvious just from the number of builds on PvXWiki, to the number of non-Sins in game at any one time, to a host of other factors. Additionally, if SF is nerfed, all you'll see is a return to the status quo, although given Regina's comments in the skill thread, its likely Warriors will be getting a boost, while they as usual ignore Rangers, Dervishes and Mesmers, not to mention poor Paragons. Sins without SF will just return to the land of H/H where they came from...
As for examples of crap on PvX:
Inferior to zealous vow dervs in every meaningful way (the difference in dps from the DW is overcome in 2 attacks). And really, zealous renewal as energy management, when you could have just put a couple points into wind and used attacker's insight?
Directly above it:
I said PvXWiki was good, not the ONLY site with builds. I'm sure most people once they use a build modify it, take for example Sabway and Discordway, two heavily used Hero builds that I modify for certain areas, or even switching entirely their skills around so they only resemble the original in inspiration only. PvXWiki is a good place to start, not to end with.
If your Ele is your main? To be fair it has less marginal utility than a Sin, but tell that to the Ele sitting in DoA who doesn't have a Sin. A remarkable inversion of the environment pre-EoTN, where Sins were laughed at for even MAKING it to DoA! Karmic justice perhaps?
To be fair, though, they must have cleaned up this site since the last time I checked the "great" builds. There used to be a lot more crap in there. Stuff like AoG+Conjure Frost.
The builds actually cycle quite a lot from what I've seen, and have improved in quality by quite a bit. Not always, but in many cases. Which makes it more of a resource than a hindrance.
Just because the majority of the community thinks that a profession is good at something, doesn't mean they are. After all, most people still think that monks are the best healers.
In many ways, perception is reality. A MS/DB Sin may be the heaviest nuker around, but if everyone thinks its insane to take a sin, then the Ele gets the slot. The majority of the community in game decides who gets invited and who doesn't, word of mouth advertising spreads fast in an online game. Try getting a PUG stating that you believe Monks are not the best healers, and 9 times out of 10 you'll be laughed out because people will think of you like the "end of times" guys on the side of the road wearing a sandwichboard.
If you change the area so that SF doesn't dominate it, you've essentially just nerfed SF in a roundabout way. But that doesn't qualify as "fixing the area so that other classes are useful". That's just a way of nerfing a skill in 2 hours when you could have done it in 5 minutes.
You're not seeing the big picture. The dominance of 55 monks in UW were corrected by introducing a lvl 18 mob that nuked enchants in one shot. At the time, the skills to 55 were not nerfed. The reliance on one gameplay mechanic (enchants) that characterized the 55 Monk were its ultimate downfall. I have no doubt that at some point, Grasps and Skellies of Dhuum will get Gaze of Fury to challenge Spirit Spammers.
But the bottom line is, to make other characters useful, you MUSt change the area to make their skills necessary, or at least have enough marginal utility to consider using. Why take a Ranger for DPS when a Warrior far outstrips him? If the area was changed to require interrupts, or the party would benefit much more from that gameplay mechanic, then choosing between a mesmer, Ranger and Warrior would present more of a choice.
But as long as the areas in the game are based around dealing DPS in massive quantities, healing/protting and tanking, then only those classes designed to do so (Ele, Monk and War) will be seriously considered in normal gameplay.