Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
So I know some of you are waiting anxiously for the next skill balance. Let me just take a few moments to talk about the challenges we're facing with this particular skill balance. We are involving the Test Krewe in this balance. They've really been digging deep into skill discussions, and the involvement of the Test Krewe has added more cycles to the skill balance process. This is to be expected. When you invite a large group of people into the process and solicit and discuss their feedback, it will take more time. Secondly, skill balance (like many aspects of game design) is an iterative process, and one where both the Test Krewe and the Live Team are learning, streamlining, and improving on, in terms of how best to deliver and take in feedback. The winter holiday break hit, and there was some downtime for that. Finally, you all know that we do not change skills before the MAT. The Live Team and Test Krewe are working earnestly on this skill balance, and the Team knows that you've been waiting for it.
This is bull.
All of it.
Let me clarify; it's honest, but fails in almost every category of skill balance.
Let me also clarify my stance on the Live Team thus far: I believe they are doing a fine job. Adding in new content instead of simply adding a chapter in the series and calling it 'new' was a great strategy. The April update, the UW spice-up, even the costumes. They are also working more diligently on a short staff, which was not a problem in this case. Alot of small groups of people do great, even significantly better than larger groups. To quote someone from something: "People are stupid; a person is smart."
But the Test Krewe was a complete failure from the moment it was thought up. A dev team's job is to be involved with the community on a quality level. They feed off the community's reaction to content, figure out what needs to be improved, fixed, taken out, and added. They put their heart and soul into it, as well as the community's. Sad to say, however, it is the dev's job and their job only to decide what is to be altered, not the community's.
The community serves as a group of constantly unsatisfied customers. They want EVERYTHING handed to them in a silver platter in the hands of a god. But the dev team always knows better. Why? Because they made the game. They know its in's and out's. They fondled with it, shared with it, nurtured it, cheated on it, payed alimony to it, and reunited with it. Not the community. The community grabbed it, had a one night stand with it, and either tossed it aside without breakfast or kept it in their little black book for later. They treated it like a hooker, and thus cannot have an administrative power over it.
Guess what? Anet's Live Team gave in.
Instead of continuing to nerf the living daylights out of anything OP in this game, like they were beginning to do at the end of summer, they took a break and began to turn the job over to American Idol contestants (Test Krewe).
Is their intention pure? Do they want to revive the game to what it used to be while putting more into it? Yes! But involving a select group of players to basically do what they people in the balance forums did AND give them testing rights was not the right way to do this. Why? Because it sent the message to the whole community that they are only listening to a certain group of players instead of the rest of us.
In fact, the reason why preview weekends were succesful is because it involved the whole community in the testing process, who gave their input and abused the crap out of OP skills in obs mode. When Anet gave us a preview of the EotN skills, we instantly figured out what was bad and they updated it. Easy as pie.
Another thing I want to clear up is that the Live Team had 4 months to do an update. 4. Not counting the winter break. And Linsey told us she would give us a preview a month ahead of time, which was what made me believe in the bimonthly skill updates in the first place. But, instead of doing something constructive with that time, you decided to hold auditions for testers and make the community feel left out.
Oh, and by the way, I know that Anet isn't even working on the skill updates. Right now, they are working on how to get rid of the interrupt bots in PvP. And the security thing, too.
Not attacking you guys or anything, I just believe in everything you were doing before the Test Krewe (I mean, c'mon, even the name of the group sounds unprofessional). Linsey, you were doing a great job at cleaning up Izzy's mess!