Because it's not there. We know they were working on lag issues, security issues. How much that involves the Live Team we don't know. I would assume their IT team would handle these issues. Maybe their teams are set up differently though. We have the "list of skills" they were discussing from last month on her journal: But since nothing happened with that we don't really have anything now do we? Please, I would really like to be informed. Tell me what the Live Team is addressing and working on right now? It's a general question for anyone. Maybe all their focus is on the Test Krewe? Why all the discussion? I don't understand your hostility now YunSooJin, in an ironic turn of events. |
Any hostility you feel is entirely of your own imagination. I would suggest re-reading the posts for hostility.. if you think I'm being hostile I apologize on your behalf for feeling that way.. lawlz.
You might as well ask Regina to compile a list of things everyone's done everyday and have them report to you directly, daily. I'm sure of ANET is busy holding everyone's hand stuff would get done even faster than they are now ~_~.
Thanks Thamior, I'm sure anyone who is wondering what ANET is up to will be relieved to know what ANET is up to.