Originally Posted by Enon
No, because 600 is slow and it requires 2 players.
Hello Heroes! Oh, what's that, I can, as a single player, 600/Smite? Gee that's odd because I was told 600/Smite requires two players. Its not as if the idea of a Hero Bonder (smite/protection/healing) hasn't been around since Heroes were introduced has it? Nah couldn't be, all those times I 600/Smote with my 600 Rit must have been a hallucination...
Last time I checked the enchantments used by a 600 can also be removed, making your previous statement about SF useless.
ALL enchantments, including Spellbreaker, Obsidian Flesh, Shadow Form, and other uber elite enchants can be removed by certain skills in the game that various monsters have access to. I'm just waiting on ANet to introduce a global environmental effect that disables enchants on players, period. THAT would definitely end Speed Clearing, and is the end result of the logic train employed by SF QQers and speedclear/farming whiners in general.
Also, "isn't as quick" is an understatement... (And no, I'm not taking into account undead)
Mostly, people 600/Smiting were farming whole areas for drops, not just boss drops or end chests. Therefore, the amount gained by a 600/Smite team (two players or one player and one hero) from a purely reward vs. time taken perspective would be MUCH higher than a Permasin running a dungeon for example.
Yes, with the advent of speedclearing the UW, rewards can be high, but how many people still hold out for Storm Bows and Ghostly Staves? As a Permasin, its much more economically efficient to run dungeons or solo farm, to even approach the gains made by 600/Smite.
Basic Economics FTW.