Mini Polar Bear Drops
My New Name
gz steve...
wow i did only like 15ish runs so boooring zzzz
wow i did only like 15ish runs so boooring zzzz
Malice Black
It'll drop with the same rate as last year. So maybe another ~50 will enter the game.
I LOL hard when I see people spamming wtb MPB @ 300-500e. Silly dreamers.
It'll drop with the same rate as last year. So maybe another ~50 will enter the game.
I LOL hard when I see people spamming wtb MPB @ 300-500e. Silly dreamers.
Riot Narita
53rd run?
I wonder if it's going to be like last year again... Namely, if you don't get a drop by your 100th run, then don't even bother. |
Maybe we have to wait 25 mins before opening the chest (notice the 30 minute candy in the screenshot is close to running out)
I will give it 4 no more still have a crap load of candy shards form last year
Noooooo, I already passed 100 runs and no bear ;_;
Maybe we have to wait 25 mins before opening the chest (notice the 30 minute candy in the screenshot is close to running out) |
btw around 55run near to complete 4th stack of shards, no one bear ç_ç i want it for my collection ç_ç
Well, today is my birthday ^_^ Hope I get lucky and one will drop for me 
I adore them little cuties

I adore them little cuties

Beverly heals
Riot Narita
Thalador Doomspeaker
Could someone give a link to GWx2 and tell me how to use it, please? Also, I would appreciate if someone could give me hints on how to run the quest properly while using the software. Thanks in adavance! And good luck for all those who are still fighting against the odds (like me).

53rd run?
I wonder if it's going to be like last year again... Namely, if you don't get a drop by your 100th run, then don't even bother. |
So... flip a coin 8 times and it comes up heads 8 times.
Does that mean that the odds of getting tails the 9th time is any less then the previous 8? No.
Anyway, we all knew the odds were low. And they'd have to be. If the odds weren't low, these things wouldn't be valuable (and 99% of people complaining just want this thing so they can become instant millionares, the other 1% are the nutso hoarders and completionists who will actually pay 1000e for a mini).
So... flip a coin 8 times and it comes up heads 8 times. Does that mean that the odds of getting tails the 9th time is any less then the previous 8? No. Anyway, we all knew the odds were low. And they'd have to be. If the odds weren't low, these things wouldn't be valuable (and 99% of people complaining just want this thing so they can become instant millionares, the other 1% are the nutso hoarders and completionists who will actually pay 1000e for a mini). |
The odds are ridiculously low.
I don't belong to either "group" you mentioned, like I said before, I want one of those bears because they are super cute, I would not sell them, but I also would never pay the amount of money they go for, even if I could.
I'd be just as happy a camper(if I got one) if they were white minis and a common drop.
Right now though, I am happy for all the CC shards I'm getting

I've been playing for over 4 years, and just bought my first FoW armor. I don't farm ecto. So I obviously don't have the money to pay 1000e for one, but if I did get one I wouldn't sell it either. I want one to have. Did over 500 runs last year, no bear, don't know how many this year, stopped counting. Still no bear and over 2 stacks of shards. And sorry if that person I took a screen shot of wasn't really selling for 550e. People said they hadn't seen it and thought I would do them a favor to show that it was in the party search window.
I don't know how I was able to farm this run 200+ times last year?
I can barely stay online for more than 15 minutes this year.
I can barely stay online for more than 15 minutes this year.
80 or so runs, ZIP.... *cires* gimme a bear! I have a family (of one) to feed!!! lol
Aussie Boy
Well coming up to 150 runs now and no bear I'm sure last year i got one in under 100 runs
but id have to search old threads and cant be a$$ rightnow.
have made almost 150,000xp for my survivor and thats why i'm doing the runs
not just for a MPB drop.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
but id have to search old threads and cant be a$$ rightnow.
have made almost 150,000xp for my survivor and thats why i'm doing the runs
not just for a MPB drop.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thank you very much Upier ^_^
I did around 25-30 runs on the sunday (IIRC) and only around 5 yesterday (my guild keeps dragging me to the UW, lol). No bear.
I'll keep doing a few casual runs, I'm not on vacation so there isn't a lot of free time to run, but I shall try a few more.
PS: And happy b-day Kaori, best of luck with the bear.
I'll keep doing a few casual runs, I'm not on vacation so there isn't a lot of free time to run, but I shall try a few more.
PS: And happy b-day Kaori, best of luck with the bear.
Did 60 runs sofar. No bear; but i have made almost 6 stacks of shards.
woot I got a mINI Bear,,
drop rate of 0.000035%? I think that hell will freeze over before i get a mini
drop rate of 0.000035%? I think that hell will freeze over before i get a mini
Kumu Honua
133 runs so far. No bear.
2574 cc's though. Can't complain too much. Other than being bored out of my mind with the quest.
2574 cc's though. Can't complain too much. Other than being bored out of my mind with the quest.
Mustache Mayhem
I made 46 runs so far, and no MPB. I will be trying until WIntersday final. If I wont get it to cheer me up I'll open all of my 100 Gifts from Nicholas i keep for special moment.

110 runs sofar since the event strated. 9 stacks of shards; but still no MPB. Tomorrow i'll give it another go.
go cubs
4 stacks of shards now, about...80ish runs...i keep tellin myself that I'll get one lol...someone stop me
Divine Ashes
I'm up to around 70 runs or so....5 stacks of luck so far but theres plenty of time left until the finale

200 runs using 2 rather small GW windows on my secondary monitor while I'm working on my primary.
Of course, no bear, but the 14 stacks of shards alone are going to be worth the extremely effortless semi-afk farming, not to mention the 1,000 consumables.

almost at 6 stacks of shards now, no bear
. I just want one to have. I won't sell it if I get one, why can't anet let me see those wonderful gold letters pop out of the chest?

Martin Alvito
Most of the people that got one last year got one by 50 runs.
Most of the people that did 500-1000 runs never got one.
You can infer that the drop chance is tiny, that the vast majority of players do a small number of runs and that only a few players do a large number of runs. In short, it's all luck.
Most of the people that did 500-1000 runs never got one.
You can infer that the drop chance is tiny, that the vast majority of players do a small number of runs and that only a few players do a large number of runs. In short, it's all luck.
I saw the thread from last year and there seemed to be a lot more drops. Did the drop rate decrease?
Martin Alvito
I'd bet that there are fewer people farming it for two reasons:
- We now know that the drop rate is terrible
- Fewer players than there were last year.
That would explain the observation.
- We now know that the drop rate is terrible
- Fewer players than there were last year.
That would explain the observation.
If my in-game social circle is the least bit representative, Martin is right. Last year, practically everyone on my guild and friends list was stubbornly trying to beat the odds and get one. This year, I'm the only one.
I farmed last year, over 500 runs. I would do it again if I had the time. Close to 100 runs now, more than 7 stacks of shards. Still no bear.
Tar Ionwe
I've probably done the run around 100 times and no bear but I don't mind it really, I like all the candy canes you get. Those will come in handy for those fail PuGs for FoWSC lol.
I can't say that I don't mind not getting one, cause I really want one. But all the Wintersday treats do give a buffer to make not getting one a bit easier. Haven't figured out if I want to sell the shards or trade for gifts.
Well, I surely am farming less since I got one last year. Sold for 1600e which good part was stolen when I got hacked