Originally Posted by Loralai gw
I don't think the Test Krewe was made to replace the playerbase or other comments and opinions. I certainly don't think Martin and Regina would agree with your assessment that our feedback is no longer valuable because a blessed few were able to get into a simple testing crew.
I feel like you have me misunderstood. Community feedback is important, yes. And the Krewe, I feel, was supposed to be a tool to use a handful of active players to pull opinion and insight from the community on how the game should be adjusted and improved. There's no disagreement here.
What I'm saying here is that by the time there is an idea of what is going to be changed in one week, and those plans have been in the works for over a month, there's really little influence that the community is going to have on that update, unless somebody notices something glaringly wrong. Any
constructive feedback put forth on preliminary updates will most likely take effect, if at all, on the update after.
Complaining about buffs or nerfs or lack thereof is whining. Pointing out a specific skill and talking about why that skill needs or doesn't need a buff, nerf, or change is feedback. Getting a thousand people to tell us that Blinding Surge is a problem tells us it's a problem, but getting ten people to explain how the skill is detrimental and suggesting how it could be improved already does a whole lot more good.