and i am also sad to see they messed with SoS i used that build to farm for nic and feathers. i dont main waiting for the recharge on it but i used it mainly to heal myself with the one rt skill.

For some people the only fun left in this game was completing end-game areas.
why? Finishing all PvE storyline takes a month, PvP is no longer what it used to be. |
October Jade
Necrosis: changed skill type to "Skill." |
Attention everyone! Raptor Farming, Nicholas the Traveler farming, and Boss Farming in HM is now officially impossible.
You can no longer farm:
Good luck trying to find good weapons for your heroes or trying new builds. Oh yeah, and since Sins are useless outside of perma SF (that prevents both spells and attacks prior to the nerf) and PvP, I'm officially "retiring" my sin. |
Jk Arrow
Okay, all I want was a good farming build that can protect me from interrupts and spells and the ruined it.
Now then, sins are now just 100% useless in PvE now. I mean, NOTHING can farm raptors AND get good loot at the same time (and no, W/N 100 blades doesn't count due to the fact that you get crappy drops when compared to permasin build). |
reaper with no name
Sifow Chan
* Aggressive Refrain Aggressive Refrain: removed application of Cracked Armor; added the following functionality: "You have -20 armor." * Soldier's Fury Soldier's Fury: removed application of Cracked Armor; added the following functionality: "You have -20 armor." |
Captain Bulldozer
Sifow Chan
Soldier's Stance: For 5...13...15 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block. You attack 33% faster while under the effects of a shout or chant. Soldier's Stance (PvP): For 4...9...10 seconds, you attack 33% faster while under the effects of a shout or chant. (Oh look , no lower armor rating, imagine that) |
Aggressive Refrain: Echo. For 5...21...25 seconds, you attack 25% faster but have -20 armor. This echo is reapplied every time a chant or shout ends on you. Soldier's Fury: Elite Echo. For 10...30...35 seconds, if you are under the effects of a chant or a shout, you attack 33% faster and gain 33% more adrenaline, but you have -20 armor. |
Finally no more SF threads. So what is the next thing everyone will bitch about that needs to get nerfed?
reaper with no name
Ariovist Lynxkind
I really hope an SC will come back to the forefront and get posted. This way, we will FINALLY either see this house of cards fall, or someone will realize Elite areas are tedious to the point where only exploitation is recommended. 4 hours trips or an ecto and junk rares is not worth fighting for.
Funny nobody has realized Feather Farming got nerfed. Not because you can't farm them, many builds still work, but they were used mostly for Essence, which was used by..... SF permas. I see a drop in feather prices coming since fewer people will be making Essences. I definitely see a shift to Warrior+Necro teams. Hundred Blades and the new hammer skills (Crude+Earth Shaker) combined with some of the new Blood skills looks OP.
Sounds like the new tank and spank is just a A/Mo or Mo/? tank with a bunch of Rit spikers using the new A-rage. Could take some Rt/Me chars to echo chain a-rage for a ton fo quick armor ignoring AoE. Might even be close to as fast as Cryway was for less energy. All you'll need is for the tank to ball em up nicely.
Just off the top of my head... A/E running SF, Dwarven Stability, Dark escape (to be perma up) with a barrier bonding monk will make for a pretty effective tank, leaving room for some e-management and snares on the sin (and sliver armor even). Barrier bonder can (if done correctly) chain aegis to help out the sin a little more, reduces damage to sin greatly, dark escape halves what's left (yes it even stacks with prots I've checked before). The rest can be random nukers/healers but a-rage seems to be the better option thanks to the OP buff. What I've described is probably not even close to optimal, but I'll bet the over all idea is sound enough to allow SCs in a lot of places (skeletons in UW may still prove to be a problem but maybe with a BiP and HB the tank can tough it out?). Any, as I said just off the top of my head. Good hunting. |
Zahr Dalsk
Sifow Chan
Ariovist Lynxkind
In my opinion this update was utter rubbish for PvP. Seeping Wound assassins everywhere, same necros everywhere. Anet has just destroyed the little left diversity left in Guild Wars. What the heck were they think adding a snare and 30 dps to a sin. I thought sins were meant to spike, that isn't spiking. It's basically a new IoP. And on that subject ritualists have become insane with their new degen hexes. Giving daze to a hammer warrior? In the preliminary update it was said that the hammer changes and ritualist changes were mostly for PvE. How did it get into PvP?
If someone from Anet is reading this tell them from me that you're all a bunch of tards. As someone has said, I don't care about GW2 at the moment I care about Guild Wars now. I'm also extremely vexed at the change to BB but that's because I love to run BB sins. |
Moonlit Azure
Sifow Chan
Mesmer in Need
Voodoo Rage
Okay, all I want was a good farming build that can protect me from interrupts and spells and the ruined it.
Now then, sins are now just 100% useless in PvE now. I mean, NOTHING can farm raptors AND get good loot at the same time (and no, W/N 100 blades doesn't count due to the fact that you get crappy drops when compared to permasin build). |
Squishy ftw
Ritual lord (pvp): removed from play Signet of creation (pvp): removed from play |
Squishy ftw