Update - Thursday, February 25, 2010
Ariovist Lynxkind
but you wont get 10k for a stack anymore, cause the main market died. At this post it is 370 for 10, meaning 9.25 per stack, and it is probably only going to fall
Yes, continue to kick the usefulness of my sin into the toilet.
In the aftermath of a new build we always keep an eye on how those changes play out and what new builds players are coming up with. We agree that Seeping Wound is too powerful, and we will tone it down later today.
Ariovist Lynxkind
If you are doing another update, and I hope I don't sound selfish, but would it possible to fix some hero AI's? I really dislike the fact that my Xandra almost never casts destructive was glaive, and only uses Ritual lord and Soul twisting only after she summons all her spirits. I hope that you can resolve this too along with seeping wound.
Thanks |
If they do mod the hero AIs, I would like to see them keep this kinda trend, but yeah, it is crap sometimes when it affects all heroes of that class, or when there is limited ones of that class and only one is reasonably accessible (like the Rit class)
Master Ketsu
soul twisting from guild wars wiki jump to: Navigation, search soul twisting id unset * 5 energy * 15 recharge profession ritualist attribute spawning power type elite skill campaign factions animation click to view elite skill. For 5...37...45 seconds, your binding rituals cost 15 less energy (minimum 10) and recharge instantly. Soul twisting ends after 1...3...3 binding ritual[s]. Concise description elite skill. (5...37...45 seconds.) your binding rituals cost 15 less energy (minimum 10) and recharge instantly. Ends after 1...3...3 binding ritual[s]. no pvp only version |
In the aftermath of a new build we always keep an eye on how those changes play out and what new builds players are coming up with. We agree that Seeping Wound is too powerful, and we will tone it down later today.
I have a theory behind this, and it is they have programmed the heroes with personality. 2 good examples of this are Tahl and Vekk. I run UA on Tahl, and sometimes she uses it fine, sometimes I have to micro it, just as if she is kinda moody. In the case of Vekk, a friend couldn't get him to use wards, yet Zhed used them fine.
If they do mod the hero AIs, I would like to see them keep this kinda trend, but yeah, it is crap sometimes when it affects all heroes of that class, or when there is limited ones of that class and only one is reasonably accessible (like the Rit class) |
Oh that could be an idea actually, I will have to test that with razah once I get him. Never bothered to as rt heroes didn't seem all too worthwhile. Thank you.
Well, now that warriors have been buffed and SF sins have been obliterated to hell - I hope - I couldn't think of a better time to get back in the game. Thanks Anet, loved the update.
Zahr Dalsk
Ariovist Lynxkind
shadows of hob
Thank you in advance, Martin Kerstein!
But please, don't make the skill totally useless again, try to make it playable, increase the recharge a bit or tone down the dmg to 20.....25.
But please, don't make the skill totally useless again, try to make it playable, increase the recharge a bit or tone down the dmg to 20.....25.
Lycan Nibbler
Okay, all I want was a good farming build that can protect me from interrupts and spells and the ruined it.
Now then, sins are now just 100% useless in PvE now. I mean, NOTHING can farm raptors AND get good loot at the same time (and no, W/N 100 blades doesn't count due to the fact that you get crappy drops when compared to permasin build). |
Wow, Anet ... how did you know that my Xbox 360 needed more playtime ... because (as a person who's already GWAMM'd his title character and filled his HoM with every item that I wanted) I had no goals left with Guild Wars other than to farm to buy vanity weapons and armor.
Considering you haven't provided a meaningful content update, farming was all that was left to me. Now you've killed even the small bit of fun that was remaining.
All you've done is irritate your veteran playing base who had nothing else to accomplish after spending well over 4 years on this game.
Oh, and having seen what you do as developers (and how the games old timers are treated with skill updates), don't count on a "return customer" when you push GW2....
Considering you haven't provided a meaningful content update, farming was all that was left to me. Now you've killed even the small bit of fun that was remaining.
All you've done is irritate your veteran playing base who had nothing else to accomplish after spending well over 4 years on this game.
Oh, and having seen what you do as developers (and how the games old timers are treated with skill updates), don't count on a "return customer" when you push GW2....
Please make sure at the next update there isn't an accidental build that can be created like using SF in the 600 bar.. People are running Deadly paradox > Shadowform for DTSC Now it's perma spellbreaker..
Bye Seeping Wound. You will not be missed.
Edit: Nevermind, failed nerf.
Edit: Nevermind, failed nerf.
there's a difference between being useful and being overpowered.
you say that as if the test krewe were the ones who finalized that and put it out.
you say that as if the test krewe were the ones who finalized that and put it out.
Karate Jesus
to all of those who are pissed b/c of the nerfs to farming:
Please leave. You keep threatening to leave like the rest of us really care. Honestly, there is plenty of stuff to do in the game besides farm, so if you are so mad about the nerfs to farming, just leave already.
Please leave. You keep threatening to leave like the rest of us really care. Honestly, there is plenty of stuff to do in the game besides farm, so if you are so mad about the nerfs to farming, just leave already.
Pandora's box
test krewe don't have paragons. test krewe don't do pvp with paragons. these are facts.
Knowledge or information based on real occurrences: an account based on fact; a blur of fact and fancy.
Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact.
A real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case.
Something believed to be true or real: a document laced with mistaken facts.
Don't speculate as to what is going on then try to pass it off as truth.
n. 1. Knowledge or information based on real occurrences: an account based on fact; a blur of fact and fancy. 2. 1. Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact. 2. A real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case. 3. Something believed to be true or real: a document laced with mistaken facts. Don't speculate as to what is going on than try to pass it off as truth. |
I'm not really into solo farming, so this nerf doesn't bother me too much, but what does bother me is the frequent statements (in various ways every time a nerf comes out) by ANet that they encourage all kinds of play in Guild Wars.
It reminds me of when Henry Ford first came out with his Model T, and it came only in black. People complained, and he said, "You can pick any color you want, as long as it's black."
ANet is saying, "You can play any way you want, as long as it's in a group."
It reminds me of when Henry Ford first came out with his Model T, and it came only in black. People complained, and he said, "You can pick any color you want, as long as it's black."
ANet is saying, "You can play any way you want, as long as it's in a group."
Sorry but test krewe don't have paragons and don't pvp with paragons. If they had paragons they would had seen the large number of problems that a paragon has. The only thing that happened with paragons was to add even more problems.
Knowledge or information based on real occurrences: an account based on fact; a blur of fact and fancy.
Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact.
A real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case.
Something believed to be true or real: a document laced with mistaken facts.
Don't speculate as to what is going on than try to pass it off as truth.
also, *doesn't.
Basically they have removed any reason for the established player to carry on playing. Time to move on to a new game methinks. All there was left to do was farm now they destroyed that F*** you very much Anet The campaigns themselves have little or no appeal left, pvp is exhausted and dull the only enjoyment i had remaining was farming now thats gone, well >Uninstall |
Amy Awien
Jester Chaos
to all of those who are pissed b/c of the nerfs to farming:
Please leave. You keep threatening to leave like the rest of us really care. Honestly, there is plenty of stuff to do in the game besides farm, so if you are so mad about the nerfs to farming, just leave already. |
gosh if only anet had hired you our problems would all be solved
@Del prove me that the test krewe has paragons and that play with paragons. Until then test krewe don't have paragons. The updates that affected paragons are the best evidence that the test krewe don't have paragons. Also the change in less then 24h with seeping wounds proves that test krewe don't really test.
Turbo Ginsu
to all of those who are pissed b/c of the nerfs to farming:
Please leave. You keep threatening to leave like the rest of us really care. Honestly, there is plenty of stuff to do in the game besides farm, so if you are so mad about the nerfs to farming, just leave already. |
Thing is, I have 4 kids in r/l, and I can tell you this: When they're having a temper tantrum, the best way to respond is to not respond at all..Any attention to a tantrum-chucker is good attention. So please, mods, delete the useless "I r ganna quit now coz QQQQ!!!", and then go through and do the same for the "Yooz SF gits can bugger off now, nerr-nerr!!!" posts.
And folks, for gods sake, ignore tantrums with the giggles they deserve..We need to start keeping these threads a bit more OT. I'd rather pick through 3 good pages than 300 fight clubs.
@Del prove me that the test krewe has paragons and that play with paragons. Until then test krewe don't have paragons. The updates that affected paragons are the best evidence that the test krewe don't have paragons. Also the change in less then 24h with seeping wounds proves that test krewe don't really test.
Jester Chaos
Jester Chaos
See, usually you come out with some decent posts, but wtf is this crap? Pointless and just a little bit spite driven? I can only speculate.
Thing is, I have 4 kids in r/l, and I can tell you this: When they're having a temper tantrum, the best way to respond is to not respond at all..Any attention to a tantrum-chucker is good attention. So please, mods, delete the useless "I r ganna quit now coz QQQQ!!!", and then go through and do the same for the "Yooz SF gits can bugger off now, nerr-nerr!!!" posts. And folks, for gods sake, ignore tantrums with the giggles they deserve..We need to start keeping these threads a bit more OT. I'd rather pick through 3 good pages than 300 fight clubs. |
just takes a little thought
Originally Posted by dts720666
I'm not really into solo farming, so this nerf doesn't bother me too much, but what does bother me is the frequent statements (in various ways every time a nerf comes out) by ANet that they encourage all kinds of play in Guild Wars.
It reminds me of when Henry Ford first came out with his Model T, and it came only in black. People complained, and he said, "You can pick any color you want, as long as it's black." ANet is saying, "You can play any way you want, as long as it's in a group." |
OF was mostly used in teams.
600/Smite is debatable.
And Anet is fine with minor solo farming builds:
Originally Posted by guildwars.com
Casual farming is fine.
Originally Posted by guildwars.com
endgame content should not be completed so easily or so quickly that it becomes trivialized.
Originally Posted by Jester Chaos
lol your one of the ones who never got the hang of perma eh? lmao
Regulus X
To all you SF Farmers/Lovers: LOLOLOL Your build got dropped like a hawt potato! LOLOLOL
To all you SF haters: LOLOLOL They made all the ectos they needed, and they'll prolly be quittin' soon. LOLOLOL
To all you SF haters: LOLOLOL They made all the ectos they needed, and they'll prolly be quittin' soon. LOLOLOL
Well... I must say I am very disappointed but excited in the same breath. I am looking forward to seeing the innovative builds that people come up with and the new ways people discover to farm. I am disappointed that the current builds are basically shot to peices but there are some really amazing players out there who will come up with something else.

what was this small update about ? (just right now)
@YunSooJin So what's your problem. You can troll in other places.
@Del prove me that the test krewe has paragons and that play with paragons. Until then test krewe don't have paragons. The updates that affected paragons are the best evidence that the test krewe don't have paragons. Also the change in less then 24h with seeping wounds proves that test krewe don't really test. |
any other questions?
Phaern Majes
Fact, I am drunk. Seriously, drunk.