How to kill Doppelganger - Guide to all classes



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

knights of the black soul


omfg n00bs he is easy no stratergy needed im w/mo and i killed him in about 6 secs and thats the truth.i also did it with ele/mo in about 7 secs


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006




Originally Posted by nathan_frd
omfg n00bs he is easy no stratergy needed im w/mo and i killed him in about 6 secs and thats the truth.i also did it with ele/mo in about 7 secs

lol... says the person who has killed him with the two most easiest classes to take dopple out with.. go make urself a necro or a monk and see how dopple fairs for ya.. lessi if u can take him out without any form of strategy or thinking like with the war and ele...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

In the middle of WWIII

Airreon Grievers[AG]


ok sorry for bringin up this thread but i really need help defeatin the dopple with my Mo/Ne..shes lv 15 and is wearing pre-searing armour(now dont flame poor) i shld i go abt killin her...ive tried bringin healing breeze n 4 useless enchantments but i get whooped too quickly..i even tried prot spirit and banish but im still unable to kill....


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006


I am surprised no one has added to this thread for so long. With my Ranger, I took a couple of interrupting skills, and Troll Unguent. I immediately closed with the Doppleganger, which made him switch to using the axe. Thus, the only skill he could use was Troll Unguent, which I easily interrupted. The fight was over very quickly.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Im Mo/W, should I go with alot of smites and smite him or bring frenzy and healing breeze?

B Ephekt

B Ephekt

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Team Crystalline [TC]


Originally Posted by Heerohua
lol... says the person who has killed him with the two most easiest classes to take dopple out with.. go make urself a necro or a monk and see how dopple fairs for ya.. .
Um, I'm sorry but beating the necro doppleganager is ridiculously easy. I've done it twice without any problems.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by B Ephekt
Um, I'm sorry but beating the necro doppleganager is ridiculously easy. I've done it twice without any problems.
i have to second that. i killed the dopple with my mo/n at level 10 just from using sacrifices. all i had to do was watch him kill himself


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Latest update on killing ranger doppleganger. I've just killed mine in uder 10 seconds with my pet for company. In fact she killed double whilst she was casting all the rituals. Soooooo easy - and who said you couldn't take your pet? Mine came. lol



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Numurian Vanguard


Originally Posted by nathan_frd
omfg n00bs he is easy no stratergy needed im w/mo and i killed him in about 6 secs and thats the truth.i also did it with ele/mo in about 7 secs
FYI it is really resy with a warrior, but as other classes that take some skill it is a difficult boss

Toxic RD

Toxic RD

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Vancouver, B.C.

Seers of Serpents


I have used every single method for monks you people have posted, and my level 10 monk dies every time, the ONLY succes i have ever had is using backfire, my problem is i cant find a skill set where he will use backfire, then every single spell, he alwya suses 2 before, then backfire, then kjaybe 2 or 3 more


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by LuxA
Just done it as a Me/Mo with 4 skills:

Orison of Healing
Scourge Healing

Points spread around in Fast Casting, Domination Magic and Smiting Prayers, no points in Healing Prayers.

Casted Backfire, Empathy and Scourge Healing as I entered. The Doppelganger killed himself rather quickly I must say. No need to strafe arrows.
This works rather well. Heres exactly what I did and I finished with half health and it took about 10-15 seconds.

I took backfire, empathy scourge healing, orison, and healing breeze..

cast healing breeze b4 you touch the last stone to begin the fight.
cast backfire -> scourge healing -> healing breeze -> empathy
now just run around him in circles and wait.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

What Were You Thinking? [WTF]


Here's how you beat the Doppelganger if you're not a W/Mo tanker:



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006


Duality Of The Dragon

Empathy then backfire. And a bunch of useless mantras. Strife around for a bit. Make sure they are elemental mantras. And he kills himself easily. Recast empathy then backfire when needed.

Mature Lamb

Mature Lamb

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


Good Ole Death Squad

Can anyone help me and give me tips on how to kill the Dopple with a level 8 Mo/W. Sounds impossible, but I've heard of people lower level kill it. Any tips?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

my home

Battle Gods [BG]


Yea, don't... Be sure to take Healing Breeze if you do, The Dopple refuses to use that skill...

Big Tony

Big Tony

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Currently guildless

I read somewhere earlier in this post that pets dont go into the fight with the Doppleganger....


When I fought him with my W/R last night, even the cut scene showed my pet running towards the Doppleganger. He, on the other hand, didnt have a pet so i beat him in about 15 seconds with my hammer and stalker.

Anyone else have the same experience?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Tried doing the Empathy, Backfire, Hexbreaker, dodge thing and I was really having a lot of problems dodging the arrows (bastard can shoot through walls). So After a couple attempts, I just went with Empathy + Distortion. 30 seconds later it was over and he was toast.

Exile Of Heaven

Exile Of Heaven

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Netherlands

Farmers Union [CASH]


Great Guide i think, Is it possible 2 Defeat the Doppelganger within bonus time as a lvl 13 Mo/Ne? with Scourge Sacrifice and Other sac skills?

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


HOW TO BEAT THE DOPPELGANGER, QUICK AND EASY for Warrior, Ranger and Ele... Tried and tested by ME myself.

Warrior - Take Frenzy, don't use it, and pump up your weapon attributes (pref. sword or axe). If you are W/Mo, Life Attunement is useful but not necerssary (DON'T USE IT YOURSELF), as a W/N, sacrifice skills rock, W/Me could take Elemental Resistance and attack with a non-elemental weapon (or vice-versa). W/R has a pet, which is cute AND bonus damage, and W/E has... Attunement skills, that he'll waste time casting.

Though, none of that is necerssary, FRENZY IS YOUR FRIEND.

Elementalist - Simple. Pump either Water or Fire up to 16 (Water is superior here, as always ). Take Flare/Ice Spear, and spam away. Dead in ~15 seconds with Ice Spear. Also, you may want to bring useless (in this situation) spells for it to cast - Rust, Blurred Vision, Ward Against Melee, etc.

Ranger - Pump up marksmanship, take Penetrating Shot and 7 useless Spirits (Energizing Wind, Winter, etc.) He'll go and use them, hammer at him with Shot, and he'll die fast.

Have fun kicking your double's ass.

Scourage of Death

Scourage of Death

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Unknown Warriors [UW]


Not sure if anyone mentioned this but for ranger......

Bring A Pet!!!!!!!!(Yes it works as of like 5 days ago....i tried it)

Bring all of your normal skills except for an interupt(or bring disupting lunge for your pet instead)

At start of fight Dobble will attack you, but as soon as you pet engages him, he will attack your pet. If you pet is lvl 20 (mine was) the pet willl last long enough (I healed it I think 1-2times), and distract him, so you can take him out easily with your skills.

Using this I killed him in about 10-15 seconds.

Good Luck,
Scourage of Death



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Griffins Guardians


Dopperlgangers only use a sertain ammount of skills so their are some skills you equip that he doesnt.
Like "Heeling Breeze" It seems to be that your dopperganger doesnt use this type of skill, and so it is very good for fighting your doppelganger since you have a better chance of surviving when you can heal.

Tip: just take 2/3 skills 1: heeling breez and 1/2 smite or attack skill so you know what your up against and its the most easy to handle ..

GL all char with monk prof.

Exile Of Heaven

Exile Of Heaven

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Netherlands

Farmers Union [CASH]


Great Guide, Ive got mine on lvl 14 with a monk with Dark Pact and Divine Boon, i was lvl 18 when i did got in Dragons Lair


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Fallen Prophets


Quick update. It seems that the dopple has been patched/updated so he uses healing breeze. Don't take it anymore : (



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


I don't know about then, but when I tried to fight my dopple as a n/mo he didn't use any of the sacc spells, I died 3 times. Then I when with a differnt strategy, I used chilblains, signet of agony, maliase, spinal shivers, plague touch, and I don't rember what the other 2 were.

I started off with chil, then palgue touch, the sig of agony, touch, he then went to malise, then touched me, I touched back, and we proceded to recycle the same plagues back and forth until he died, just at the time limit for the bonus


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
All necro primaries and secondaries can beat the Doppel in about 10 seconds. Take ONLY these skills:

Awaken the Blood
Verata's Aura

When the battle starts, type /sit. Just watch...
It didn't work for me. I tried at least 10 times with only these two skills or with bunch of sacrifice skills. He doesn't cast all of them at all. And if you watch his health bar, it only dropped very little with any sacrifice skill he used. I think the percentage of health he sacrifices is different from what we suffer. However, this is just my guess.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
I'm trying to ascend as a lvl 3 Me/N, can anyone help? People say all sacrificing spells is so easy, but the Doppleganger doesn't seem to kill himself with sacrificing spell. Keep in mind my damage is very low, and so is my Health (dead in 3 hits).

EDIT: Sorry for the double post, and I mdae it ^^ Level 12 now, time to get my FoW Armor :O
Backfire at end of your skill bar, with the rest filled with enchantment skills. I did my Me last week this way. 5 seconds was all it took.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


I just took down my Warrior dopple in around 10 seconds. *proud*
I picked up Frenzy, Riposte, Deadly Riposte, Retribution, Holy Wrath. Sexy. Of course, I had a high level Tactics for Ripostes :/

Monster damage!

Chev of Hardass

Chev of Hardass

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2005

Under a rock



Originally Posted by Nickelocene
It didn't work for me. I tried at least 10 times with only these two skills or with bunch of sacrifice skills. He doesn't cast all of them at all. And if you watch his health bar, it only dropped very little with any sacrifice skill he used. I think the percentage of health he sacrifices is different from what we suffer. However, this is just my guess.
Same, he seems to only sac himself down to 10% now. I have even beaten him, but not ascended. I got the 50,000 exp and did not ascend :-(

AND when I hid behind the walls he still hits me with arrows.


I beat him again with Order of pain, Awaken the Blood, and then Spamming Dark Pact on him.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Rage Quit Incorperated


-How to beat the doppleganger using only primary proffesion skills-

There is no need to have 100% these attributes, but try to get it as close to 12 as possible.

I did all this with my Necromancer his armor was the desert 60al collector armor, no runes or anything.
So it should be fully possible to do the same thing with any other proffesion.

And here is the link for all skill quests if you are missing any of these.

And here the link for all normal skill merchants.


Smiting prayers 12+

Smite hex
Scourge Healing
Symbol Of wrath
Holy wrath

Put Holy wrath and Retribution on yourself before entering the mountain.
Run up to the doppleganger and unleash Symbol of wrath, then let him hit you.
He will go down before you do.


Curses 12+

Insidous Parasite
Price Of failure

Those 3 skills is all you need.
Get up close to him so he hits you with his melee weapon.
Keep casting those spells on the dobbleganger but do not attack him, he will die after some time.


Illusion 12+
Domination 12+


Again throw the spells on the doppleganger stand close to him and let him hit you.
Recast clumsiness when it is recharged.
Keep disortion on yourself for extra defence.


Fire magic 12+

Meteor Shower

As soon as you enter the mountain target the doppelganger as fast as possible and cast Meteor shower on him.

The doppelganger will try to cast Firestorm or Meteor shower on you, when he does move out of the AoE and cast Firestorm on him.

When moving out of his AoE dont go to far, then he will move away from your AoE Spells

Keep casting Flare on him after you have casted Meteor Shower and Firestorm on him.


Markmanship 12+

All spirits you can get to that stage of the game. (Ex: Winnowing/Favorable winds)
Dual Shot

Do not cast any spirits yourself the doppleganger will stand there and waste alot of time casting them.
And when he is doing that you attack and spam him with dual shot.


Weapon Skill 12+


Do not use frenzy yourself, the doppleganger will spam it and that will be his doom.
Due to frenzy he will take alot more dmg from normal weapon attacks, all you need to do is hit him a few times and he is gone.

Thanks to Eolen for the idea and Karn for any skills info and help.
So if anyone else has ideas or skills that would help.
Feel free to post them here.

Credit to Original poster Varg Winterchill from



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Numurian Vanguard


Here is my guide:
Warrior: Bring Frenzy and just rape him
Monk: Set stats to smite and smit the crap out of him
El: Bring A bunch of slow spells while you only pelt him with flare
Ranger:: Pet
Nec: HP Loss spells only and jus sit back
Mes: Backfire though after fighting the doppleganger it is hardest with the mes


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


I have a Mo/E and what skill shall I use to kill him?

Have tried 20 times and no sucsess...

Ramses X

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


I have tried everything to defeat him and after many, many tries still have not been able to. I'm a lvl 20 Ele/Nec and I have tried the meteor shower, fire storm, flare method but his energy level hardly moves at all. He is definitely NOT my mirror and seems much more powerful than me. If anyone has any suggestions i'm open to all...

Completely frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

If you have a Necro primary or secondary, you can just let him sac himself to death! I tried this on my W/N and it worked like a Charm ... Bring lots of useless health sacrificing spells. *Don't* get Blood Renewal since this will heal him. Bring Awaken the Blood, Enfeebling Blood, Defile Flesh, etc. etc. and then sit back and watch the fun!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Washington State.



Originally Posted by Ramses X
I have tried everything to defeat him and after many, many tries still have not been able to. I'm a lvl 20 Ele/Nec and I have tried the meteor shower, fire storm, flare method but his energy level hardly moves at all. He is definitely NOT my mirror and seems much more powerful than me. If anyone has any suggestions i'm open to all...

Completely frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!

just use metor shower right away then flare just di it with me ele



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Taunton, Mass.

Originally Posted by Ramses X
I have tried everything to defeat him and after many, many tries still have not been able to. I'm a lvl 20 Ele/Nec and I have tried the meteor shower, fire storm, flare method but his energy level hardly moves at all. He is definitely NOT my mirror and seems much more powerful than me. If anyone has any suggestions i'm open to all...

Completely frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!

ur half necro. use sacrefice skills.

i have a question.
if u bring charm animal. will the dopple have a pet also? screenies if its possible.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006


Mistaken for Dead [RIP]


This has to be a new record *pride =)* and many Kudos to my guild Mistaken for Dead [RIP] for getting me there.

I took my N/Mo in to the double at level 7 with the following set-up. (set-up is close to another one posted in this thread)

Dark Pact
Awaken the Blood
Price of Failure
Insidious Parasite
Heeling Breeze
Enfeebling Blood
Defile Flesh
Rend Enchantments

3 points in Blood Magic
3 points in Death Magic
5 points in Curses
3 points in Healing Breeze

Just throw the Awaken; Price of Failure; Isidious Parasite; and start moving around casting healing breeze on yourself. Dodge as best you can his arrows, and keep yourself healed as much as possible against his arrows and dark pact. And when the time is right, (just as stated in a previous post) cast Dark on him.

I went from level 7-1% to level 13-84%

you may die a few times, just keep at it. I died probably 30 times trying to do it

*edit for typos


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006


Mistaken for Dead [RIP]


Originally Posted by Autumn_Leaf
ur half necro. use sacrefice skills.

i have a question.
if u bring charm animal. will the dopple have a pet also? screenies if its possible.
I tried it and it brings in the BIGGEST bone dragon I have ever seen OMG....

Just kidding

No, it does not bring in a pet, and I do have screenies if you want them.




Join Date: Mar 2006


Lievs Death Squad [LDS]

Your thinking too small.

Mo/ whatever

Get your 55 armour very early and just go attack him with prot spirit and stupidly low health.

My favourite is the spirit spammer ranger style. I let it use Fertile Season (seems all its stats are lvl12) and a few other spirits then decided to see what happened when it wore off. Safe to say we both dropped dead but i won anyway

You seriously shouldn't have problems with the doppelganger as E/ anything. Bring Fire Attunement along and cast it before you go in (or just don't bother) and the doppel almost always casts it at the start. Giving you plenty of time to get a meteor shower off. Then just move in with Inferno/FlameBurst/Fireball or even Mark of Rodgort

I remember when i fought my doppel as E/N, i spent the ENTIRE fight running round in circles using Price of Failure to kill him. That was probably the dumbest thing i've done to date... took me 7 minutes (1 attempt at least) to whittle away at his health.

Ramses X

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


Thanks for the all your help...Ascension is finally mine!!!!!

unholy guardian

unholy guardian

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Lost Haven


ele is easy, just briing a bunch of junk from bonus proffesiions and max out fire and es and spam flare, i killed it in like 15 seconds

bonus ftw =)