30 Mar 2006 at 00:01 - 80
So here's the deal. The skip/no skip is anonymous, so there is no pressure. You are not required to skip cutscenes, nor should you be. The ONLY times when you absolutely should skip is when (A) you want to (B) you agreed to, or (C) your in a run.
People who complain about those who dont skip are ignorant. They knew there was a chance that someone wouldnt, they know they can't force someone to skip. Heres the deal, if you ABSOLUTELY NEED cutscenes skipped, play with your guildies or Henchies. Cutscenes are part of the game, and you have no right to force someone to miss part of the game they paid for because your so impatient a 30 second cutscene causes you physical pain.
If you are in a run, skip. If you previously agreed to skip, skip. Dont skip because everyone else wants to, dont skip because they will whine afterwards. If they ask who didnt skip, just say you did, not like they can prove u wrong.
Honestly though, I have the solution to the problem. When the cutscene comes up, have it require 75% of the votes to skip. But add in a feature that lets people watch the cutscenes outside of the mission! Just have a little flag in the programming, when PlayerX reaches this cutscene, make it available for viewing outside of the mission. There we go, problem solved.