Stop picking on those who refuse to skip cutscenes



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

One minute? 30 seconds? Some cut scenes, but not all. During some of the later missions I can go down to the kitchen, make a sandwich, get a cold drink and make a quick pit stop and still make it back to the computer before the cut scene is over. :O

<just needed to point that out>

Misc Merik

Misc Merik

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Fugitives of Kurzick (Fok)


I refuse to skip cutscenes unless were being attacked it gives me a 10-30 second break to go to the bathroom or grab the all important soda

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius



"skip cutscene plz"

Other player: "yes plz"

Curscene begins-- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, of 8 want to skip.

Waiting for #8, ain't gonna happen - argh

My frustration isn't really that important- player hasn't seen probably, so we wait. No big. Don't be a jerk. Even if you wish you didn't have to watch it.

It is, in the end, a game, for enjoyment, and not meant to fit your whims, especially when other people are involved.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


Why is it though that everyone should submit to the whims of the player who wants to watch? I keep hearing that same point brought up over and over but no one wants to hit the flipside of that. This game is about cooperative play. Cooperative being the key word. Now as I understand it that means that people have to be flexible and give a little . That applies to both sides of the fence. Again I say the best thing to do is make it clear form the outset whether you will be skipping or watching and that allows the group to make an informed decision on whether to bring you along or let you find another group that will accomodate you. That one simple little thing would save all this belly aching. Of course no one thinks of that. Everyone thinks that this is Burger King or something and that they should automatically have it their way.

EDIT: To address this comment as well rather than spam up.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
that is wrong.
the person who bought the game has the *right* to play the whole game including a few extra minutes of cutscenes.
Let us examine the definition of the word right in this context. Right is defined in this context as a just or legal claim or title. Now you show me where there is a law that says all people purchasing software shall be allowed to watch all the cutscenes. As for just...what is just about making someone sit through something they do not want to sit through particularly if you are in a group where it is just one person holding everyone else up. So no they do not have the right to watch the cutscene. They have the desire and the ability to do so but not the right. I simply cannot stress my point enough here that all this BS could be avoided by just asking the group beforehand and if they say" no we skip the cutscenes" then go find another group. Apparently there are a lot of people who watch cutscenes judging from this thread so there should be no difficulties in finding a group that will allow you to watch all the cutscenes your little heart desires. There is also the concept of "Your rights end where the other guy's nose begins." Just like we have the right to freedom of speech but not the right to yell "Fire" in a theatre When your "rights", again in quotes, interfere with someone else then you no longer have them.

Stolen Souls

Stolen Souls

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

I do agree with the idea about making it clear beforehand. But there are problems with that, as well. There is always the chance that you get the person that says "yeah I'll skip", and then doesn't...either because they've never seen it or just to be spiteful. And there is nothing that could be done about it because like I mentioned, it is anonymous as to who does what. It's KIND OF (but not exactly) like when you spam "GLF Monk...NO 55s"...and then enter FoW and see "My health is 55 of 55" being pinged. Yeah, mentioning what you want to do beforehand is a good idea, and I agree with it, but it will NOT solve all the problems.

I just want to make it clear that I have seen all the scenes several times already, and I DO hit the skip button every time. But if somebody wants to watch it, big deal. Go grab a soda, or use the bathroom, or straighten out your computer desk...or something while it runs. Really no biggie.

It just seems to me like one of those arguments that has no real clear solution at the moment. Each side just has to respect the other...


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


I can't speak for others but I know my guild always skips cutscenes and if we pick up someone out of the kindness of our hearts and let them do a mission with us and they don't skip then we leave em. Period point blank. They end up halfway through the mission all by themselves. I mean I'm not trying to come off like a jerk but it is annoying. Not all of us have the time to drag out an already long mission with a pointless scene that we have seen already. I mean I can apreciate the need to see the story but respect the group majority. If you are the only one watching then trust the democratic process. You can always go back at a higher level with better equipment and watch them all.

Lord Iowerth

Lord Iowerth

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Atlanta, GA (#guildwarsguru FTW!)

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Originally Posted by Str0b0
I can't speak for others but I know my guild always skips cutscenes and if we pick up someone out of the kindness of our hearts and let them do a mission with us and they don't skip then we leave em. Period point blank. They end up halfway through the mission all by themselves. I mean I'm not trying to come off like a jerk but it is annoying. Not all of us have the time to drag out an already long mission with a pointless scene that we have seen already. I mean I can apreciate the need to see the story but respect the group majority. If you are the only one watching then trust the democratic process. You can always go back at a higher level with better equipment and watch them all.
Erm, not to sound like a jerk ... but do you tell them this beforehand? If not, you should ... or not take said random person "out of the kindness of your hearts" and then leave him mid-mission wondering what the heck just happened. Doesn't sound quite so kind to me.

Disregard if you inform them pre-mission.

EDIT: also, "Not all of us have the time to drag out an already long mission ..." and "... if they don't skip, we leave 'em" are a bit contradictory. Didn't you just waste potentially more time by having to restart the mission than it would take to get back to that point?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


Originally Posted by Lord Iowerth
Erm, not to sound like a jerk ... but do you tell them this beforehand? If not, you should ... or not take said random person "out of the kindness of your hearts" and then leave him mid-mission wondering what the heck just happened. Doesn't sound quite so kind to me

Disregard if you inform them pre-mission.
No I practice what I preach. We've all been through the game multiple times and I let anyone know that we skip cutscenes and if you don't we will leave you there in the middle of the mission all alone. This is all laid out in no uncertain terms before I even consider moving my mouse over the button to start the mission.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Dark Side of the Moon....and I'm goin' back real soon



I have found that the only time that bothers me when someone doesn't skip the cutscene is when a mob is killing you during the cutscene....that usually sucks




Join Date: Oct 2005

Ogmios Graybeards


If you're tired of people bitching about wanting to skip the cut-scenes, then party up with people who haven't seen them. My first time through, I watched every one, AND SO DID EVERYONE ELSE! Now that I've seen 'em a few times, I want to skip. I'll watch the one where (won't spoil it) dies tho.

Hunter Sharparrow

Hunter Sharparrow

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Jeepers Kreepers


Well I dont think that the guys at anet spent all that time and money so people can just blindly go through the game power leveling their characters (although the option is there). If power leveling your character or getting through the game as quickly as possible is all you want to do, then it should be you that takes the henchies to do the missions and not those who care to play the game the way its designed to be played. For those that have seen all the videos from when they first went through the game, should know the position these new people are in and shouldn't be hypocritical about it. As for MM, well, suck it up. Any MM on a team of people should be prepared for that sort of thing, you can always raise more. Really though, if your team absolutely requires the minions to get through the next section then get a better team or use henchies since every mission is doable with only them (as many people on these forums have claimed). The only time and I mean ONLY time that a skip is absolutely required is when you are being attacked durring the cut scene. Seeing a scene that you can see again later is not worth getting your whole team killed. This can be a game that forces people to form groups (such as the UW and FoW since henchies can't go, making not every quest doable with henchies) so don't expect anyone to bow down to you especially if you don't bow down to them.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


So what's wrong with getting a drink while those who haven't watched the cut scene watch it? do we really need to forget that some players haven't watched them before? do the cut scenes make the mission too long for you to be there? if they do, maybe you should consider this before starting the mission?

I've felt bad once for not skipping a cut scene, and that was when our mm reminded me after that minions die during cut scene, and I did appologise for that, it had completly slipped my mind.

Many times, I've had to heal the warrior or ranger who hadn't had a chance to swap out their vampiric straight after a cut scene to save them from iminent death, but it never occured to me that we should be upset about people not wanting to skip the cut scene.

Anyway... this is a pointless post as those who want to watch the scenes will continue to do so, and those who have a problem with it, will continue to whine about it... somtimes, I wish I had started playing when everyone else had started though, because everyone watched the cut scenes first time round.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

I think that people who want to be able to skip the cutscenes to keep their minions alive, skip so they won't die, or skip so they can defend the rest of the group should have the ability to do so. If the ghostly hero can attack oncoming minotars during the cutscene while he's giving his "I smoke 3 packs a day" god speech, I think players should be able to as well. Then, whoever wants to sit through the cutscene can do so whenever they want, and remain there stationary, while the rest defend or continue on with the mission. That way, if it was to take a break, because your new, or whatever, it won't matter to anyone else because they weren't affected by it. The MM has his minions still, and nobody is dead that doesn't want to be. I just think that when somebody clicks skip, it should skip for them, and let everyone who wants to watch, watch.

lol, maybe the people that skipped can just dance while the person is watching the cutscene, making the movie more entertaining for them or something too. My first time through, when I wanted to see a cutscene, I usually took henches with me so I could see the whole thing. I think the story is somewhat important myself, but if the majority want me to skip it, and it's sitting on 7/8, I don't think I'm really doing anyone a favor by not skipping. But, if I need to take a break, or need to watch that scene because it's my first character, I don't think they should have it where you hold everyone up and force them to do so.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Valkyrie Einherjar


Originally Posted by Str0b0
Why is it though that everyone should submit to the whims of the player who wants to watch? I keep hearing that same point brought up over and over but no one wants to hit the flipside of that. This game is about cooperative play. Cooperative being the key word. Now as I understand it that means that people have to be flexible and give a little . That applies to both sides of the fence. Again I say the best thing to do is make it clear form the outset whether you will be skipping or watching and that allows the group to make an informed decision on whether to bring you along or let you find another group that will accomodate you. That one simple little thing would save all this belly aching. Of course no one thinks of that. Everyone thinks that this is Burger King or something and that they should automatically have it their way.
Presuming that people don't discuss it (if they do agree beforehand, then its the fault of those who are disagreeing, and I completely support ditching them where they stand if they don't skip after agreeing to - wouldn't do so myself, but nothing wrong with doing so):

Who says that the majority hitting skip means the majority wants to force another to skip? Based on your experiences, the people you associate with would want to skip. Based on mine, the people I associate with tend to take that as "I don't mind skipping, but don't mind watching if someone does want to watch." So its not a simple majority says skip, you should skip.

If the group all asks you to skip before hand, most nice people will skip (there are plenty of annoying ones who won't though -.-), but the complaint here seems more directed at those who don't communicate beforehand and then get extremely angry that someone didn't skip. To me, complaining/insulting, especially as viciously as many do, is odd since said people rarely agree to skip beforehand before lashing out so much.

If you're asking why should everyone else watch if the only one person wants to (assuming you could even discover whether such was the will of those hitting skip)? From a philosophical point, those desiring a skip are desiring to do just that, "skip" some of the content. Since the game was originally designed with the content, forcing someone to miss some of the designed part of the game would be less ethical than forcing someone to watch those parts when they wish to not. The argument is (weakly) analogous to forcing people to go through Thunderhead Keep to get to the Ring of Fire, whether they wish to or not, except that here the decision has been made optional.

In addition, because the game mechanics are set one way, they implicitly give the "right" to those not skipping rather than those wanting to skip.

As a final sweeping generalization. Most people who are experienced enough to be skipping cut scenes (assumptions all over that statement) should know (better) to either advertise their group/lfg/etc. as such, or know they are likely to get stuck. Many people who want to watch them really aren't as experienced, and thus (to many if not most philosophical treatments of ethics) have more leeway in choosing the "wrong" action.

Juicey Shake

Juicey Shake

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


in it for the trimmmm


I watched every cutscene my first time through. After that, I hit get my mouse ready and hit 'skip' at a cutscene before you can probably even normally type the word skip out.

No reason to watch poorly done cinematics a second time. Heeey, look at me, I can talk with my mouth shut! x100. Maybe if the cuts were actually decent, I'd watch.




Join Date: Jul 2005



I cant stand watching cutscenes because most the time its like 7/8 people want to skip and even more so we are getting attacked by a large group of enemies and about 3 people dont skip, we finish the cutscene and were all dead. That has happened ALOT.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Apocalyptica UK


I can't stand people who moan about watching cut scenes. I've seen them all many times but i hate to deprive people of a decent story line just because i can't be bothered to wait 30 seconds. Let people watch if they wanna watch, get a life, stop bitching and being so damn selfish!




Join Date: Jul 2005



no one is being selfish, if its like 7/8 want to skip then thats a majority so it should be skipped and more than half the time something has screwed up because someone decides to watch the cutscene and since when has any cutscene been any good either


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Knights of the Void


Well, I am a pretty nice person in general, cooperative and all that. I guess since I got the game in September instead of at release that I am a newbie. There is also the fact that I still haven't seen all of the cutscenes. I am nice, so I skip when people want to. I have played 2 characters through all of the missions, some multiple times, and haven't seen all of the cutscenes. I am nice and agreeable, so when some jerk starts screaming at everyone to skip I do. I am nice so I have no idea why half the crap that has even happened.

I can be pretty sarcastic though.

Anet should come up with something so that no one dies during a cutscene. That is the only time I have ever griped however briefly when someone didn't skip. You can't fight back. They should put that opption in, imo. For instance, people who skip can continue on, but not outside the map radar of the person who didn't skip. For as long as the cutscene is playing anyhow. That way the group isn't really spilt up, it shows the people run off in the cut scene, so you know you have to catch up. Invisible wall right there at the radar cut off though. I think that would work nicely. That way people wouldn't feel like they did the whole mission while this one person was watching the cutscene, and they'd still have stuff to do.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Rockford, IL



I think the attitude in general to newcomers is pretty piss poor but I guess it's the same in all of online gaming. Guild Wars players though, who rely largely on the number of people online to drive the experience should be friendly to all. It's pretty lame to bitch out newbs for not knowing what they're doing when you are relying on newbs a lot of the time to fill your greedy pockets selling them hard to find items and materials they haven't played enough time to find yet.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

During my first run through the game, I would say "I'm gonna watch the cutscenes. Is that ok?" before we entered the missions. Some people would answer "sure np." and some people would keep silent but I never got a negative reply and never got harassed after not skipping a cutscene.

Of course this did not apply to "dangerous" cutscenes where you can be killed. I skipped them with everybody else and returned later with henchies to watch them.

Now, going through the storyline for the nth time, I always wait until the message says "(7/8) wants to skip". If it stays below this minimum, I assume someone wants to watch it and do not press skip so as to not pressure them. If I remain the only one not skipped, I press the button promptly. No troubles this way, either.

And this one does not apply to runs, obviously.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


IF you didn't get attacked or degen I wouldn't mind the cinematics. I've been in groups that everyone died because 1 person didn't skip and we're still underattack (mainly the Iron Mines Mission if you run the first part). or people that leave during the cinematic because someone won't skip.

they're actually kinda funny though, since they have chances to bug out.

My Character Decided not to listen to the Party and look away.

Nice Shoes Vizier!

had more, but formatted my comp a couple months ago.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

First time thruogh the game I henched all the way up to the wilds, and got to watch all those cut scenes. Once I started doing missions with pugs I would look to see how many wanted to skip. If I was the last one then I would skip also.

There are times when (I believe) it is an imperative to skip. Such as an infusion run. If you aren't doing the mission and just getting new/extra armor infused there is no need to watch that cut scene. The reason there is someone *running* is to save time.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

how about this... if you're the 7/8 person in the group and absolutely refuse to skip the cutscene, a big giant friendly ettin comes up and eats ya!! Then he hits the skip for you and joins our team, making sure we all don't die while we're preparing popcorn for the next scenes. Then we won't have threads about picking on the pickees who choose to pick the cutscenes and get picked on. It will be threads on, "Huh? I came back from watching the cutscene and found out I was eaten by an ettin, and became an ettin for the rest of the mission?"

lol Sorry, I'm kind of tired. Please continue.

Kern Wolf

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006



I never have a problem with people watching cut scenes; I may take a break then (bathroom, soda, etc.) Then again, I'm usually doing missions with new people (I like playing with newbies), so it doesn't bother me at all. However, I make sure that my group(s) are aware of areas we may need to clear 1st, so we're not being attacked while the cut scene is playing; otherwise, have patience!! It IS a game....



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Hemel Hempstead




If someone in the group says they want the cutscenes skipped & another says no, he/she wants to watch them I will also not skip so that they can't be picked on afterwards. That mysterious second person who didn't skip muddies the waters enough for everyone to carry on playing without all the crap.

Of course if someone Orders me to skip the cutscene, then I watch it anyway. Noone has the right to tell me or anyone else how to enjoy the game.

As for the majority rules idea? Not a good one, it's just another way for experienced players to bully newbies & ruin the experience for them.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Hemel Hempstead



Originally Posted by Str0b0
I can't speak for others but I know my guild always skips cutscenes and if we pick up someone out of the kindness of our hearts and let them do a mission with us and they don't skip then we leave em. Period point blank. They end up halfway through the mission all by themselves. I mean I'm not trying to come off like a jerk but it is annoying. Not all of us have the time to drag out an already long mission with a pointless scene that we have seen already. I mean I can apreciate the need to see the story but respect the group majority. If you are the only one watching then trust the democratic process. You can always go back at a higher level with better equipment and watch them all.
Sorry for the double-post, but I have to reply to this...Of course your being a jerk, that should be obvious. When you ruin someone else's enjoyment of the game just because they are not following your orders then there is no other word to apply here.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


I do agree health should freeze during a cutscene. That would nip all the practical issues in the bud. Though even in THK, its not exactly difficult to build a MM army back up.

As far as wanting to watch them, etc. no one is forcing you to press the skip button. Moreover you remain anonymous. If the group wants to ostracize the one or two that want to watch the cutscene, it goes without saying they're not worth losing sleep over. Its not like there's a shortage of people in the game either. Three characters completely through the PvE storyline and I think I've been in the same PUG with maybe two or three people more than once.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
I can't speak for others but I know my guild always skips cutscenes and if we pick up someone out of the kindness of our hearts and let them do a mission with us and they don't skip then we leave em. Period point blank. They end up halfway through the mission all by themselves. I mean I'm not trying to come off like a jerk but it is annoying. Not all of us have the time to drag out an already long mission with a pointless scene that we have seen already. I mean I can apreciate the need to see the story but respect the group majority. If you are the only one watching then trust the democratic process. You can always go back at a higher level with better equipment and watch them all.
I'm glad I'm not l33t enough to be in your groups then. oO



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


Originally Posted by Ishmaeel
Now, going through the storyline for the nth time, I always wait until the message says "(7/8) wants to skip". If it stays below this minimum, I assume someone wants to watch it and do not press skip so as to not pressure them. If I remain the only one not skipped, I press the button promptly. No troubles this way, either.
Actually I do the same thing and when it hits 6/8 I always wonder if there is another person like me in the group.

Toll Booth Willie

Toll Booth Willie

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

tn, usa


Originally Posted by Gonzo
Actually I do the same thing and when it hits 6/8 I always wonder if there is another person like me in the group.
No lie, i was in a group doing the infuse mission last night. It said 6/8 want to skip we had fought all the way there because the warriors decided not to bring run skills even though they said they were running....

Anyways, someone ran up to the infuse guy while we were fight the last group of azure. We all went to cut scene where apparently 2 idiots proceeded to watch us get attacked for the entire cut scene. They were not afk. The cut scene showed us over and over getting beat on, so its not like they didn't notice. When it ended 5 of us dropped dead instanly and 2 died soon after. Only survivor? a wammo of course and does he have a res? of course not. I think wammo must have a special rez description that all effects of mending will be cancled if you have rez on your bar.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


I totally agree about not forcing people to skip - BUT yesterday I had a really funny cutscene where we were standing there talking to the Vizier, and there were like 10 baddies pounding on us throughout the entire cutscene, and a few people would not skip. We didn't even seem to mind until we got back in game, and were all almost wiped out. That should really be fixed by Anet though... Took some really funny pics, but don't have them uploaded yet. I like to watch the cutscenes, because I was forced to skip some first time through....

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

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People who want to see the cut-scene should never feel pressured... to make that so I never click until I am the last person... I was allowed to enjoy the story and the game completely when I first played and so should anyone else who is just now adding to our community.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


Obviously, we all agree that Anet needs to pause the game during cutscenes to stop minion degen and silly beatings.

Otherwise they have it exactly right. Each player has the right to experience the whole storyline that they paid for, in the proper order, without having to redo anything or watch middle-of-the-mission cutscenes after the fact. I can't see how a couple seconds or minutes of the skippers' time should mean anything compared to that.

Hunter Sharparrow

Hunter Sharparrow

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Jeepers Kreepers


Anyone want to post it in the suggestion part of the forums. If it hasn't been done already that is. I will if noone else will.

Mo Joe Joe Joe

Mo Joe Joe Joe

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Where the sun don't shine


/signed for quit griefing to skip except if preagreed for MM or runners

/not signed for freezing health during scenes. I have always found it hilarious when someone is getting pummeled during the scenes and beyond funny when they occasionally die. Kinda twisted humor, but come on; if this ever happens to a friend/guildie of yours it is priceless.

I would like to be able to sort my inventory while these reruns (I mean cinemas) are playing. Be able to salvage and id your loot, rather than just twiddlin thumbs.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Shadow Soldiers (MSS)


I openly refuse to skip cutscenes, I enjoy each and every one of them and if you think that adding majority rule would be good then you should go back to playing henchmen; I I've played through the Ascy-south shiver missions at least 5 times or so and I NEVER skip cutscenes, before we start mission I explain to everyone that I do not skip cutscenes and if I get any crud I know this group wont even get to the cutscene so I leave.

Toll Booth Willie

Toll Booth Willie

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

tn, usa


Originally Posted by Rilder
I openly refuse to skip cutscenes, I enjoy each and every one of them and if you think that adding majority rule would be good then you should go back to playing henchmen;
What sense does it make to have the majority play hench? I would say 9/10 missions i do at LEAST 6 of the 8 want to skip. The minority should play hench if anyone has to.

Originally Posted by Rilder
I NEVER skip cutscenes,
Oh Are you the reason I have died a few times during cutscenes? You know the guy who doesn't understand that those monster beating the crap of your team is not a good thing...

Originally Posted by Rilder
before we start mission I explain to everyone that I do not skip cutscenes.
Man how long does it take you to get in a group then. Also that way increases your chance of being in a noob group as most who are experienced have seen the cutscenes and want to skip.

Suggestion: Would be nice to have 2 modes when entering the mission. Like "Continue story" button and a "play mission" button. Obviously the story one would have the cut scenes and the other would not.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

you should also skip if you are getting an infusion run and you are being attacked :|

but i do most of my missions w/ henchies unless a guildy needs help on thk or something



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


I've never thought of it like this, thank you.

BTW Gonzo, say hello to Raven, Dom, Darth and the rest of the crew.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Righteous Apathy [RA]

I'll skip cutscenes if all enemies weren't cleared beforehand and they start beating up on us during the cutscene. That's the only time I ever had any problems though, is when someone triggers the cutscene before the area has been secured. Very irritating. If an enemy happens to be taking down a party member who's been a total ass thus far, I let the monster take him/her out. And make a mental note not to party with that person again.

If it's for a run (which I rarely do) I'll skip cutscenes. Sometimes. Depends on the run.

But for the most part, I like the cutscenes and will watch every single one, over and over, unless any of the above.

I don't skip cutscenes just for the sake of skipping cutscenes. During cutscenes, those of you who don't like them can start mentally preparing for the next part of the mission or stretch or whatever. Those of us interested in the storyline will be busy getting our fix.