GuildWars Millionaires everywhere! (?)
Ok thank you for the psychology 101 lesson. Seratonin levels aside there is no quantitive measurement for fun. A masochist getting beaten will have higher seratonin levels,but if I beat you though I bet we see an increase in adrenaline and activity in the medula oblongata. Again subjective. As for my defined subjective....that's not my definition that's a paraphrased dictionary definition. The definition of subjective has never been a point of question here. Subjective is what it is and all the psychobabble in the world won't change that fact. Learned behaviors are the basis of subjective views and no one learns the same behaviors in the same way. So your point there would have been? Or are you just wanting to lecture me about pop psychology? I assure you I sat through my psych 101 already thanks.
You haven't changed the fact that fun and the definition of what is fun is subjective. It varies from person to person. Some people like being rich in game. Others like killing other toons. I'm one of the former and I despise the latter. There are people on here that couldn't stand to watch the economic trends and buy low and sell high. It's just aggravating to them ,yet they love to kill other people in the arenas. What really chaps my proverbial buttocks is when people insinuate that somehow anyone with loot is missing the point of the game or not having fun as if those two things could be put down in concrete terms.
You haven't changed the fact that fun and the definition of what is fun is subjective. It varies from person to person. Some people like being rich in game. Others like killing other toons. I'm one of the former and I despise the latter. There are people on here that couldn't stand to watch the economic trends and buy low and sell high. It's just aggravating to them ,yet they love to kill other people in the arenas. What really chaps my proverbial buttocks is when people insinuate that somehow anyone with loot is missing the point of the game or not having fun as if those two things could be put down in concrete terms.
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
Seratonin rise in individuals brought in area proximity to their significant other have been measured. So, the future is actually past at this point.
As far as ebayers and people I've met... I can (I think) tell the difference between the rich people I know who seem to ebay ("Some guy was quitting the game and gave me 1 million") and those who have farmed/traded there way to that point. Most of the "1 million" (or 1.4 million; always such a nice round number...) via ebay people are much less knowledgeable than their equipment should imply. I've seen a couple of them. They often end up realizing that 1 million isn't needed for "top" equipment, and start giving it out to friends and guildies, and you get a proliferation of a half-dozen people having too much money and not enough knowledge...
Originally Posted by Str0b0
Now that greater population doesn't necessarily mean everyone however it does indicate a significant percentage does use EBay which isn't the case hence the defensive arguments.
I don't think internet buying of gold is the majority by any means. Most anyone who plays the game a lot knows that this sort of thing, on a massive scale, can damage the game economy pretty bad. Frankly, buying gold online just makes it harder because stuff like that gets good drop areas nerfed. The good of the game as a whole is much more important than one player wanting a lot of gold.
I wish there was an easy way to nuke the industry as a whole, but it's hard to get rid of the commercial farmers without taking out a lot of innocents who just like to get stuff. :P
Originally Posted by unienaule
I've had almost every single one of the green items at one point in time and they all dropped for me. I played about 1200 hours to get them. So I'd really appreciate it if people would stop complaining about how they can't get anything and go do some work for them. We took statistics on the drops and I didn't just get lucky either, it was an about average rate of drops. I'm not saying you have to play a lot to be good at Guild Wars, just that there are a lot of people who spend/spent upwards of 8 hours a day farming for an extended period of time (in my case, months), and therefore have a lot of money/valuable weapons.
| where is your game going? lol.
I've made a million gold about 3 times over. Pretty broke again now.. damn armor and such. (To be fair though, I farmed runes before there were rune traders, IDS when they were like 60-80k, and greens when they were worth it ^^;; so some of it is timing)
I dunno, it takes a fair amount of time and some luck, but when you solo you make pretty decent loot.
There must be a million threads on farming builds, it takes a bit of practice but it's not too terribly difficult. I am not too up to speed on current farming spots, I've been pvping pretty much exclusively since December.. at least until factions came out ^^
I dunno, it takes a fair amount of time and some luck, but when you solo you make pretty decent loot.
There must be a million threads on farming builds, it takes a bit of practice but it's not too terribly difficult. I am not too up to speed on current farming spots, I've been pvping pretty much exclusively since December.. at least until factions came out ^^
Spent all my cash, down to 916 gold total.
Lord Runner I
Originally Posted by Evilsod
That is more sad than anything... perhaps someone needs to introduce you to this thing called fun... theres a whole game outside of Lions Arch and GWguru Forums/Auctions, i suggest you try it, you might like it.
What the hell do you even NEED 2mil a week for anyway? The moment you start thinking of this game in terms of 'how much money i made last week' or 'how much profit i got last week', i would suggest getting yourself a new hobby. To find people dumb enough to allow you to get 2mil a week must take some time, time i think you should be spending elsewhere. |
mofo still 3 hours to get my acc from banning
Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by kryshnysh
The future Str0b0 mentioned isn't past at all. I can't think of anybody in the field who would claim to measure the amount of fun.
Originally Posted by kryshnysh
Its Serotonin or 5-HT, no 'a' in the name.
Originally Posted by Str0b0
Learned behaviors are the basis of subjective views and no one learns the same behaviors in the same way. So your point there would have been?
Originally Posted by Str0b0
You haven't changed the fact that fun and the definition of what is fun is subjective.
What I did was posit a source for the subjectivity and disagree that 'fun' can not be measured. It is measured regularly in miligrams of medication which alter biochemical response. That is not psychology 101, it is psychiatirc practice.
Originally Posted by Maiyn
I dunno, it takes a fair amount of time and some luck, but when you solo you make pretty decent loot.
There must be a million threads on farming builds, it takes a bit of practice but it's not too terribly difficult. |
Vahn Roi
The joys of inflation.
It's fortunate that I rarely buy from other players...
It's fortunate that I rarely buy from other players...
Originally Posted by Evilsod
That is more sad than anything... perhaps someone needs to introduce you to this thing called fun... theres a whole game outside of Lions Arch and GWguru Forums/Auctions, i suggest you try it, you might like it.
What the hell do you even NEED 2mil a week for anyway? The moment you start thinking of this game in terms of 'how much money i made last week' or 'how much profit i got last week', i would suggest getting yourself a new hobby. To find people dumb enough to allow you to get 2mil a week must take some time, time i think you should be spending elsewhere. |
how well do you know me?
not at all; obviously.
A: i find trading to be fun, i dont mind doing it, in fact, people who dont like trading quickly grow bored of it, and try and sell their stuff asap regardless of taking a small to mediocre loss...just because they dont like spending time in trade channels. i have no problem talking with people in-game and reading trade spams.
B: if your definition of "fun" happens to be playing the game, doing quests, doing pvp, and developing characters; bewteen my accounts ive unlocked well over 350,000 balthazar, i have 11 level 20 characters, 7 of which have beaten ch1, 1 (soon to be 3) of which ahve beaten chapter 2; i take college classes, and i have a full-time job (soon to be 2 jobs for the summer since i wont be taking classes). though, i am currently single.
most of my guildwars time is later at night when i get home from work, or mid-day, before i take on a nightshift.
if i didnt enjoy the game and what i do in it; i'd quit, period.
so please, stop pretending to know me, get off your moral high-horse, and stop trying to tell me im not having fun.
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
Seratonin rise in individuals brought in area proximity to their significant other have been measured. So, the future is actually past at this point.
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
A real scientist would not make that mistake.
I am however stating that I consider the second quote an attack, whereas my corrective spelling was not an attack. I don't see how that difference in spelling matters at all to your credibility, nor did I imply as much, instead separating everything as best I could without going overboard. The second statement is in fact directly stating I am not a "real scientist" which is quite definitely an attack given that I implied that this is in fact my life's study (and yes, I would consider a decade of my young life in neurochemical measurement to be my life's study).
I only added in the correction in spelling after reading Str0b0's response, after which I didn't want anyone else using the incorrect spelling of Serotonin. Best of placement? Probably not, but as you have already implied, being an expert wordsmith is not something most of us are gifted with.
Also please note that the first quote is an incorrect summary of the experiment(s) that have been performed, it doesn't even imply that fun was measured (although there are psychological "fun" measurements, they are not at all related to chemicals). If you want the correct measurements that have been done, I will be glad to include them in PM (its not a short explanation as there are many of them).
So at this point, Akh (who I run into in game a decent bit), could be having plenty of fun in ways that don't call into question his motives nearly as well as many would like to claim. I don't know Akh well at all, I just run into him a good bit, and he seems to have quite a bit of fun. He's happy he's made money and in large sums (not slow trading either from what little I have seen), and he espouses all sorts of values beyond just guild wars. Some like to farm for money all day long, others prefer to find interesting ways to make lots of money in minimal amounts of time. 2 million does seem sick, but thats only a good 200 ectos when the price was high, and 300 ectos at the pre-factions prices. Less than 50 ectos per day... saw people making that on mini-pets this week with 30-60 minute turnovers... to do so during regular times means you probably have to do a bit better, but not incredibly much more so.
Jack Black Mack
Note: PvPers finally seem to have a chance to become rich...12v12 and Alliance Faction. Good PvPers could become rich off HoH runs occasionally dropping VERY nice items, but not everyone can reach that. Now even the common PvPer can become rich...
I had very good luck with factions first week, had a sup absorb and gold max oni daggers 15%^50 drop for me @ the bugged arborstone quest that sold for 100k +10 ecto. The guy didn't even haggle, just said i'll buy and gave me the money...kinda made me feel like I was either getting ripped off or he had more money than I care to think about.
One can make a decent amount of money (not milionaire) with farming that what is currently hot in the market.
Originally Posted by Crimson Ashwood
Anyone know what a Gothic Sword with +5 energy would be worth?
and in general, I think most of my money came from trading candy canes, candy cane shards, greens, and some ecto and shards duo and solo farming. the point, in a way, is that you need to have money to make money, and need to know how.
I reached over 100k 3 times in 3 days farming and selling.
some of it was buying cheap and selling higher
But if you get your hands on a perfect weapon of a rare skin, you're rich.
or one of the elite mission greens that yeild minimum 400k each
some of it was buying cheap and selling higher
But if you get your hands on a perfect weapon of a rare skin, you're rich.
or one of the elite mission greens that yeild minimum 400k each
exiled mat
I've never got more than 50K
But i can do with the better collectors items, they may look cheap but a cheap thing can hurt
But i can do with the better collectors items, they may look cheap but a cheap thing can hurt
Cymboric Treewalker
I had 938K when factions launched -- all honest farming. I am now down to 243K and rebuilding after buying lots of stuff (armors/weapons). I am able to farm a few greens solo with my mesmer so it should be a week or two and I will be in the 500K area easily.
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by kryshnysh
As far as ebayers and people I've met... I can (I think) tell the difference between the rich people I know who seem to ebay ("Some guy was quitting the game and gave me 1 million") and those who have farmed/traded there way to that point. Most of the "1 million" (or 1.4 million; always such a nice round number...) via ebay people are much less knowledgeable than their equipment should imply. I've seen a couple of them. They often end up realizing that 1 million isn't needed for "top" equipment, and start giving it out to friends and guildies, and you get a proliferation of a half-dozen people having too much money and not enough knowledge...
yeah sure a million is needed for uber godly stuff. unconditional weapons, 55hp axes (devari ones), -20hp axe, 15% ffs. they give you an advantage over normal standard items. in the hands of an experienced players they would be very useful.
Cymboric Treewalker
Originally Posted by Str0b0
I swear I posted on this very board that crafting materials, both rare and common would be worth a ton in Factions....well I was right. I banked em up, sold them when the trader ran out and made a killing. I blew 750K on my new toons and banked that back up inside of a day. All you have to have is some modicum of business sense and the ability to recognize trends.
Mustache Mayhem
I could'nt even tell you how many mills I've made since gw been out.. early on it was hardcore farming and I was just like any other new player in 1.5 drokars armor on my elemental.. my first step towards making 100k came after I beat hells and at the time there was only a handful of people who were even there.. so took henchmen and pretty much became a pro at doing that mission with just 6 henches after I noticed peeps in hells who could'nt do it.. I started charging 10k a head to beat the mission for them- it was funny back then cause remember made so much money I was wearing 15k like the next day (there was no rune trader back then either and remember getting called a liar all the time if said you could beat it henched lol).. after that just started farming tengu out of riverside for unlocks and eventually got around to making 3 other chars including a 55 monk and a warrior after witnessing the first droks runs.. fow came from solo farming ectos in the UW with the 55 build and I pretty much quit till sorrows- that's where made a massive killing soloing greens (still remember sold tanzits shield for 100k =]) razorstones sold for 100k+ectos (could usually get 4-6 ecto after some bidding) plus had many of the perfect weapons I pimped out just drop for me.. After the greens came out I really could'nt see buying and selling anymore.. made solo build for kephet when she came out.. sold quite a few of those for around 200k - there was the trader reset a long time back which was the king of all screwups to the economy but least they did'nt let it fly the second time it happened (there was alot of newbs who got filthy rich during the first reset- you did'nt even need money it was so ridiculous you could buy a superior absorb for 2k and sell it back to the same trader for 70k.. ectos 300g) in factions just solo'd the bosses and they were droppin pretty good greens went for 50k+.. even swapped a wing's axe for shiros blades which I sold for 75k (was selling wing's for 50- 25k profit on that swap).. got the best zodiac drops in the elite mission in the deep- you can solo and clean out the first 2 rooms of that mission pretty quick had alot of golds drop there (not anymore- some farming code kicked in after a couple days but still get alot of good stuff in pugs).. it's not that hard to make money in gw if you want to- if your just a casual player I would'nt worry about getting a pimp zodiac weapon or fellblades ect. just go collectors and save up for the mods you want- get your 1.5k armor pimped with different sets for different builds- then when stumble on a goldmine go for it
I dont farm much per se, but I do occassionally farm. I have played this game on and off since shortly after release.
I usually have about 150K in the bank.
I have 1.5K armor on all my toons.
The first two I get thru factions are going to get the end game armor, I have enough materials for it now and enough money.
If I want a third toon with that armor, Ill farm some more.
It possible by playing casually, you just have to steadily accumulate wealth and have a plan, and dont succumb to the latest "fad".
I usually have about 150K in the bank.
I have 1.5K armor on all my toons.
The first two I get thru factions are going to get the end game armor, I have enough materials for it now and enough money.
If I want a third toon with that armor, Ill farm some more.
It possible by playing casually, you just have to steadily accumulate wealth and have a plan, and dont succumb to the latest "fad".
It seems very difficult to farm for any decent amount of gold these days.
I had 5k total on my account till i got that charr shaman minipet sold for 95k then bought and sold others for 250k.
Suddenly developed a likeing for perfect stat rare skins.
i currently have 4k in my account and am back saving for 1.5k armour set
I had 5k total on my account till i got that charr shaman minipet sold for 95k then bought and sold others for 250k.
Suddenly developed a likeing for perfect stat rare skins.
i currently have 4k in my account and am back saving for 1.5k armour set
it is very possible to farm that much, you ever hear of greens?
Priest Of Sin
Minipets have been a great source of income for me. 1 Bone Dragon, 1 Rurik, 2 Charr Shamans, and 1 Shiro. Why people want these things is beyond me, they don't DO anything besides follow you.
Originally Posted by oblivion god
its easy to make 100k+ in a day even
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Crimson Ashwood
[FONT="Verdana"]Where to people get all the cash!?
2) E-bay. Let the chinese farming army do the farming for you, then buy the gold from them. Can make you as rich as you want.
3) Speculation. Tedious as it is, buy low/sell high actually works, and I'm told some people even find it fun.
But the really filthiest-rich-beyond-human-comprehension people are the ones who were at least moderately rich *and* happened to be online when ANet screwed up the vendors, and bought stacks of ecto, superior vigor runes etc.
Death Heavens
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
1) Duo-farm FoW/UW. Don't listen to the people claiming otherwise, this WILL make you rich quite quick.
I have never had more than 450K and dont really need to. UW 2-man is the way to do it, and look at monk runes now! they are dirt cheap!!!
Two guildies and i can easily, EASILY make 400k+ a night..
What can i say, we're entrepreneurs..
QFT. I laugh at everyone who bought Victo's axes for 250k+ way back when.. They're what now, 15k?
What can i say, we're entrepreneurs..
dont succumb to the latest "fad". |
Jiao Yang
Originally Posted by Crimson Ashwood
Where to people get all the cash!? I don't believe for a SECOND that they're sitting in town buying and reselling things to make that kind of coin
ZOMFG..seriously people, why would you care how much things cost? When the ANET devs decided to ruin the collecting side of the game, SF update complete with chests and greens, they justiifed the new additions as being neccessary for casual players to enjoy the game. Because casual players need perfect items...
These same casual players are the ones complaining about prices now. You got your greens and increased drop rates, now please stfu.
These same casual players are the ones complaining about prices now. You got your greens and increased drop rates, now please stfu.
I had over 2 million golds(2 accounts), a full storage of greens and ectos about since last month. Didn't gain much since faction came out because was busy doing the faction quest/mission with my new monk(Cathan born) and my old necro. I gained these 2 million golds in about 3 months Between January to April. It all came down to farming in SF for the greens. I only play about 20 hours a week so the farming has to be quite effective. I also trade in the guru auction to lots of european players since they usually pay more for the same items.
Zephyr Jackson
The Most i made was on tombs greens, i had just sold a 15% enchanted req 8 Chaos axe, then i bought a Victo's axe for 100k, sold it for 100k +5 ectos (ectos @8k), bought another 100k +2 Ecto's (Sold it for 100k +7) and so on...
back in the day i used to buy wood for 5g each, and i would get stock piles from people from the presearing, and then right away sell to the material trader to make some easy money
back in the day i used to buy wood for 5g each, and i would get stock piles from people from the presearing, and then right away sell to the material trader to make some easy money
Ruby Lightheart
ya know..i had to stop and think and realized that in my time in game (since beta and launch) i believe i have made around a million during that time. Most of mine I made from the occassional rare drop that i sold. I dont farm..cant stand to farm to be honest. But I am a pack rat and tend to keep stuff and somewehre down the line, it comes in high all that hide I had...i musta had somewhere near 3k hides when factions hit.
Sir Skullcrasher
-damn error-
Sir Skullcrasher
The most i have one time was around 250k. Than i spend most of it on weapons and runes for my various characters. Golds can come in different way such as farming for greens or rare items and selling them. I wouldn't be surprise that there is more millionaires in GW since peoples might have access into those elite missions where the drops are worth alot of money.
Originally Posted by Huntmaster
I laugh at everyone who bought Victo's axes for 250k+ way back when.. They're what now, 15k?
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by Evilsod
Hehe, i bought my Dragos Bow for 68k, but that was absolutely months before they dropped to 30k. Victos Axe dropped to 15k in how long? 2-4 weeks? All for what, so people could flash there 'Victos Battle Axe' for a fortnight longer than those people who got it for a 10th of the price. Gotta love people who eBay, why else would you pay 250k for an Axe that you know will be worthless in a few weeks?
Originally Posted by Crimson Ashwood
Be that as it may, I doubt you represent the majority. On one hand you can spent upwards of 8 hours a day farming for green items, or you can log on to eBay and cash up. I know which most option most chose, thus is the cusp of my post, which shows through when my post is read.
Aside from spending money on new armors (and runes ofc, you always seem to be unable to salvage the most expensive ones) I've not needed more then 50K for 4 chars so far.
Prices have dropped, drops are better for then ever, why spend real money?