04 Jun 2006 at 18:06 - 199
I simply love reading the responses of these tunnel visioned @$$hats who think that if they can't do it then no one can ^^ hey, if the world was made so all of us are equal, then we'd all have business empires and sleeping w/ super models, while driving our 1mill cars while getting a BJ in traffic. Same real world things happens ingame. Some people are simply much much more successful in shorter or same time spent as you. I got fow armor on my monk when ecto was at its most expensive 5 months into the game. I got 500k when I got to droknar, and it all started w/ a 15-22 req 10 precious Fiery dragon sword ^^
I especially loved reading neo-geo's rant, hahaha, if I never saw someone who wanted to pat themself in the back harder.... lol
Anyway, let this topic continue, its fun reading all these complaints and accusations, its really only gonna get more serious, and i need better laughs.
I for one am astounded as some(actually alot of them) more successful players of the game such as ank who simply dwarf my accomplishments. Granted that I don't nearly spend as enough time playing and trading the game as they do, still it impresses the hell out of me. Granted that I've had my chances of closing the distance between me and them, there has been alot of times where i predicted a market turn but I didn't pull the trigger(do anything about it) and let the opportunity to make money pass me by. No regrets, I'm happy where I am, could be more successful, but the more I think about it, excessiveness sometimes isn't fun, cause you'll find yourself very very scrooge like.
Believe it or not, the biggest spenders aren't the richest out there(although when they spend, they do it bigtime). I personally wouldn't spend more than 150k for an item, but some people get so zealous of the things they desire they are willing to go all the way, but whatever way they got their money from, those are the kind of people you take advantage of to get rich. Some people got too much time on their hands, they can farm like nuts, then all you have to do is farm them out of their cash. ^^
Also my rant:
WHY ARE YOU NOOBIES COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING UNABLE TO COMPETE/AFFORD THE PRICES OUT THERE!? seriously, the problem w/ these nubs is that they want the gold prestige items in which really doesn't do anything other than skin when they can craft the same thing at a trader/collector. They all want the best of the best skins and complaining and lashing out to the people who can afford and compete for them. Beggars aren't choosers, Anet has made painfully easy for people to get the perfect stuff they need right in their faces, yet they always want what they can't get, then blame their shortcomings on other people, boo hooo.
I want a 15>50 sword for 5k!
~ok, there is a 15>50 dadao sword
OMG! thats collector you nub! i want a fellblade/crystalline/celestial or perfect rare skins in which people are paying out of their ass for!
~... you only got 5k, and you're a tyrian char, this is as good as it gets for you
***** **** ***** NUB! *******!1! YOU THINK I EBAY?! I'M MADE OUT OF PLATS?! I PAY 5K FINAL OFFER!
This is how trader nubs go nowadays, lets not even delve into the deeper bowels of GW morons. Then they complain to Anet about nerfing the successful people -_- seriously, I would love to meet some of these limited individuals in real life just to see how they interact in everyday life. I bet they see someone driving a BMW and think *Man, he ebayed his dollars, bet he stole from a bank*