Chapter 3? - Guild Wars NightFall
Factions = Asian Country
No connection aswell.
Titel doesen't say anything about the world setting.
No connection aswell.
Titel doesen't say anything about the world setting.
Thinking about it, maybe there gonna think of some freaky way to get Orr back from under the sea and all. I mean the capital of the gods, Arah, was there right??
Omega X
I wonder if Nightfall is a sign that they will add actual Day and Night cycles.
Originally Posted by Omega X
I wonder if Nightfall is a sign that they will add actual Day and Night cycles.
- Would day and night cycles include instances or just be restricted to towns?
- Would they "cycle" visibly? could you actually watch the sun set? and
- Would it be based on your pc clock or region?
topics for another thread i suppose...
Mustache Mayhem
I heard chapter 4 was gonna have midgets
I actualy rememeber reading something about Guild wars chapter 3 on or as they called it Guild wars Campaign 3. Its not much but from what i gathered its gonna be a dry sunbaked dessert (spelling?) setting.
Kylie Minon
Originally Posted by Omega X
I wonder if Nightfall is a sign that they will add actual Day and Night cycles.
Each "faction" opens up special places of PvE if it wins... mmm wait: we have this system already on Factions. Maybe they borrowed the idea...
This competition also relates to a special tournament, a winner is chosen by kill count on a period of time... similar to Factions 4vs4vs4, but you don't have to defend points... and that one is a 9-man All vs All if i recall well.
If they do some idea teleports, expect to see some/more PvE/PvP title-only events?
I'm more interested in that blurb on the new professions myself. Bladed staff and boxer-type...wonder how those are going to fall out. It's almost too bad they did Assassins in Factions, a Dervish class in Guild Wars Africa would have been awesome. Likely African Assassins will resemble such.
Any thoughts on these? Bob only knows what Anet's going to do with a fistfighter, but I'd bet money that a bladed staff fighter is going to be a physical PBAoE type. Lots of whirling moves and multiple-target stuff, maybe even some knockbacks as well as knockdowns. At least, if it's a melee class as the phrase 'bladed staff' suggest and not just a new spellcaster with a weird staff skin.
Any thoughts on these? Bob only knows what Anet's going to do with a fistfighter, but I'd bet money that a bladed staff fighter is going to be a physical PBAoE type. Lots of whirling moves and multiple-target stuff, maybe even some knockbacks as well as knockdowns. At least, if it's a melee class as the phrase 'bladed staff' suggest and not just a new spellcaster with a weird staff skin.
Someone mentioned this on the first page but I was thinking the same thing the other day. I want bail chains or whips or something of the sorts.. with the way the Ritualist attack they could make it look sweet.
Anyway there is no way to tell what or how the title is incorperated just yet. In fact I don't care.. I just care about the content.. so hear's hoping. Hopefully character from Chapter one and two will be able to do ALL the missions in Chapter 3.. that's my biggest grip and one of my only as far as the connection between 1 and 2.
Also slightly concerned about Ritualist and Assassins.. I've but a lot of work in my Ritualist so hopefully there will be at least a few new skills or at least elite skills to cap in the third.. but with two different development teams.. who knows.
Anyway there is no way to tell what or how the title is incorperated just yet. In fact I don't care.. I just care about the content.. so hear's hoping. Hopefully character from Chapter one and two will be able to do ALL the missions in Chapter 3.. that's my biggest grip and one of my only as far as the connection between 1 and 2.
Also slightly concerned about Ritualist and Assassins.. I've but a lot of work in my Ritualist so hopefully there will be at least a few new skills or at least elite skills to cap in the third.. but with two different development teams.. who knows.
Originally Posted by Omega X
I wonder if Nightfall is a sign that they will add actual Day and Night cycles.
"Africa was known as the "Dark Continent" not for the color of native skin but for the mystery it was for the Europeans." -
I find the title "Nightfall" rather ominous.
Might be a hint of the waning of the Guild Wars saga, who knows..
Wonder if we'll ever see Chapter 4.
Might be a hint of the waning of the Guild Wars saga, who knows..
Wonder if we'll ever see Chapter 4.
The artwork thing makes me think there's also gonna be some Persian stuff...
Nightfall <--> 1001 Nights?
Nightfall <--> 1001 Nights?
Originally Posted by General Surena
Wondering if we will see allegories to ancient Carthage and Rome.
![]() |
Originally Posted by Azagoth
before you know it it's totally pitch black, and I mean really pitch black. It's like someone just flicked a switch and turned off everything

1up has the story and is apparently pressing Anet for an official response.
guess we'll find out soon enough...
guess we'll find out soon enough...
Nightfall, eh?
So... what happens to the sun, and who is responsible?
So... what happens to the sun, and who is responsible?
tick tack toe
dose it take place in a north africa vibe?
yes it dose, read in a website!
yes it dose, read in a website!
Big Tony
I would tend to think that the Nightfall would refer more to the storyline. Throughout the history of the world, bad things always come out at night (scorpions, snakes, boogie men). A day-night cycle would be awesome though.... change drops/spawns/difficulty depending on the time of day.
I hope that the name Nigthfall doesn't indicate that a night/day system will be implemented. That sort of thing just wouldn't mesh well with the Guild Wars world.
And hopefully, Chapter 3 will only be inspired by North Africa, not cloned from it. But from what it sounds like from the GameSpy preview, we'll be running around looking like Disney's Aladdin.
And hopefully, Chapter 3 will only be inspired by North Africa, not cloned from it. But from what it sounds like from the GameSpy preview, we'll be running around looking like Disney's Aladdin.

Arx Baron
Any idea on the new professions?
Ninetail Trickster
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Nightfall, eh?
So... what happens to the sun, and who is responsible? |
...but bladed staff?
...brb, my jaw dropped and bounced somewhere under the desk.
I hope GW 3 is something original too, when I heard that Factions was going to have an assassin profession I thought: "Here come the ninjas" and Thank God they're not.
GW is original and I hope it stays that way.
GW is original and I hope it stays that way.
I wonder what would happen if the bladed staff class was a melee class that could rival the warrior for tanking ability. That would be quite interesting because it would add some variety for people who like melee.
Originally Posted by General Surena
Wondering if we will see allegories to ancient Carthage and Rome.
![]() |
Originally Posted by pyrohex
Nice. African themed games are hard to come far as I know. I'm liking this Muslim/minaret thing.
One of the Article links posted here talks about a Warrior on a Horse
So we can ride...
WTS: Camel, 0 G
Originally Posted by Magnus_1
I wonder what would happen if the bladed staff class was a melee class that could rival the warrior for tanking ability. That would be quite interesting because it would add some variety for people who like melee.
War = Slow DOT w/ good Armor (Tank) + More (non-tank) options
Sin = High DOT w/ poor Armor (Hit and Run) + Less other options
But since Sin is a faction class, it could be a varation of Sin w/ different flavor or speciality with similiar ability.
I'm hoping they will do a Greek theme eventually.
Originally Posted by Charrbane
I'm hoping they will do a Greek theme eventually.
When I heard this I thought of james
i heard somewhere that the land is cast in an eternal night until the thing that causes it is stopped and that that is the main storyline *note this is just what i heard and if it is true is just preliminary story outline
Nightfall? I hope that doesn't mean drow/nightelves. Maybe the continent will be covered in darkness.
Guild Wars: Iceland
no, not iceland, but... ANTARCTICA!
I wanna tame a penguin
no, not iceland, but... ANTARCTICA!
I wanna tame a penguin

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seems its only registered for 1 year, maybe they havent fully made up thier mind yet?
NCsoft, Inc. - Austin
6801 N Capital of TX Hwy.
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NCsoft, Inc. - Austin
6801 N Capital of TX Hwy.
Bldg. 1, Ste. 102
Austin, TX 78731
seems its only registered for 1 year, maybe they havent fully made up thier mind yet?
Ninetail Trickster
Nightfall != Chapter Three
Nightfall = Chapter > Three
Nightfall = About to be taken by other company for MMORPG.
It's possible. Get first dibs, so to speak; would explain the short run of the copyright.
Nightfall != Chapter Three
Nightfall = Chapter > Three
Nightfall = About to be taken by other company for MMORPG.
It's possible. Get first dibs, so to speak; would explain the short run of the copyright.
Studio Ghibli
Originally Posted by WoodyDotNet
I can't make a connection between "Nightfall" and a North African theme. Of course, it's probably based on the story and not the setting.
Considering 'Prophecies' has nothing to do with white people or a medieval setting and 'Factions' has nothing to do with asian people or oriental culture.

By all means though, everyone.
Please keep up with this amazing speculation as to what it might mean. ;P
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Nightfall, eh?
So... what happens to the sun, and who is responsible? |
And what are the new professions then? Druid and ...?
Lord Shazneri
Anet Just please dont make us do quests on top of quests in same zone. I really hate back tracking!!! Really only want to clear a zone 1 times not 20...!
Lol please,
Don't bring up the "Diablo comes to mind" things again please. I heard that a lot when Factions was announced with Ritualist and Assassin. How ppl complain about similarity, about how these 2 professions are going to be overpowered (so that ppl will want to buy the game, some of them said), and how Arenanet twisted Druid into Ritualist's name or whatever.
See how wrong they were now? Factions has seriously NOTHING similar to Diablo II LOD whatsoever.
Don't bring up the "Diablo comes to mind" things again please. I heard that a lot when Factions was announced with Ritualist and Assassin. How ppl complain about similarity, about how these 2 professions are going to be overpowered (so that ppl will want to buy the game, some of them said), and how Arenanet twisted Druid into Ritualist's name or whatever.
See how wrong they were now? Factions has seriously NOTHING similar to Diablo II LOD whatsoever.
i heard somewhere that the new land is in eternal darkness and the main story line involves destroying whoever or whatever is causing it *this is just a rumour but if it is true it is just a basic story outline
and an idea of the 2 new profs are:
~1~: Shaman
~2~: Spearsmen
and an idea of the 2 new profs are:
~1~: Shaman
~2~: Spearsmen
jedi mad hatter
Originally Posted by Mr_T_bot
Let me guess the storyline.
Some dead, or rather undead, evil has conquered the land and put it into eternal night, and we, as the only heroes on the flipping planet, must travel to the continent and save it from the eternal dark by revanquishing the evil, again. |